Abstract Details
(2020) The Role of Jupiter in Chondrule Formation
Bodénan J-D, Surville C, Szulàgyi J, Mayer L & Schönbächler M
The author has not provided any additional details.
01g: Room 1, Tuesday 23rd June 08:21 - 08:24
Jean-David Bodénan
View abstracts at 2 conferences in series
Clément Surville
Judit Szulàgyi
Lucio Mayer View abstracts at 2 conferences in series
Maria Schönbächler
Clément Surville
Judit Szulàgyi
Lucio Mayer View abstracts at 2 conferences in series
Maria Schönbächler
Listed below are questions that have been submitted by the community that the author will try and cover in their presentation. To submit a question, ensure you are signed in to the website. Authors or session conveners approve questions before they are displayed here.
Submitted by Sara Russell on Monday 22nd June 19:45
This is a very interesting presentation! Can you quantify the maximum dust density? Do you think the material in these vortices is likely to end up falling into Jupiter or can it escape? Thanks.
This is a very interesting presentation! Can you quantify the maximum dust density? Do you think the material in these vortices is likely to end up falling into Jupiter or can it escape? Thanks.
Submitted by Mattias Ek on Monday 22nd June 21:46
If chondrule formation takes place in the vortices do you have any idea what the heating mechanism could be?
If chondrule formation takes place in the vortices do you have any idea what the heating mechanism could be?
Submitted by Quinn Shollenberger on Tuesday 23rd June 02:27
Could smaller planets also create vortices or is this limited to giant planets?
Could smaller planets also create vortices or is this limited to giant planets?
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