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McFarlane H. (2015) Lessons Learned from Multi-Scale Studies of Crustal K-Th Distribution
Baratoux D, Jessell M, McFarlane H, Fall M, Andre-Mayer A-S, Vanderhaegue O, Baratoux L, Boamah K & Ndiaye PM

McFarlane I.R. (2014) Field Effect Transistors Based on Semiconductive Microbially Synthesized Chalcogenide Nanofibers
McFarlane IR, Lazzari-Dean J & El-Naggar MY

McFarlane James (2017) Multi-Episode Formation of the World-Class Hemerdon W-Sn Deposit and Cornubian Batholith
Tapster S, Shail R, Deady E & McFarlane J

McFarlane Joanna (2014) Nano to Macro-Porosity of Eagle Ford and Marcellus Shales: Characterization of Porosity Evolution
Gordon A, Stack A, Anovitz L, McFarlane J, Littrell K & Rother G

McFarlane Karis (2023) Linking Microbial Assimilation of Carbon and Microbial Biomarkers to Soil Organic Matter Persistence
Finstad KM, Grant KE, Morrison K, Nuccio E, Pett-Ridge J & Mcfarlane K
(2020) Ecohydrologic Implications of Deeply Rooted Grasses
Oerter E, Nuccio E, Slessarev E, Min K, Kan M, Visser A, McFarlane K, Asefaw Berhe A & Pett-Ridge J
(2018) Soil Carbon Storage and Turnover in Tropical Forests along a Precipitation Gradient in Panama
Finstad K, Cusack D, Dietterich L, Turner B & McFarlane K

McFarlane Karis J. (2012) Association with Poorly Crystalline Metal Oxides: Effects on Soil Organic Matter Storage and Stability in Four Eastern Deciduous Forests
Porras RC, Torn MS & McFarlane KJ

McFarlane R. (2022) Identification of Biomineralization Processes and Bacterial Species Forming the Speleothems of Iron Curtain Cave, Chilliwack, British Columbia, Canada
Koning K, McFarlane R, Gosse J, Lawrence S, Carr L, Van Wagoner N, Boddy C & Cheeptham1 N

McFarlin J. (2023) Hydrogen Stable Isotope Probing of Lipids Demonstrates Slow Rates of Microbial Growth in Soil
Caro T, McFarlin J, Jech S, Fierer N & Kopf S
(2022) Determining Controls on Hydrogen Isotope Fractionation in Archaeal Tetraether Lipids in a Thermoacidophilic Archaeal Heterotroph
Harris CM, Rhim JH, Zhang Y, Cobban A, McFarlin J, Batther H, Kopf S & Leavitt WD
(2022) Uncovering the Microbial Producers of Branched Glycerol Dialkyl Glycerol Tetraethers
Halamka TA, Raberg J, McFarlin J, Younkin A, Mulligan C, Dildar N, Liu X-L & Kopf S
(2022) Archaeal Lipid Hydrogen Isotope Signatures of the Metabolically Flexible Archaeoglobus Fulgidus during Autotrophy and Heterotrophy
Rhim JH, Harris CM, Batther H, McFarlin J, Kopf S & Leavitt WD

McFiggans Gordon (2015) Biogeochemistry of Reactive Halogens and the Omnipresence of Iodine
Carpenter L, Andrews S, Hackenberg S, Sherwen T, Evans M, Allan J, McFiggans G, Boxe C & Saiz-Lopez A

McFiggans Gordon (2019) A Numerical Approach for Picking Win-Win Strategies for Air Pollution in Megacities
Chen Y, Wild O, Ryan E, Sahu SK, Lowe D, Archer-Nicholls S, Wang Y, McFiggans G, Ansari T, Singh V, Sokhi RS, Archibald A & Beig G
(2019) Aerosol Sources, Processes and Effects on the Urban Boundary Layer: Highlights from the Beijing Air Pollution and Human Health Programme
Coe H, Allan J, Mehra A, Worrall S, Bacak A, Bannan T, Priestley M, Slater J, Joshi R, McFiggans G, Topping D, Connolly P, Liu D, Flynn M, Yu C, Sun Y, Fu P, Wang Z, Ge X & Worsnop D

McFiggans Gordon (2011) Aerosol Mass Spectrometer Constraint on the Global Secondary Organic Aerosol Budget
Spracklen D, Jimenez J, Carslaw K, Worsnop D, Evans M, Mann G, Zhang Q, Canagaratna M, Allan J, Coe H, Mcfiggans G, Rap A & Forster P
(2011) Insights into Biogenic Secondary Organic Aerosols Produced from Five Structurally Different Precursors
Alfarra MR, Good N, Hamilton J, Wyche K, Monks P, Lewis A & McFiggans G
(2011) Hygroscopic and CCN Properties of Marine Aerosol
Whitehead J, Allan J, Good N & McFiggans G
(2011) Revisiting the Influence of Particle Size on the Equilibrium Composition
Topping D & McFiggans G
(2011) Simulations of Multicomponent Aerosol Processes on the Regional Scale
McFiggans G, Utembe S, Lowe D, Archer-Nicholls S & Topping D
(2011) On the Hygroscopic Behaviour of Marine Particles Enriched with Biogenic Nanogels
Fuentes-Lopez E, Coe H, Green D & McFiggans G
(2009) Discrepancy between Measured and Modelled Behaviour of Aerosol as Cloud Condensation Nuclei
Allan J, Coe H, Crosier J, Good N, Irwin M, McFiggans G & Williams P
(2009) Novel Findings in the Reactive Halogens in the Marine Boundary Layer (RHaMBLe) Project
McFiggans G, Ball S, Carpenter L, Gallagher M, Heard D & Plane J

McGarry S. (2002) Palaeohydrology in the Eastern Mediterranean from Speleothem Fluid Inclusion D/H Analyses
McGarry S, Bar-Matthews M, Matthews A & Ayalon A
(2000) TIMS U-Th Dated Multiproxy Speleothem Records of Late Quaternary Climate and Environmental Change in England
McGarry S, Hawkesworth C, Baker A & Caseldine C

McGarvie D. (2023) The Generation of Intermediate Compositions in Iceland. A Simple Mixing Approach to a Complex Problem
Cortes JA, Hughes AL & McGarvie D
(2023) The Plume Pollution Rift Dilution Effect in Iceland: A Geochemical Approach to Identifying Hybrid Magma Sources within Iceland
Hughes AL, Cortes JA & McGarvie D
(2014) The Timing of Volcano-Ice Interactions in Iceland
Street K, Burgess R, Brocklehurst S & McGarvie D

McGee B.N. (2023) Persistent Science Challenges in Legacy Mine Land Sites: Results from a Multi-Scale Geochemical Study in Tomichi Creek, Colorado, USA
Morrison J, Manning A, Runkel RL, Walton-Day K & McGee BN
(2023) Arsenic as a Mining Remediation and Restoration Challenge in the Salmon River Mountains, Idaho, U.S.A
Holloway JM, McGee BN, Choate LM, Lund K & Granitto M
(2022) Impact of Historical Mercury and Gold Mining on Freshwater Fisheries Habitat
Holloway JM, Kraus JM, McGee BN, Pribil M & Rutherford D
(2021) Pathways for Mobilization and Fisheries Impacts of Mercury from the Cinnabar Mine Site, Idaho, USA
Holloway JM & McGee BN

McGee D. (2020) Spatial Patterns of Terrigenous Fluxes in the Tropical Atlantic Since the Last Glacial Maximum
Rowland GH, Robinson LF, Hendry KR, Ng HC, McGee D & McManus JF
(2019) Future Decline of African Dust: Insights from the Recent Past and Paleo-Records
Yuan T, Yu H, Chin M, Remer L, Evan A & McGee D
(2019) Single-Grain 238U/235U Measurements in Early Earth Zircons
Tissot FLH, Ibanez-Mejia M, Boehnke P, Dauphas N, McGee D, Grove TL & Harrison TM
(2019) Changes in NE Mexico Hydroclimate in Response to Heinrich Events Inferred from a Multi-Proxy Speleothem Record
Wright K, Johnson KR, Lum G, McGee D, Serrato Marks G & Bermendi-Orosco L
(2018) Quantitative Reconstructions of Past Lake Level Changes from Tufas and Paleoshorelines in the Central Andes
Chen CY, Rao Z, McGee D & Quade J
(2018) Southern California Hydroclimate over the Last 150 kyrs: New Results from the Searles and Death Valley Basins
McGee D, Olson K, Stroup J, Chen CY, Lowenstein T, Smoot J, Janick J, Lund S, Peaple M, Feakins S, Serrato Marks G & Litwin R
(2018) Millennial-Scale Controls on Monsoon Precipitation in Madagascar during the Deglaciation
Scroxton N, Burns S, McGee D, Hardt B, Godfrey L, Ranivoharimanana L & Faina P
(2018) Direct U-Pb Age Constraints on Arctic Speleothem Formation and their Implications for Climate Change in Deep Time
Gambino C, McGee D, Ramezani J, Khadivi S, Shakun J & Wong C
(2018) An Analytical Framework for the Steady-State Impact of Carbonate Compensation on Atmospheric CO2
Omta AW, Ferrari R & McGee D
(2018) Resolving the Provenance of Marine Sediment in the Ulleung Basin to Reconstruct the East Asian Monsoon
Anderson C, Murray R, Dunlea A, Giosan L, Kinsley C, McGee D & Tada R
(2018) Isolating the Eolian Component of Japan Sea Sediments (IODP Site U1430) for Radiogenic Isotope Provenance Studies
Kinsley C, McGee D, Anderson C, Dunlea A, Murray R, Giosan L & Tada R
(2018) Drivers and Impacts of Saharan Dust Variability over the Last 240 kyr
McGee D, Skonieczny C, Kinsley C, Winckler G, Bradtmiller L, Bory A, Polissar P & deMenocal P
(2017) Discussion Slot – 17d
McGee D
(2016) High Precision Uranium-Thorium Geochronology on the Nu Plasma II-ES
McGee D, Hardt B & Zhao Y
(2016) Investigating Past Climate-Biosphere Links: Speleothem-Based Climate Reconstructions to Constrain Controls on Late Holocene Forest Expansion in South America
Wong C, Wortham B, McGee D, Silva L, Cruz F & Montanez I
(2014) Merging Lake and Cave Archives of Past Climate Change in the U.S. Great Basin
McGee D, Steponaitis E, Andrews A, Quade J, Edwards L, Broecker W & Cheng H
(2013) Introducing a Comprehensive Data Reduction Algorithm for High-Precision U-Th Geochronology with Isotope Dilution MC-ICP-MS
Pourmand A, Tissot FLH, Arienzo M, McGee D & Sharifi A
(2012) Lacustrine Cave Carbonates: Novel, Absolute-Dated Paleohydrologic Archives in the Bonneville Basin (Utah, USA)
McGee D, Quade J, Edwards RL, Broecker W, Cheng H & Steponaitis E
(2011) Using Opal and Organic Carbon as Proxies for Migration of the North African Monsoon
Bradtmiller L, Awalt M, McGee D & DeMenocal P
(2009) Gustiness: The Driver of Glacial Dustiness?
McGee D, Broecker W & Winckler G
(2008) Half a Million Years of Coherent Dust Flux Variations in the Tropical Pacific and Antarctica
Winckler G, Anderson RF, McGee D, Fleisher MQ & Mahowald N
(2008) Extraterrestrial 3He and Constraints on Eolian Fluxes and Provenance in Sediments from the Shatsky Rise
Marcantonio F, Woodard S, Thomas D, McGee D & Winckler G
(2008) Testing the Response of xs230Th and Extraterrestrial 3He to Sediment Redistribution at the Blake Ridge, Western North Atlantic
McGee D, Marcantonio F, McManus JF & Winckler G
(2006) 232Th-derived dust fluxes as a marker of deglacial changes in ITCZ position and intensity in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific
McGee D, Marcantonio F & Lynch-Stieglitz J

McGee K. (2005) Field Geology and Petrology of the 2004-2<->0.5<$> Mount St. Helens Dome
Pallister J, Thornber C, Clynne M, Cashman K & McGee K

McGee Lucy (2011) Monogenetic Basaltic Volcanoes Represent Extraction Rather Than Melting Events
Smith IEM, McGee L, Cronin S, Bebbington M & Lindsay J
(2011) Monogenetic, but not Monotonous: Basaltic Eruptions in the Auckland Volcanic Field, New Zealand
McGee L, Smith IEM, Millet M-A, Beier C, Lindsay J & Handley H

McGee Lucy (2023) Copper Isotope Analysis of Fore-Arc Basalt and Boninite Glasses from the Bonin Fore-Arc System, IODP Expedition 352
Pring OT, McGee L, Prytulak J & Reagan MK
(2023) Laser Based S Isotope Analysis of Weathered ‘super-Heavy’ Neoproterozoic Sulphides and Rb–Sr Dating of Illite from Kapunda, South Australia
Woolston Z, Farkas J, Gilbert S, McGee L, Petts A, Fabris A & Krapf C

McGee Lucy (2017) How Recently did Fluid Flow Occur on CV and CM Chondrites?
Turner S, McGee L & Humayun M

McGee Lucy (2015) The Individuality of Ascent Paths in Small Volcanic Systems: Small Eruptive Centres Near Villarrica Volcano, Chile
McGee L, Morgado E, Handley H, Turner M, Lara LE, Brahm R & Parada MA

McGee Lucy E (2020) How Recently did Fluid Flow on Carbonaceous Chondrites
Turner S, McGee L, Creech J & Humayan M
(2020) U-Series Histories of Magmatic Volatile Phases and Enclave Development at Soufrière Hills Volcano, Montserrat
McGee L, Reagan M, Handley H, Turner S & Sparks S
(2020) Copper Isotope Fractionation in Volatile-Fluxed Enclaves: Modern Analogues for the Genesis of Ancient Ore Deposits
McGee L, Lowczak C, Farkas J, Payne J, Wade C & Reid A
(2020) The Individuality of Melting Regimes in Small Basaltic Systems: Variations in Space and Time
McGee L, Smith I & Morgado E
(2020) The Magma Source of Small-Scale Monogenetic Volcanic Systems
Smith IEM, Cronin SJ, McGee LE & Brenna M

McGee S. (2006) Calibration of Terrestrial Cosmic-Ray-Produced Nuclides: CRONUS
Caffee MW, Balco G, Finkel RC, Jull AJT, Kurz MD, Lifton N, McGee S, Nishiizumi K, Phillips FM, Schaefer Y, Sisterson J & Stone JO

McGeoch J.E.M.

McGeoch M.W.

McGeouch C-A. (2009) A New Approach to the Study of Calcite Dissolution Utilising Localised Electrochemical Proton Generation
McGeouch C-A, Edwards M, Mbogoro M, Unwin P & Parkinson C

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