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Merrill M. (2017) La Barge, Wyoming: A Non-Magmatic Carbon Dioxide and Helium Accumulation
Merrill M & Hunt A

Merrot P. (2021) Biogeochemical Response of New Caledonia Lagoon Sediments to Tropical Events: A Numerical Modeling Approach
Viollier E, Merrot P, Radakovitch O, Morin G, Fernandez J-M, Moreton B, Nmor SI & Juillot F
(2021) Evolution of Noncrystalline Uranium in Lake Sediments over 3, 300 Years
Lefebvre P, Gourgiotis A, Mangeret A, Sabatier P, Le Pape P, Diez O, Louvat P, Menguy N, Merrot P, Baya C, Zebracki M, Blanchart P, Malet E, Jézéquel D, Reyss J-L, Bargar J, Gaillardet J, Cazala C & Morin G
(2019) Green-Clays and the Coastal Biogeochemical Cycles of Trace Metals
Merrot P, Juillot F, Noël V, Le Pape P, Lefebvre P, Menguy N, Viollier E & Morin G
(2019) Early Diagenesis in New Caledonia Lagoon
Viollier E, Merrot P, Morin G & Farid J
(2018) Crystal-Chemistry of Trace Metals in the Lagoon Sediments of New Caledonia
Merrot P, Juillot F, Noël V, Viollier E, Menguy N, Bargar J & Morin G

Merroun Mohamed (2018) Molecular Interactions of Fungi with UraniumVI Studied by Microscopic and Spectroscopic Methods
Wollenberg A, Merroun M, Guenther A, Raff J & Stumpf T

Merroun Mohamed L. (2023) Implications of Bentonite Bacterial Community in Selenite Reduction: Advances in the Biogeochemical Processes of the Deep Geological Disposal
Povedano-Priego C, Jroundi F, Vilchez-Vargas R, Solari PL & Merroun ML
(2023) Cellular Mechanisms of Selenium Resistance in Stenotrophomonas Bentonitica BII-R7: Flow Cytometry, Microscopic and Spectroscopic Characterisation
Lazúen López G, Ruiz-Fresneda MA, Pérez Muelas E, Lopez-Fernandez M & Merroun ML
(2022) Biostimulation of Uranium Reducing Bacteria in Contaminated Mine Water for Bioremediation Purposes: Multidisciplinary Approach Study
Newman-Portela AM, Krawczyk-Bärsch E, Lopez-Fernandez M, Bok F, Kassahun A, Merroun ML & Raff J
(2021) Metatranscriptomes of Redox-Different Natural Aquifer Surrounding a Uranium Roll-Front Deposit
Jroundi F, Descostes M, Povedano-Priego C & Merroun ML
(2021) Deciphering the Molecular Interaction of Stenotrophomnas Bentonitica with EuIII/CmIII Related to the Safety of Future Deep Geological Repositories of Nuclear Wastes
Martínez-Moreno MF, Ruiz-Fresneda MA, Lopez-Fernandez M, Cherkouk A, Ju-Nam Y, Ojeda-Ledo JJ, Moll H & Merroun ML
(2021) Responses of the Bentonite Microbial Community to Se(IV)exposure: Insights into Selenium Biogeochemical Cycle
Morales-Hidalgo M, Povedano-Priego C, Jroundi F, Vilchez-Vargas R, Guerra-Tschuschke I, Abad-Ortega MDM, Martín-Sánchez I & Merroun ML
(2021) Multidisciplinary Characterization of Mine Water from a Former Uranium Mine for Bioremediation Purposes
Newman-Portela AM, Krawczyk-Bärsch E, Lopez-Fernandez M, Bok F, Kassahun A, Raff J & Merroun ML
(2021) A Novel and Efficient DNA Extraction Method Focus to the Bacterial Diversity in Compacted Bentonites: Insights into Biogeochemical Processes within the Deep Geological Disposal Concept
Povedano-Priego C, Jroundi F, Lopez-Fernandez M, Shrestha R, Spanek R, Martín-Sánchez I, Villar MV, Ševců A, Dopson M & Merroun ML

Merroun Mohamed Larbi (2019) Shifts in the Bacterial Diversity of Aerobic and Anaerobic Bentonite Microcosms Treated with U and G2P
Povedano-Priego C, Jroundi F, Lopez-Fernandez M, Martín-Sánchez I, Dopson M & Merroun ML
(2019) Bacterial Community Structure in an Aquifer Down-Gradient from Uranium in situ Recovery Mine
Jroundi F, Descostes M, Povedano-Priego C, Grizard P & Merroun ML
(2019) Transcriptomic Studies of Bacterial Tolerance to Uranium
Pinel-Cabello M, Vílchez-Vargas R, Jroundi F, Lopez-Fernandez M, Ruiz-Fresneda MA & Merroun ML
(2019) Antibacterial Activity of Selenium Nanoparticles Studied by Calorimetry, Flow Cytometry and Electron Microscopy
Schäfer S, Fahmy K & Merroun ML
(2017) Spectroscopic and Microscopic Approach of U(VI) Sorption on Acidovorax Facilis for Remediation Purpose
Krawczyk-Bärsch E, Gerber U, Steudtner R, Müller K, Moll H, Rossberg A & Merroun M
(2017) Speciation of Se(IV) and Eu(III) Associated with Stenotrophomonas Bentonitica BII-R7 Isolated from Spanish Bentonites
Ruiz-Fresneda MA, Gomez-Bolivar J, Fernandez-Cantos MV, Delgado-Martin J, Cherkouk A, Moll H & Merroun ML
(2017) Stenotrophomonas Bentonitica BII-R7T, a Novel Bacterial Strain with Bioremediation Potential
Sánchez-Castro I, Bakkali M, Kämpfer P, Glaeser SP, Busse HJ & Merroun ML
(2015) Bacterial Community Changes Induced by Uranyl Nitrate Treatment Under Aerobic Conditions
Lopez Fernandez M, Sanchez Castro I, Pieper D, Boon N, Vilchez Vargas R & Merroun ML
(2015) The Effect of Lipopolysaccharides on the Aggregation of Haematite Nanoparticles
Pringle M, Harding J, Merroun M & Romero-Gonzalez M
(2015) Linking Genomic Structure of Stenotrophomonas sp. BII-R7 and its Potential for Bioremediation Purposes
López-Fernández M, Sánchez-Castro I, Bakkali M, Ruiz-Fresneda M, Günther A, Solari PL & Merroun ML
(2015) Engineering of Actinide-Chelating EF-Hand Proteins for Bioremediation
Pardoux R, Sauge-Merle S, Beccia MR, Lemaire D, Pansier J, Bremond N, Battesti C, Merroun M, Solari PL, Delangle P, Guilbaud P & Berthomieu C
(2013) Changes in Bacterial Diversity and Community Structure within a Geochemically Variable Uranium-Mine Water Treatment Plant
Sánchez-Castro I, López-Fernández M, Amador-García A, Phrommavanh V, Nos J, Descostes M & Merroun ML
(2013) Molecular Scale Speciation of U(VI) Association with Clay Bacterial Isolates
Lopez Fernandez M, Sánchez-Castro I, Amador-García A, Romero Gonzalez M & Merroun ML
(2012) Interactions of U(VI) with Archaea: What is Different Than with Bacteria?
Selenska-Pobell S, Reitz T & Merroun M
(2012) Bacterial Interactions with Radionuclides in Bentonite Samples from Spanish Clays
Lopez Fernandez M, Moreno Garcia A, Lazuen Alcon J, Geissler A & Merroun ML
(2011) Microbial Populations of Clay Formations and their Interactions with Uranium
López Fernández M, Fernández Sanfrancisco O, Martinéz García M, Ranea Robles P, Galera Monge T, Moreno García A & Merroun M
(2011) Bio-Au Nanoparticles on Archaeal and Bacterial S-Layers
Selenska Pobell S, Reitz T, Geissler A, Merroun M & Herrmanndoerfer T
(2009) Incorporation of U(VI) into Biogenic Carbonates: Molecular Scale Studies
Merroun ML, Rodriguez-Navarro C, Arias JM, Bernhard G & González-Munoz MT
(2007) Interactions of U(VI) and Eu(III) with Natural Bacterial Isolates
Merroun ML, Geissler A, Nedelkova M & Selenska-Pobell S
(2004) Interaction of U(VI) with Bacterial Strains Isolated Form Uranium Mining Piles: Spectroscopic and Microscopic Studies
Merroun M, Raff J, Rossberg A, Hennig C, Reich T & Selenska-Pobell S

Mersch-Sundermann V. (2015) BIOCOMBUST: Health Impacts of Particulate Matter from Biomass Combustion
Arif AT, Maschowski C, Garra P, Gminski R, Trouvé G, Dieterlen A, Mersch-Sundermann V, Nazarenko I & Gieré R
(2013) BIOCOMBUST – Biomass, Energy, Health
Gieré R, Maschowski C, Merfort I, Könczöl M, Dornhof R, Dietze V, Kaminski U, Nazarenko I, Mersch-Sundermann V, Gminski R, Trouvé G, Dieterlen A, Kleinpeter J, Drewnick F, Freutel F & Kruspan P

Merschat A.J. (2010) Age and Distribution of Southern Appalachian Metamorphism Delimited by SHRIMP U-Pb Metamorphic Zircon Ages
Merschat AJ, Hatcher RD, Bream BR & Miller CF

Merschel Gila (2011) Mussel Shells as Archives of Geogenic and Anthropogenic Dissolved REE
Bau M, Merschel G, Kulaksiz S, Schmidt K, Brenner M, Balan S & Koschinsky A

Merschel Gila (2015) Particle-Reactive Trace Elements in Estuaries: Simulating Estuarine Mixing of Seawater with Organic and Inorganic Nanoparticle-Rich River Waters
Merschel G, Bau M & Dantas E
(2013) Shells of Corbicula fluminea Mussels and the Bioavailability of Anthropogenic Rare Earth Elements in River Water
Merschel G & Bau M

Merschel Gila (2016) Hf and Nd Isotopic Composition of (Nano)particles and Ultrafiltrates of Temperate Streams and Rivers
Schmidt K, Bau M, Münker C & Merschel G
(2016) Hf and Nd Isotope Systematics in the Particulate, Nanoparticulate and Truly Dissolved Load of Amazonian Rivers
Merschel G, Bau M, Schmidt K, Münker C & Dantas EL

Mershon R.B. (2022) Metasomatic Fluids in Diamonds and the Destruction of the North China Craton
Mershon RB, Navon O, Weiss Y & Harris JW

Merten D. (2023) Single Cell ICP-MS to Study the Uptake Mechanism of Ce, Cd and U in Streptomyces Coelicolor
Hellmann S, Merten D, Gil-Díaz T, Schäfer T & Montes-Bayón M
(2022) Spider Web Biomonitoring as a Tool to Quantify Sources of Potentially Toxic Elements in Urban Dust
van Laaten N, von Tümpling W, Merten D, Schäfer T & Pirrung M
(2019) Trace Element Analysis on Spider Webs – Identification of Sources of Particulate Matter
van Laaten N, Merten D, von Tümpling W & Pirrung M
(2017) Actors in Rock-Water-Systems: Microbial Radionuclide Mobilization
Burow K, Grawunder A, Harpke M, Schäfer D, Bock S, Dietrich N, Merten D, Kothe E & Büchel G
(2017) PIXE Microanalysis of Birch Roots Colonized by Ectomycorrhizal Fungi: New Insights into Metal Distribution and Potential Tolerance Mechanisms
Märten A, Merten D, Formann S, Kelemen M, Vavpetič P, Pelicon P & Vogel-Mikuš K
(2015) Tracing the Evolution of Groundwater by Rare Earth Element Patterns and Stable Isotopes
Merten D, Büchel G & Lonschinski M
(2015) Time-Resolved in situ Detection of Newly Formed Secondary Mn and Fe Oxides Using a SQUID Gradiometer Technique
Schäffner F, De Giudici G, Linzen S, Merten D & Büchel G
(2015) Does Birch Vegetation Influence the Bioavailability of Metals in U Mining Affected Substrate? A Mesocosm Experiment
Märten A, Merten D, Kothe E & Büchel G
(2013) Origin of REE Patterns in AMD-Impacted Areas
Grawunder A, Meißner S, Merten D, Pašalić S, Karlsson S, Allard B & Büchel G
(2013) Time Resolved Monitoring of Uranium Contamination of Oak Trees
Merten D, Berger D, Märten A & Köhler M
(2012) Growth of Streptomyces Mirabilis P16B1 in Heavy Metal Contaminated Soil and Impact to Soil Organic Matter Formation
Schuetze E, Klose M, Merten D, Nietzsche S, Kaestner M & Kothe E
(2011) Biogenic Mn Oxide Formation at pH 5.5 and 7 by New Mn-Oxidizing Bacteria from a Former U Mining Site
Akob D, Beyer A, Schäffner F, Händel M, Merten D, Büchel G, Totsche KU & Küsel K
(2011) Formation of Secondary Minerals – A Lysimeter Approach
Schäffner F, Merten D, De Giudici G, Ricci PC & Büchel G
(2010) Buchite Type Glasses in the West Eifel Volcanic Field (Germany)
Goepel A, Heide K, Merten D & Büchel G
(2007) TEM Investigations of Bacterial Effects on Biotite Dissolution
Hopf J, Langenhorst F & Merten D

Mertens C. (2022) East Greenland’s Rising Impact on the Marine Silicon Cycle Constrained by Silicon Isotopes
Laukert G, Kienast SS, Horner TJ, Doering K, Grasse P, Bauch D, Frank M, Huhn O & Mertens C
(2020) Evolution of Helium Signatures from Kermadec Arc Under Water Volcanoes
Walter M, Türke A, Mertens C & Sültenfuß J
(2017) Dissolved-Particulate Exchange in the Proximal Hydrothermal Plume at the Aurora Vent Field, Gakkel Ridge, Arctic Ocean
Türke A, Bach W, Boetius A, Diehl A, German C, Köhler J, Mertens C, Monien P, Prause S & Sueltenfuss J
(2009) CO2 Leakage in the Deep Ocean and its Effect on Benthic Fauna
Boetius A, De Beer D, Haeckel M, Mertens C, Inagaki F, Nakamura K & Rehder G

Mertens J. (2009) Groundwater Geochemistry and As Content in the Eastern Pannonian Basin (Romania) – PCA Analysis
Jimenez C, Mertens J, Rowland HAL, Baciu C, Berg M, Furrer G, Hug S & Cordos E
(2009) Controls on Groundwater Geochemistry & Arsenic Mobilisation Processes in Aquifers of Eastern Europe (Pannonian Basin)
Rowland H, Jimenez C, Omoregie E, Mertens J, Berg M, Baciu C & Hug S
(2009) Linking Microbial Community Structure to Groundwater Arsenic Concentrations in Pannonian Basin Wells
Omoregie E, Rowland H, Jimenez C, Mertens J, Baciu C, Polya D & Lloyld J
(2009) Al Nanoclusters: A New Method for As Removal from Water
Mertens J, Rowland H, Jimenez C, Baciu C, Hug S, Wehrli B & Furrer G

Mertes S. (2015) Highlight Results from the HCCT-2010 Hill Cap Cloud Experiment
van Pinxteren D, Poulain L, Tilgner A, Henning S, Stratmann F, Mertes S, Schneider J, Harris E, Sinha B, Whalley L, Heard D, D'Anna B, George C & Herrmann H

Mertineit M. (2020) Mineralogical-Geochemical Characteristics of Boudin Neck Infill of a Boudinaged Permian Rocksalt/Anhydrite Association (Morsleben Site, Germany)
Mertineit M, Schramm M, Zulauf G, Blanke H & Patzschke M
(2018) 87Sr/86Sr in situ Analyses of Fracture Infill and Adjacent Salt Rocks from z2 Potash Salts (Upper Permian), Northern Germany
Mertineit M, Gerdes A, Grewe W, Schramm M & Hammer J
(2017) Experimental Studies of Lepidolite Stability in Saline Solutions at 22℃ – 25℃ with Respect to Li, Si, Rb & Cs
Schramm M & Mertineit M
(2016) δ34S and δ18O Analyses of Upper Permian Sulphates from the Northern German Zechstein Basin
Mertineit M, Schramm M, Hammer J & Strauss H
(2016) Experimental Studies of Lepidolite Stability in Saline Solutions at 22℃ – 25℃ with Special Respect to Lithium
Schramm M & Mertineit M
(2014) The Influence of Wave Movement on the Evaporation Behavior of Experimentally Evaporated Seawater
Schramm M & Mertineit M

Mertmann D. (2005) Latitudinal Gradient in <$f"Symbol">d<$f"Times-Roman"><+>18<$>O of Permian Brachiopods
Korte C, Brand U, Dickins J, Mertmann D & Veizer J

Mertz Dieter (2011) Secondary Crustal Effects on MORB Composition at the Kolbeinsey Ridge
Elkins L, Sims K, Prytulak J, Mattielli N, Elliott T, Dunbar N, Blichert-Toft J, Devey C, Mertz D, Schilling J-G & Murrell M
(2009) (234U/238U) and (230Th/238U) Disequilibria in Fresh and Altered Kolbeinsey Ridge Basalts
Elkins LJ, Sims KWW, Prytulak J, Mattielli N, Elliott T, Blichert-Toft J, Blusztajn J, Devey C, Mertz D, Kelemen P, Murrell M & Schilling J-G
(2002) 238U and 230Th Excesses in Kolbeinsey Ridge Basalts
Sims K, Mattielli N, Elliott T, Kelemen P, DePaolo D & Mertz D
(2000) Osmium Isotope Signatures of Picrites and Basalts from Theistareykir (North Iceland)
van der Zander I, Bruegmann G, Hofmann AW, McKenzie D & Mertz DF

Mertz Dieter F. (2019) Compositional Transition in the Shallow Eifel Plume: Evidence from Pb Isotope and Elemental Variations
Kaufmann AB, Galer SJG & Mertz DF

Mertz J-D. (2018) Alteration Mechanisms and Kinetics of Limestone Materials Used in Built Cultural Heritage
Saheb M, Gentaz L, Verney-Carron A, Sessegolo L, Rémusat L, Nuns N, Mertz J-D & Chabas A
(2016) Isotopic Labeling to Determine the Water Penetration Depth and Reaction Sites in the Limestone Used in Built Cultural Heritage
Saheb M, Verney-Carron A, Drici A, Sessegolo L, Rémusat L, Mertz J-D, Chabas A & Rozenbaum O

Mertz R. (2017) Hydrology of the Heinrich 1/Bølling-Allerød Transition in a Speleothem Multi-Proxy Record from Tropical Asia
Hartmann A, Eiche E, Neumann T, Schröder-Ritzrau A, Riechelmann D, Mertz R & Scholz D

Mertz S. (2023) Towards a Robust Reactive Transport Model to Simulate Fate and Transport of PFAS from Surface to Groundwater
Devau N, Mertz S, Thouin H, Djemil M, Colombano S, Togola A, Lion F, Derx J, Oudega TJ, Bosch C & Lions J
(2021) Leaching of Trace Metals (Pb, Zn) from Contaminated Tailings: A Multicomponent Reactive Transport Model of a Pilot-Scale Experiment
Mertz S, Le Forestier L, Thouin H, Battaglia-Brunet F, Norini M-P, Crampon M, Gautret P, Bataillard P & Devau N

Mertz-Kraus R. (2023) Inter-Laboratory Comparison of a Potential Reference Material for U/Th Geochronometry by MC-ICPMS
Hasozbek A, Jimenez-Barredo F, Mertz-Kraus R, Weber M, Scholz D, Sharifi A, Pourmand A, Lauritzen SE, M. Pares J & Constantin S
(2020) LA-MC-ICP-MS Sr Isotope Analysis of Speleothems – Choosing the Right Reference Material
Weber M, Scholz D, Mertz-Kraus R & Jochum KP
(2020) Diagenetic Stability of Ca, Mg, Zn, and Sr Isotopes in Teeth – An in Vitro Alteration Experiment of Biogenic Apatite in Isotopically Enriched Tracer Solution
Weber K, Weber M, Menneken M, Kral AG, Mertz-Kraus R, Geisler T, Vogl J & Tütken T
(2019) TERMITE 2.0 – An R Script for Data Reduction of LA-ICP-MS Trace Element Measurements
Rupprecht D, Mertz-Kraus R, Mischel S, Budsky A, Jochum KP & Scholz D
(2019) Synthetic Fluid Inclusions in Olivine: An Experimental Technique for Fluid-Melt Trace Element Partitioning in Basaltic Systems
Zemlitskaya A, Botcharnikov R, Derrey I, Portnyagin M, Mertz-Kraus R, Buhre S, Weyer S & Holtz F
(2017) Ablation Rates for Geological Materials
Mertz-Kraus R, Veter M & Richter M
(2017) Trace Element Records in Aragonitic Bivalve Shells as Environmental Proxies
Markulin K, Peharda M, Mertz-Kraus R & Schöne BR
(2014) External Mass Bias Correction of <sup>208, 207, 206</sup>Pb/204Pb Ratios Applying non-Linear Calibration
Mertz-Kraus R
(2014) Non-Matrix-Matched Calibration of Femtosecond LA-ICP-MS Applied to Geochemical and Environmental Analysis
Jochum K, Macholdt D, Stoll B, Weis U, Jacob D, Mertz-Kraus R & Andreae M
(2013) Matrix-Independent Calibration of LA-ICP-MS Using Femtosecond-Uv-Lasers?
Weis U, Jochum KP, Stoll B, Jacob D, Mertz-Kraus R & Andreae MO
(2012) Precise, Accurate Measurement of U-Th Isotopes in a Single Solution by ICP-MS
Sharp W, Mertz-Kraus R & Ludwig K
(2010) Combined Th-U Isotope and Multi-Element Analyses by LA-ICP-MS
Mertz-Kraus R, Jochum KP, Sharp WD, Stoll B, Weis U & Andreae MO
(2007) Seasonal Element and Sr Isotope Ratio Variations in Late Miocene Corals from Crete, Eastern Mediterranean
Mertz-Kraus R, Brachert TC, Galer SJG, Stoll B & Jochum KP

Mertzimekis T.J. (2015) Sulfur Mineralogy and Speciation in the Shallow-Sea Hydrothermal Sediments off Milos Island (Greece)
Kotopoulou I, Godelitsas A, Göttlicher J, Steininger R, Price R, Fike DA, Amend J, Gilhooly WP, Druschel GK, Mertzimekis TJ, Gamaletsos P & Kafantaris F-CA
(2015) New Insights into the Mineral Chemistry of Au-Bearing pyrite/As-Pyrite/arsenopyrite Concentrate from Olympias Deposit, Kassandra Mines (Chalkidiki, Greece)
Godelitsas A, Tzamos E, Filippidis A, Sokaras D, Wenk T-C, Griego G, Papadopoulos A, Stoulos S, Gamaletsos P, Mertzimekis T, Daftsis E & Dimitriadis D
(2013) Antimony in Hydrothermal Chimneys of Kolumbo Shallow-Submarine Vent Field (Santorini, Greece)
Kilias S, Godelitsas A, Gamaletsos P, Mertzimekis T, Nomikou P, Göttlicher J, Steininger R, Argyraki A, Gousgouni M & Papanikolaou D
(2013) New Insights into Iron Mineralogy and Geochemistry in Saharan Dust Precipitated over Greece
Godelitsas A, Nastos P, Mertzimekis T, Hatzikonstantinou N, Douvalis A, Toli K, Goettlicher J, Steininger R & Simon R
(2013) New Insights into Environmental Characterization of Bauxite Residues (Red Mud) from Greece
Gamaletsos P, Godelitsas A, Kuzmin A, Lagos M, Xanthos S, Mertzimekis T, Goettlicher J, Steininger R, Zarkadas C, Komelkov A, Pontikes Y & Angelopoulos G
(2011) Characterization of Saharan Dust from Red Rain Precipitated over Athens, Greece
Godelitsas A, Nastos P, Mertzimekis T, Toli K, Douvalis A & Simon R

Mertzman Stanley A (2015) Geochemistry and Mantle Source Characteristics of the Woranso-Mille Pliocene Basalts, West-Central Afar Rift, Ethiopia
Alene Araya M, Saylor BZ, Deino A, Hart WK, Mertzman SA, Gibert LB & Haile-Selassie Y

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