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Metzger P.

Metzger S. (2009) Aerosol Indirect Effects on the Global Scale: Activation Using Parameterisations Versus Explicit Hygroscopic Growth
Tost H, Pringle K, Metzger S & Lelieveld J
(2009) Introducing GMXe: A New Global Aerosol Dynamics and Thermodynamics Model
Pringle K, Tost H, Metzger S, Steil B & Lelieveld J

Metzler Knut (2015) Lithium Distribution in Equilibrated Ordinary Chondrites: Implications for their Cooling History
Fujiya W, Metzler K & Hoppe P
(2015) Hf-W Chronometry of Allende Chondrules and Matrix
Budde G, Kleine T, Kruijer TS & Metzler K

Metzler Knut (2014) Characterization of Presolar Stardust in Fine-Grained Chondrule Rims from Primitive Meteorites
Leitner J, Hoppe P, Metzler K, Vollmer C & Zipfel J

Metzler Knut (2016) Isotopic Complementarity of Chondrules and Matrix
Budde G, Kleine T, Kruijer TS, Burkhardt C, Fischer-Gödde M & Metzler K

Metzler Rebecca (2015) Composition and Structure of Oyster Cement Provides Unique Materials Properties
Metzler R, Rist R, Alberts E & Wilker J

Metzler Rebecca (2007) Probing the Organic-Mineral Interface (OMI) at the Molecular-Level in Model Biominerals
Metzler R, Evans J, Zhou D, Beniash E, Wilt F, Abrecht M, Coppersmith S & Gilbert P
(2007) Mother-Of-Pearl: Architecture and Possible Formation Mechanism
Metzler R, Zhou D, Abrecht M, Coppersmith S & Gilbert P

Metzler Rebecca A (2023) Exploring Barnacle Exoskeleton Formation and the Potential Impact of Increased Temperature in Amphibalanus Amphitrite
Metzler RA, Davis E, Traenkle S, Menendez P, Gautam R, Krishnamurthy K, Orihuela B, Rittschof D & Dickinson GH
(2022) Investigating the Structure and Composition of Freshwater Oyster Adhesive and Shell
Metzler RA, Zaborowsky J, Tregidga J, Underhill J, Nichols L, Gillikin DP & Bouillon S
(2021) Exploring the Early Stages of Mineralization in the Parietal and Opercular Plates of the Barnacle Amphialanus Amphitrite
Metzler RA, Gupta A, Orihuela B, Rittschof D & Dickinson GH

Meulbroek P. (2000) Some Aspects of Multiphase Fluid Flow, Chemical Mass Transport, and Alteration in Sedimentary Basins
Cathles L, Shosa J, Losh S & Meulbroek P

Meulé S. (2021) Assessment of Oxygen, Oxyanions and Trace Metals Benthic Fluxes by a Novel Non-Invasive Technique in Coastal Areas
Regis J, Meulé S, Verdoux P, Techer I & Rigaud S

Meulenbroek K. (2019) Inconsistencies between Fram Strait Water Mass Budget Assessments Based on Radiogenic Neodymium Isotopes and Nutrients
Laukert G, Bauch D, Frank M, Hathorne EC, Dreyer J, Meulenbroek K, Schaffer J, Rabe B, Paffrath R, Pahnke K, Rutgers van der Loeff M, Meyer H & Graeve M
(2018) Greenland-Sourced Freshwater Traced by Radiogenic Neodymium Isotopes and Rare Earth Elements on the North-East Greenland Shelf
Laukert G, Dreyer J, Frank M, Hathorne EC & Meulenbroek K
(2017) Are Barium Isotopic Signals in Planktic Foraminifera a Proxy for Palaeosalinity?
Meulenbroek K, Siebert C, Hathorne E & Frank M

Meuli R.G. (2023) Selenium Speciation Across Land Uses in Swiss Soils
Siegenthaler MB, Tolu J, Meuli RG & Winkel LHE

Meulia T. (2018) Implications of Halanaerobium Growth and Persistence in Hydraulically-Fractured Shale Ecosystems
Booker A, Meulia T, Hoyt D, Lipton M & Wilkins M

Meunier A. (2019) Oceanic Crust Assimilation in Kerguelen Archipelago Trachytes
Rabin S, Grégoire M, Patrier P, Meunier A & Poitrasson F

Meunier J (2004) Surface Properties, Solubility and Dissolution Kinetics of Phytoliths, from Bamboos of Réunion Island
Fraysse F, Pokrovsky O, Schott J & Meunier J
(2004) The Role of Plants in the Terrestrial Biogeochemical Cycle of Si
Meunier J

Meunier Jean Dominique (2018) Biogeochemistry of Si and Soil Ecosystems Services : Emerging Issues
Meunier JD & Keller C

Meunier Jean-Dominique (2017) Controls on Si Isotopic Fractionations in the Forested Tropical Watershed of Mule Hole (Southern India)
Riotte J, Meunier J-D, Zambardi T, Audry S, Barboni D, Anupama K, Prasad S, Chmeleff J, Sekhar M, Poitrasson F & Braun J-J
(2017) Single Column Extraction of Ge and Si from Natural Samples Allows Reliable Ge Analysis by ICP-MS
Delvigne C, Angeletti B, Guihou A, Basile-Doelsch I & Meunier J-D
(2013) The Contribution of Phytoliths in Improving the Understanding of Si Cycling
Meunier J-D & Keller C
(2012) The Source of Si in Terrestrial Plants: Amorphous Silica vs Clay Minerals
Meunier J-D, Riswan M, Sha J & Keller C
(2011) Uranium-Series Mobility during Spheroidal Weathering of 300 kyrs Old Basalt (La Réunion Island)
Claude C, Meunier J-D, Traoré D, Chabaux F, Hamelin B & Colin F

Meunier L. (2014) Mineralogical Controls on Arsenic Mobility and Bioaccessibility at Historical Gold Mines in Nova Scotia
Parsons M, Walker S, Jamieson H, Meunier L, Koch I & Reimer K

Meunier P. (2009) Erosion and Weathering in Taiwan
Hovius N, Galy A, Calmels D, Meunier P, Hilton R, Bickle M, West J, Chen H & Sparkes R

Meunier-Mili N. (2023) Magmatic and Plastic Processes in Primary Planetary Bodies: The Brachinite Meteorites as Witness of the Early Differentiation
Meunier-Mili N, Kaczmarek M-A & Bystricky M

Meurer W. (2016) Noble Gas Characteristics of Jurassic Sourced Oils and Gases of the Gulf of Mexico, USA
Barry P, Lawson M, Meurer W & Ballentine C
(2012) Age of the Stillwater Complex
Wall C, Scoates J, Friedman R & Meurer W

Meusinger C. (2013) CO2 Photolysis Produces Mass Independent Fractionation and a 16O13C18O Clumped Isotope Anomaly
Johnson MS, Schmidt JA, Schinke R, Meusinger C, Forecast R & Lyons JR
(2013) Laboratory Study of Nitrate Photolysis in Antarctic Snow: Quantum Yield, Mechanism, Isotope Effects and Wavelength Dependence
Meusinger C, Berhanu TA, Erbland J, Savarino J & Johnson MS

Meuzelaar T. (2020) Pit Lake Water Quality Prediction: Uncertainty and Utility
Meuzelaar T

Mével C. (2023) Silicified Brecciated Fault Rocks from an Oceanic Detachment Fault at 13°20’N, Mid-Atlantic Ridge: Which Fluid Sources and Pathways?
Verlaguet A, Bonnemains D, Mevel C, Escartin J, Andreani M, Bourdelle F, Boiron M-C & Chavagnac V
(2012) Atypical Depleted Mantle Components at Mohns Ridge and along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge Near the Azores
Hamelin C, Bezos A, Dosso L, Escartin J, Cannat M, Mevel C & Pedersen R
(2011) A New Depleted Mantle End-Member Revealed by High Resolution Sampling along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
Hamelin C, Bezos A, Dosso L, Escartin J, Cannat M & Mevel C
(2008) An in situ Trace Elements Study of Serpentinites from the MARK Area (ODP Site 920, 23°N)
Andreani M, Godard M & Mével C
(2007) Root Zone of Sheeted Dike Complex in Oman Ophiolite-Petrological Model
Boudier F, Koepke J, France L & Mevel C
(2007) Is Mid-Ocean Ridge Basalt Chemistry a Function of Melt-Rock Reaction in the Lower Oceanic Crust?
Lissenberg J, Dick H & Mével C
(2004) Oceanic Detachments: Formation and Associated Deformation
Escartín J, Mével C & Macleod C
(2004) Isotopic Systematics of the Southwest Indian Ridge, 30-69ºE
Meyzen C, Ludden J, Humler E, Luais B, Baker J, Storey M, Toplis M & Mevel C
(2000) Li Behaviour during Serpentinisation of Oceanic Peridotites
Decitre S, Deloule E, Reisberg L, James R, Mevel C & Agrinier P

Mevellec V. (2007) Is There a Reversible Step in 45Ca Sorption onto Pure Calcite?
Ly J, Tertre E, Beaucaire C & Mevellec V

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