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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

More Karren (2018) Linking Impurity Incorporation to their Effect on Mineral Growth
Weber J, Bracco JN, Lorenz M, More K, Higgins S, Poplawsky JD, Starchenko V, Bertagni A, Jindra S, Anton I & Stack AG

More Kuldeep (2017) Planktonic Community Responses to Oxygen Minimum Zone (Omz) Variability in the Arabian Sea
More K, Coolen M, Grice K, Wuchter C, Galy V & Giosan L

More S. (2023) Ecological and Human Health Risk Assessment of Heavy Metal Contamination in Surface Soil of Yadadri-Bhuvanagiri District, Telangana State, India
More S & Dhakate R

More Lima C. (2020) Evaporation or Serpentinization? Origin of the Cretaceous South Atlantic Salt Giant
Szatmari P, Rigoti CA, More Lima C, Fontaneta GT, Lima NM, Zambonato E, Figueiredo MF, Florêncio CP, Menezes MR & Gontijo RC

Moreau C. (2022) Impacts of Enhanced Olivine Weathering in Nearshore Marine Environments
Romaniello SJ, Sulpis O, Cole DB, Syverson DD, Monserrat F, Moreau C, Walworth NG & Andrews MG
(2021) Progress Toward Small-Scale Field Trials of Coastal Enhanced Weathering of Olivine
Moreau C, Montserrat F, Green T, Matzner E, Syverson D, Sulpis O, Hayden M, Lopez P & Romaniello SJ

Moreau F. (2023) Reconstructing the Magnesium Isotopic Composition of Paleogene Seawater Using Larger Benthic Foraminifera
Nambiar R, Coenen D, Henehan MJ, Khanolkar S, Stassen P, Renema W, Leroy A, Moreau F, Cotton L, Müller W & Evans D
(2023) Eocene pCO2 Estimates Based on δ11B of Larger Benthic Foraminifera Measured by LA-MC-ICPMS
Coenen D, Evans D, Nambiar R, Hauzer H, Jurikova H, Dumont M, Bartolini A, Merle D, Moreau F, Leroy A, Erez J, Cotton L, Rae JWB & Müller W

Moreau John (2016) Nanophase Coffinite in Organic-Rich Sedimentary Ore Deposits: Implications for Uranium Biogeochemical Cycling
Moreau J

Moreau John W (2023) What Would Metabolic Versatility Among Mercury Methylators Signify for Mercury Cycling in a Changing Climate?
Moreau JW
(2020) Genome-Resolved Investigation of Potential New Mercury-Methylating Marine Bacterial Phyla
Lin H, Ascher DB, Myung Y, Lamborg CH, Hallam SJ, Gionfriddo CM, Wick RR, Holt KE & Moreau JW

Moreau John W. (2015) Sulfur-Dependent Arsenic Resistance in Hot Springs: Insights from the Metagenome of Champagne Pool, New Zealand
Hug K, Maher WA, Krikowa F, Foster S, Stott MB & Moreau JW
(2015) Cryo-TEM-EELS Study of the Impact of Organics on Cr(OH)<sub>3</sub> Oxidation by δ-MnO2
Watts M, Hanssen E & Moreau J
(2014) Biogeochemical Influences on Uranium Speciation in the Mulga Rock Sedimentary Uranium Ore Deposit, Western Australia
Cumberland S, Jaraula C, Grice K, Douglas G, Evans K, McCuaig C, Schwark L, Curtain R, Rubanov S, de Jonge M, Howard D & Moreau J
(2012) Thiocyanate Adsorption onto Ferrihydrite and its Availability during the Aging of Ferrihydrite
Vu HP & Moreau J
(2010) Identification of Metacinnabar in Mixed Mercury, Sulfide, and Dissolved Organic Matter Solutions Through Chromatographic Concentration and EXAFS
Gerbig C, Ryan J, Aiken G, Kim C, Stegemeier J & Moreau J
(2008) A Role for Proteins in Extracellular Metal-Sulfide and Selenium Biomineralization?
Moreau J, Pearce CI & Banfield J
(2006) Submicron-Scale Isotopic Variations Within Biogenic ZnS Record the Mechanism and Kinetics of Extracellular Metal-Sulfide Biomineralization
Moreau J, Weber P, Martin M, Webb R, Gilbert B, Hutcheon I & Banfield J
(2003) Nanoparticles: Size-Structure-Reactivity Interrelationships
Banfield J, Huang F, Gilbert B, Zhang H, Moreau J & Waychunas G
(2001) Biogenic Precipitation of Monomineralic Nanocrystalline Sulfides: Implications of Observed and Modeled Processes to Metal Contaminant Remediation and Ore Deposition
Druschel GK, Chan CS, Moreau J, Thomsen-Ebert T, Labrenz M, Fowle D, Welch SA & Banfield JF

Moreau Julien (2016) Oceanographic Change in the Late Cretaceous Chalk Sea (Denmark): Clues from Chromium Isotopes
Gilleaudeau G, Voegelin A, Thibault N, Moreau J, Ullmann C, Korte C & Frei R

Moreau L. (2020) Pu(IV) Interaction with iron(III) (Oxyhydr)oxide Minerals
Smith K, Balboni E, Moreau L, Zavarin M & Booth C

Moreau M. (2017) Study of the Photoreactivity of Individual Water-Droplets Containing Dicarboxylic Acids of Atmospheric Interest
Gomez J, Seng S, Moreau M, De Waele I & Tobon Y
(2016) Phototransformation Process of Mixed Single Inorganic/Organic Particles. An AFM, Raman and FTIR Study
Sobanska S, Moreau M, De Waele I & Tobon Y
(2011) Combined Use of Raman, TOF-SIMS and AFM Imaging for Characterizing the Surface Reactivity of Sea Salts
Sobanska S, Choël M, Moreau M & Barbillat J

Moreau P. (2012) Interaction between Eu(III), Phenolic Acids and Al2O3 Nanoparticles
Moreau P, Colette-Maatouk S, Reiller PE, Gibert-Brunet E & Gareil P

Moreau S. (2015) The Study of Air-Ice CO2 Exchange Emphasize the Importance of Gas Bubble Transport during Sea Ice Growth
Kotovitch M, Moreau S, Zhou J, Tison J-L, Dieckmann G, Van der Linden F, Thomas D & Delille B
(2015) Sea Ice in the Global Biogeochemical Cycles: How Much do We Care ?
Vancoppenolle M, Moreau S, Bopp L, Madec G, Delille B, Tison J-L & Lannuzel D
(2015) The Role of Sea Ice in the Carbon Cycle of Polar Seas: 1D to 3D Modeling
Moreau S, Vancoppenolle M & Goosse H

Moreau X. (2014) Radiolytic Alteration of Biopolymers in the Mulga Rock Uranium Deposit
Jaraula CM, Schwark L, Moreau X, Pickel W, Bagas L & Grice K

Moreau-Fournier M. (2013) Reduction of Cu(II) Adsorbed to Bacterial Cells: A Role for Fe(II)?
Daughney C, Swedlund P, Moreau-Fournier M, Harmer S, Johannessen B, Franzblau R & Weisener C
(2012) A Surface Complexation Model for the Copper-Bacteria-Iron Oxide System
Daughney C, Swedlund P, Moreau-Fournier M, Harmer S, Johannessen B & Weisener C
(2011) Mechanisms of Copper Immobilization by Bacteria during Precipitation of Iron Oxides
Daughney C, Swedlund P & Moreau-Fournier M

Moreau-Guigon E. (2017) Uses of Stable Isotopy 13C and 2H Ratio Analysis as Indicator of PAH Sources in Urban Environment. Example of Small Watershed Near Paris: Orge River, France
Fauches R, Mendez-Millan M, Chevreuil M & Moreau-Guigon E
(2015) Emissions of Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds (Phthlates, PAHs, PBDEs, PCBs) from the Urban Environment and Waste Treatment Activities
Surchamp A, Alliot F, Moreau-Guigon E & Chevreuil M

Moreira D. (2023) The Mineralogical and Chemical Composition of Microbialites as Environmental Proxies: Lessons Learned from the Integrative Analysis of Modern Microbialites from Ten Mexican Lakes
Zeyen N, Benzerara K, Beyssac O, Daval D, Muller E, Thomazo C, Tavera R, López-García P, Moreira D & Duprat E
(2023) Study of Modern Microbialites in a Seasonally Euxinic Water Column
Caumartin J, Benzerara K, Iniesto M, Moreira D, Jézéquel D, Havas R, Thomazo C & López-García P
(2023) Quadruple Sulfur Isotope Signatures in Microbialites from Modern Redox-Stratified Lakes
Havas R, Thomazo C, López-García P, Surma J, Nakagawa M, Jézéquel D, Iniesto M, Moreira D, Tavera R, Caumartin J, Benzerara K & Ueno Y
(2022) Intracellular Formation of Amorphous Calcium Carbonate by Bacteria: From Molecular Actors to Environmental Impacts
Benzerara K, Gaëtan J, Mehta N, Millet M, Duprat E, Skouri-Panet F, Travert C, Leloup J, Halary S, Moreira D & Callebaut I
(2022) Mineral and Microbial Community Composition of Gypsum-Based Microbialites from the Danakil Depression, Ethiopia
Kotopoulou E, Benzerara K, Iniesto M, López-García JM, Moreira D & López-García P
(2022) Active but Hidden Role of DOC in the C Cycle of Precambrian Analogs Stratified Lakes: An Isotopic Study
Havas R, Thomazo C, López-García P, Jézéquel D, Iniesto M, Moreira D, Tavera R, Caumartin J, Muller E & Benzerara K
(2021) Carbon Cycle Dynamics in Microbialite-Hosting Alkaline Crater Lakes as Precambrian Analogs
Havas R, Thomazo C, López-García P, Jézéquel D, Iniesto M, Moreira D, Vennin E, Tavera R, Muller E & Benzerara K
(2021) Biomineralization of (Fe, Mn)-rich Silicates in an Oxic Environment by Oxygenic Photosynthesizers
Benzerara K, Ciobanu M, Elmaleh A, Iniesto M, Jézéquel D, López-García P, Menguy N, Skouri-Panet F, Tavera R & Moreira D
(2021) Biomineralization of Intracelllar Amorphous Calcium Carbonates (ACC) by Bacteria: Molecular Mechanisms, Evolutionary History and Environmental Significance
Benzerara K, Bitard-Feildel T, Bolzoni R, Cassier-Chauvat C, Caumes G, Chauvat F, Dezi M, Diop I, Duprat E, Gaschignard G, Görgen S, Lefevre C, López-García P, Menguy N, Monteil C, Moreira D, Skouri-Panet F & Callebaut I
(2021) Physico-Chemical and Biological Controls on Microbialite Formation: Experimental Biomineralization in Open System
Muller E, Benzerara K, Havas R, Iniesto M, Jézéquel D, López-García P, Moreira D, Tavera R, Thomazo C, Vennin E & Zeyen N
(2020) Life Limits and Biomorph Formation along Polyextreme Gradients in the Geothermal Area of Dallol (Ethiopia)
Lopez-Garcia P, Belilla J, Benzerara K, Lopez-Garcia JM, Jardillier L, Reboul G, Bertolino P, Lopez-Archilla AI & Moreira D
(2017) Exploring Metabolic Interactions of Highly Diverse Archaea in Microbial Mats from the Atacama Desert
Gutiérrez-Preciado A, Saghaï A, Moreira D, Deschamps P, Zivanovic Y & López-García P
(2017) Cyanobacterial Intracellular Carbonatogenesis: Phylogenetic Distribution, Mechanisms and Environmental Implications
Benzerara K, Bitard-Feildel T, Blondeau M, Cam N, Caumes G, Coutaud M, Gorgen S, Dewever A, Diop IS, Callebaut I, Cassier-Chauvat C, Dezi M, Duprat E, Ferard C, Gugger M, Lopez-Garcia P, Moreira D, POinsot M, Sachse M & Skouri-Panet F
(2017) Exploring Microbial Life in the Multi-Extreme Environment of Dallol, Ethiopia
Belilla J, Moreira D, Jardillier L, Bertolino P, Alain K, Lopez-Garcia JM, Benzerara K, Lopez-Archilla AI & Lopez-Garcia P
(2016) Microbial Calcification in the Rock Record: Learning from Field- and Laboratory-Based Studies Down to the nm-Scale
Benzerara K, Cam N, Cosmidis J, Duprat E, Li J, Lopez-Garcia P, Moreira D, Saghaï A, Skouri-Panet F & Zeyen N
(2015) Non-Cyanobacterial Lineages Likely Contribute to Carbonate Precipitation in Modern Microbialites
Saghaï A, Benzerara K, Zeyen N, Zivanovic Y, Moreira D, Bertolino P & López-García P
(2013) Intracellular Calcification by Cyanobacteria: A Significant Controlled Biomineralization Process
Benzerara K, Skouri-Panet F, Ragon M, Cam N, Li J, Ferard C, Lambert J-F, Georgelin T, Jaber M, Moreira D, Lopez-Garcia P & Julie C
(2012) An Early-Branching Microbialite Cyanobacterium Forms Intracellular Carbonates
Couradeau E, Benzerara K, Gerard E, Moreira D, Bernard S, Brown Jr. GE & Lopez-Garcia P
(2011) Early Fossilization Process of Cyanobacteria in Modern Microbialites
Couradeau E, Benzerara K, Gerard E, Esteve I, Moreira D & Lopez-Garcia P
(2009) Geomicrobiology of Microbialites from the Alchichica Alkaline Lake
Couradeau E, Benzerara K, López-García P, Moreira D & Gérard E

Moreira E. (2023) Developments of Single Particle Analysis by TOF-ICP-MS for Study of Nanosize Matrix Phases in Primitive Meteorites
Chaussidon M, Tharaud M, Moreira E, Mercadier J, Deloule E & Benedetti MF

Moreira H. (2023) High Spatial Resolution Analyses of Strontium Isotopes by LA-MC-ICP-MS: Application to Apatite Inclusions in Zircon
Buzenchi A, Moreira H, Bruguier O, Bosch D, Bruand E & Dhuime B
(2023) Titanium Isotope Insights into the Formation and Evolution of Sanukitoid Magmas
Spencer L, Albert C, Williams HM, Nebel O, Parkinson IJ, Smithies H, Bruno H, Fowler M, Moreira H, Lissenberg J & Millet M-A
(2023) Do ‘vertical Arrays’ in Zircon εHf(t)–Age Space Systematically Reflect Mantle Additions to the Continental Crust?
Moreira H, Buzenchi A, Ionov DA, Gusev N & Dhuime B
(2023) Paleoproterozoic Himalayan-Type Leucogranites Disclose a Late Orogenic Stage in the Southern São Francisco Craton (Brazil)
Lacerda S, Guitreau M, Gonçalves L, Moreira H, Castro C, Pinheiro M & Castro C
(2022) Building the Earliest Preserved Crust in the Pilbara Craton
Buzenchi A, Moreira H, Bruguier O & Dhuime B
(2022) Ups and Downs of Zircon-Bearing Magmas and the Onset of Global Plate Tectonics
Moreira H, Buzenchi A, Hawkesworth C & Dhuime B
(2021) How can We Use the Detrital Rutile Record to Elucidate Crustal and Tectonic Processes?
Pereira I, Storey C & Moreira H
(2021) Apatite Sulphur Speciation in Plutonic Rocks: A Probe for Secular Oxidation State of the Mantle?
Storey C, Moreira H, Bruand E, Darling JR & Dhuime B
(2021) High Precision Sr Isotope Analyses in Apatite by LA-MC-ICP-MS: From Mineral Inclusions in Zircon to Crustal Evolution Models
Buzenchi A, Moreira H, Bruguier O, Bosch D & Dhuime B
(2021) Changes in the Continental Thickness Through Time and Supercontinent Cycles
Moreira H, Buzenchi A, Hawkesworth C & Dhuime B
(2021) Probing Ancient Continental Crust with Kimberlite Xenoliths: Insights from the Siberian Craton
Ionov D, Moreira H, Buzenchi A, Golovin A & Dhuime B
(2020) Thallium Isotopic Composition of Earth’s Earliest Continental Crust
Schannor M, Freymuth H, Reimink J, Moreira H, Rehkämper M & Williams H
(2019) Modern-Style Plate Tectonics Controls the Preservation of New Crust during Supercontinent Assembly
Pereira I, Storey C, Darling J, Moreira H & Strachan R
(2019) Early Palaeoproterozoic Secular Magmatic Evolution and Crustal Growth: Insights from Trace Element Analyses in Accessory Phases
Moreira H, Storey C, Fowler M & Seixas L
(2018) Evidence for Continuous Continental Crust Generation during the Magmatic Lull
Moreira H, Storey C, Fowler M, Seixas L, Dunlop J & Darling J
(2017) In situ Trace Element Chemistry of Apatite, Titanite and Zircon Using LA-ICPMS from Archean Granitoids, Bundelkhand Craton, Central India
Joshi KB, Singh SK, Moreira H, Storey CD, Fowler M & Ahmad T
(2017) Filling the Gap: A Prolonged History of Continental Crust Generation during the Siderian Magmatic Shutdown
Moreira H, Storey C, Fowler M, Gonçalves G), Seixas L & Lasalle S

Moreira I. (2017) Characterization of Soils from North and Central Portugal for Forensic Purposes
Gomes J, Moreira I, Pacheco Â, Ribeiro H, Sant'Ovaia H, Assis A & Guedes A
(2017) Characterization of Soils from Central and South Portugal for Forensic Purposes
Moreira I, Gomes J, Pacheco Â, Ribeiro H, Sant'Ovaia H, Assis A & Guedes A
(2017) Characterization of Soils from the Region of Lisbon (Portugal) for Forensic Purposes
Pacheco Â, Moreira I, Gomes J, Ribeiro H, Sant'Ovaia H, Assis A & Guedes A

Moreira K. (2019) Characterization of Coal Char by Raman Microspectroscopy Before and after Acid Leaching
Santos AC, Moreira K, Guedes A & Valentim B
(2019) Raman Microspectroscopy Characterization of Graphite from “Terra Negra and Ferreiros” Mine (NW Portugal)
Moreira K, Santos AC, Valentim B & Guedes A

Moreira Manuel (2019) Onset of Volatile Recycling into the Mantle Determined by Xenon Anomalies
Peron S & Moreira M
(2019) Xenon in Carbonaceous Matter: A Paleo-Atmospheric Proxy and a Dating Tool for Paleo-Fossils?
Avice G, Moreira M, Hofmann A & Ossa FO

Moreira Manuel (2017) Solar Wind Implantation Supplied Light Volatiles during the First Stage of Earth Accretion
Péron S, Moreira M, Putlitz B & Kurz MD
(2017) Tracking the Crustal Sinks of Mantle-Derived CO2 Sampled in South Atlantic Brazilian Sedimentary Basins
Tavares de Morais E, Rouchon V & Moreira M

Moreira Manuel (2014) Heterogeneity of Calcium Isotopes in Earth’s Mantle
Chen H, Savage P, Valdes M, Puchtel I, Day J, Jackson M, Moreira M & Moynier F
(2013) Major and Trace Elements Composition of Basalts from Ultramafic and Volcanic Seafloor. Southwest Indian Ridge (61 to 67°E)
Paquet M, Hamelin C, Moreira M & Cannat M
(2013) Origin of Noble Gases on Earth: A Mixture of Solar, Solar Wind Implantation and Phase Q
Moreira M & Roubinet C
(2013) Heavy Noble Gases in Enstatite Chondrites. Implications for the Earth Primordial Signature and its Evolution
Roubinet C & Moreira M
(2013) Non-Chondritic Sulfur Isotope Composition of the Earth’s Mantle: Implications on Planetary Differentiation
Labidi J, Cartigny P & Moreira M
(2013) Sulfurization of Humic Acids during Early Diagenesis in Surface Sediments of a Tropical Upwelling System
Díaz R, Mendoza U, Böttcher ME, Moreira M, Machado W, Capilla R & Albuquerque AL
(2013) Early Diagenesis of Sulfur and Trace Element Pyritization in Sediments of a Tropical Upwelling System: Cabo Frio, Southeastern Brazil
Mendoza U, Díaz R, Moreira M, Amorim N, Böttcher ME, Machado W, Patchineelam S, Capilla R & Albuquerque AL
(2012) A New Way to Look at Mantle Heterogeneities: Multiple Sulfur-Isotope on Pacific Antarctic Ridge
Labidi J, Cartigny P, Hamelin C, Moreira M, Dosso L & Assayag N
(2011) He-Pb Lead Evidence for Marble Cake Under the Pacific-Antarctic Ridge
Moreira M, Hamelin C & Dosso L
(2011) Hydrogeochemical Survey of CO2 Geological Leakage Using Noble Gases: Application to the Furnas Caldera (Azores, Portugual)
Gréau C, Moreira M, Agrinier P, Lagneau V, Schneider H, Madureira P & Ruzié L
(2011) He and Ne Isotopic Ratios from the Terceira Rift (Azores): Constraints on the Boundary between Eurasia and Nubia Mantle Sources
Madureira P, Moreira M, Nunes J, Lourenço N, Gautheron C, Carvalho R, Mata J & Pinto de Abreu M
(2011) Magma Degassing Processes during Plinian Eruptions of La Montagne Pelée (Martinique, F.W.I.)
Ruzié L & Moreira M
(2010) Geochemical Portray of the Pacific Ridge Using Statistical Techniques
Hamelin C, Dosso L, Moreira M, Hanan B & Kositsky AP
(2010) Atmospheric Evolution of Terrestrial Planets Constrained by Isotopic Data: The Effects of Degassing on Mars
Gillmann C, Lognonné P, Chassefière E & Moreira M
(2009) The Differential Migration of Noble Gases as Leakage Proxy in CO2 Geological Storage
Giannesini S, Prinzhofer A, Moreira M, Magnier C & Schneider F
(2009) Noble Gas in Volcanic Thermal Springs: A Window on Hydrothermal System
Ruzié L & Moreira M
(2009) Cosmogenic 21Ne and 10Be Dating on Offset Fans along the Dead Sea Transform, Jordan
Gayer E, LeBéon M, Klinger Y, Moreira M, Anne-Mériaux A-S & Al-Quaryouti M
(2009) Rare Gases on Off-Axis Seamounts: Constraints on the Marble-Cake Model
Moreira M, Gayer E, Guillon F, Dosso L & Ondreas H
(2008) Noble Gases in Pumices: Magmatic or Atmosphere-Derived?
Ruzié L & Moreira M
(2008) He, Ne and Ar Systematics in Single Vesicles: Mantle Isotopic Ratios and Origin of the Air Component in Basaltic Glasses
Raquin A, Moreira M & Guillon F
(2008) Noble Gases as Precursors of CO2 Deep Storage Leaks Towards Surface
Lafortune S, Moreira M, Agrinier P, Schneider H & Catalette H
(2008) Are Noble Gases Subducted in the Deep Mantle ?
Moreira M & Raquin A
(2008) Extra-Sedimentary Fluids in Petroleum Systems: Evidence of Subducting Slab Degassing
Prinzhofer A & Moreira M
(2008) Influence of the Bound Water on Molecular Migration of CO2 and Noble Gases in Clay Media
Giannesini S, Prinzhofer A, Moreira M & Magnier C
(2008) Helium-Ne-Ar Systematic in Lena Trough Lavas, Arctic Ocean
Nauret F, Moreira M & Snow JE
(2008) Helium and Trace Element Geochemical Signals in the Southwest Indian Ocean
Gautheron C, Bézos A, Moreira M & Humler E
(2007) Open System Behaviour and Early Chronologies in the Solar System
Allegre CJ, Göpel C, Manhes G & Moreira M
(2007) Noble Gas Concentrations and Isotopic Ratios in Single Chondrules Using Laser Ablation: Constraints on the Origin of Noble Gases in Chondrites
Moreira M
(2007) Coupling Crushing and Laser Ablation in Submarine Glasses Provide New Constraints on Noble Gases Composition of Earth's Mantle
Raquin A, Moreira M & Kurz M
(2007) First Steps in the Feasibility Study of CO2 Geological Storages Monitoring Through Noble Gas Geochemistry
Lafortune S, Moreira M, Agrinier P, Schneider H & Catalette H
(2007) Isotope Evidences for the Origin of Cape Verde Oceanic Carbonatites
Doucelance R, Mata J, Moreira M & Silva LC
(2007) Further Helium Isotopic Evidence for a Lower Mantle Contribution to the Cape Verde Plume
Mourão C, Mata J, Moreira M, Doucelance R & Madeira J
(2007) Is the Isotope Composition of Reunion Really Homogeneous?
Nauret F, Arigot M, Louvat P & Moreira M
(2007) Tracking CO2 Leakage with Noble Gases
Giannesini S, Prinzhofer A, Moreira M & Magnier C
(2007) Geochemical Segmentation of the Pacific Antarctic Ridge
Dosso L, Hamelin C, Hanan B, Moreira M & Barrat J-A
(2006) He, Ne and Ar systematic on the scale of vesicle: implication for noble gases behavior in the mantle.
Raquin A, Guillon F & Moreira M
(2005) The Azores Hotspot: A Lower Mantle Origin for Terceira Magmas as Shown by NE Isotopic Data
Madureira P, Moreira M & Mata J
(2005) Cosmogenic Helium and Neon Extracted by Crushing: A Technique for Discriminating between Mantle and Cosmogenic Helium
Moreira M & Madureira P
(2004) Helium-Neon Systematics in OIB and the Nature of the Source of Mantle Plumes
Moreira M, Doucet S, Madureira P, Lecomte A & Allegre C
(2004) Multiple Olivine He Isotopic Signatures from a Single Rock Sample
Madureira P, Moreira M, Mata J & Queiroz G
(2002) Rare Gas Systematics on North Atlantic Basalts (33 to 45°N)
Gautheron CE & Moreira M
(2002) Evaluation of the Rare Gas Contents in the Mantle and the „helium Paradox‰
Moreira M & Kaminski E
(2002) Os, Sr, Nd, Pb Isotopic Systematics in Basalts and Carbonatites from Fogo Island, Cape Verde
Escrig S, Doucelance R & Moreira M
(2001) Vesiculation and Vesicle Loss in Normal Ridge Magmas Traced by He-Ne-Ar Concentrations and Pressure Influence on Rare Gas Solubilities
Sarda P, Moreira M & Chamorro-Pérez E
(2000) Helium Residence Time in the Subcontinental Mantle
Gautheron C & Moreira M
(2000) He-Ne Systematics in MORB, Loihi, Iceland and Pitcairn: Constraints on He Loss in OIB
Moreira M, Gautheron C & Allègre C

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