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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Miller Christopher (2013) Speciation of Uranium Products Formed during in situ Biostimulation of the Old Rifle, CO Aquifer
Alessi D, Janot N, Lezama-Pacheco J, Suvorova E, Cerrato J, Giammar D, Fox P, Williams K, Long P, Handley K, Wrighton K, Miller C, Yang L, Bernier-Latmani R & Bargar J

Miller Christopher (2015) Impact of Algal Exudate on Iron Redox Transformations
Wang K, Bligh M, Li X, Miller C & Waite D
(2014) Silver-Mediated Fenton-Like Processes – Do They Occur in Natural Environments?
Waite D, He D & Miller C
(2013) Copper-Mediated Oxidation of Hydroquinone Under Conditions Typical of Natural Saline Waters
Yuan X, Pham AN, Miller C & Waite TD

Miller Christopher J. (2016) Oxidative Dissolution of Silver Nanoparticles by Chlorine: Implications to Silver Nanoparticles Fate and Toxicity
Rong H, Garg S, Miller C & Waite D
(2016) Transient Oxidant Production during the Oxidation of iron(II) Monosulfides at pH 8
Miller CJ & Waite TD

Miller Clare (2020) The Development of a National Water Quality Database to Assess Shifting Baselines in a Changing Climate
Miller C, Huntsman P, Bouwhuis R, Asemaninejad A, Rutledge K & Rickwood C

Miller Clare B (2022) Multidisciplinary Characterisation of Groundwater Flow and Contaminant Transport in Legacy Mine Wastes, Endurance Mine, Northeast Tasmania
Miller CB, Cracknell MJ, Wilson O, Xuen Heng W, Fisher E, Roach M, Cooke D, Virtue R & Steyn C
(2021) Application of Alkaline Industrial Wastes in the Remediation of Acid and Metalliferous Drainage Generated by Legacy Mine Wastes
Moyo A, Parbhakar-Fox A, Meffre S, Miller CB & Cooke DR

Miller Clare B. (2019) Impact of Climate Warming on the Speciation and Long-Term Stability of Arsenic in sub-Arctic Lakes: Implications for Environmental Monitoring of Mine Sites
Miller CB, Parsons MB, Jamieson HE, Ardakani OH, Swindles GT, Nasser NA, Gregory BR, Patterson TR & Galloway JM

Miller Daniel J (2023) Reactive Transport Modeling for Desalination Systems
Molins S, Spycher NF, Dischinger SM, Nassr M, Lee JY, Johnston J, Tilton N, Gleason K, Freeman BD, Stringfellow W & Miller DJ

Miller David (2009) Calculated Hydrous Granite Solidi Beyond the Albite-Jadeite Transition
Miller D, Caddick M, Hack A & Thompson A

Miller David (2019) Zircon Record of Alkaline Magmatism Associated with the Mountain Pass Carbonatite REE Deposit, Southeast Mojave Desert, California, USA
Watts K, Haxel G & Miller D

Miller David (2014) What can Fault-Related Opals Tell us About Brittle Fault Behavior?
Nuriel P, Miller D, Schmidt K & Maher K
(2013) Probing Paleoearthquakes with in situ U-Pb SHRIMP-RG Analyses of Fault-Related Opals
Nuriel P, Maher K & Miller D

Miller David M (2018) Investigating the N and O Isotopic Composition of NOx
Hastings M, Walters WW, Chai J & Miller DM

Miller David M. (2017) Dating Fault Activity Around the Globe by in situ Chronology of Fault-Related Precipitates
Nuriel P, Weinberger R, Craddock JP, Kylander-Clarh ARC, Hacker BR, Miller DM, Maher K & Uysal IT

Miller Dennis (2017) Neopentane: A New Proxy for a Better Assessment of Petroleum Systems
Ferreira A, Miller D & Prinzhofer A
(2011) Surface and Subsurface Geochemical Monitoring of an EOR-CO2 Field: Buracica, Brazil
Magnier C, Rouchon V, Bandeira C, Goncalves R, Miller D & Dino R

Miller E.L. (2016) Greenschist Facies Metamorphic Zircon in a Regional Normal-Sense Shear Zone, Brooks Range, Alaska
Hoiland CW, Miller EL & Pease V
(2015) Light δ18O Zircon Xenocrysts from the Deep Crust of the Great Basin, North American Cordillera
Gottlieb ES, Miller EL, Valley JW & Kitajima K
(2014) Microtextural and Geochemical Evolution of Zircon during Long-Lived Metamorphism
O'Brien T & Miller E
(2014) Cretaceous Granitic Magmatism in the Northern Snake Range, Nevada
Gottlieb E & Miller E
(2002) SHRIMP Dating of Lower Crust Xenoliths from Bering Sea Region
Akinin V, Miller E & Wooden J

Miller F. (2018) Sr and U Isotopes Reveal the Influence of Lithologic Structure and Weathering on Surface-Groundwater Interaction along a Mountain Stream (Hyalite Canyon, MT)
Miller F, Ewing S, Payn R, Paces J, Leuthold S, Michalek T & Custer S

Miller Geo (2010) Assessment of Predictive Uncertainty in Coupled Groundwater Reactive Transport Modeling
Ye M, Lu D, Miller G, Curtis G, Meyer P & Yabusaki S
(2005) Enamel Biomarker for Assessing and Tracing Heavy Metal Exposure
Ericson J, Rinderknecht A, Chan T, Kleinman M & Miller G

Miller Gifford H (2023) Reconstructing Changes in Catchment-Scale Chemical Weathering in Response to Climatic and Geomorphic Controls from Sedimentary Records of Glacial and Non-Glacial Lakes in Iceland
Hou Y, Baronas JJ, Kemeny PC, Bouchez J, Miller GH, Geirsdóttir Á & Torres MA

Miller Hannah (2017) Coupled Fe, S, N, and CH4 Cycling in Subsurface Serpentinizing Systems
Templeton A, Rempfert K, Miller H, Nothaft D, Ellison E & Mayhew L
(2015) Modern Peridotite Alteration in Oman Hyperalkaline Aquifers and Implications for Microbial Habitability
Miller H, Matter J, Kelemen P, Ellison E, Conrad M & Templeton A
(2013) Habitability and Hydrogen Generation in Perditotite Aquifers
Templeton A, Mayhew L, Miller H, Streit L & Kelemen P

Miller Hannah R (2023) Mercury Fate in Mountain Ecosystems of Colorado, United States: Transformations, Exposure, and Impacts from Climate Change
Miller HR, Adamchak C, Janssen SE, Driscoll CT & Hinckley E-LS

Miller Hayden (2023) Investigating Impact of Halide Concentration on Cs Partitioning between Fluids and Melts
Rose KG, Boukhalfa H, Rahn T, Campe C, Eldridge D, Miller H & Rock MJ

Miller Hayden (2014) (U-Th)/He Geochronology and δ18O Values of Goethite in Weathering Profiles
Miller H, Farley K, Eiler J & Vasconcelos P

Miller Hayden (2018) Hematite Polydomain Diffusion Thermochronology of the Transvaal Supergroup, South Africa
Miller H, McKeon R, Fischer W, Beukes N, Smith A & Farley K

Miller Hayden (2017) Intracrystalline Oxygen Isotope Thermometry of Goethite
Miller H, Farley K, Eiler J & Vasconcelos P

Miller Hayden (2015) SHRIMP-Si (18O/16O) Analyses of Goethite: Technical Aspects and Applications to Paleoenvironmental Studies
da Silva Monteiro H, Vasconcelos PM, Ireland T, Farley K, D'Avila J, Miller H, Eiler J & Southam G

Miller Heinrich (2009) The Terminations 1 and 2 as Revealed by the Record of Stable Isotopes from the EDML Ice Core
Oerter H, Meyer H, Miller H, Johnsen S, Jouzel J, Masson-Delmotte V & Stenni B
(2004) Spatial Variations of the Geothermal Heat Flow Measured on the Greenland Ice Sheet
Dahl-Jensen D, Mosegaard K, Gogineni S & Miller H

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