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Mertzman Stanley A. (2012) Characteristics of Late Mesozoic Granitic Rocks in SW Corner of Southern Vietnam
Lan C-Y, Usuki T, Nguyen TA, Tran PH, Ngo TTQ, Chung S-L & Mertzman SA

Mervine Evelyn (2022) Changes to the Mineralogical, Geochemical, and Isotopic Compositions of Mineral Feedstocks during Enhanced Rock Weathering: Implications for Carbon Verification
Stubbs AR, Power I, Paulo C, Wang B, Zeyen N, Wilson SA, Mervine E & Gunning C

Mervine Evelyn M. (2014) Kinetic Enrichments in Δ47 in High-Ph Surface Carbonates
Falk ES, Guo W, Kelemen PB & Mervine EM
(2010) Temporal Isotope Variations in Glacial-Postglacial Lavas from Northern Iceland
Mervine E, Sims K, Blichert-Toft J, Maclennan J, Blusztajn J & Gronvold K
(2010) Oxygen and Carbon Isotope Systematics during Natural Mineral Carbonation in Peridotite of the Samail Ophiolite, Oman
Kelemen P, Streit L, Mervine E, Matter J, Eiler J & Shock E
(2008) Geochemistry and Geochronology of the Ninetyeast Ridge, Indian Ocean: New Constraints on Paleotectonics and Hotspot Dynamics
Pringle M, Mervine E, Frey F, Nobre-Silva I, Weis D, Owens H & Gauntlett E
(2008) Geochemical Evidence for a Transient Change in Mantle Melting from the Deglaciation of Iceland
Mervine E, Sims K, Blichert-Toft J & Jull M

Merz E. (2021) The Dark Side of Microphytobenthos: Diel Dynamics of Nitrate Respiration in Microbial Mats and Sediments
Merz E, Dick GJ, de Beer D, Lavik G, Marchant HK & Klatt JM
(2019) A Secret Forest Under the Salt Crust – High-Altitude Andean Salt Flats as an Analogue to Photosynthetic Microhabitats on Ancient Earth
Merz E, Castillejos Sepulveda A, de Beer D, Chennu A, Farias ME & Klatt JM

Merz R. (2019) Integrated Isotope Techniques to Investigate Nitrate Dynamics along a Land-Use Gradient in a Mesoscale River Catchment
Bujak I, Müller C, Merz R & Knöller K

Mesa J. (2019) Understanding the Origin of Plagioclase Megacrysts in Basalts
Mesa J & Lange R
(2018) Evidence of Rapid Growth of Olivine in Unusually Oxidized Intraplate Melts from Western Mexico
Mesa J & Lange R

Mesa L. (2019) Volcanic Gas Emissions along the Colombian Arc Segment: Implicatons for the Andean Volatile Budget and on-Going Monitoring
Lages J, Chacon Z, Burbano V, Mesa L, Arellano S, Liuzzo M, Giudice G, Aiuppa A, Bitetto M & Lopez C

Mesa Garcia J. (2012) Experimentally Determined Fe Isotope Fractionation between Metal and Silicate
Shahar A, Horan M, Mesa Garcia J, Mock T, Hillgren V & Deng L

Mesbah A. (2023) Tuning the 1D-2D Dimensionality Upon Ligand Exchange in Silver Thiolate Coordination Polymers with Photoemission Switch
Hawila S, Gautier R, Massuyeau F, Lebegue S, Mesbah A & Demessence A
(2021) Role of Water and Hydroxyl Groups in the Structures of Stetindite and Coffinite, MSiO4 (M = Ce, U)
Strzelecki AC, Barral T, Estevenon P, Mesbah A, Goncharov VG, Baker J, Bai J, Clavier N, Szenknect S, Migdisov AA, Xu H, Ewing R, Dacheux N & Guo X
(2021) Revisit the Thermodynamics of Orthosilicates for Actinide Waste Form
Guo X, Strzelecki AC, Marcial J, Estevenon P, Mesbah A, Szenknect S, Migdisov AA, Xu H, McCloy J, Ewing R & Dacheux N
(2020) Thermodynamics of CeSiO₄
Strzelecki A, Kreigsman K, Bourgeois C, Estevenon P, Goncharov V, Wei N, Szenknect S, Mesbah A, Wu D, Ewing R, Dacheux N & Guo X
(2020) Experimental Evidence for Coffinite Formation from UO2+x
Alby D, Szenknect S, Mesbah A, Lin J, Duro L, Lopez-Garcia M, Zetterström-Evins L, Wang C, Ewing R, Dacheux N & Bruno J
(2019) Probing the Formation and Alteration of Lanthanide Phosphates
Guo X, Zhang Y, Kemal R, Dhakal D, Mesbah A, Szenknect S, Clavier N, Xu H, Mayanovic R, Liu L & Dacheux N
(2018) Structural and Energetic Landscapes of Uranothorite Solid Solutions
Guo X, Mesbah A, Szenknect S, Clavier N, Xu H, Espinosa-Faller F, Navrotsky A, Ewing R & Dacheux N
(2015) Solubility of the Rhabdophane (LnPO4.nH2O): A Low Temperature Precursor of the Monazite
Gausse C, Szenknect S, Mesbah A, Clavier N, Neumeier S, Bosbach D & Dacheux N
(2013) Swelling Induced by Alpha Decay in Monazite and Zirconolite Ceramics: A XRD and TEM Comparative Study
Deschanels X, Seydoux-Guillaume A-M, Magnin V, Mesbah A, Tribet M & Peuget S

Meschter S.M. (2001) Zircon Saturation Temperatures and Preservation of Inheritance: Implications for Contrasting Mechanisms of Felsic Magma Generation
Miller CF & Meschter SM

Mescioglu E. (2017) Climate Change Education for Adaptation and Resilience
Paytan A, Weiss E, Halversen C, Pedemonte S & Mescioglu E
(2017) Diversity of Airborne Fungi in the Air Masses over the Mediterranean Sea
Mescioglu E, Rahav E, Eizenga JM, Herut B, Vichik A & Paytan A

Mesdag C. (2019) Tidal Dynamics Control Microbial Methane Oxidation in the Water Column Above an Active Cold Seep (Doggerbank, North Sea)
de Groot T, Maazallahi H, Walter S, Menoud M, Röckmann T, Meijninger B, Mesdag C, Rush D & Niemann H

Mesfin Kiflom (2013) Solubility and Mineral Storage of CO2 in Basalt
Gislason S, Oelkers E, Sigfusson B, Matter J, Stute M, Gunnlaugsson E, Gunnarssson I, Aradottir E, Sigurdardottir H, Mesfin K, Alfredsson H, Wolff-Boenisch D, Arnarsson M & Broecker W
(2013) Tracer Applications to Verify Carbon Mineralization in Icelandic Basalts
Stute M, Hall J, Matter J, Mesfin K, Gislason S, Sigfusson B, Gunnlaugsson E, Gunnarsson I, Aradottir E, Sigurdardottir H, Axelson G & Broecker W
(2012) Reactivity of Detrital Silicates and Carbon Storage in the Ocean Margins
Gislason S, Oelkers E, Jones M, Wolff-Boenisch D, Alfredsson H & Mesfin K

Mesfin Kiflom (2015) Rapid Mineralisation of CO2 and CO2-H2S-H2-Gas Mixture at the CarbFix Site in SW-Iceland
Snæbjörnsdóttir SÓ, Mesfin K, Gunnarsson I, Aradóttir ES, Stute M, Matter JM, Oelkers EH, Dideriksen K, Stipp S & Gislason SR

Mesfin Kiflom G (2023) Mantle CO2 Fluxes and Carbonate Fixation in Volcanic Hydrothermal Systems in Iceland
Kleine BI, Smit MJ, Toro DI, di Stefano AM, Pope E, Waight T, Thomassot E, Jeon H, Whitehouse M, Padilla Rivas EK, Wiese F, Fridriksson T, Ármansson H, Gunnarsdóttir SH, Mesfin KG, Sigurðardóttir ÁK, Fiebig J, Ricci A, Gunnarsson-Robin J, Halldorsson SA, Kjartansdóttir R, Ono S, Sveinbjörnsdóttir ÁE, Ólafsdóttir R & Stefánsson A

Mesfin Kiflom G. (2020) Tracing CO2 and H2S Sequestration in a Basaltic Aquifer Using Stable Isotopes at CarbFix, Iceland
Ancellin M-A, Gíslason SR, Snæbjörnsdóttir SÓ, Sigfússon B, Nowell GM, Pogge von Strandmann PAE, Oelkers EH, Alfreðsson HA, Aradóttir ES, Mesfin KG & Burton KW

Mesfioui R. (2010) Identification of Amides Involved in Nitrogen Sequestration in Dissolved Organic Matter and Sediments by ESI-FTICR-MS
Hatcher PG, Mesfioui R & McKee G

Meshalkin Y. (2019) Model-Based Prediction of Petrophysical Properties
Ismailova L, Meshalkin Y, Makhotin I, Orlov D & Koroteev D

Meshceryakova E. (2007) Monazite Single Grain Trace Element Analysis and Dating by xrf Milliprobe
Andreiev A, Andreiev A, Savenok S, Bunkevich A & Meshceryakova E

Meshcheriakov K. (2019) Regularities of the Transformation of Organic Matter at Great Depths Based on the Results of Deep and Ultra-Deep Drilling in the North of Western Siberia
Meshcheriakov K, Meshcheriakova O, Karaseva T & Kozhanov D

Meshcheriakova O. (2019) Regularities of the Transformation of Organic Matter at Great Depths Based on the Results of Deep and Ultra-Deep Drilling in the North of Western Siberia
Meshcheriakov K, Meshcheriakova O, Karaseva T & Kozhanov D
(2017) Hydrogeochemistry of the Blue Lake – One of the Deepest Karst Lakes in the World
Maksimovich N, Meshcheriakova O & Demenev A

Meshcheryakova O. (2016) Bacterial Sulfate-Reducing Process in Oil-Polluted Karst Rocks
Maksimovich N, Khmurchik V & Meshcheryakova O

Meshik A. P. Meshik (2004) I-Xe and Pb-Pb Ages of Individual Elenovka (L5) Chondrules
Pravdivtseva O, Amelin Y, Meshik A & Hohenberg C
(2004) Fissiogenic Xenon in Ground Zero of Trinity Nuclear Test
Meshik A, Pravdivtseva O & Hohenberg C
(2002) I-Xe Ages and Trapped Xe Compositions
Hohenberg CM, Pravdivtseva OV & Meshik APM
(2002) I-Xe and Pb-Pb Ages of Richardton Chondrules
Pravdivtseva O, Amelin Y, Hohenberg CM & Meshik AP
(2002) Geochemical Measurements of 130Te Half-Life: Present Status
Meshik A,  CMH,  OVP &  TJB

Meshik Alex (2020) Chemically Fractionated Fission Xenon in Scandinavian Alum Shale
Meshik A, Schovsbo N & Pravdivtseva O
(2016) Solar Abundances of Bromine and Iodine: Feasibility of Measurements in Genesis Mission Collectors
Pravdivtseva O, Meshik A & Burnett DS
(2016) New Evidence for Chemical Fractionation of Radioactive Xenon Precursors in Fission Chains: Geochemical Implications
Meshik A & Pravdivtseva O

Meshik Alexander (2018) S-Process Xe and Kr Enrichment in the Allende CAI Curious Marie: Case for a Presolar SiC Carrier
Pravdivtseva O, Tissot F, Dauphas N, Meshik A & Amari S
(2018) Precise Xenon Analyses of the Solar Wind: Implications for Indigenous Lunar Xenon
Meshik A & Pravdivtseva O
(2012) Noble Gas and Radionulcides Study of Chondrules from Dhajala and Bjurbole Chondrites
Das J, Bricker G, Meshik A, Pravdivtseva O, Caffee M & Nishiizumi K

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