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McKnight David (2022) An Overview of Hitachi’s New Data Management and Analytical Modeling Platform for Geochemistry and Automated Mineralogy Data
Knapp JP, McKnight D, Mudford A & Ostrander C

McKnight Diane (2018) Geochemistry of Aeolian Material from the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica: Insights into Dust Sources
Diaz M, Welch S, Sheets J, Welch K, Adams B, Khan A, McKnight D, Cary SC & Lyons WB
(2014) Electron Shuttling Capacity of Humic Substances in Reducing Aquifers and their Potential Role in Arsenic Mobilization
Mladenov N, Kulkarni H, Kirk M & McKnight D
(2012) Influence of DOM Quality on Arsenic Mobilization in a Bangladesh Aquifer
Mladenov N, McKnight D, Simone B, Legg T, Nemergut D, Ebert J, Radloff K & Zheng Y
(2001) Organic Matter Sorption on Oxide Surfaces: From Colloids to Catchments
McKnight DM
(2001) Direct Observations of Chemical Weathering and Biofilm Development on Mica Surfaces in the Hyporheic Zone of an Antarctic Dry Valley Stream
Maurice PA, McKnight DM, Leff L, Fulghum J & Gooseff M

McKnight Diane M (2023) Climate-Driven Increases in Stream Metal Concentrations in Mineralized Headwater Catchments throughout the Colorado Rocky Mountains, USA
Manning A, Petach TN, Runkel RL & McKnight DM

McKnight Diane M.

McKoy M. (2018) Distribution and Speciation of Rare Earth Elements in Clay Deposits via Synchrotron µ-XRF and µ-XANES
Stuckman M, Lopano C, Montross S, Verba C & McKoy M

McLachlin K. (2017) Gold Deportment Using LA-ICP-MS for High Resolution Elemental Microscopy
McLachlin K, O'Connor C & Hutchinson R
(2017) Characterizing Cisplatin-Induced Ototoxicity Using LA-ICP-MS
Amable L, Cunningham L & McLachlin K
(2016) Analytical Performance of a Turn-Key Femtosecond Laser Ablation System
Hutchinson R, McLachlin K, O'Connor C, Hilliard S, Summerfield L, Wilkins J & Larsen E
(2016) Long-Term Laser Ablation System Stage Return Accuracy: Sub-Micron Performance in Real Applications
Hutchinson R, Wray D, McLachlin K, O'Connor C, Hilliard S, Summerfield L, Wilkins J & Larsen E
(2015) SelfSeal Sample Chamber: Automation for Industrial Bulk Analysis
McLachlin K, Hilliard S, O'Connor C, Hutchinson R & Wilkins J
(2015) Long-Term Laser Ablation System Stage Return Accuracy: Sub-Micron Performance in Real Applications
Hutchinson R, Wray D, McLachlin K, O'Connor C, Hilliard S, Summerfield L, Wilkins J & Larsen E
(2014) Visualizing the Heterogeneity of Trace Metals Incorperated into the Vertebrae of Esturine Dependent Elasmobranchs Using LA-ICP-MS
Lewis J, Patterson W & McLachin K
(2013) Exploring the Benefits of TruLine Technology on a NWR193UC Laser Ablation Instrument
Patterson W, McLachlin K, Hutchinson R & O'Connor C

Mclagan David (2023) Tracing Uptake of Gaseous Elemental Hg Released from Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining into Trees and Soils of the Peruvian Amazon Using Mercury Stable Isotopes
Bergquist BA, Szponar N, Krystal N, McLagan D, Gerson JR, Fernandez L, Vega C, Bernhardt E, Mitchell C & Wania F
(2023) Experimental Evidence for Mass-Independent Fractionation of Even-Mass Mercury Isotopes Related to the Nuclear Volume Effect
Schwab L, Gallati N, Reiter SM, McLagan D, Biester H, Kumar N, Kimber R, Kraemer SM & Wiederhold JG
(2020) Tracing Atmospheric Mercury in the Peruvian Amazon Using Hg Isotopes
Szponar N, Vega C, Mclagan D, Gerson J, Bernhardt E, Mitchell C, Wania F, Fernandez L & Bergquist B

McLagan David S. (2022) Kinetic Versus Equilibrium Mercury Isotope Effects during Homogenous and Surface Catalyzed Mercury(II) Reduction by Iron(II)
Schwab L, Gallati N, McLagan DS, Biester H, Kraemer SM & Wiederhold JG
(2021) High Mercury Sorption in Low Organic Matter Aquifer Material Using Column Experiments
McLagan DS, Esser C, Schwab L, Pietrucha J, Wiederhold JG, Kraemer SM & Biester HU
(2021) Experimental Determination of Kinetic Mercury Isotope Fractionation during Reduction of Hg(II) by Dissolved Fe(II) and Fe(II)-bearing Minerals
Schwab L, Gallati N, McLagan DS, Kraemer SM, Biester HU & Wiederhold JG
(2019) Mercury Isotope and Species Analyses as a Tool to Trace Processes in Contaminated Soils and Sediments
Schwab L, McLagan DS, Kraemer SM, Biester H & Wiederhold JG

McLaughlin F. (2017) Rare Earth Element Concentraions in Thermal Oil and Gas Brines In Wyoming
McLing T, Neupane G, Nye C, Quillnan S & McLaughlin F
(2015) Archean Continental Rifting Recorded by Cordierite-Quartz Gneiss, Central Wyoming, USA
Frost C, McLaughlin F, Shelton C, Allen C, Swapp S & Frost R

McLaughlin J. Fred (2019) Observations on the Occurrence and Distribution of Critical Resources in Wyoming, USA
Phillips E, McLaughlin JF, Moore T, Bagdonas D, Quillinan S & Liu Z

McLaughlin Jessica (2018) Using Citizen Science and Service Learning to Improve Environmental Science Literacy
McLaughlin J, Davatzes A, Brandt C, Nyquist J & Toran L

McLaughlin Maeve (2023) Compositional Variations in the Azores Mantle Source: Insights from Lava-Hosted Xenoliths
McLaughlin M, Clay P, O'Driscoll B, Burgess R & Holland G

McLaughlin Mike (2012) Copper Isotope Fractionation during Uptake and Translocation in Strategy I and II Plants
Ryan B, Kirby J, McLaughlin M, Degryse F, Scheiderich K & Harris H

Mclaughlin Mike J (2017) Cadmium Remediation in Agricultural Fields for Potato Cultivation
Alves S, Wall D, Grant J, Hennessey M, Nolan S, Mclaughlin MJ, Creedon J, Bonner P & Griffin D

McLaughlin Molly (2019) Salinization and Radium Accumulation Assessment of Produced Water Beneficial Use in Western US Streams
McDevitt B, McLaughlin M, Blotevogel J, Borch T & Warner N
(2018) Field Assessment and Modelling of Radium Co-precipitation in Western US Produced Water Streams
McDevitt B, Cravotta C, McLaughlin M, Blotevogel J, Borch T & Warner N

McLaughlin P. (2022) Discharge of Sedex Ore-Forming Brines into Paleozoic Oceans Caused Global Marine Sr-Isotope Spikes, Perturbations to Global Carbon Cycles, Global Ocean Anoxic Events (OAEs) and Mass Extinctions
Emsbo P, McLaughlin P, Vandenbroucke TRA & Moscati RJ

McLean Colleen (2008) Inferring Phosphorus Dynamics in Flow Through Lakes from Sediment Biogeochemistry
Baas D, McLean C, Long D & Stevenson J
(2007) Evaluating Environmental Response Trends Using an Integrated Paleolimnological Approach
McLean C, Long D, Yansa C, Ognjanova-Rumenova N, Stevenson J & Parsons M

McLean Craig (2018) The Means of Production: Methylotrophy, Acetogenesis, and the Reverse Citric Acid Cycle in the Coast Range Ophiolite Microbial Observatory (CROMO)
Seyler L, Brazelton W, McLean C, Hoehler T, McCollom T, Kubo M & Schrenk M

McLean F. (2016) Origin of Isotopically Heavy Pyrite (δ34S>20‰) in the Paleoproterozoic Zaonega Formation
Üpraus K, Lepland A, Zerkle A, Patel N, McLean F, Wing B, Bui TH, Kreitsmann T, Kirsimäe K & Panieri G
(2015) Origin of 2.0 Ga Phosphorites and Associated Carbon and Sulphur Isotope Anomalies, Zaonega Formation, NW Russia
Üpraus K, Lepland A, Zerkle A, Oduro H, Patel N, McLean F, Kreitsmann T, Kirsimäe K, Wing B, Bui TH, Martma T, Romashkin A & Rychanchik D

McLean H. (2012) Non-Gem Diamonds from the Diavik Diamond Mine, Canada: Tracers for Cratonic Mantle Metasomatism
Hunt L, Stachel T, Pearson DG, Stern R, Muehlenbachs K, Marcheggiani-Croden V & McLean H

McLean J. (2005) Display and Retraction of Outer Membrane‚ Cytochromes by Shewanella oneidensis in Response to Electron Acceptor Availability
Gorby Y, Biju V, Pan D, Mclean J, Saffarini D, Fredrickson J & Lu P
(2002) Regulation and Assembly of Extracellular Polymeric Substances by the Facultative Metal Reducing Bacterium Shewanella oneidensis Strain MR-1
Gorby Y, McLean J, Pinchuk G, Hill E & Dohnalkova A

McLean L. (2019) Stable Isotope Classification for Acid Rock Drainage Detection in Carbonate-Rich Environment
Skrzypek G, Dogramaci S & McLean L

McLean M.A. (2008) Wax Esters Synthesized by Acidophilic Eukaryote Euglena mutabilis: Biochemical Relics of the Anaerobic Past of the Earth?
Fang J, Das Gupta S, Hasiotis S, Brake S & McLean MA

McLean N.m. (2019) Is DZ Driving You(r) MAD? Volcanogenic Zircon in Mature Paleosols Better Determine the Maximum Age of Deposition
Möller A, Ludvigson GA, Smith JJ, Joeckel RM, McLean NM, Hallman JA, Sitek BC & Turner E

McLean Noah (2018) Measuring Actinide Partitioning to Improve the 230Th Correction
Cocciadiferro A, McLean N, Krawczynski M & Touran J
(2018) Experimental Determination of Zircon-Melt DTh and DU
Touran JP, Cocciadiferro AN, Krawczynski MJ & McLean NM

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