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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Millward G. (2007) Natural Estuarine Particles and their Uptake of Nitrogen in Estuaries
Tappin A, Fitzsimons M & Millward G
(2003) Seasonality in Arsenic Biogeochemistry: Pak Panang Bay, Southern Thailand
Utoomprurkporn W, Millward G, Foulkes M, Rattanachongkiat S, Taiyagupt M & Tantichodok P

Milman V. (2020) Stabilities of MgCO3 Polymorphs up to 150 GPa
Binck J, Bayarjargal L, Lobanov SS, Morgenroth W, Luchitskaia R, Pickard CJ, Milman V, Refson K, Jochym DB, Byrne P & Winkler B
(2015) Raman Spectroscopy on Pressure-Induced Spin Transitions in Garnets
Friedrich A, Winkler B, Morgenroth W, Koch-Mueller M, Rhede D, Ruiz-Fuertes J, Perlov A & Milman V

Milne A. (2021) Hydrothermal Iron Supply to the Remote Southeast Pacific Ocean
Birchill AJ, Baker C, Wyatt N, Turnbull I, Milne A, Martin A, Moore M & Ussher S
(2017) The Physico-Chemical Speciation of Iron over an Oxic Shelf Margin
Birchill A, Milne A, Ussher S, Worsfold P & Lohan M
(2017) Iron along the GEOTRACES South Atlantic Transect GA10
Milne A, Conway T, Schlosser C, John S, Achterberg E & Lohan M
(2017) Limited Exchange of Neodymium Isotopes with the NE Atlantic Continental Margin
Stichel T, Klar J, Crocket K, James R, Statham P, Lohan M, Milne A & Mills R
(2015) Particulate Metal Stable Isotopes in the South Atlantic
Little S, Vance D & Milne A
(2015) Particulate Iron, an Important Source of Dissolved Fe
Lohan M, Milne A, Schlosser C, Achterberg E, Chance R & Baker A
(2015) Seasonal Cycling and Off-Shelf Transport of Dissolved, Soluble and Colloidal Iron in the Celtic Sea
Birchill A, Milne A, Ussher S, Worsfold P & Lohan M
(2013) Effect of Trace Metals and Light Intensity on Biomarker Isotopic Fractionation
Hernandez Sanchez MT, Stoll HM, Piotrowski A, Milne A, Lohan M & Pancost RD
(2013) Biogeochemical Cycle of Dissolved Zinc and Cobalt in the South Atlantic
Lohan M, Wyatt N, Milne A & Woodward M
(2013) Tracing Changes in the Biogeochemical Cycling of Iron during the Annual Subtropical Spring Bloom East of New Zealand
Ellwood M, Boyd P, Nodder S, Hutchins D, Wilhelm S, Lohan M & Milne A
(2011) Quantifying Fluxes of Metals to Surface Waters of the South-East Atlantic
Henderson GM, Achterberg E, Baker A, Chance R, Geibert W, Homoky W, Hwieh Y-T, Klunder M, Lohan M, Martin P, Mills R, Milne A, Palmer M, Sanders R, Thomas A, Wake B & Woodward M
(2010) Comparative Estimates of the Flux of Bioactive Trace Elements to the Upper Water Column in the Pacific Ocean
Milne A, Buck C, Measures C & Landing W

Milne S.E. (2022) Mesoproterozoic Diamond Formation in the Root of the Sask Craton: A Link to the MacKenzie Large Igneous Event?
Milne SE, Timmerman S, Read G, Pearson DG, Banas A & Stachel T
(2022) Paleozoic Subduction into the Deeper Mantle Recorded by Superdeep Diamonds
Timmerman S, Pearson DG, Koornneef JM, Harlou R, Nowell GM, Thomson AR, Kohn SC, Davies JHFL, Davies GR, Krebs MY, Zhang Q, Milne SE, Stachel T, Harris JW, Kaminsky F, Bulanova G, Smith CB, Burnham A & Walter MJ

Milner M.G. (2000) Effect of Nutrient Concentration on the Selection of Bacterial Communities and Oil Composition during Bio-Remediation of Contaminated Beach Sediments
Milner MG, Jones DM, Swannell RP, Daniel F, Mitchell D & Head IM

Milner S. (2017) Variations in the Oxygen Isotope Composition and Minor Element Ratios in the Shell Microstructure of Modern Brachiopods
Milner S, Rollion-Bard C, Burckel P, Tomašových A, Angiolini L, Jurikova H & Henkel D
(2017) Trace Element Ratios in Corals Porites Lobata and Dipsastraea Speciosa from Koshiki Island (Japan)
Rollion-Bard C, Burckel P, Blamart D, Watanabe T & Milner S

Milner Z. (2023) Defining the Processes that Control Hydrogen and Helium Occurrence: The Amadeus Basin, Australia
Renshaw T, Karolytė R, Milner Z, Gluyas J & Ballentine CJ

Milner Garcia S. (2019) In situ Measurements of Isotopic and Elemental Ratios in Brachiopods: Implications for their Use as Environmental Proxies and their Biomineralization Processes
Rollion-Bard C, Milner Garcia S, Burckel P, Angiolini L, Jurokiva H, Tomasovych A & Henkel D

Milnes A.R. (2023) Using Detrital Garnet Lu-Hf Geochronology to Study Subglacial Antarctica from Australian Shorelines
Verhaert S, Glorie S, Hand M, Milnes AR, Mulder JA & Halpin JA

Milodowski A.E. (2015) Interactions between Vitrified Nuclear Wastes and High pH Solutions: An Experimental and Natural Analogue Approach
Mann C, Hyatt N, Provis J, Milodowski A, Field L, Shaw R & Corkhill C
(2015) Mineralogical Evolution of the Alkali Disturbed Zone Around a Geological Disposal Facility for Radioactive Waste
Milodowski A, Field L, Bateman K & Selby L
(2015) An Experimental Study of the Chemical Evolution of the Fluid Plume from a Repository for Low- and Intermediate Level Radioactive Waste
Bateman K, Milodowski A, Field L & Selby L
(2015) Dissolution Experiments in Halite Cores: Comparisons in Cavity Shape and Controls between Brine and Seawater Experiments
Field L, Palumbo-Roe B, Milodowski A, Hall M, Parkes D & Evans D
(2014) The Formation of Ikaite (CaCO3.6H2O) in Hyperalkaline Springs Associated with the Leaching of Lime Kiln Waste
Milodowski A, Rushton J, Purser G, Rochelle C, Kemp S, Shaw R & Ellis M
(2014) An Experimental Study of the Rock-Water Interaction of an Evolving Hyperalkaline Leachate Plume from a Cementitious Repository for Low- and Intermediate Level Radioactive Waste
Milodowski A, Bateman K, Field L & Selby L
(2013) Petrology of Column Experiments on the Interaction of Young Cement Leachate with Silicate Host Rock in a Geological Disposal Facility
Field L, Milodowski A, Bateman K, Moyce E, Shaw S & Rochelle C
(2013) Carbonation of Cement within a Repository for Radioactive Wastes: Impact of CO2 on Cement Mineralogy and Permeability
Rochelle C, Purser G & Milodowski A
(2012) Mineral Reactions at High pH Relevant to Radwaste Disposal: A 15 Year Experimental Study
Moyce E, Morris K, Milodowski A, Rochelle C & Shaw S
(2007) Paleo-Hydrochemical Changes of Deep Groundwater in Mizunami Area, Japan
Mizuno T, Milodowski A & Iwatsuki T
(2007) Experimental Growth of Biofilms for Studies on the Impact of Microbes on Transport Processes in Groundwater Systems
Wagner D, Bateman K, Coombs P, Harrison H, Milodowski AE & West J
(2003) Alteration of Marble and Hyperalkaline Groundwater Evolution at Maqarin (Northern Jordan)
Milodowski A, Khoury H, Hodgkinson E, McKervey J, Trotignon L & Mader U
(2003) Long-Term Redox Front Formation: Influence of Biogenic Activity on Matrix Diffusion
Yoshida H, Yamamoto K, Yogo S, Milodowski A & Richard M
(2003) The Palaeohydrogeological Evolution of the Deep Groundwater System from Sellafield (NW England), Recorded by Late-Stage Fracture-Lining Calcite
Gillespie M, Milodowski A, Shepherd T, Bouch J, Chenery C & Chenery S
(2002) A Redox Front Migration Process in Sedimentary Rock – Long-Term Behavior of Nuclide Migration Relevant to Near-Field Processes in Radioactive Waste Disposal -
Yoshida H, Yamamoto K, Yogo S, Tanaka S, Milodowski A & Metcalfe R
(2002) A HREE-Enriched Biogenic Ferric Redox Band in Tuffaceous Sedimentary Rock
Yamamoto K, Yoshida H, Yogo S, Tanaka S, Milodowski A & Metcalfe R

Milojevic T. (2019) Winter Soil Processes in Transition
Rezanezhad F, Smeaton CM, Hug L, Jensen GB, Krogstad KJ, Macrae ML, McCarter CPR, Milojevic T, Mills R, Parsons CT, Quinton W, Rudolph D, Smith S, Townsend HR & Van Cappellen P
(2019) Seasons, Soils, and Sensors: Field Application of a Novel Oxygen Measurement Technique for Enhanced Understanding of Subsurface Biogeochemical Responses to Environmental Change
Milojevic T, Mao A, Bantegui A, Jordan S, Wagner-Riddle C, Rezanezhad F & Van Cappellen P
(2017) Soil Biogeochemical Processes Under Freeze-Thaw Cycles Using a Process-Oriented Experimental Approach
Rezanezhad F, Milojevic T, Oh D, Parsons C, Smeaton C & Van Cappellen P
(2017) Linking Water Table Dynamics to Soil Biogeochemistry in a Column Incubation Experiment
Pronk G, Mellage A, Milojevic T, Smeaton C, Rezanezhad F & Van Cappellen P

Milonjic S. (2009) Study and Prediction of Mobility of Colloids and Radionuclides
Fedoroff M, Lefevre G, Cerovic L & Milonjic S

Milosan I. (2013) Mineralogy and Geochemistry of Natural Porcelanites
Dumitras D-G, Ion A, Milosan I, Marincea S & Costea C

Milošević M. (2019) Metal Ions Exchanged after Interaction of Methylene Blue with Clay: Assesment of the Environmental Effects
Milošević M & Logar M

Miloski P. (2021) Geochemical Variation of Magmatic Fe-Ti-P Mineralization Associated with Proterozoic Massif-Type Anorthosites from the Grenville Province, Quebec: Tracking Magma Differentiation Using Oxide, Apatite and Plagioclase Chemistry of the Vanel Anorthosite Suite
Miloski P, Dare SAS & Morisset CE

Milot J. (2021) High-Precision Pb and Ag Isotope Analysis of Galenas from Spain: New Insights into Silver Ore Exploitation in Roman Times
Milot J, Malod-Dognin C, Blichert-Toft J, Telouk P, Ayarzagüena Sanz M & Albarede F
(2017) Iron Isotopes for Ancient Iron Metal Tracing: Comparison with Trace Elements Analyses
Milot J, Baron S, Poitrasson F & Coustures M-P
(2013) Archaeological Practices Validating Mineralogical and Geochemical Analyses in Metal Provenance Studies. The Gold Mines from Central Gaul (France) Case Study
Cauuet B, Tamas CG, Baron S & Milot J

Milovská S (2006) Formation, Composition, Structure, and Ageing of As-ferrihydrite From Pezinok, Slovakia
Majzlan J, Chovan M, Lalinská B, Jurkoviè L, Milovská S & Göttlicher J

Milovska Stanislava (2020) Fire Phenomenon in Agate from Deer Creek (Arizona, USA)
Dumańska-Słowik M, Natkaniec-Nowak L, Gaweł A, Kowalczyk-Szpyt J, Milovska S & Łatkiewicz A

Milovsky R. (2023) Geochemical Analysis of Fe, Zn and Ni Sulphides in Calcareous Black Shales, Puyango, Ecuador
Manrique JL, Ortíz JE & Milovsky R
(2019) Blue and Green Natural Fluorescence Phenomenon in Amber from Sumatra (Palembang Province) and Dominican Republic (El Valle, Hato Mayor Province)
Stach P, Drzewicz P, Natkaniec-Nowak L, Naglik B, Wagner M, Girulski R, Kubica D, Milovsky R & George C

Milroy P. (2003) Geochemical Evidence for Environmental Changes at Frasnian-Famennian Boundary Leading to the Mass Extinction
Mahmudy Gharaie M, Matsumoto R, Kakuwa Y, Milroy P, Toh Y & Oshima M

Milsch H. (2011) Hydrothermally Induced Changes of Electrical Rock Conductivity and Permeability in Porous Feldspar-Rich Materials
Schepers A & Milsch H
(2010) Determining Mineral Solubilities in Simulated Geothermal Brines
Banks J, Regenspurg S & Milsch H
(2009) Interrelations between Pore Fluid Chemistry, Secondary Mineral Formation, and Hydraulic Permeability in Feldspar-Rich Sandstones Under Hydrothermal Conditions
Schepers A & Milsch H
(2009) Corrosion and Scaling in Low-Enthalphy Geothermal Systems in Northern Germany
Regenspurg S, Schmidt K, Milsch H, Saadat A & Huenges E

Milstead P. (2010) Relative Roles of Cratonic Lithosphere and Asthenosphere in Controlling Kimberlitic Magma Compositions: Sr-Nd-Hf Isotope Evidence from the Greenland-Labrador Diamond Province
Tappe S, Pearson DG, Heaman L, Nowell G & Milstead P

Milstein Y. (2015) Sorghum Leaf Silicification: Spontaneous or Induced by the Tissue?
Kumar S, Milstein Y & Elbaum R

Milter H. (2004) Investigation of the Uptake of Nickel by Chalk Using Date from Lab, Field and Large, Undisturbed Columns
Karlby L, Hoffmann M, Jørgensen P, Milter H, Pedersen K, Olsen M & Stipp S

Miltner A. (2021) Turnover Mass Balance of Bromoxynil in Two German Soils
Namini M, Miltner A, Nowak KM, Telscher M, Seidel E & Kaestner M
(2013) Influence of Bacterial Biomass on Transport Kinetics of Phenanthrene
Hachicho N, Miltner A, Wick L & Kästner M
(2013) Biomass Residues from Different Classes of Soil Microorganisms are a Significant Source of Soil Organic Matter
Miltner A, Achtenhagen J, Hoffmann-Jäniche C, Schweigert M, Braeckevelt M, Herbst F-A, Seifert J, Fester T & Kästner M
(2011) The Fate of Organic Pollutants in Soil – Emerging Views on the Relevance of Non-Extractable Residues
Miltner A, Nowak K, Girardi C, Schäffer A & Kästner M
(2011) Could Bacterial Residues be an Important Source of SOM? – A Case Study from a Glacier Forefield
Schurig C, Smittenberg R, Berger J, Kothe E, Miltner A & Kaestner M
(2009) “Death in Soil” or What can We Learn from Groundwater for the Genesis of Soil Organic Matter
Kaestner M, Miltner A, Bombach P & Schmidt-Brücken B
(2007) Contribution of Bacterial Biomass Components to the Formation of Refractory Soil Organic Matter
Miltner A, Kindler R & Kästner M

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