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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Mevenkamp L. (2017) Assessing Deep-Sea Nodule Mining Impacts on the Benthic Ecosystem: From Large to Small Scale
Stratmann T, Voorsmit I, Sweetman A, Mevenkamp L, Vanreusel A, Gebruk A, Brown A, Purser A, Marcon Y, Jones D, Soetaert K, Wei C-L & van Oevelen D

Mewafy F. (2013) Coupling Magnetic and Molecular Techniques to Study Microbial-Mediated Iron and Carbon Cycling
Atekwana E, Rossbach S, Beaver C, Mewafy F & Slater L

Mewes A. (2017) Revisiting Mg Isotopic Fractionation in Foraminifera
Sadekov A, Langer G, Misra S, Lloyd N, Kaczmarek K, Mewes A, Holland K, Eggins S, Allen K, Bijma J & McCulloch M
(2015) Submicron Measurements of Mg Isotopes in Biogenic Carbonates Using LA-MC-ICPMS
Sadekov A, Lloyd N, Misra S, Mewes A, Shuttleworth S, Langer G, Bijma J & Elderfield H

Mey J. (2009) Expansion of the Northeast Pacific Oxygen-Minimum Zone Since 1995? Sediment N-Isotope Evidence from Soledad Basin, Baja California
van Geen A, Thunell R, Carriquiry J, Mey J, Crusius J, Zhao M, Baumgartner T, Fereira V & Gaxiola G

Meybeck M. (2002) Spatial and Temporal Trends for Sediment-Associated Metal Contamination in the Seine River Basin (France)
Grosbois C, Meybeck M & Horowitz A

Meydan A.F. (2013) Earthquake-Driven Noble-Gas Geochemistry in Lake Van (Turkey)
Tomonaga Y, Brennwald MS, Maden C, Meydan AF & Kipfer R

Meydan C. (2018) Growth Kinetics and Gene Expression in a Hyperthermophilic Methanogen during H2-limited and Syntrophic Growth
Topcuoglu B, Meydan C & Holden J

Meyer Alexandra (2018) In situ Observations of Water Vapor Isotopes in Near Surface Air over Lakes Superior and Michigan
Welp L, Meyer A, Griffis T, Feng X & Posmentier E

Meyer Armin (2017) Atrazine Degradation in a Karst Aquifer: What Lessons can We Learn from Intensive Hydrogeological Investigations and Compound Specific Isotope Analysis?
Einsiedl F, Meyer A, Elsner M & Rieger T
(2016) Compound-Specific Isotope Fractionation of Dispersion and Diffusion at Natural Isotopic Abundance in Sediment Flow-Through Tanks
Gharasoo M, Peters J, Meyer A, Griebler C, Cirpka O, Thullner M & Elsner M

Meyer Armin H. (2014) Probing the Mechanism of Anaerobic Trichloroethene Biodegradation with Dual Element Carbon and Chlorine Isotope Analysis
Douglas LM, Cretnik S, Pérez-de-Mora A, Höche M, Meyer AH, Shouakar-Stash O, Edwards EA, Sherwood Lollar B & Elsner M
(2009) Tracing Transformation of Organic Groundwater Contaminants by Stable Isotope Fractionation
Elsner M, Penning H, Reinnicke S & Meyer A

Meyer Beat (2023) Application of a Novel Miniaturized Counter Diffusion Cell for Deriving Time and Space-Resolved Dynamics of CaCO3 Precipitation in Silica Gel via Coupled micro-Xrf/XRD and SAXS
Rajyaguru A, Curti E, Appel C, Ferreira Sanchez D, Meyer B & Grolimund D

Meyer Bradley (2022) Analytical Approach to Constraining Siderophile Element Genetics of Late-Stage Terrestrial Accretion
Bermingham KR, Tornabene HA, Meyer B & Walker RJ
(2016) Galactic Chemical Evolution of the Carriers of Heavy Elements
Meyer B
(2016) Galactic Chemical Evolution Models and the Geophysical Nature of Cosmochemically Earth-Like Planets
Mojzsis S, Meyer B, Harrison TM, Frost D, Rubie D, Golabek G, Tackley P & Hernlund J
(2012) Nucleosynthesis and Isotopic Anomalies in FUN CAIs
Meyer B
(2009) SiC Grains from Supernovae and the Solar Si-Isotopic Ratios
Hoppe P, Leitner J, Meyer B, The L-S, Lugaro M & Amari S
(2008) Galactic Chemical Evolution and the Short-Lived Radioactivities
Meyer B
(2007) Evidence for a Late Injection of 60Fe into the Propoplanetary Disk
Bizzarro M, Ulfbeck D, Trinquier A, Thrane K, Connelly J & Meyer B
(2007) Excess 176Hf in Early Crystallised Meteorites
Thrane K, Connelly J, Bizzarro M, Borg L, Ulfbeck D, Meyer B & The L-S

Meyer Charles (2012) Apollo 15 Zircons Reveal Age of Young Impact
Grange M, Nemchin A, Pidgeon R & Meyer C

Meyer Christian (2013) Composition of the Oceanic Crust: Where Have all the Noble Metals Gone?
Becker H & Meyer C
(2012) Fractionation of Highly Siderophile Elements in the Lower Oceanic Crust at ODP Site 735b, SW Indian Ridge
Meyer C & Becker H
(2009) Trace Element Abundances in Sulfide and Phosphide Bearing Inclusions in Iron Meteorites
Meyer C, Wombacher F, Becker H & Wiechert U
(2007) Experimental Study on the B-Isotope Fractionation between Tourmaline and Fluid: A Re-investigation
Meyer C, Wunder B, Meixner A, Romer R & Heinrich W
(2004) 3.9Ga to 4.3Ga Zircons in Lunar Breccia 14321: Evidence for a Complex Source for Ejecta from the Imbrium Impact
Pidgeon R, Nemchin A, van Bronswijk W, Meyer C, Compston W & Williams I
(2003) The Early Evolution of the Earth and Moon: Comparative Chronology
Nemchin A, Meyer C & Pidgeon R

Meyer Chuck (2011) Deciphering Mafic and Felsic Lunar Magmatic Events: Insight from Zircon
Grange M, Nemchin A, Timms N, Pidgeon B & Meyer C

Meyer Claire-Lise (2012) Speciation and Localization of Cd in the Hyperaccumulator Arabidopsis halleri Grown in the Field and in Controlled Conditions by XAS Techniques
Isaure M-P, Huguet S, Meyer C-L, Verbruggen N & Sarret G

Meyer Colin (2021) Planetary Ice-Ocean Interfaces: Structure, Dynamics, and Astrobiological Implications
Buffo J, Meyer C & Parkinson J

Meyer D.R. (2005) Iron-Iron Oxide Core Shell Nanoparticles for Contaminant Underground Water Treatment
Antony J, Sharma A, Pendyala S, Meyer D, Nutting J, Baer D, Wang C, McCready D, Engelhard M & Qiang Y
(2000) Geochemical Microenvironments in Hydrothermal Ecosystems
Meyer DR, Shock EL & Amend JP

Meyer E. (2008) Role of Electrochemical Reactions in Pressure Solution
Green GW, Kristiansen K, Meyer E, Boles J & Israelachvili J
(2005) Pressure Solution and Mica in Quartzose Sandstone: Observations and Experiments
Boles J, Israelachvili J, Alcantar N, Anzalone A, Meyer E, Greene W & Pataki M

Meyer F. Michael (2018) Quantification of Mineralogical Heterogenity in Peralkaline Complex Hosted Rare Metal (REE-Y-Zr-Hf-Nb) Deposits and the Impact on Mineral Processing
Gronen L, Sindern S, Katzmarzyk J, Hellmann A, Bormann U, Wotruba H & Meyer FM

Meyer F.Michael (2007) Controls on Major and Trace Element Zoning in Hydrothermal Garnet
Dziggel A, Wulff K, Kolb J & Meyer FM

Meyer Frances (2023) Characterizing Uranium Speciation in Marine Phosphorites to Advance the Paleo-Redox Proxy
Meyer F, Chappaz A, Marshall MS, Hancock L & Lau KV

Meyer Gabriel (2017) Identification of Hydrological Extreme Events from High-Resolution Trace Element Distributions in Speleothems
Holz P, Hartmann A, Eiche E, Neumann T, Kluge T, Meyer G & Schuh M

Meyer Gary N. (2011) Mineral Sources of Arsenic from Glacial Aquifer Sediments to Well Water in Minnesota, USA
Nicholas S, Toner B, Erickson M, Woodruff L, Knaeble A & Meyer GN

Meyer Hanno (2019) Inconsistencies between Fram Strait Water Mass Budget Assessments Based on Radiogenic Neodymium Isotopes and Nutrients
Laukert G, Bauch D, Frank M, Hathorne EC, Dreyer J, Meulenbroek K, Schaffer J, Rabe B, Paffrath R, Pahnke K, Rutgers van der Loeff M, Meyer H & Graeve M
(2019) Surface Water Changes during Transit from North Pole to Fram Strait
Rutgers van der Loeff M, Stimac I, Casacuberta N, Wefing A-M, Laukert G, Bauch D, Paffrath R, Provost C, Karcher M, Meyer H, Schaffer J, Rabe B, Graeve M & Ludwichowski K-U
(2018) Deciphering River Water Source Contributions from Seasonal Moisture Pathways and Latitudinal Stable Isotope Signatures Across the Central Himalayas
Hassenruck-Gudipati H, Andermann C, Hovius N, Sachse D, Meyer H & Dee S
(2013) Early Diagenetic Quartz Formation at a Deep Iron Oxidation Front in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific
Meister P, Chapligin B, Picard A, Meyer H, Fischer C, Rettenwander D, Amthauer G, Vogt C & Aiello I
(2009) The Terminations 1 and 2 as Revealed by the Record of Stable Isotopes from the EDML Ice Core
Oerter H, Meyer H, Miller H, Johnsen S, Jouzel J, Masson-Delmotte V & Stenni B

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