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Morales Veronica (2013) An Integrated Geochemical, Hydrological and Hydrodynamic Approach to Model Arsenic at a Fluvial Confluence
Guerra P, Escauriaza C, Gonzalez C, Pizarro G, Morales V & Pasten P

Morales Aguilera T.A. (2009) Sulfur Isotopes in the Groundwater at Äspö Laboratory
Wallin B & Morales Aguilera TA

Morales Arredondo J.I. (2018) Hydrogeochemistry Evidences of Water-Rock Interaction of a Thermal System: Rancho Nuevo, Guanajuato, Mexico
Landa Arreguín JFA, Villanueva Estrada RE, Morales Arredondo JI, Rocha Miller R & Rodríguez Díaz A

Morales Espiritu W. (2021) Geochemical Assessment of Local Limestone Rocks for Using as Neutralization Cover Material in a Mine Waste Pile, Peru
Palomino-Ore SB, Quesada Oloriz P, Samanez M, Morales Espiritu W & Reátegui Klembergth E

Morales-Florez V. (2009) A New Thermodynamic Model for C-S-H Solubility Valid in the Range of P-T Conditions Encountered Around CO2-injection Wells
Corvisier J, Brunet F, Morales-Florez V & Goffé B

Morales-Gonzalez A.L. (2017) How to Approach Groundwater Research to High School Students: A Project on Water Resources Characterization in Urban Areas
Jimenez-Espinosa R, Jimenez-Millan J, Morales-Gonzalez AL & Ortega-Garcia F
(2017) Flow Paths and Water Provenance of the Navalperal-Las Acebeas Aquifer: An Example of a Low Anthropic Influence Aquifer in SE Spain
Jimenez-Espinosa R, Morales-Gonzalez AL & Jimenez-Millan J

Morales-Hidalgo M. (2021) Responses of the Bentonite Microbial Community to Se(IV)exposure: Insights into Selenium Biogeochemical Cycle
Morales-Hidalgo M, Povedano-Priego C, Jroundi F, Vilchez-Vargas R, Guerra-Tschuschke I, Abad-Ortega MDM, Martín-Sánchez I & Merroun ML

Morales-Ramírez J. (2003) Fluid Origin of the Ixtacamaxtitlán Kaolin and Sinter Deposit, Puebla State, Mexico
Tritlla J, Morales-Ramírez J, Camprubí A, Corona-Esquivel R, Gonzalez-Partida E & Levresse G

Morales-Ruano S. (2010) Bioaccumulated Metals in Native Plants from the Mining Area of Rodalquilar (South Spain)
Bagur-González MG, Morales-Ruano S, Martín Peinado FJ, Estepa Molina C & Carrillo Rosúa FJ
(2009) Bacteriogenic and Magmatic S Sources in the Cabildo Cu District (Chile)
Moreno-Rodriguez V, Carrillo-Rosua J, Morales-Ruano S, Morata D & Boyce A
(2009) Use of Bioassay in the Assessment of Soil Contamination in the Mining Area of Rodalquilar (Almería, SE Spain)
Bagur-Gonzalez M-G, Estepa-Molina C, Martin-Peinado F & Morales-Ruano S
(2009) Study of Sediments and Polluted Waste Piles in Mazarrón (SE Spain)
Estepa-Molina C, Martin-Peinado F, Morales-Ruano S & Bagur-González M-G
(2009) Study of Phytotoxicity in Soils from Mining Areas by a Bioassay with Lactuca sativa L
Martin-Peinado F, Morales-Ruano S, Bagur-Gonzalez M-G & Estepa-Molina C
(2009) Evaluation of Mining Polluted Areas Using Multivariate Statistical Approaches: The Case of Gold Mines in the South of Spain
Morales-Ruano S, Bagur-González M-G, Estepa-Molina C & Carrillo-Rosua J
(2009) Geochemistry of the Zn-Pb-Cu-(Ag)-(Au) Epithermal Deposits from San José (SE Spain)
Esteban I, Boyce A, Carrillo-Rosua J, Morales-Ruano S, Velasco F & Yusta I

Moran A. (2019) Combining Geochemical Measurements and Omics to Investigate Competitive Anaerobic Redox Dynamics in Sediments
Eitel E, Moran A, Shin H-D, Patin N, Bertagnolli A, Kemner K, Brooks S, Pennacchio C, Kaplan D, Stewart F, DiChristina T & Taillefert M

Moran B. (2020) Contaminants as Marine Environmental Tracers: An Overview
Moran B
(2019) Decadal Changes in Circulation and Particle Flux in the Amerasian Basins of the Arctic Ocean Inferred from the Water Column Distribution of Dissolved 230Th and 231Pa
Grenier M, Francois R, Soon M, Rutgers van der Loeff M, Yu X, Valk O, Not C, Moran B, Edwards L, Lu Y, Lepore K & Allen S

Moran C. (2003) The Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery from Databases Paradigm in Environmental Research: How Far can it get You?
Bui E, Henderson B & Moran C

Moran D. (2017) The Acceleration of Dissolved Cobalt’s Ecological Stoichiometry due to Biological Uptake, Remineralization, and Scavenging in the North Atlantic Ocean
Saito M, Noble A, Hawco N, Twining B, Ohnemus D, John S, Lam P, Conway T, Johnson R, Moran D & McIlvin M
(2009) Strategies for Economization of Iron in Metalloenzymes in Crocosphaera watsonii as Revealed by Global Quantitative Proteomic Analyses
Saito M, Bulygin V, Moran D, Bertrand E & Waterbury J

Moran James (2023) Using RTMS and IRMS to Unravel the Effect of Nitrogen on the Microbiome Molecular Mechanisms of Carbon and Nutrient Cycling during Rewetting after Drought
Lipton M, Weitz K, Smith M & Moran J
(2020) Spatially Resolved Carbon Isotope Measurements for Tracing Root Exudates into the Rhizosphere
Moran J, Linley T, Kriesel J, Denis E, Ilhardt P & Kelly J
(2018) Plant Effects on Carbon Composition and Recalcitrance in Peat from a Boreal Bog: Implications for Methane Emissions
Waldo N, Tfaily M, Chu R, Anderton C, Moran J & Neumann R
(2018) Spatially Resolved Rhizosphere Function for Elucidating Key Controls on Below-Ground Nutrient Interactions
Moran J, Denis E, Ilhardt P, Rosnow J, Nunez J, Lin V, Tucker A, Huggett N, Renslow R, Brislawn C & Jenson S
(2016) Development of Non-Traditional Radioisotopes to Fill Key Age-Dating Gaps for Interpreting Geologic and Biogeochemical Cycles
Moran J, Aalseth C, Brandenberger J, Gill G, Mace E, Seifert A & White S
(2014) Short-Term Protein Stable Isotope Probing of Microbial Communities to Associate Functions with Taxa
Lipton M, Slysz G, Steinke L, Ward D, Moran J, Metz T, Kim Y-M, Lindeman S, Huang E, Anderson G, Payne S, Bryant D, Cole J & Gritsenko M
(2014) Spatially-Resolved Carbon Flow Through a Hypersaline Microbial Mat
Moran J, Riha K, Cory A, Kim Y-M, Huang E, Metz T, Lipton M, Courtney S, Lindemann S & Fredrickson J
(2014) An Electron/Carbon Cycle in an Acidothermophilic Microbial Community
Moran J, Isern N, Whitmore L, Riha K, Romine M & Kreuzer H
(2014) Using Stable Isotopes to Investigate Microbial H2 and N2O Production
Hegg E, Yang H, Kreuzer H, Moran J, Hill E, Gandhi H & Ostrom N
(2014) Acidovorax Species Reveal Potential for Oxidation of Hydrogen Coupled to Reduction of Oxygen, Nitrate, and Radionuclides Across a Subsurface Redox Gradient
Plymale A, Lee J-H, Fredrickson J, Dohnalkova A, Moran J, Resch C, McKinley J, Shi L, Roden E & Converse B

Moran James J. (2015) In situ Stable Isotope Gas Analysis Enhanced Four Orders of Magnitude
Coleman M, Christensen L, Kelly J, Kriesel J, Moran J & Vance S
(2015) Abiogenic and Microbial Cycling of Volatile Fatty Acids in Ancient Crustal Fracture Waters in the Canadian Shield
McDermott JM, Heuer VB, Tille S, Moran JJ, Slater GF, Sutcliffe CN, Glein CR, Hinrichs K-U & Sherwood Lollar B
(2010) Nitrogen in the Canadian Shield: Resolving Abiotic Contributions and Biological Cycling
Li L, Sherwood Lollar B, Lacrampe-Couloume G, Moran J & Slater G
(2010) Using Hydrogen Isotopes to Assess Proton Flux during Biological Hydrogen Production: Part 2
Moran J, Hill E, Hegg E & Kreuzer H
(2009) The Deep "Cool" Terrestrial Biosphere – Fracture Water and Dissolved Gases at >2.5 km in the Canadian Shield
Sherwood Lollar B, Tille S, Moran J, Voglesonger K, Lacrampe-Couloume G, Onstott T & Slater G
(2008) Ancient Analogs for Ultramafic-Hosted Vents: Water-Rock-Derived Energy for Deep Subsurface Chemosynthesis
Moran JJ, Slater G, Tille S, Voglesonger K & Sherwood Lollar B

Moran Jean (2019) Isotopic Groundwater Ages to Assess a Water Budget for the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) in Butte County, California
Grimm N, Visser A & Moran J

Moran Jean E. (2014) Quantifying Groundwater Discharge to Subalpine Streams Using Radon
Moran J, DeRubeis E, Visser A, Singleton M, Uriostegui S & Esser B
(2012) Groundwater Vulnerability to Climate Change in High Elevation Catchments of the Sierra Nevada
Moran J, Singleton M, Hillegonds D, Shaw G, Conklin M, Esser B & Visser A
(2011) Anthropogenic Contributions of 129I and 85Kr to Global Reservoirs: Current Distribution Patterns and Projected Increases
Snyder GT, Moran JE & Aldahan AA
(2008) Dissolved Gas and Isotopic Tracers of Denitrification
Singleton M, Moran JE, Esser B, McNab W, Carle S & Cey B
(2008) Arsenic Mobilization Associated with Applied Recharge of low-TDS Water in Central Valley, California
Esser BK, McNab WW, Moran JE & Singleton MJ
(2005) New Approaches to Characterizing Microbial Denitrification in the Saturated Zone
Esser BK, Beller HR, Carle SF, Hudson GB, Kane SR, LeTain TE, McNab WW & Moran JE
(2005) Using Tritium-Helium Groundwater Age to Assess Contamination Vulnerability in California
Moran J, Hudson B, Eaton G & Leif R
(2005) Experimental Results from Iodine Speciation and Transport Studies
Moran J, Hu Q, Nelson E & Zhao P
(2005) Near-Conservative Behavior of <+>129<$>Iodine in the Orange County Aquifer System, California
Schwehr K, Santschi P, Moran J & Elmore D
(2005) Age-Dating Groundwater Discharge in the Merced River Basin, California Using Noble Gasses and Chlorine-36
Shaw G, Hudson GB, Moran J, Nimz G & Conklin M
(2004) Factors Influencing the Global Distribution of Iodine-129 in the Environment: A Look at the Iodine Cycle in Surface Reservoirs
Snyder G, Fehn U, Muramatsu Y, Sultana M, Moran J & Rao U
(2004) Source Ages of Hydrocarbons: 129I Investigations of Oil Field Brines, Gas Hydrates and Coal-Bed Methane
Fehn U, Snyder G & Moran J

Moran Joseph (2019) The Role of Hydrogen Activation in Early Metabolism
Preiner M, Yu M, Varma S, Muchowska K, Tüysüz H, Moran J & Martin WF

Moran K (2006) Cenozoic Nedoymium Isotope Evolution of Arctic Ocean Deep Water
Haley BA, Frank M, Moran K & Backman J

Moran Kate (2019) Geological Storage of CO2 in Sub-Seafloor Basalt Offshore Washington State and British Columbia
Goldberg D, Aston L, Bonneville A, Demirkanli I, Fisher AT, Gerrard M, Giammar D, Heesemann M, Knottavange-Telleen K, Hsu E, Moran K, Park A, Scherwath M, Slagle AL, Stute M, Weathers TS, Webb R, Wells RK, White MD & White SK

Moran S. Bradley (2019) Circulation Changes in the Amundsen Basin from 1991 to 2015 Revealed from Distributions of Dissolved 230Th
Valk O, Rutgers van der Loeff MM, Geibert W, Gdaniec S, Moran SB, Lepore K, Puigcorbé V, Casacabuerta N, Paffrath R, Smethie W, Roy-Barman M & Edwards RL

Moran S. Bradley (2012) Dissolved 231Pa/230Th in the U. S. GEOTRACES North Atlantic Zonal Transect
Anderson R, Hayes C, Fleisher M, Robinson L, Huang K-F, Edwards RL, Cheng H & Moran SB
(2012) Sources, Sinks and Cycling of Seawater 232Th in the North and South Atlantic Basins
Robinson LF, Huang K-F, Auro ME, Anderson RF, Hayes CT, Fleischer MQ, Cheng H, Edwards RL, Moran SB & Saito M

Moran S. Bradley (2014) Seawater Th Isotopes in the U. S. North Atlantic GEOTRACES Transect: Sources, Sinks and Cycling
Huang K-F, Robinson LF, Auro ME, Anderson RF, Hayes CT, Fleisher MQ, Edwards RL, Cheng H, Lu Y & Moran SB
(2013) Constraining Rates of Trace Element Supply and Removal Using Long-Lived Thorium Isotopes
Anderson R, Hayes C, Fleisher M, Robinson L, Huang K-F, Cheng H, Sha L, Edwards RL, Lu Y & Moran SB

Moran S. Bradley (2017) 231Pa and 230Th in the Arctic Ocean 1991-2016: Changes in the Eurasian and Makarov Basins
Valk O, Gdaniec S, Rutgers van der Loeff M, Geibert W, Smethie W, Moran SB, Lepore K, Edwards RL, Lu Y & Rijkneberg M

Morán X.A.G. (2017) Dissolved Organic Matter Dynamics in the Mesopelagic Fish Accumulation Layer: Implications for C Cycling
Calleja ML, Røstad A, Ansari M, Da Silva L, Kaartvedt S, Irigoien X & Morán XAG

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