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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Morana C. (2014) NO3- Reduction is Fe-Dependent in a Ferruginous Chemocline
Michiels C, Darchambeau F, Roland F, Morana C, Lliros M, Garcia-Armisen T, Thamdrup B, Borges A, Bouillon S, Canfield D, Servais P, Descy J-P & Crowe S
(2013) Photoferrotrophy and Fe-Cycling in a Freshwater Column
Llirós M, Crowe SA, García-Armisen T, Darchambeau F, Morana C, Borrego CM, Triadó-Margarit X, Bouillon S, Borges AV, Servais P, Canfield D & Descy JP

Morana M. (2019) Quartz Inclusions from Eclogite Xenoliths Record Past Subduction
Mazzucchelli ML, Angel RJ, Morganti S, Murri M, Campomenosi N, Scambelluri M, Marone F, Korsakov AV, Morana M & Alvaro M
(2019) Preserved Quartz Inclusions from Eclogite Xenoliths Record Past Subduction in Siberian Craton
Alvaro M, Mazzucchelli ML, Angel RJ, Murri M, Campomenosi N, Scambelluri M, Nestola F, Korsakov A, Tomilenko A, Marone F & Morana M
(2019) Origin of Diamonds in Ureilites
Nestola F, Barbaro A, Morana M, Christ O, Brenker F, Domeneghetti MC, Dalconi MC, Alvaro M, Goodrich C, Fioretti AM, Leoni M & Shaddad MH

Morard Guillaume (2019) Constraints on Iron Isotopic Fractionation from DFT Calculations and NRIXS Spectroscopy
Blanchard M, Pinilla C, Morard G & Dauphas N
(2019) Computational Modelling of Iron Isotope Fractionation in Solid and Molten FeS Metal Alloys
de Moya A, Pinilla C, Morard G & Blanchard M

Morard Guillaume (2021) Constraining Noble Gas Solubilities in the Earth’s Mantle
Rosa AD, Irifune T, Morard G, Dewaele A, Garbarino G & Bouhifd A
(2021) First-Principles Investigation of Equilibrium Iron Isotope Fractionation in Fe1-xSx Alloys at Earth’s Core Formation Conditions
Pinilla C, De Moya A, Morard G, Rabin S, Roskosz M & Blanchard M
(2021) Constraining Chemical Migration and Partitioning in Laser-Heating Diamond Anvil Cell Studies by Combining Experiments & Finite Element Modelling
Jaisle N, Cebron D, Rosa AD & Morard G

Morard Guillaume (2015) Melting Criterion in Laser Heated Diamond Anvil Cell Experiments: Combined in situ and ex situ Methods
Morard G, Andrault D, Antonangeli D, Amichi L, Siebert J, Guyot F, Auzende A-L, Lord O, Bouchet J, Harmand M, Cochain B, Garbarino G, Kantor I, Torchio R, Boulard E & Mezouar M
(2015) Mineralogical Constraints on the Temperature Profile in the Deep Earth
Andrault D, Morard G & Mezouar M

Morard Guillaume (2016) Crystallization of SiO2 in the Core Before Inner Core Formation
Hirose K, Morard G, Sinmyo R & Hernlund J

Morard Guillaume (2017) Noble Gas Partitioning between Earth’s Mantle and Core: Implications for Earth's Global Geodynamics
Rosa AD, Bouhifd MA, Briggs R, Morard G, Garbarino G & Irifune T
(2017) Evolution and Structure of an Outer Core Crystallizing SiO2
Helffrich G, Hirose K, Morard G & Sinmyo R
(2017) Liquid Properties in the Fe-Fes System in the 0 to 5 GPa Range: A Tool box to Model Small Planetary Cores
Morard G, Bouchet J, Rivoldini A, Antonangeli D, Boulard E, Denoeud A & Mezouar M
(2017) Velocity-Density Systematics of Fe-Si Alloys at Extreme Conditions
Edmund E, Antonangeli D, Decremps F, Ayrinhac S, Gauthier M, Morard G, Mezouar M & Guignot N
(2017) Densification Mechanisms of Amorphous Silicates at High Pressure and Temperature
Clark A, Morard G, Le Godec Y, Guignot N & King A

Morard Guillaume (2018) Stability and Phase Diagram of Solid and Liquid FexS1-x Alloys at Conditions of the Earth`s Core
Valencia K, de Moya A, Morard G & Pinilla C

Morard Guillaume (2013) Composition of the Earth’s Core from Density Measurements of Liquid Iron Alloys at Megabar Pressure
Morard G, Antonangeli D, Siebert J, Andrault D, Guignot N & Garbarino G
(2012) Carbonated Basalts at Depth: Density, Compression Mechanisms, and Potential Buoyancy
Sanloup C, Crepisson C, Morard G, Bureau H, Prouteau G & PetitGirard S
(2011) Partitionning of Pt-Re-Os between Solid and Liquid Metal in the Fe-Ni-Si System
Morard G, Siebert J, Antonangeli D & Badro J
(2011) Experimental Investigation of the Stability of Fe-Rich Carbonates in the Lower Mantle
Boulard E, Menguy N, Auzende A-L, Benzerara K, Bureau H, Antonangeli D, Corgne A, Morard G, Siebert J, Perrillat J-P, Guyot F & Fiquet G
(2011) Kinetics and Mechanism of Antigorite Dehydration: Implications for Subduction Zone Seismicity
Chollet M, Daniel I, Koga KT, Morard G & van de Moortèle B
(2008) New Constraints on the Pyrolitic Model Under Lower Mantle Conditions
Ricolleau A, Fei Y, Cottrell E, Watson H, Zhang L, Fiquet G, Auzende A-L, Roskosz M, Morard G & Prakapenka V

Morard Guillaume (2023) Fe-Mg Phase Equilibria Under High-Temperature and High-Pressure Conditions: Experimental Investigation and Calphad Modeling
Desseaux M, Andrieux J, Gardiola B, Le Floch S, Deffrennes G, Wada T, Kato H, Parisiadis P, Morard G & Dezellus O

Morard R. (2022) The Role of Symbiont Bearing Benthic Foraminiferal Biomineralization in Coastal Environments Undergoing Warming
Manda S, Pinko D, Abramovich S, Ashckenazi-Polivoda S, Titelboim D, Abdu U, Almogi-Labin A, Herut B, Kucera M & Morard R

Moraru C. (2010) Novel Groups of Sulfur Oxidizing Bacteria in Coastal Sediments
Mußmann M, Lenk S, Arnds J, Zerjatke K, Moraru C & Amann R

Morasch B. (2002) Anaerobic Degradation of Aromatic Hydrocarbons as Monitored by 13C/12C Stable Isotope Fractionation and Specific Metabolites
Meckenstock R, Morasch B, Vieth A, Richnow HH & Griebler C

Morata D. (2022) Understanding Late-Stage Rhyolitic Magmatism in the Andean Central Volcanic Zone Through a Melt Inclusion Geochemical Study in Silicic Lava Domes
Hernández Prat L, Astudillo Manosalva D, Cannatelli C, Godoy B, Castruccio A, Morata D & Elardo SM
(2022) Effects of Hydrogeochemistry on the Microbial Ecology of Terrestrial Hot Springs
Barbosa C, Tamayo-Leiva J, Alcorta J, Salgado O, Diez B & Morata D
(2021) Development of a Brine Treatment Strategy for Enhancing Geothermal Energy Production and Associated Raw Material Extraction
Goldberg VM, Winter D, Nitschke F, Morata D, Koschikowski J & Kohl T
(2021) Magmatic-Hydrothermal Evolution of the El Laco Iron Deposit Revealed by Trace Element Geochemistry and High-Resolution Chemical Mapping of Ore and Gangue Minerals
Ovalle JTT, Reich M, Barra F, Simon A, Deditius A, Le Vaillant M & Morata D
(2019) Melt Inclusion Study from the Quaternary Pudahuel Ignimbrite: A Window to Magma Chamber Processes
Pineda C, Cannatelli C, Ruprecht P & Morata D
(2018) Sulfur XANES Investigation of Upper Mantle Metasomatic Apatite
Tassara S, Reich M, Konecke B, González Jiménez J-M, Fiege A, Simon A, Morata D & Barra F
(2018) Geochemical and Micro-Textural Fingerprints of Boiling in Pyrite
Reich M, Román N, Leisen M, Barra F, Morata D & Deditius A
(2018) Geochemical Evolution of La Torta Lava Dome, El Tatio, Chile, Through Melt Inclusions
Hernández L, Cannatelli C, Godoy B & Morata D
(2018) Geochemistry and Petrology of Holocene Alkaline Basalts from the Puyuhuapi Volcanic Group, Chilean Southern Andes: A Melt Inclusion Study
Wong M, Cannatelli C, Morata D, Frezzotti ML, Buscher J & Moncada D
(2018) Carbon-14 Dating of Silica Sinter Deposits from El Tatio, Chile
Slagter S, Reich M, Muñoz-Sáez C, Morata D & Southon J
(2018) Geochemistry and Environmental Tracer Signature of Thermal Waters in an Andean Geothermal System
Pérez-Moreno R, Reich M, Daniele L, Tardani D, Wrage J, Sánchez-Alfaro P, Held S, Delgado A & Morata D
(2017) Reassessing the Role of Organic Matter on Metal Transport and Deposition in Chilean Stratabound Cu Deposits
Herazo A, Reich M, Barra F & Morata D
(2017) Gold Particles in Upper Mantle Xenoliths
Tassara CS, González-Jiménez JM, Reich M, Morata D, Schilling M & Barra F
(2015) Intracrystalline Deformation of Magmatic Olivine: A microXRD, EBSD, and EPMA Study of Lavas from the Southern Chilean Andes
Vinet N, Flemming R, Houde V, Morgado E, Morata D & Barra F
(2015) Geochemistry of Precious Metals and Metalloids in Silica Sinter Deposits from Puchuldiza, Northern Chile: Implications for Metal Transport and Precipitation in High-Altitud Active Geothermal Environments
Sánchez C, Reich M, Leisen M, Morata D & Barra F
(2014) Is There a Link between IOCG and Manto-Type Deposits in the Andes of Northern Chile?
Barra F, Morata D, Reich M, Campos E & Simon A
(2011) U-Pb Dating of Very Low-Grade Metamorphic Titanite
Oliveros V, Simonetti A & Morata D
(2009) Bacteriogenic and Magmatic S Sources in the Cabildo Cu District (Chile)
Moreno-Rodriguez V, Carrillo-Rosua J, Morales-Ruano S, Morata D & Boyce A
(2009) Cristobalite Nanofibers in Volcanic Ash from the Ongoing Explosive Eruption at Chaitén Volcano, Chilean Patagonia
Reich M, Zuniga A, Amigo A, Vargas G, Morata D, Palacios C, Parada MA & Garreaud R

Morato T. (2019) Geochemistry of Fe-Si-(Mn) Chimneys from Luso Vent Field, MAR
Dias ÁA, Costa P, Marques AF, Ribeiro L, Madureira P, Calado A, Gonçalves E & Morato T

Morato Medina A. (2018) Biomarkers as Tools to Determine the Origin of Hydrocarbon Emanations: Oil Outcrop of La Libertad, Ecuador, August 2016
Lorenzo García E, Martínez Santana M, Alvarez Loor A & Morato Medina A

Moravec B. (2018) Combining U-Series and Sr Isotopes to Trace Water Flow Through the Critical Zone
White A, Ma L, Moravec B, McIntosh J & Chorover J
(2017) Changing Water, Carbon and Energy Fluxes Alters Deep CZ Structure and Solute Exports to Streams
McIntosh J, Moravec B, White A & Chorover J
(2017) Hydrologic and Environmental Controls on Uranium-Series Isotopes in a Natural Volcanic Weathering Environment
White A, Ma L, Moravec B, McIntosh J & Chorover J

Moravec Z. (2011) Study of Candidate Matrix-Matched Calibration Standards for Geological Applications by Nuclear and Laser Ablation Based Methods
Strunga V, Havránek V, Kučera J, Kanický V, Vaculovič T, Hrdlička A, Moravec Z, Všianský D, Pinkas J, Klíma M & Kynicky J

Moravek J. (2015) Landscape Response to a Storm Event in the Clear Creek IA Watershed
Blair N, Ward A, Moravek J, Zeng Y, Cooperberg D, Bettis A, Prior K & Davis C

Morbidelli A. (2023) Accretion of Volatiles by Earth
Morbidelli A
(2023) An Inflationary Disk Phase of Protoplanetary Disks
Marschall R & Morbidelli A
(2022) Origin of the CC-Nc Isotopic Dichotomy in Early Planetesimals (Iron Meteorite Parent Bodies)
Morbidelli A, Baillié K, Batygin K, Charnoz S, Guillot T, Rubie D & Kleine T
(2021) Stochastic Accretion of the Earth – F.G. Houtermans Medal Lecture
Sossi PA, Stotz IL, Jacobson SA, Morbidelli A & O'Neill H
(2021) The Al/Si Ratio: Sub-Solar in Enstatite Chondrites but Supra-Solar in the Earth – A Plausible Explanation
Morbidelli A, Libourel G, Rubie D, Palme H & Jacobson SA
(2021) Isotopic Constraints on the Mode of Terrestrial Planet Formation
Burkhardt C, Spitzer F, Morbidelli A, Budde G, Render J, Kruijer T & Kleine T
(2019) Composition of Super-Earths as a Signature of Planet Formation
Scora J, Valencia D, Morbidelli A & Jacobson S
(2017) Mantle Composition Constraints on Different Planet Formation Scenarios
Jacobson S, Rubie D, Morbidelli A, Izidoro A & Raymond S
(2017) Sequestration of Tungsten into the Core during Earth’s Accretion
Jennings E, Rubie D, Jacobson S, Morbidelli A, Armstrong K & Frost D
(2017) HSE Removal from the Lunar Mantle and the Timeline of the Lunar Bombardment
Morbidelli A, Nesvorny D, Laurenz V, Marchi S, Rubie D, Elkins-Tanton L & Jacobson S
(2016) Beyond Matching Orbits and Masses, Terrestrial Planet Formation in the era of Compositional Constraints
Jacobson S, Rubie D & Morbidelli A
(2016) Evolution of Sulfur Concentrations in Magma Oceans during Earth’s Accretion
Rubie D, Laurenz V, Jacobson S, Morbidelli A, Palme H, Vogel A & Frost D
(2016) Composition of Cometary Volatiles: Implications for the Delivery of Atmospheric Species and for Solar System Dynamics
Marty B, Altwegg K, Avice G & Morbidelli A
(2016) Terrestrial Core Stratification and Subsequent Mixing
Jacobson S, Hernlund J, Rubie D & Morbidelli A
(2015) The Hadean Matte, Magma Ocean Solidification and Earth’s Late Veneer
Rubie D, Laurenz V, Jacobson S, Morbidelli A, Palme H & Frost D
(2015) Accretion of Terrestrial Planets: Dynamical and Cosmochemical Constraints
Izidoro A, Raymond S, Morbidelli A & Winter O
(2013) Accretion and Chemical Evolution of the Terrestrial Planets
Rubie D, O'Brien D, Morbidelli A, Jacobson S & Young E
(2013) Water on the Primordial Earth
Mojzsis S, Morbidelli A, Pahlevan K & Frank E
(2013) A Method to Constrain the Size of the Protosolar Nebula
Kretke K, Levison H, Buie M & Morbidelli A
(2012) Dynamical and Chemical Modeling of Terrestrial Planet Accretion
Morbidelli A & Rubie D
(2011) Core Formation in the Earth and the Terrestrial Planets
Rubie D, Frost D, O'Brien D, Nimmo F, Morbidelli A & Palme H
(2011) How Jupiter’s Two-Phase Gas-Driven Migration Shaped the Inner Solar System
Raymond S, Walsh K, Morbidelli A, O'Brien D & Mandell A
(2009) Accretion, Chemical Evolution, and Differentiation of the Terrestrial Planets
O'Brien D, Raymond S, Morbidelli A, Bond J & Nimmo F
(2007) Terrestrial Planets Formation: our Solar System and Extra-Solar Worlds
Morbidelli A
(2007) Accretion of Terrstrial Planets from Oligarchs in a Turbulent Disk
Ogihara M, Ida S & Morbidelli A
(2007) A Chondritic and Nonchondritic Earth: What Would the Dynamicists Say?
Graps A & Morbidelli A

Mörchen R. (2019) Soil Colloidal Characterization Regarding P and Corg in the Atacama Desert
Moradi G, Trbojevic L, Missong A, Mörchen R, Fuentes B, Lehndorff E, Amelung W, Bol R & Klumpp E

Mordberg L (2006) Ni isotope fractionation during lateritization of serpentinites
Mordberg L, Krymsky R, Kapitonov I, Klindukhov V & Sergeev S

Mordberg Leonid (2007) Atypical SHRIMP II REE Data in Zircons: A Positive Eu Anomaly
Paderin I, Mordberg L, Vetrin V, Belyatsky B & Sergeev S
(2007) Geochemical Model and Temporal Diatribution of Ni Laterites in Urals
Mordberg L
(2007) Geochemistry and Mineralogy of Serov Ni Lateritic Deposit, N Urals
Balashova Y, Mordberg L & Herrington R

Mordy C. (2019) Is Denitrification in the Eastern Tropical North Pacific Increasing?
Devol A, Deutsch C & Mordy C
(2012) Benthic Nitrogen Fluxes and Denitrification in Bering Sea Shelf Sediments
Devol A, Horak R, Shull D, Mordy C & Whitney H

More K (2005) Mineral Reaction Interfaces and Associated Porosity Generation
Cole D, Labotka T, Larson P, More K, Kenik E, Fayek M, Stadermann F & Riciputi L

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