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Mederos Leber D. (2020) Chondrule-Like Objects Formed by Arc Discharges Aboard the ISS
Koch TE, Spahr D, Merges D, Beck AA, Christ O, Fujita S, Genzel P-T, Kerscher J, Lindner M, Mederos Leber D, Winkler B & Brenker FE

Medhioub M. (2017) Effect of Composition and Temperature in Mines Waste Based Cements
Nouairi J, Hajjaji W, Senff L, Labrincha J, Rocha F & Medhioub M

Medialdea T. (2023) Evaluation of REY Enrichment in Fe-Mn Crusts from Different Seamounts and Depths in the Canary Island Seamount Province
Marino E, González FJ, Medialdea T, Somoza L, Lobato AB, Reyes J & Bellido E
(2019) Hydrothermal Input in Fe-Mn Crusts from Canary Islands Seamount Province: LA-ICP-MS Analyses and Fe Isotopes
Marino E, González FJ, Lunar R, Somoza L, Medialdea T, Kuhn T, Wegorzewski A & Oeser M
(2019) Analysing the Distribution of Marine Mineral Deposits Across European Seas: A New Perspective from the EMODnet-Geology Project
Medialdea T, Judge M, González FJ, Somoza L, Terrinha P & Marino E
(2017) Sequential Leaching to Distinguish Genetic Processes in Fe-Mn Crusts from the NE Atlantic
Marino E, González FJ, Lunar R, Somoza L, Medialdea T, Reyes J & Castillo Carrión M
(2016) Hydrothermal Co-rich Mn Nodules and Stratabound Mn Deposits from Galicia Bank (NE Atlantic)
González J, Somoza L, Hein J, Medialdea T, León R, Urgorri V, Reyes J & Martín-Rubí J
(2016) Microscopic Structure and Related Geochemistry of Fe-Mn Crusts from Canary Seamounts (Central East Atlantic)
Marino E, González J, Lunar R, Somoza L & Medialdea T
(2010) Thermogenic Hydrocarbons in Fe-Mn Nodules from the Gulf of Cadiz: A New Tool for Oil and Gas Exploration
González FJ, Somoza L, Torres T, Ortiz JE, Lunar R, Martínez-Frías J, Medialdea T & León R

Medianista Roja (2020) Sea-Deposited Mine Tailings in Calanacan Bay, Marinduque, Philippines: A Natural Laboratory for Environmental Mineralogy
Medianista R, Weiszburg T & Harman-Tóth E

Medianista Roja Labay (2021) Mineralogical Study of the Redeposited Near-Shore STD Waste in Calancan Causeway, Philippines
Medianista RL, Irshad I, Weiszburg TG & Harman-Tóth E

Mediany M.A. (2022) High-Precision U-Pb Zircon Geochronology of the Oued Dar’a Caldera Supereruptions (Ouarzazate Supergroup, Saghro Massif, Anti-Atlas, Morocco)
Oukhro R, Wotzlaw J-F, Mediany MA, Youbi N, Ait lahna A, Ernst RE & El Bilali H
(2022) The Ouarzazate Supergroup Volcanic Successions in the Anti-Atlas (Morocco): Evidence for Three Successive Eruptive Cycles
Mediany MA, Oukhro R, Youbi N, Boumehdi MA, Bensalah MK, Ait lahna A, Ernst RE & El Bilali H

Medici L (2013) Detoxification of Milk Contaminated by Aflatoxin M1 Using Clay Minerals and Effects on Milk Quality
Carraro A, De Giacomo A, Giannossi M, Medici L, Palazzo L, Quaranta V, Summa V & Tateo F

Medici Luca (2011) Mineral Weathering and Mobilization of Trace Metals in the Rhizosphere: The Role of Root Exudates
Terzano R, Medici L, Mimmo T, Tomasi N, Pinton R & Cesco S

Médieu A. (2023) Stable Mercury Concentrations in Tunas from the Global Ocean Arise Question About Monitoring the Effectiveness of the Minamata Convention
Médieu A, Point D, Sonke JE, Buchanan P, Bodin N, Adams D, Bignert A, Streets D, Hélène A, Ménard F, Choy CA, Allain V, Itai T, Bustamante P, Ferriss B, Bourlès B, Habasque J, Gauthier O & Lorrain A
(2021) Mercury Concentrations in Pacific Ocean Tunas are Driven by Both Anthropogenic and Natural Factors
Médieu A, Point D, Itai T, Angot H, Buchanan P, Allain V, Griffiths S, Fuller L, Gillikin D, Sonke JE, Heimbuerger-Boavida L-E, Menkes CE, Madigan D, Tagliabue A, Bopp L, Verheyden A & Lorrain A

Médina B. (2017) Non-Traditional Stable Isotopes – A New Horizon in Authenticity Confirmation and Tracing the Geographical Origin of Food
Epova E, Bérail S, Médina B, Sarthou L & Donard OFX

Medina Jesus (2015) Raman-Libs Combination, a Synergy to Analyze Mars’s Surface
Manrique JA, Lopez G, Sansano A, Rull F & Medina J

Medina Jesus (2012) Comparative Study of Synthetic and Natural Iron Sulfates and Oxides by Raman Spectroscopy
Sansano A, Medina J, Rull F & Sobron P

Medina M. (2017) Response of Chemotrophic Processes to Dynamic Redox Conditions in a Cyanobacterial Mat
Klatt J, Marchant H, de Beer D, Ziebis W, Druschel G, Medina M, Chennu A & Dick G

Medina R. (2022) Mapping DNAPL Groundwater Pollution with the 222Rn-Deficit Technique
De Miguel E, Barrio-Parra F, Serrano H, Izquierdo-Díaz M, Medina R & Díaz-Curiel J

Medina V. (2005) Effects of Natural Organic Matter on the Speciation of Uranium
Bednar A, Medina V & Larson S

Medina Ferrer F. (2020) Field Detection of Ureolytic Metabolism and its Potential Application to Understanding the Biogenicity of Carbonate Tufas
Medina Ferrer F, Rosen M, Hobart K & Bailey J
(2018) Visualizing Biomarkers Using Antibodies
Medina Ferrer F, Bailey J, Bidaud C & Corsetti F

Medina-Sanchez J. (2020) Robustness of Marine Biomineral Clumped Isotope Thermometry
Medina-Sanchez J, Clog M, Yin H, Kamenos N & Cusack M

Medinaut Scientific Party (2000) Lipid Biomarkers in Carbonate Crusts from Mud Volcanoes of the Eastern Mediterranean Ridge: Implications for Methane Oxidation
Bouloubassi I, Aloisi G, Pancost RD, Sinninghe Damste JS, Pierre C & Medinaut Scientific Party 

Medjoubi Kadda (2013) High-Spatial Resolution Imaging of the Distribution and Inter-Element Correlation of Metals in Modern and Ancient Stromatolites
Sforna MC, Philippot P, van Zuilen M, Somogyi A, Medjoubi K, Visscher PT & Dupraz C
(2012) Micron-Scale Imaging of the Distribution of Bio-Available Metals (Fe, Zn, Ni, Co) in Modern and Ancient Microbial Mats
Sforna MC, Philippot P, Van Zuilen M, Somogyi A, Medjoubi K, Visscher P & Dupraz C

Medjoubi Kadda (2015) Arsenic Metabolism and Cycling in Early Earth Oceans
Sforna MC, Philippot P, Somogyi A, van Zuilen MA, Medjoubi K, Schoepp-Cothenet B & Nitschke W

Medjoubi Kadda (2016) Oxidation State Distribution of Arsenic in Modern Stromatolites: A Trace of Life Evolution
Sancho-Tomás M, Somogyi A, Bergamaschi A, Medjoubi K, Farias ME, Visscher PT & Philippot P
(2016) Arsenic-Based Metabolisms in a 3.4 Ga Old Ecosystem
Philippot P, Medjoubi K, Sancho-Tomas M, Sugitani K, Visscher P, Konhauser K, Wing B & Somogyi A
(2016) Fast Scanning Multi-Technique Spectro-Microscopy Possibilities at the Nanoscopium Beamline of Synchrotron Soleil
Somogyi A, Medjoubi K, Baranton G, Le Roux V, Bergamaschi A, Sancho Tomas M & Samamam J-P

Medjoubi Kadda (2023) Study of Bryozoan Mineralogic Polymorphisms and Isotopic Signature: From the Individual Scale to that of the Whole Colony
Pesnin M, Thaler C, Medjoubi K, Daëron M, Nomade S & Rollion-Bard C
(2023) Tracking Photosynthetic Organisms in the Proterozoic Fossil Record
Sforna MC, Demoulin CF, Loron CC, Lara YJ, Cornet Y, François C, Grolimund D, Ferreira Sanchez D, Somogyi A, Medjoubi K, Tucoulou Tachoueres R & Javaux EJ
(2023) Hyperspectral Study of Visible Fluorescence in Modern and Ancient Microbialites to Detect Traces of Life
Debrie J, Saint Martin JP, Desjardins K, Lam F, Le Callonnec L, Medjoubi K, Somogyi A & Benzerara K

Medjoubi Kadda (2021) In situ Detection of Bound Ni-Tetrapyrrole Moieties in ~1 Gyr-Old Eukaryote Microfossil Suggesting its Phototrophy
Sforna MC, Loron CC, Demoulin CF, François C, Cornet Y, Lara YJ, Grolimund D, Ferreira Sanchez D, Medjoubi K, Somogyi A, Addad A, Fadel A, Compère P, Baudet D, Brocks JJ & Javaux EJ

Medjoubi Kadda (2020) Nickel as Tracer of Oxygenic Phototrophy in the Fossil Record
Sforna MC, Loron CC, Demoulin CF, François C, Cornet Y, Lara YJ, Grolimund D, Sanchez D, Medjoubi K, Somogyi A, Addad A, Fadel A, Compère P & Javaux EJ

Medjoubi Kadda (2017) Hierarchical Length-Scale Studies in Paleo-Geobiology by Scanning X-Ray Imaging
Somogyi A, Sancho-Tomas M, Baranton G, Philippot P & Medjoubi K
(2017) Arsenic in Living Microbial Mats: Distribution, Redox State and (Bio)geochemical Implications
Sancho-Tomás M, Medjoubi K, Bergamaschi A, Philippot P, Visscher PT, Van Driessche AES, Rasuk C, Contreras M, Farias ME & Somogyi A

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