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Montanari A. (2008) Pelagosite Climate Record and the Role of Cyanobacterial Biomineralization
Macalady J, Montanari A, Bice D, Schaperdoth I, MacLean L & Mariani S
(2007) Miocene Oceanography of the Mediterranean Area Deduced from C-, O-, Sr-, and Nd-Isotopes
Kocsis L, Vennemann T, Fontignie D, Baumgartner C, Montanari A & Jelen B
(2002) Impact Stratigraphy: Searching for a Needle in the Haystack of the Rock Record
Montanari A
(2002) Silver, Osmium and Iridium Profiles in the Massignano Eocene-Oligocene Section
Shukla P, Shukla A, Montanari A & Bhandari N

Montanari D. (2013) Tectonic and Geothermal Significance of Thermal Springs of Sicily Island (Southern Italy)
Minissale A, Giammanco S, Montanari D, Monteleone S & Doveri M

Montanari G. (2013) Do Amino Acids Inhibit Calcite Growth?
Montanari G, Bovet N & Stipp SLS

Montanari S. (2014) Triple Oxygen Isotopes in Terrestrial Carbonates
Passey B, Hu H, Ji H, Montanari S, Li S, Henkes G & Levin N
(2013) Triple Oxygen Isotope Compositions of Late Cretaceous Dinosaur Eggshells and Implications for Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide
Passey B, Hu H, Montanari S, Li S & Levin N

Montané G. (2021) A Reanalysis-Based Study of Desert Dust in Northern Africa, the Middle East and Europe in a Recent Decade
Di Tomaso E, Escribano J, Ginoux P, Basart S, Macchia F, Barnaba F, Castrillo M, Formenti P, Jorba O, Mona L, Montané G, Mytilinaios M, Obiso V, Schutgens N, Votsis A, Werner E & Pérez García-Pando C

Montanes M. (2023) Effect of Lithium on Seven Phytoplanktonic Species and their δ7Li
Chen D, Oberhänsli F, Rabouille S, Orani AM, Sdiri K, BEN-Gharbia H, Thibon F, Weppe L, Montanes M, Metian M & Vigier N
(2022) Impact of Shallow Hydrothermalism on Lithium Content and Lithium Isotope Composition of Marine Plankton
Vigier N, Weppe L, Tilliette C, Chavagnac V, Boulart C, Thibon F, Lombard F, Montanes M, Guieu C & Bonnet S
(2021) Lithium Isotopes in Marine Food Webs
Thibon F, Weppe L, Bustamante P, Oberhänsli F, Metian M, Churlaud C, Montanes M, Lacoue-Labarthe T, Telouk P, Cherel Y & Vigier N
(2021) Lithium Isotopic Composition of Biological Reference Materials and Automated Li Separation Using PrepFAST MCTM
Weppe L, Thibon F, Montanes M, Telouk P, Viscardi A & Vigier N
(2020) Novel Application of Lithium and its Isotopes in Marine Ecotoxicology
Thibon F, Weppe L, Bustamante P, Oberhänsli F, Métian M, Churlaud C, Montanes M, Lacoue-Labarthe T, Cherel Y & Vigier N

Montanez Isabel (2018) A Multi-Proxy Approach to Understanding Hydroclimate in the American Southwest
Wortham B, Montanez I, Swart P, Mukhopadhyay S & Tabor C

Montanez Isabel (2014) Speleothem Reconstruction of Last 1, 500 Years of Brazilian Climate
Wong C, Silva L, Montanez I, Cooper K & Horwath W
(2014) Intra-Cyclothem Conodont Oxygen Isotope Composition: Insights into Climatic Forcing of Seawater Chemistry during the Late Paleozoic Ice Age
Griffin J, Bates S, Montañez I, Poulsen C & Lyons T
(2014) Multi-Cave Stalagmite Records of Deglacial Climate in California
Montanez I, Oster J, Wong C, Santare L, Cooper K, Sharp W & Potter G

Montanez Isabel (2017) A Holistic Reconstruction of Earth’s Penultimate Icehouse
Montanez I

Montanez Isabel (2020) Impact of Changing Weatherability on CO2—climate Coupling during the Late Paleozoic
Montanez I, Godderis Y & Richey J

Montanez Isabel (2016) Investigating Past Climate-Biosphere Links: Speleothem-Based Climate Reconstructions to Constrain Controls on Late Holocene Forest Expansion in South America
Wong C, Wortham B, McGee D, Silva L, Cruz F & Montanez I
(2016) Eccentricity Paced CO2, Climate and Terrestrial Carbon Cycling during Earth’s Penultimate Icehouse
Montanez I, McElwain J, Poulsen C, Tripati R & DiMichele W

Montanez Isabel (2009) Stalagmite Records of Pleistocene and Holocene Climate from the Sierra Nevada, California
Oster J, Montanez I & Sharp W
(2009) Reconstructing Atmospheric pCO2 in the Deep-Time: Constraints & Limitations
Montanez I & Tabor N
(2004) Lu-Hf Geochronology of Phosphates in Ancient Sediments
Barfod G, Vervoort J, Montanez I & Rieboldt S
(2004) Uranium and Other Trace Element Incorporation into Tufa Calcite
Cole J, Rasbury E, Montanez I, Pedone V, Lanzirotti A & Hanson G

Montañez Isabel P (2022) Ecosystem-To-Global Scale Modeling of Vegetation-Climate Feedbacks during the Late Paleozoic Ice Age with Fossil-Based Plant Functional Types
Macarewich SI, Poulsen CJ, Matthaeus WJ, Richey JD, White J, Montañez IP, DiMichele WA, Hren MT, McElwain JC & Wilson JP
(2022) Opportunities and Challenges in Paleo-CO2 Reconstruction and Implications for Advancing our Understanding the Paleo-Earth System. Endowed Biogeochemistry Lecture
Montañez IP, Bowen G, Breecker D, Honisch B, Macarewich SI, Steinthorsdottir M & Royer D

Montañez Isabel P. (2019) Examining 87Sr/86Sr Isotope Ratios Using LA-MC-ICP-MS in Biogenic and Hydrothermally Derived Minerals: Analytical Challenges and New Insights
Glessner J, Willmes M, Griffin J, Zierenberg R, Fox S, Katzir Y, Montanez I & Lesher C
(2019) Marine Anoxia Linked to Abrupt Global Warming during Deep Glacial of the Earth’s Penultimate Icehouse
Chen J, Montañez IP, Zhang F, Shen S, Yao L, Qi Y, Wang Y & Wang X
(2019) Fossilized Drip-Water from a Sierra Nevada Cave Reveals Stadial vs. Interstadial Variability in Precipitation Stable Isotopes
Wortham B, Montanez I & Swart P

Montanini A. (2022) Garnet Pyroxenites from the External Ligurian Ophiolites Link Mafic Crust Recycling to HIMU Basalts Genesis
Secchiari A, Montanini A, Tribuzio R & Bosch D
(2020) The New Caledonia Mantle Section: Tracking Source Depletion and Contamination Processes in a Supra-Subduction Setting
Montanini A, Secchiari A, Bosch D, Cluzel D & Macera P
(2019) Record of Melt-Rock Interaction in the Extending Lithosphere (Ligurian Mantle Sequences, N Apennine, Italy)
Ferrari E, Montanini A, Tribuzio R, Van Acken D & Luguet A
(2019) Origin of Chemical and Nd-Hf Isotope Heterogeneity in Depleted Mantle Domains from the Alpine-Apennine Ophiolites
Montanini A, Tribuzio R, Bosch D & Rumbolo T
(2017) Pyroxenites as Carriers of Isotopic Heterogeneity in the Oceanic Mantle
van Acken D, Luguet A, Montanini A, Debaille V, Tribuzio R, Nowell GM & Daly JS
(2013) Highly Siderophile and Chalcophile Element Systematics of Crust-Derived Ligurian Garnet Pyroxenites
Montanini A, Luguet A, König S & Tribuzio R
(2009) Evidence for Crustal Recycling and Refertilisation in the Subcontinental Lithospheric Mantle: The Peridotite-Pyroxenite Sequence from the External Ligurides, Northern Italy
Montanini A, Tribuzio R & Thirlwall M
(2006) Garnet pyroxenite layers from the mantle peridotites of the Northern Apennine ophiolites, Italy: evidence for recycling of crustal material ?
Montanini A, Tribuzio R & Thirlwall M
(2003) Graphite-Bearing Garnet Pyroxenite Layers within Mantle Peridotites from the Northern Apennine (Italy)
Montanini A, Tribuzio R & Bersani D

Montano D. (2019) In situ Carbonate U-Pb Analysis by LA-ICP-MS: From Absolute Dating to Understanding the U-Pb Partitioning in Lacustrine Systems
Montano D, Gasparrini M, Gerdes A, Albert R, Rohais S & Della Porta G

Montano M. (2018) Analyzing Natural and Engineered Nanoparticles: A Way Forward
Hofmann T, Kammer F, Praetorius A & Montano M
(2014) Use of Elemental Composition to Quantify Engineered Nanoparticles in Environmental Samples
Montano M, Ranville J, Lowry G & Bediei H
(2014) Following Environmental Transformations of Metal-Containing Nanoparticles: Addressing Analytical Challenges
Ranville J, Montano M, Mitrano D & Higgins C

Montarges-Pelletier Emmanuelle (2015) The Potential Importance of Metal Transfer from Formation Waters to Petroleum for Re-Os Dating of Oils
Mahdaoui F, Reisberg L, Michels R, Montarges-Pelletier E, Panfilova I, Pujol M & Kieffer I
(2013) Ni availability/Ni Solid Phases in Soils and Waters from Ultramafic Complexes in Brazil: A Narrow Relationship
Zelano I, Sivry Y, Quantin C, Gélabert A, Tharaud M, Jouvin D, Montarges-Pelletier E, Garnier G, Pichon R, Nowak S, Miska S, Abollino O & Benedetti M

Montargès-Pelletier Emmanuelle (2019) Impact of Past Steel-Making Activities on Lanthanides and Y (REY) Fractionation and Potential Mobility in Riverbed Sediments
Hissler C, Montargès-Pelletier E, Kanbar H, Le Meur M & Gauthier C
(2019) Molecular Geochemistry of Zn in Continental Rivers
Montarges-Pelletier E, Le Meur M, Kanbar H, Gauthier C, Bihannic I, Gley R & Vantelon D

Montarges-Pelletier Emmanuelle (2018) Combining Isotopic and Speciation Signatures to Study Zn Behavior in Rivers
Cloquet C, LeMeur M, Kanbar H, Dong S & Montargès-Pelletier E
(2018) Ni Isotopic Fractionation at the Interface with Mineral Phases
Zelano IO, Montarges-Pelletier E, Gley R, Fraysse F, Cloquet C & Landrot G
(2018) Long Term Behavior of Iron and Zinc in Steelmaking Wastes
Montarges-Pelletier E, Kanbar H, Guenet H, Bihannic I, Gley R & Vantelon D

Montarges-Pelletier Emmanuelle (2023) Deciphering Particulate Zn and Pb Origin during Flood Event Using a Geochemical Fingerprints
Khelili A, Cloquet C, Gauthier C, Losson B, Mansuy-Huault L & Montarges-Pelletier E
(2023) Insight into the Biogeochemical Cycle of Ni in a Soil Developed Under Hyperaccumulator Species: A Combined Approach
Ansart C, Paidjan E, Montarges-Pelletier E, Cloquet C, Isnard S, Quantin C, Sivry Y & Juillot F
(2023) Assessment of Particulate Zn and Pb Sources in the Orne Watershed (North-East of France) Using Mineralogical, Chemical and Isotopic Fingerprints
Khelili A, Cloquet C, Poszwa A, Mansuy-Huault L, Gley R, Gauthier C, Fraysse F & Montarges-Pelletier E

Montarges-Pelletier Emmanuelle (2012) Combining µSXRF, EXAFS and Isotopic Signature to Understand the Ni Cycle in Impacted Ultramafic Soils
Quantin C, Jouvin D, Gelabert A, Montarges-Pelletier E, Sivry Y, Zelano I, Pichon R, Garnier J & Benedetti M
(2011) STXM and XAS Study of Kaolinite Conversion into Berthierine-Like Mineral
Rivard C, Montarges-Pelletier E, Pelletier M, Michot LJ, Vantelon D, Karunakaran C, Villieras F & Michau N
(2009) Hydrous Ferric Oxide Nanoparticles – Structural Reordering in Response to Surface Sorption of Al-Hydroxy Species
Hofmann A, Vantelon D, Villain F & Montargès-Pelletier E

Montarges-Pelletier Emmanuelle (2016) Identifying the Anthropogenic Sources in River Sediments with Zn and Pb Isotope Signatures: A Case Study in Northeast France
Dong S, Cloquet C, Montarges-Pelletier E, Kanbar H & Mansuy-Huault L
(2016) Investigation of Using Ni Isotopes as Anthropogenic Source Tracer in River Sediments: A Preliminary Study
Dong S, Cloquet C, Montargès-Pelletier E & Zelano I
(2016) Ni Isotopic Fractionation due to Interaction with Small Organic Acids and Purified Humic Acids
Zelano IO, Cloquet C, Montarges-Pelletier E, Fraysse F & Dong S

Montarges-Pelletier Emmanuelle (2017) Nickel Isotopic Fractionation and the Role of Hyperaccumulating Plants
Zelano IO, Cloquet C, Echevarria G, van der Ent A, Fraysse F & Montarges-Pelletier E

Montarges-Pelletier Emmanuelle (2021) Assessment of Pb and Zn Sources in the Orne Watershed (Moselle Basin, France) Using Isotopes and Geochemical Tracers
Khelili A, Cloquet C, Gauthier C, Gley R, Losson B, Pasquini L, Mansuy-Huault L, Rigaudier T & Montarges-Pelletier E
(2021) Spatial Distribution and Speciation of Rare Earth Elements in Mine Tailings from Ion-Adsorption Deposits in Southern China
Janot N, Huot H, Rivard C, Bone S, Tang Y-T, Watteau F & Montarges-Pelletier E

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