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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Minissale A (2013) Tectonic and Geothermal Significance of Thermal Springs of Sicily Island (Southern Italy)
Minissale A, Giammanco S, Montanari D, Monteleone S & Doveri M
(2006) Natural fluctuation of sulfur species (SO2, H2S and S80 ) in volcanic fumaroles
Minissale A, Montegrossi G, Tassi F, Vaselli O & Buccianti A
(2000) Multivariate Analysis of Water Geochemical Data: A Case Study in the Chiavenna Valley (Central Alps, Northern Italy)
Buccianti A, Vaselli O, Minissale A, Tassi F & Gallorini L
(2000) Fluid Geochemistry vs. Neotectonics: Constraints from the Rapolano Terme Area (Siena-Radicofani Basin, Central-Northern Apennine, Italy)
Minissale A, Vaselli O, Tassi F, Grechi G, Magro G & Montegrossi G
(2000) The Southern Strimon Lineament (Bulgaria/Greece): A Fluid Geochemistry Study
Vaselli O, Rossi F, Tassi F, Magro G, Petrov P, Kolios N, Minissale A & Marchev P

Minissale Angelo A. (2019) “Sources and Pathways of Fluid Migration in Mt. Amiata Area (Central Italy): Novel Insights from Full Noble Gas Isotope Investigations”
Magi F, Darrah TH, Minissale AA, Pandeli E, Tassi F & Vaselli O

Minitti M. E. (2001) Investigation of Kaersutite Crystallization in SNC Basaltic Magmas
Minitti ME & Mysen BO

Minitti Michelle (2017) Effects of Weathering a Volcanic Rock on Mars 3.7 Billion Years ago
Coleman M, Schieber J, Bish D, Reed M, Hausrath E, Cosgrove J, Gupta S, Minitti M & Malin M

Minitti Michelle E. (2023) Characterization of Silicate Minerals in Alfalfa, Maaz Unit of Jezero Crater Floor, Mars
Yanchilina A, Morris RV, Schmidt M, Corpolongo A, Jakubek R, Van Hoesen D, Murphy A, Sharma S, Smith RJ, Steele A, Hollis J, Uckert K, Bleefeld B, Wu MK, Burton A, Lee CH, Lopez-Reyes G, Pedersen DAK, Bhartia R, Minitti ME & Sobron P
(2022) How to Build a Legacy of Scientific Leadership: The HR Formula
Hammer J, Baker L, Barclay J, Carroll MR, Coombs M, Cottrell E, Dygert NJ, Elkins-Tanton L, First E, Gardner J, Goldsby D, Greenwood J, Johnson M, Krawczynski M, Mandeville C, McCanta M, Minitti ME, Nelson W, Prissel T, Venezky D, Weitz C & Woodruff D
(2021) Perseverance Rover Notional Caches for Mars Sample Return
Hickman-Lewis K, Herd CDK, Bosak T, Stack KM, Sun VZ, Benison KC, Cohen BA, Czaja AD, Debaille V, Hausrath EM, Mayhew LE, Moynier F, Sephton MA, Shuster DL, Siljeström S, Simon JI, Weiss BP, Smith CL, Steele A, Flannery D, Goreva YS, Gupta S, Kah LC, Minitti ME, McLennan SM, Madariaga JM, Brown AJ, Williford KH & Farley KA
(2013) Making the Planet Mercury: Constraining Mercury’s Core Formation and Composition Through Laboratory Experiments
Chabot NL, Wollack EA, Klima RL & Minitti ME
(2013) The Petrochemistry of Jake_M: A Martian Mugearite
Stolper EM, Baker MB, Cousin A, Fisk M, Gellert R, King PL, Maurice S, McLennan SM, Minitti ME, Newcombe M, Sautter V, Schmidt ME, Treiman AH & Wiens RC

Minnett R. (2010) MagIC Database: Comprehensive Archiving and Visualization of Rock- and Paleomagnetic Data Using Web 2.0 Technology
Koppers A, Minnett R, Tauxe L & Constable C

Mino Y. (2016) Structure Analysis on Oil-Mineral Interface for Application to Enhanced Oil Recovery
Tateyama Y, Kobayashi K, Murata S, Liang Y, Mino Y, Takahashi S & Matsuoka T

Minocha S. (2017) Now Anyone can Make a Virtual Field Lesson: The Power of FieldscapesVR
Argles T, Burden D, Tilling S, Minocha S & Wheeler P

Minofar B. (2013) Interaction of Ions at the Surface of Soil Components
Minofar B

Minoletti Fabrice (2015) Coccolith Stable Isotopes in Palaeoceanography: Are Culture Data Transferable to the Natural Environment?
Hermoso M, Candelier Y, Minoletti F, Browning T, McClelland H & Rickaby R
(2013) Calcification Rate and Carbon-Isotope Fractionation in Coccolithophore Calcite Through Laboratory Culture Experiments
Hermoso M, Minoletti F, Candelier Y, McClelland H, Aloisi G & Rickaby R

Minoletti Fabrice (2017) The Δ47 Composition of Coccoliths: From the Laboratory to the Natural Environment
Hermoso M, Katz A, Minoletti F & Bonifacie M
(2017) Emplacement of a Strong Meridional Temperature Gradient 38 Myr ago led to Antarctic Glaciation at the EOT
Tremblin M, Hermoso M & Minoletti F

Minoletti Fabrice (2021) Probing the Use of Coccolith Vital Effects as a Proxy for Past CO2 Concentrations – Insights from Termination II in the Northern Atlantic Ocean
Godbillot C, Hermoso M & Minoletti F

Minoletti Fabrice (2008) Determination of Differential Vital Effects for Some Neogene Calcareous Nannoplankton Taxa
Hermoso M, Minoletti F, Rickaby REM & Halloran P

Minolfi G. (2015) Heavy Metals in Soil of Campania Region (Italy): Sources and Risks
De Vivo B, Albanese S, Lima A, Buccianti A, Cicchella D, Minolfi G, Rezza C & Qu C

Minomo K. (2004) An Atmospheric CO2 Change during the Last 10, 000 Years Recorded in the Ozegahara Peatland, Japan
Akagi T, Minomo K & Abe T

Minon N. (2023) Subsurface/intermediate and Deep-Water Oxygenation States in Mediterranean Sea during the Holocene Sapropel Deposition Inferred from Planktonic Foraminiferal I/Ca and U/Ca Ratios
Guarinos V, Tachikawa K, Vidal L, Garcia M, Minon N, Sonzogni C, Revel M, Schulz H & Sierro FJ

Minor R. (2012) Do Critical Zone Carbon and Water Fluxes Control Chemical Denudation?
Perdrial J, Brooks P, Chorover J, Condon K, Harpold A, Holleran M, Huckle D, Lybrand R, Troch P, McIntosh J, Meixner T, Minor R, Mitra B, Pohlmann M, Rasmussen C, Swetnam T, Vasquez-Ortega A & Zapata-Rios X

Minoshima K. (2006) Contribution of resuspended particles to the sediments at IMAGES coring sites in the Pacific
Kawahata H, Minoshima K, Ishizaki Y, Yamaoka K & Gupta L
(2006) Winter sea surface temperature variations based on coral oxygen isotope record from Ishigaki Island, the Ryukyus, Japan and transition of its dominant climate factor with 1988/1989 climate regime shift
Tsunoda T, Kawahata H, Suzuki A, Minoshima K & Shikazono N

Minoura K. (2016) The Millennium Scale Monsoon Cycles Recorded in a Sediment Core from Alpine Tibetan Lake
Watanabe T, Nara FW, Matsunaka T, Minoura K, Kakegawa T, Yamasaki S, Tsuchiya N, Nakamura T, Wang J & Zhu L
(2016) Rb/Sr Ratio in Lake Baikal Sediment Core:the New Geochemical Proxy for East Asian Winter Monsoon Strength during Cool Climate Period
Nara F, Yamasaki S-I, Watanabe T, Tsuchiya N, Miyahara H, Kato T, Minoura K & Kakegawa T
(2013) Millennial-Scale Wet and Dry Climate Changes during the Last Glacial Maximum in the South Siberia
Nara F, Watanabe T, Kakegawa T, Minoura K, Yamasaki S, Tsuchiya N, Nakamura T & Kawai T

Minowa H. (2003) Rare Earth Elements, Ir and Au from Pallasite Olivines
Minowa H & Ebihara M

Minshull Tim A. (2023) Weakening of the Anaerobic Oxidation of Methane (AOM) Biofilter: The Combined Role of Methane Gas Transport and Methanotrophic Biomass Dynamics
De La Fuente Ruiz M, Arndt S, Marín-Moreno H, Minshull TA & Vaunat J

Minshull Timothy (2013) Quantification of the Magma Fluxes Feeding the Growth of a Shallow Magma Reservoir (Soufrière Hills, Montserrat)
Annen C, Paulatto M, Sparks S, Minshull T & Kiddle E

Minster B. (2012) Combination of Water Isotopes to Improve Temperature Reconstruction
Landais A, Winkler R, Barkan E, Dapoigny A, Eykakin A, Falourd S, Fourre E, Jean-Baptiste P, Luz B, Minster B, Petit J-R, Prie F & Risi C

Minto J. (2016) Biologically Induced Mineralization for Subsurface Grouting
Minto J, Hingerl F, El Mountassir G, Lunn R & Benson S

Minton N.P. (2019) Active Microbial Arsenic Methylation
Viacava K, Dyer S, Lederballe-Meibom K, Ortega D, Minton NP, Mestrot A & Bernier-Latmani R

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