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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Maheo Gweltaz (2017) New Paleo-Altimeter Based on Hydrogen and Oxygen Isotopes of Aqueous Fluid Inclusions in Hydrothermal Quartz
Gardien V, Leloup H, Maheo G, Monie P & Arnaud N

Maher Barbara (2012) Oxygen Isotopes from Chinese Caves: Records not of Monsoon Rainfall but Circulation Regime
Maher B & Thompson R
(2008) Holocene Mismatch of the East Asian and Indian Summer Monsoons
Maher B
(2006) Germanium incorporation into sponge spicules: development of a proxy for reconstructing inorganic germanium and silicon concentrations in seawater.
Maher B, Ellwood M, Kelly M & Dedekker P
(2006) Total Antimony And Antimony Speciation Measurements In Environmental Matrices
Krikowa F, Maher B, Foster S & Ellwood M

Maher Barbara A. (2023) Investigating the Efficacy of Green Intervention to Reduce Exposure from Local Sources of Airborne Particulate Matter (PM)
Sheikh HA, Maher BA, Woods AW, Tung P-Y & Harrison R

Maher C. (2008) The Effect of Tidal Movements on Sulfur Cycling in Mangrove Sediments Using Stable Isotopes
Maher C, Sullivan L & Burton E
(2007) Variations in Stable Sulfur Isotopes in Acid Sulfate Soil Materials
Maher C, Sullivan L & Bush R

Maher Damien (2017) Dissolved Carbon Biogeochemistry and Export from a Mangrove Estuary
Ho D, Wanninkhof R, Friederich G, Del Castillo C, Maher D, Dulai H & Schlosser P
(2015) Drivers of Coastal Water pH – Examples from an Australian River Estuary, the Great Barrier Reef Lagoon and Coral Reefs Globally
Eyre B, Maher D, Cyronak T, Schulz K & Alongi D
(2015) The Porewater Carbon Pump
Santos I & Maher D
(2015) Are Mangrove Carbon Exports Old or Modern? A Multiple Radio- and Stable Isotope Analysis
Maher D, Call M, Santos I, Sanders C, Schulz K, Jenkinson A & Jacobsen G
(2015) Carbon Dioxide and Methane Fluxes in a Mangrove Creek Driven by Tidal Pumping: Insights from Cavity Ring Down Spectrometry
Call M, Maher D & Santos I

Maher Damien T. (2016) Drivers of Dissolved CO2 and CH4 Dynamics in Artificial Drains of a Coastal Floodplain Following a Flood
Webb J, Santos I, Tait D, Sippo J, Macdonald B, Robson B & Maher D
(2016) Spatial and Temporal Variability of CO2 and CH4 Gas Transfer Velocities in Mangrove Dominated Estuaries
Rosentreter JA, Maher DT, Ho DT, Call M, Barr J & Eyre BD
(2016) Mangrove Porewater Exchange Across a Latitudinal Gradient
Tait D, Maher D, Macklin P & Santos I

Maher Kate (2023) Floodplain Biogeochemistry at the Molecular to Pore Scale and Why it Matters at Ecosystem Scales
Boye K, Pierce S, DeVore C, Babey T, Aeppli M, Engel M, Tolar B, Maher K, Fendorf S, Francis CA, Bargar J & Noël V
(2023) The Circular Nutrient Economy of Ecosystems and the Consequences for Rock Weathering
von Blanckenburg F & Maher K
(2021) Mapping Contaminant Distributions and Sources Across Heterogeneous Landscapes Through Remotely Sensed Metal Bioaccumulation
Grant K, Chadwick KD, Brodrick PG, West J, Lawrence C, Falco N & Maher K
(2020) Shifts in Base Cation Sources Across an Incipient, Volcanic Soil Chrono-Climosequence
Bingham N, Lincoln N, Maher K & Chadwick O
(2019) Fluid-Mineral-Organic Interactions and Contaminant Release in Shale Reservoirs
Harrison A, Li Q, Jew A, Dustin M, Kiss A, Thomas D, Joe-wong C, Bargar J, Brown G & Maher K
(2019) Why Would Plants Accelerate Weathering? An Eco-Geochemical Model
Maher K & von Blanckenburg F
(2019) Soil Gas Controls on Coupled Pyrite-Carbonate Weathering Dynamics and Carbon Fluxes
Winnick M & Maher K
(2018) Mineral Surface Controls on Cr(VI) Reduction by Sorbed Fe(II)
Nelson J, Joe-Wong C & Maher K
(2018) Modeling Insights into Uranium Accumulation and Isotopic Fractionation during Early Diagenesis of Marine Sediments
Lau K, Lyons T & Maher K
(2018) Effects of Nickel Limitation on Carbon and Hydrogen Isotope Fractionation by Methylotrophic Methanogens
Rosen V, Stolper D, Conrad M, Bird D & Maher K
(2018) Hydrologic and Thermodynamic Drivers Seasonally Shift Floodplain Soils between Two Redox States
Bobb C, Boye K, Tolar B, Bargar JR & Maher K
(2018) Microbial Energetics, Carbon, and the Progression of Redox Reactions in Flooded Soils
Boye K, Herrmann A, Bobb C, Tolar B, Noel V, Bargar J, Maher K & Fendorf S
(2018) The Lithium Isotope ‘Croissant’ from a Reactive Transport Perspective
Winnick M & Maher K
(2018) Does Nutrient Demand Control Rock Weathering? A Model Analysis
Maher K & von Blanckenburg F
(2018) A Field Guide to Experimenting with Biogeochemical Models
Maher K
(2018) Thermodynamic Controls on Kinetic Stable Isotope Fractionation: Chromium(VI) Reduction by Iron(II)
Joe-Wong C, Weaver K, Brown S & Maher K
(2018) A Reactive Transport Model for Heterotrophic Respiration in Soil Profiles Constrained with Laboratory Incubations Using Multiple Pulse Wetting Events
Liu Y, Lawrence C, Winnick M, Hsu H-T, Maher K & Druhan J
(2018) Modeling Terrestrial δ18O Gradients in Lowland and Mountain Environments
Kukla T, Winnick M, Maher K, Ibarra D & Chamberlain CP

Maher Katharine (2016) Reactive Transport Processes Across a Spectrum of Subsurface Interfaces
Maher K, Druhan J, Winnick M, Caers J & Yang G
(2016) On the Role of Ocean Anoxia in Modulating Earth System Recovery Following Mass Extinction Events
Payne J, Lau K, Jost A, Bachan A, Maher K, Meyer K, Altiner D, Kump L, Lehrmann D, van de Schootbrugge B & Yu M
(2016) Physical and Chemical Alteration of Shales during Hydraulic Fracturing
Harrison AL, Jew A, Dustin M, Kiss A, Kohli A, Thomas D, Joe-Wong C, Liu Y, Lim J-H, Brown G, Maher K & Bargar J
(2016) A New Rayleigh Model for Fractionation in Subsurface Flow
Druhan J & Maher K
(2016) A Reactive Transport Model Including Low Soil Moisture Limitations on Soil Carbon Respiration
Liu Y, Druhan J, Sanford R, Lawrence C, Winnick M & Maher K
(2016) Hydrologic and Geochemical Responses to CO2 Injection in Basalts Based on Flow-Through Experiments
Thomas D, Hingerl F, Maher K, Garing C, Bird D & Benson S

Maher Katherine (2017) Relationships between the Silicate Weathering Feedback, pCO2 and Equilibrium Solute Concentrations
Winnick M & Maher K
(2017) Applications of Marcus Theory to Stable Metal Isotope Fractionation during Redox Reactions
Joe-Wong C, Weaver K, Brown S & Maher K
(2017) Alteration of Porosity and Permeability within a Shale Matrix during Hydraulic Fracturing
Li Q, Jew A, Harrison A, Kiss A, Brown Jr. G, Bargar J & Maher K
(2017) Towards a Mechanistic Understanding of Metal Isotope Fractionation Using Spectroscopic and Theoretical Approaches
Maher K, Wasylenki L, Nelson J, Joe-Wong C, Bargar J & Brown Jr. G
(2017) Geochemistry of Shale-Fluid Reactions at Pore and Fracture Scales
Bargar J, Jew A, Harrison A, Kiss A, Kohli A, Li Q, Maher K & Brown G
(2017) Dating Fault Activity Around the Globe by in situ Chronology of Fault-Related Precipitates
Nuriel P, Weinberger R, Craddock JP, Kylander-Clarh ARC, Hacker BR, Miller DM, Maher K & Uysal IT
(2017) The Influence of Diagenesis and Mineralogy on Ca Isotopes in Lower-Upper Triassic Carbonate Rocks
Lau K, Maher K, Brown S, Silva Tamayo JC, Jost A, Altiner D, DePaolo D, Eisenhauer A, Lehrmann D, Paytan A, Yu M & Payne J
(2015) Ca Isotope Constraints on Early Triassic Marine Carbonate Chemistry
Lau K, Maher K, Altiner D, Brown S, DePaolo D, Eisenhauer A, Jost A, Kelley B, Kump L, Lehrmann D, Paytan A, Silva Tamayo JC, Yu M & Payne J
(2015) An Increase in the Extent of Global Anoxia at the End-Triassic Inferred from Uranium Isotopes
Jost A, Bachan A, van de Schootbrugge B, Weaver K, Lau K, Maher K & Payne J
(2015) Tales of the Deep: Weathering at the Base of the Critical Zone
Moore O, Buss H, Dosseto A & Maher K
(2015) Cenozoic Carbon Cycle Imbalances and a Variable Silicate Weathering Feedback
Caves J, Jost A, Lau K & Maher K
(2015) Stable Weathering Fluxes into the Oceans over Glacial-Interglacial Cycles from 10Be/9Be Records and Global Runoff-Weathering Models
von Blanckenburg F, Bouchez J, Ibarra D & Maher K
(2015) A Model for the Isotope Partitioning of Weathering Reactions in Catchments
Druhan JL, Maher K & Steefel CI
(2015) Chemical and Isotopic Dynamics of Spring Water Table Rise at Rifle, CO
Christensen JN, Brown ST, Basu A, Schilling K, Conrad ME, Bill M, Williams KH, Johnson TM, Shiel AE, Yang L, Dong W, Tokunaga TK, Yabusaki SB, Maher K, Weaver K, Long PE & Hubbard SS
(2014) The Role of Mn(II) Mobility on Cr(VI) Generation in Groundwater
McClain C, Johnson S, Fendorf S & Maher K
(2014) Organometal Complexes Link Soil Development and Carbon Cycling
Lawrence C, Schulz M & Maher K
(2014) Peering into Nanopores: XAS Studies of Zn Adsorption Under Confinement
Nelson J, Bargar J, Brown G & Maher K
(2014) Uptake of Isotopic Spike by Si-Rich Alteration Layer during Olivine Dissolution
Johnson N, Maher K, Thomas B, Rosenbauer R, Bird D & Brown G
(2014) Carbon Cycle Constraints on the Cenozoic Silicate Weathering Feedback
Caves J, Jost A, Lau K & Maher K
(2014) What can Fault-Related Opals Tell us About Brittle Fault Behavior?
Nuriel P, Miller D, Schmidt K & Maher K
(2014) Extent of Early Triassic Global Marine Anoxia from Multiple Uranium Isotope Records and Numerical Modeling
Lau K, Maher K, Kump L, Kelley B, Lehrmann D, Yu M, Altiner D & Payne J
(2014) Choosing a Model for Isotope Fractionation in Complex Systems
Druhan J, Steefel C & Maher K
(2014) An “Ion-By-Ion” Model for Kinetic Isotope Fractionation during Mineral Dissolution
Maher K, Johnson N, Nielsen L, Weaver K, Bird D & Brown, Jr. G
(2014) CO2 Uptake and Trace Element Mobilization in Icelandic Geothermal Systems
Thomas D, Bird D, Arnórsson S, Brown, Jr. G & Maher K
(2013) Chromium Isotope Fractionation during Pedogenesis: Influence of Redox Recycling
McClain C, Maher K, Weaver K & Druhan J
(2013) Probing Paleoearthquakes with in situ U-Pb SHRIMP-RG Analyses of Fault-Related Opals
Nuriel P, Maher K & Miller D
(2013) The Influence of Flow Field Heterogeneity on the Observed δ53Cr Fractionation Factor during Abiotic Chromate Reduction
Druhan J, Maher K, Weaver K & McClain C
(2013) Ca, Mo and U Isotopes Suggest Neoproterozoic-Like Ocean Conditions during the Late Permian Mass Extinction
Silva JC, Payne J, Wignall P, Newton R, Neubert N, Brueske A, Eisenhauer A, Weyer S, Fietzke J & Maher K
(2013) Composition, Formation, and Role of the Si-Rich Surface Layer during Olivine Dissolution
Johnson N, Maher K, Bird D & Brown G
(2013) Coupling Fluid Residence Times, Erosion Rates and Weathering Fluxes to Evaluate the Operation of a Hydrologic Thermostat
Maher K & Chamberlain CP
(2013) Clumped Isotope Thermometry on Ultramafic-Hosted Magnesium Carbonates
Garcia del Real P, Kluge T, John C, Johnson N, Maher K, Bird D & Brown G
(2012) Formation of the Si-Rich Layer on Olivine Surfaces during Carbonation Under in situ Conditions
Johnson N, Thomas B, Maher K, Bird D, Rosenbauer R & Brown G
(2012) Exploration and Enhancement of Sm/Nd Carbonate Geochronology
Sullivan N, Baxter E & Maher K
(2012) Effect of Oxalic Acid on Geological Storage of CO2 Using Serpentinite
Kang S-H, Johnson N, Thomas B, Maher K, Bird D, Rosenbauer R & Brown G
(2012) Large Magnesite Vein and Fracture Formation in Peridotite Rocks
Garcia del Real P, Maher K, Bird D & Brown, Jr. G
(2012) Modeling the Influence of Organic Acids on Soil Weathering
Lawrence C, Maher K, Schulz M & Harden J
(2012) Exploring the Relative Influence of Fluid and Particle Residence Times on Weathering Using a Coupled Geomorphic and Geochemical Model
Mudd S, Yoo K & Maher K
(2012) Defining the Chemical and Physical Time and Length Scales that Control Chemical Fluxes from Landscapes
Maher K, Kouba C, Heaney A & Rosen V
(2011) The Role of Fluid Residence Times in Controlling the Chemical Fluxes and Isotopic Compositions of Rivers
Maher K, Schneider-Mor A & Oster J
(2011) U and Sr Isotopic Variations at a Deep Underground Laboratory, Homestake Mine, SD
Cruz M, Maher K, Olsen N, Jones T, Conrad M & Sonnenthal E
(2011) Solute Compositions and Fluid Residence Times along an Erosional Gradient, Middle Fork of the Feather River, CA
Kouba C, Maher K, Mayer K, Yoo K, Weinman B, Mudd S & Attal M
(2011) Adsorption of Organic Ligands on Silicate Mineral Surfaces in the Presence of CO2 and Water: Insight into Olivine Dissolution Rates
Johnson N, Thomas B, Maher K, Bird D, Rosenbauer R & Brown G
(2011) A Multi-Component Reactive Transport Model Assessment of Microbial Processes and Trace Metal Cycling Across a Gradient in Sulfate Reduction Rates along the California Margin
Schneider Mor A, Steefel C & Maher K
(2010) Biogeochemical Reaction Networks Involved in Weathering Processes
Maher K & Steefel C
(2009) Kinetics of Kaolinite Precipitation at the Laboratory and Field Scale
Yang L, Steefel C, Maher K & White A
(2009) Why Weathering Rates Differ between the Laboratory and the Field
Maher K, Steefel C & White A
(2008) Vegetation over Hydrologic Control of Sediment Transport over the Past 100, 000 yr
Dosseto A, Turner S, Hesse P, Maher K & Fryirs K
(2008) High-Resolution Paleoclimate Records from Soils Using SIMS Approaches
Maher K, Harden J, Stock J & Reheis M
(2007) Control of Chemical Weathering Rates by Secondary Mineral Precipitation: A Reactive Transport Approach for Understanding Soil Genesis
Maher K, Steefel C, Stonestrom D & White A
(2006) Surface Ages and Paleoenvironmental Information from U-series Measurements of Pedogenic Opal
Maher K, Redwine J, Mazdab F & Wooden J
(2005) Rates of Silicate Dissolution in Deep-Sea Sediments
Maher K, Steefel C & DePaolo D
(2005) Copper Isotope Fractionation at High Temperature: Investigating Copper Mineralization at Coroccohuayco, Perú
Maher K & Larson P
(2004) U-234/U-238 Disequilibrium as a Measure of Weathering Rates in Soils and Sediments
Maher K, Steefel C & Depaolo D

Maher Kierran (2002) Cu Isotopes: Tracing Metal Sources in Ore Deposits
Larson PB, Ramos FC, Maher K, Gaspar M, Chang Z & Meinert LD

Maher M. (2017) Organic Carbon Export from Siberian Permafrost Tracked Across the Arctic Shelf Using Raman Spectroscopy
Sparkes R, Maher M, Blewett J, van Dongen B, Dogrul Selver A, Gustafsson O & Semiletov I

Maher William (2023) Crustose Coralline Algae Dissolution Buffers Coral Reef Environments
Branson O, Ellwood MJ, Cornwall C, Maher W, Sun Y, Holland KD, Goodarzi P, Martin H & Eggins S
(2019) Advances in Speciation Analysis of Metalloids by HPLC-ICPMS
Maher W
(2019) Variability of Arsenic Species throughout Rice Plants
Martin H, Maher W, Duncan E, Ellwood M & Krikowa F
(2016) Arsenic Concentrations and Species in Three Hydrothermal Vent Worms
Maher W, Duncan E, Dilley G, Foster S, Delaney J, Krikowa F, Lombi E, Scheckel K & Girgius P
(2016) A Novel Arsenolipid Biosynthesised by Dunaliella Tertiolecta Under Varying Arsenate/Phosphate Regimes
Glabonjat R, Raber G, Jensen K, Stiboller M, Ehgartner J, Guttenberger N, Francesconi K, Duncan E, Foster S & Maher W
(2016) The Distribution of Dissolved Iron and Nutrients Across a South Pacific Zonal Section
Ellwood M, Bowie A, Hassler C, Law C, Nodder S, Maher W, Moffett J, Resing J, Sander S, Sedwick P, Townsend A, van der Merwe P, Woodward M, Wuttig K & Boyd P
(2016) Historical Deposition and Fluxes of Mercury (Hg) in Papua New Guinea
Schneider L, Haberle S, Cooke C, Maher W & Hintelmann H
(2016) Mercury Distribution in Australian Catchment Outlet Sediments at the Continental Scale
Furman O, de Caritat P, Maher W, Foster S, Gruber B & Thompson RM
(2009) Silicon Isotopic Fractionation in Marine Sponges: A New Paradigm and Model for Understanding Silicon Isotopic Variations in Sponges and Diatoms
Wille M, Sutton J, Ellwood M, Maher W, Eggins S & Kelly M

Maher William A. (2015) Sulfur-Dependent Arsenic Resistance in Hot Springs: Insights from the Metagenome of Champagne Pool, New Zealand
Hug K, Maher WA, Krikowa F, Foster S, Stott MB & Moreau JW

Mahesh B. (2011) Latitudinal Changes in Sea Surface Temperature and Salinity over the Eastern Arabian Sea during the Last Glacial Maximum Through Holocene
Mahesh B & Banakar V

Maheshe P.B.

Maheshwari A. (2008) C-Isotope Variability in the Delhi Supergroup, NW India: Implications for Meso-Neoproterozoic Transition
Maheshwari A, Sial AN & Ferreira VP
(2002) C-Isotope Composition of Delhi Supergroup, India: Implications for Mesoproterozoic Oceanic C Isotope Evolution
Maheshwari A & Sial A

Maheshwari Pradeep (2013) Iron Speciation and Aging in Organic-Rich Aquatic Systems
Maheshwari P, Wang Y & Waite D

Maheshwari Pradeep (2015) Coupled Chemical-Hydrodynamic Modelling of Iron Oxyhydroxide Precipitation in Dynamic Aqueous Environments
Maheshwari P, Kovalsky P, Bligh M & Waite TD

Mahfouz C. (2017) Evidencing the Contrasted Impact of Urbanized Rivers Inputs on Coastal Sediments Geochemistry: Insight from Toulon Bay (France) and St-Georges Bay (Beirut, Lebanon)
El Houssainy A, Abi Ghanem C, Durrieu G, Dang DH, Mahfouz C, Omanović D, D'onofrio S, Khalaf G & Garnier C

Mahieu L. (2020) Winter and Spring Trace Metals at the Antarctic Marginal Sea Ice Interfaces
Menzel Barraqueta J-L, Samanta S, Loock JC, Cloete R, Viljoen JJ, Mahieu L, Krisch S, Kaukurauee K, Bernhard W, Fietz S & Roychoudhury A

Mahilang M.

Mahiques M.M. (2019) Sea Surface Temperature Variations during the Last 100 Years in a Mudbelts Area of The Southeast Brazilian Continental Shelf
Santos FR, Berzaghi JE, Timozczuk CT, Prates D, Taniguchi S, Figueira R, Mahiques MM, Ferreira PA & Bícego MC
(2019) Origin, Spatial and Temporal Variation of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Stored in the Southern Brazillian Continental Shelf Mudbelts
Neves P, Timoszczuk C, Prates D, Berzaghi J, Ferreira P, Taniguchi S, Lourenço R, Mahiques M, Figueira R & Bicego M

Mahjoub A. (2012) Mid- and Far-Infrared Absorption Spectroscopy of Titan's Tholins
Gautier T, Carrasco N, Mahjoub A, Vinatier S, Giuliani A, Szopa C, Anderson C, Correia J-J, Dumas P & Cernogora G
(2012) Understanding the Formation and Properties of Titan's Aerosols with the PAMPRE Laboratory Experiment
Szopa C, Carrasco N, Correia JJ, Hadamcik E, Dahoo PR, Gautier T, Mahjoub A, He J, Buch A & Cernogora G

Mahlaku M. (2017) A Potassic Magma Series in the Pilanesberg Alkaline Complex?
Elburg M, Andersen T, Mahlaku M, Cawthorn G & Kramers J

Mahlburg Kay S. (2008) The Armstrong Unit (AU=km3/yr) and Processes of Crust-Mantle Mass Flux
Kay R & Mahlburg Kay S

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