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Mestrot Adrien (2018) Arsenic Methylation Across Microbial Phyla
Viacava K, Dyer S, Lederballe Meibom K, Mestrot A & Bernier-Latmani R

Mestrot Adrien (2016) Arsenic Methylation by the Sulfate-Reducing Bacterium Desulfotomaculum Acetoxidans
Reid M, Meibom K, Donatsch L, Falquet L, Mestrot A & Bernier-Latmani R
(2016) Response of Mercury Biomethylation to Flooding and Manure Addition in a Polluted Agricultural Floodplain
Mestrot A, Gygax S & Wilcke W

Mestrot Adrien (2015) New Frontiers in Understanding the Pathway(s) of Arsenic Biomethylation and Biovolatilisation Using 13C- and 2H-Labelled Arsenic Compounds
Mestrot A, Chen S, Liu S-X, Decurtins S & Wilcke W

Mestrot Adrien (2010) Arsenic Biovolatilization from Soil – A Global Phenomenon?
Mestrot A, Plantevin T, Hossain M, Islam R, Roman-Ross G, Krupp E, Feldmann J & Meharg A
(2009) Biovolatilisation of Arsenic: Validation of a Low Level, Field Deployable, Chemo-Trapping Technique
Mestrot A, Krupp E, Feldmann J & Meharg A

Mestrot Adrien (2017) Dynamic of Ni in the Environment Seen by the Isotopes
Cloquet C, Zelano I & Mestrot A

Mészárosová N. (2019) Trace Element Distribution between Silicate, Sulphide, and Metal Phases in Enstatite-Rich Meteorites
Mészárosová N, Skála R & Matoušková Š

Metacalfe I. (2017) U-Pb Isotope Geochronology and Geochemistry of Granites from Hainan Island (Northern South China Sea Margin): Constraints on Late Paleozoic-Mesozoic Tectonic Evolution
Yan Q, Metacalfe I & Shi X

Metcalf J. (2018) Multichronometers of Detrital Accessory Minerals – Implications for Provenance Studies
Samson S, Bonich-Wissink M, Flowers R, Metcalf J & Fedo C
(2016) Lunar Impact Histories from Zircon (U-Th)/He Thermochronometry
Kelly N, Metcalf J, Mojzsis S & Flowers R
(2011) Apatite Fission Track and (U-Th)/He Dating in the World’s Youngest UHP Terrane: The Woodlark Rift of Southeastern Papuan New Guinea
Fitzgerald P, Baldwin S, Miller S, Little T, Webb L, Metcalf J & Perry S

Metcalf W. (2019) Metabolic Pathways of Anaerobic Phosphite Oxidation in Desulfotignum Phosphitoxidans
Blake R, Chang SJ, Metcalf W & Schink B

Metcalfe A. (2023) Geochemical Markers of Magmatic Solicitations to Volcanic-Hydrothermal Systems: The Long-Standing Unrest of La Soufrière de Guadeloupe Dissected via Non-Condensable Gases
Moretti R, Robert V, Moune S, Inostroza Pizarro M, Jessop DE, Tassi F, Vaselli O, Bonifacie M, Fiebig J, Labidi J, Vlastelic I, Chilin-Eusebe E, Grassa F, Metcalfe A & Allard P
(2021) Controls on Eruption Style at La Soufrière de Guadeloupe from Melt Inclusions and Mineral Diffusion Timescales
Metcalfe A, Moune S & Komorowski J-C
(2020) Linking the Timescales of Magmatic Processes and Unrest at La Soufrière de Guadeloupe
Metcalfe A, Moune S, Kilgour G, Komorowski J-C, Jessop D, Legendre Y & Moretti R
(2018) The Textural and Chemical Records of Mushy Magma Dynamics
Humphreys M, Cooper G, Zhang J, Loewen M, Kent A, Metcalfe A, Macpherson C, Ottley C & Davidson J

Metcalfe B. (2016) Determining Species Ecology Through Small Quantity Isotope Analysis
Metcalfe B & Peeters F

Metcalfe I. (2013) Indirect Dating of the Guadalupian-Lopingian Boundary
Huyskens M, Amelin Y, Nicoll RS & Metcalfe I
(2010) U-Pb (CA-TIMS) Zircon Geochronology of the Late Permian of Australia: Constraining the Time Scale between Two Major Extinctions
Denyszyn S, Mundil R & Metcalfe I
(2007) Degassing of Oceanic H2S and its Delivery to Terrestrial Ecosystems during the Permo-Triassic Extinction
Newton R, Wignall P, Bottrell S & Metcalfe I
(2006) The Permian-Triassic boundary in Australia: New radio-isotopic ages
Mundil R, Metcalfe I, Chang S & Renne P

Metcalfe K. (2019) Correlating the Biogeochemistry and Microbial Ecology of a Cold Methane Seep in the Costa Rica Pacific Margin
Mullin S, Dawson K, Chadwick G, Yu H, Metcalfe K, Goffredi S, Ashford O, Levin L, Rouse G, Cordes E, Roman C & Orphan V
(2017) Linking the Modern to the Ancient with Morphological and Geochemical Signatures in Microbial Mats
Gomes M, Riedman LA, O'Reilly S, Lingappa U, Metcalfe K, Stein N, Orzechowski EA, Strauss JV, Grotzinger H, Quinn DP, Trower L, Fike D, Grotzinger J & Knoll A
(2013) Evidence for Elevated Iron Flux to the Early Phanerozoic Ocean
Gaines R, Havranek R, Metcalfe K & Peters S

Metcalfe R. (2016) Flow-Path Geometry in Accretionary Complex: Formation Process and its Longevity
Yoshida H, Ono T & Metcalfe R
(2003) CO2 Sequestration into Geothermal Fields: (3) Theoretical Evaluation of CO2/Water/Rock Interaction
Savage D, Metcalfe R, Takase H, Ohsumi T, Ueda A & Haga D
(2003) The Tono Natural Analogue Project: A System Model for the Origin and Evolution of the Tono Uranium Deposit, Japan
Metcalfe R, Takase H, Sasao E, Ota K, Iwatsuki T & Arthur R
(2003) Isotopic Study of the Groundwater at Horonobe, Northern Hokkaido, Japan
Kunimaru T & Metcalfe R
(2003) The Tono Natural Analogue Project: Geochemical Constraints on Uranium Mobility within the Tono Uranium Deposit, Japan
Arthur R, Iwatsuki T, Murakami Y, Metcalfe R, Sasao E & MacKenzie A
(2002) A Redox Front Migration Process in Sedimentary Rock – Long-Term Behavior of Nuclide Migration Relevant to Near-Field Processes in Radioactive Waste Disposal -
Yoshida H, Yamamoto K, Yogo S, Tanaka S, Milodowski A & Metcalfe R
(2002) A HREE-Enriched Biogenic Ferric Redox Band in Tuffaceous Sedimentary Rock
Yamamoto K, Yoshida H, Yogo S, Tanaka S, Milodowski A & Metcalfe R

Metelka V. (2011) Paleoproterozoic Crustal Growth in West Africa: Archean or Modern Tectonics?
Baratoux L, Ganne J, Jessell MW, Naba S & Metelka V

Metelkova L. (2017) Application of HRGC-Hrms Method for Trace Analysis of Broad Range of Common Pesticides in Sediments
Metelkova L, Zhakovskaya Z & Kukhareva G

Meten M. (2016) Multistage Evolution of Sub-Continental Lithospheric Mantle beneath Ethiopian Plateau and Rift
Alemayehu M, Zhang H-F, Zhu B, Tang Y-J, Meten M, Getahun E & Haji M

Metge D. (2009) Evaluating the Oxidation State of Antibacterial Minerals
Metge D, Harvey R, Eberl D, Wasylenki L & Williams L

Meth C. (2002) New Evidence of Diffusion-Controlled Garnet Growth during Deformation
Meth C & Carlson W

Metha A. (2009) Manganese Incorporation into Biogenic Uraninite Affects its Oxidative Stability
Veeramani H, Sharp J, Suvorova E, Schofield E, Ulrich K-U, Metha A, Giammar D, Bargar J & Bernier-Latmani R

Methe B (2000) Genomic Approach to the Study of Microbial Reduction of Iron and Uranium in Subsurface Environments
Lovley D, Methe B, Coppi M, Nevin K, Childers S, Lloyd J & Leang C

Methé Barbara (2016) Identifying 2 Km-Deep Methanogenic Community Members Using a Long-Term Bioreactor Cultivation
Imachi H, Tasumi E, Tu T-H, Ijiri A, Morono Y, Ishii S, Methé B, Takai K & Inagaki F

Methner K. (2019) Long-Term Precision and Accuracy of Clumped Isotope Measurements
Bajnai D, Fiebig J, Löffler N, Methner K, Krsnik E, Prud'homme C & Hofmann S
(2019) High-Precision Analysis of ∆48 and ∆47: Resolving Temperature from the Kinetic Information Recorded in Carbonates
Fiebig J, Bajnai D, Löffler N, Methner K, Krsnik E, Mulch A, Prud'homme C & Guo W
(2014) Background Correction for Clumped Isotope Analysis of CO2 Based on m/z = 49 Ion Beam Intensity
Fiebig J, Luedecke T, Loeffler N, Methner K, Wacker U & Hofmann S
(2013) It’s Getting Hot on Earth – The Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum in a Terrestrial Sedimentary Record
Methner K, Wacker U, Fiebig J, Mulch A & Chamberlain CP

Métian M. (2023) Effect of Lithium on Seven Phytoplanktonic Species and their δ7Li
Chen D, Oberhänsli F, Rabouille S, Orani AM, Sdiri K, BEN-Gharbia H, Thibon F, Weppe L, Montanes M, Metian M & Vigier N
(2021) Lithium Isotopes in Marine Food Webs
Thibon F, Weppe L, Bustamante P, Oberhänsli F, Metian M, Churlaud C, Montanes M, Lacoue-Labarthe T, Telouk P, Cherel Y & Vigier N
(2021) Biological Fractionations of Lithium Isotopes
Vigier N, Thibon F, Bustamante P, Counillon L, Metian M, Telouk P & Team I
(2020) Novel Application of Lithium and its Isotopes in Marine Ecotoxicology
Thibon F, Weppe L, Bustamante P, Oberhänsli F, Métian M, Churlaud C, Montanes M, Lacoue-Labarthe T, Cherel Y & Vigier N

Mętrak M. (2020) Compound-Specific Radiocarbon Dating of Soil and Sedimentary Leaf Waxes in an Arid High-Altitude Environment
Aichner B, Rethemeyer J, Gierga M, Stolz A, Mętrak M, Wilk M, Sachse D, Rajabov I & Mischke S

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