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Mironov Anatoliy (2013) Carbon-13 and Uranothorianite Age Dating in the Botogol Alkaline Massif Graphites (Eastern Sayan, Russia)
Zhmodik S, Mironov A, Karmanov N, Ponomarchuk V, Belyanin D, Kirichenko I & Zhmodik A

Mironov N. (2021) First in situ Analyses of Nitrogen in Primitive Subduction-Related Melts
Füri E, Portnyagin MV, Mironov N, Deligny C, Gurenko A, Botcharnikov R & Holtz F
(2019) Low-SiO2 Melt Inclusions in Olivine Originate by Dehydration of Initially H2O-Rich Island-Arc Melts
Mironov N, Portnyagin M, Botcharnikov R, Gurenko A, Almeev R, Luft C & Holtz F
(2018) Volatile Contents of Bubble-Bearing Melt Inclusions from Klyuchevskoy Volcano (Kamchatka) Determined by Mass-Balance and Experimental Homogenization Methods
Moore L, Mironov N, Portnyagin M, Gazel E & Bodnar R
(2018) Chlorine Isotope Systematics in Olivine-Hosted Melt Inclusions from the Central American Volcanic Arc
Flemetakis S, John T, Bouvier A-S, Portnyagin M, Mironov N & Klemme S
(2015) Recovering Initial CO2 Content of Island-Arc Magmas from Experimental Homogenization of Melt Inclusions in Olivine at High H2O Pressure
Mironov N, Portnyagin M, Botcharnikov R, Gurenko A, Hoernle K & Holtz F
(2011) Volatiles (H2O, CO2, S, Cl, F) in Primary Magmas of Kliuchevskoy Volcano (Kamchatka)
Mironov N & Portnyagin M
(2011) Arc Magmas from Slab to Eruption: The Case of Kliuchevskoy Volcano
Portnyagin M, Mironov N, Ponomareva V, Bindeman I, Hauff F, Sobolev A, Kayzar T, Garbe-Schönberg D & Hoernle K
(2009) Pyroxenite Melts Involved in Magma Genesis in Kamchatka
Portnyagin M, Sobolev A, Mironov N & Hoernle K

Mironovich A. (2013) Spin Transition of Fe2+ in Ringwoodite (Mg, Fe)2SiO4 at High Pressures
Ivanova A, Lyubutin I, Gavrilyuk A, Lin J-F, Mironovich A & Presnyakov M

Miroshnichenko L.V. (2001) Precipitation of Metal Sulfates from Draining Solutions of Burning Slags of the Belovo Zinc Plant
Sidenko NV, Miroshnichenko LV & Gerasimov PA

Miroshnikov A. (2007) Radiocesium Distribution in North-West Coast of the Kola Bay
Kuzmenkova N & Miroshnikov A

Mirtic B. (2002) Morphological Characteristics of Fluorite Crystals from Mežica Mines in Northern Slovenia
Mirtic B, Jeršek M, Resnik A, Dolenec T & Krivograd F
(2002) The Alkali Silica Reaction of Different Natural Aggregates in Cement Mortars
Mladenovic A, Sturm S, Mirtic B & Strupi Suput J
(2002) Correlation between Morphology and Isotopic Composition of Oxygen and Carbon of Calcite from Mežica Mines, Slovenia
Jersek M, Dolenec T, Vokal B, Mirtic B, Zebec V & Bermanec V
(2000) The Study of Weathering Effects on the Slovenian Limestones by SEM
Jarc S & Mirtic B

Mirwald P.W. (2015) Anomalous PVT Behaviour of Periclase – An Ultra-Sonic and Raman Study between -200° and +100° C
Mirwald PW, Paulini P, Tappert R & Stalder R
(2007) Experimental Re-examination of the Phase Transition Quartz-Coesite – The Reaction in Presence of H2O and at Anhydrous Conditions
Mirwald P
(2007) Experimental Study of the Na-in-Cordierite Thermometer at Different Fluid Compositions (NaOH-H2O; NaCl-H2O)
Scola M, Mirwald P & Tropper P

Mirza A.

Mirzaei Y. (2023) Bacterial Forensics to Solve the Mystery of a Serious Threat to Marine Aquatic Systems: A Genomic and Isotopic Approach to Study Hypoxia
Mirzaei Y, Crowe SA & Gélinas Y

Mirzoyan N. (2014) Kinetics of Sulfite Disproportionation and Thiosulfate Acid Dissociation
Mirzoyan N & Halevy I

Misawa K (2006) Did aqueous alteration reset radiometric ages of shergottites?
Misawa K, Kaiden H & Noguchi T
(2003) Cooling History of L Chondrites
Tomiyama T, Yamaguchi A & Misawa K
(2003) When did Aqueous Alteration Occur on the Martian Surface?
Misawa K, Shih C, Wiesmann H, Nyquist L & Noguchi T

Misawa Keiji (2020) Stable Sr Isotopes of the Middle-Late Permian Carbonate: Its Implication for Driving Ocean Sr Budget Change
Kani T, Isozaki Y, Misawa K, Ishikawa A & Yoneda S
(2018) Petrogenesis of a Unique Shergottite Zagami: Implications from REE Signature of Pyroxene
Tobita M, Makino Y, Okabayashi S, Usui T, Niihara T, Misawa K, Hirata T, Yokoyama T & Moriwaki R
(2017) Lead Isotopic Systematics of Martian Meteorite Zagami
Tobita M, Usui T, Niihara T, Misawa K & Yokoyama T
(2016) Ages of Pre-Mare Magmatism Recorded in Zircons and Baddeleyites of Lunar Meteorite NWA 4485
Arai T, Misawa K, Tomiyama T, Niihara T, Yoshitake M, Yokoyama T, Kaiden H & Irving A
(2015) Preliminary Report on Lead Isotopic Systematics of Martian Meteorite Zagami
Tobita M, Usui T, Niihara T, Misawa K & Yokoyama T

Misawa S. (2016) Aqueous Chemistry of Formaldehyde and Ammonia in the Early Solar System
Kebukawa Y, Misawa S, Kawai J, Mita H, Nanbu K, Ouchi T, Muramatsu Y, Yoda I, Tachibana S & Kobayashi K

Misch D. (2023) Sphalerite as an Unconventional Cobalt Source? Correlative Microcopy and Atom Probe Tomography of Cobalt-Rich Sphalerite from the Dolostone Ore Formation Deposit, Namibia
Bertrandsson Erlandsson V, Gopon P, Waldl H, Misch D, Ellmies R & Melcher F

Mischel S. (2019) TERMITE 2.0 – An R Script for Data Reduction of LA-ICP-MS Trace Element Measurements
Rupprecht D, Mertz-Kraus R, Mischel S, Budsky A, Jochum KP & Scholz D
(2013) Reconstruction of Holocene Climate Variability Using Stalagmites from the Herbstlabyrinth, Central Germany
Mischel S, Scholz D, Spötl C & Jochum KP

Mischitz R. (2019) Destruction of Dissolved Organic Contaminants by a Combination of Fe(0), UV Radiation and a Boron-Doped Diamond Electrode
Sedlazeck KP, Vollprecht D, Müller P, Mischitz R, Neuhold S & Pomberger R
(2017) Removal and Recovery of Metals from Mining and Metallurgy Waste Waters
Sedlazeck KP, Höllen D, Müller P, Mischitz R & Pomberger R

Mischke S. (2020) Compound-Specific Radiocarbon Dating of Soil and Sedimentary Leaf Waxes in an Arid High-Altitude Environment
Aichner B, Rethemeyer J, Gierga M, Stolz A, Mętrak M, Wilk M, Sachse D, Rajabov I & Mischke S
(2018) Sub-monthly δ18O and δ13C Records from Melanopsis of the Upper Jordan River Valley, 25-13ka
Rice A, Bunin E, Riedel F, Plessen B, Sharon G & Mischke S
(2017) Potential Salinity Effects on Leaf Wax Lipid δD Values from Submerged Aquatic Macrophytes in Paleo-Climatic Records
Aichner B, Hilt S, Périllon C, Sachse D & Mischke S
(2016) A 30ka Hydroclimatic Record from the Pamir
Aichner B, Mischke S, Pausata F, Zhang Q, Heinecke L, Feakins S, Sachse D, Mahmoudov Z & Rajabov I

Mischna M. (2016) Constraining Hesperian Martian PCO2 from Mineral Analysis at Gale Crater
Bristow T, Haberle R, Blake D, Vaniman D, Grotzinger J, Siebach K, Des Marias D, Rampe E, Eigenbrode J, Sutter B, Fairén A, Mischna M & Vasavada A

Miserez A. (2021) Biomineralization of Barnacle Base Plate in Association with Adhesive Cement Protein
Hur S, Boujday S & Miserez A
(2021) Synchronisation of Nanofibrils with CaCO3 Crystallisation – Vaterite Mineralization by Megabalanus Rosa Cement Protein (MrCP) 20
Mohanram H, Pervushin K & Miserez A
(2021) Mineralization and Sticky Trickery of a Barnacle Cement Protein Resolved Computationally
Kumar A, Mohanram H, Verma CS & Miserez A

Mishchenko M. (2014) The Superaggregate Form of Soot from Wildfires and its Impact on Direct Forcing
Chakrabarty R, Beres N, Moosmuller H, China S, Mazzoleni C, Dubey M, Liu L & Mishchenko M

Mishenin S. (2010) Thickness of Diamond-Bearing Metasomatic Aureoles in the Cratonic SCLM
Malkovets V, Griffin W, Pokhilenko N, O'Reilly S & Mishenin S

Mishenina L. (2015) Analysis of the Carboxylic Acid in Surface Water of the Subarctic Zone of Western Siberia
Slizhov Y, Khasanov V, Makarycheva A & Mishenina L

Mishima K. (2016) The Secular Change of S-Mif in the Late Archean, the Dharwar Supergroup, Southern India
Mishima K, Satish-Kumar M, Hokada T, Toyoshima T & Ueno Y
(2016) Transfer of S-Mif Signals from Reducing Late Archean Atmosphere
Ueno Y, Endo Y, Mishima K & Tian F
(2015) Multiple Sulfur Isotope Geochemistry of the Paleoarchean Onverwacht Suite, Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa
Mishima K, Ueno Y, deWit M & Furnes H
(2013) Multiple Sulfur Isotope Geochemistry of Dharwar Supergroup, Southern India: Late Archean Record of Changing Atmosphere
Mishima K, Yamazaki R, Kumar MS, Hokada T & Ueno Y
(2012) Litho-, Chrono- and S-Mif-Chemo-Stratigraphy of Late Archean Dharwar Supergroup, South India
Mishima K, Yamazaki R, Kumar MS, Hokada T & Ueno Y

Mishima S. (2016) Coupled Oxygen Isotope Records of Inclusion Water and Carbonate from a Stalagmite in Hoshino Cave, Okinawa
Uemura R, Mishima S, Ohmine K, Asami R, Jin-Ping C & Shen C-C

Mishima T. (2011) Relative B-Li-Cl Compositions: Capability and Limitation to Direct Observation of Deep Geofluid
Yoshida K, Sengen Y, Tsuchiya S, Minagawa K, Kobayashi T, Mishima T, Ohsawa S & Hirajima T

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