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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

McDougall I. (2006) Earliest known modern humans from Kibish, Ethiopia
McDougall I, Brown FH & Fleagle JG
(2001) The Origin of Noble Gas Isotopic Heterogeneity in Icelandic Basalts
Dixon ET, Honda M & McDougall I

McDowell F.W. (2014) Cenozoic Slab-Rollback Magmatism in Western North America: Similarities and Differences in Space-Time-Composition
Henry CD, McIntosh WC, McDowell FW, Lipman PW, John DA, Colgan JP, Chapin CE & Watts KE

McDowell Nate (2020) Salinity and Inundation Alter Biogeochemistry and Carbon Fluxes in Two Coastal Forests
Bailey V, Sengupta A, Myers-Pigg A, Pennington S, Hopple A, Bond-Lamberty B, McDowell N, Megonigal P, Stegen J, Tan Z, Ward N, Yabusaki S & Zheng J

Mcdowell Nathan G (2023) Iron Redox Dynamics Across Coastal Terrestrial-Aquatic Interfaces: Field Study in The Great Lakes and Chesapeake Bay Regions
Stetten L, Boyanov MI, O'Loughlin EJ, Bailey V, Day D, Homolka KK, Hopple AM, Kovach M, Bittencourt Peixoto R, Machado-Silva F, Mcdowell NG, Megonigal P, Wilson S, Myers-Pigg AN, Otenburg O, Ward ND, Weintraub M & Kemner KM

McDowell Susanne (2012) Episodic, Post-Supereruption Resurrection of the Peach Spring Magmatic System (Western Arizona, USA) over ~2 Ma
McDowell S, Miller C, Ferguson C & Wooden J
(2012) Peach Spring Tuff, Arizona-California-Nevada, USA: Generating an Isolated Supereruption
Miller CF, Pamukcu AS, Ferguson CA, Carley TL, Gualda GAR, Wooden JL, McIntosh WC, Lidzbarski MI, Miller JS & McDowell SM

McDowell Susanne (2013) Hot/Cold, Wet/Dry, Big/Small, Erupt/Stall, Juvenile/Anatectic? – Multiple Personalities of Felsic Magmatism
Miller C, McDowell S, Carley T, Frazier W, Pamukcu A, Padilla A, Claiborne L, Flanagan D, Gualda G, Miller J, Wooden J & Mapes R
(2013) Remarkably Hot Quartz in Resurgent Intrusions Associated with the 18.8 Ma Peach Spring Tuff Supereruption
McDowell S, Miller C & Wooden J

McDowell William (2018) Decoupling of Shallow and Deep Sources of Nutrients at the Late Stages of Weathering: Insights from Traditional and Non-Traditional Tracers at the Luquillo CZO
Chapela Lara M, Schuessler J, Buss H & McDowell W

McDowell William H. (2019) The Influence of Lithology on Mg Cycling in Highly Weathered Catchments: Insights from Mg Isotopes at the Luquillo Critical Zone Observatory
Chapela Lara M, Schuessler JA, Buss HL, Henehan MJ & McDowell WH

McEldowney S. (2005) Minerals and Bacteria, Friends or Foes?
Hutchens E, Valsami-Jones E, McEldowney S & Oelkers E
(2004) New Experimental Insights on the Mechanisms of Bacterially Mediated K-Feldspar Dissolution
Hutchens E, Valsami-Jones E & McEldowney S
(2003) The Influence of Heterotrophic Bacteria and Fungi on K-Feldspar Dissolution
Hutchens E, Valsami-Jones E & McEldowney S

McElhenny G.

McElroy B. (2007) Continental Erosion Averaged over Space and Time
Staiger J, McElroy B & Perg L

McElroy M. (2018) Fine Particle pH for Beijing Winter Haze as Inferred from Different Thermodynamic Equilibrium Models
Song S, Gao M, Xu W, Shao J, Shi G, Wang S, Wang Y, Sun Y & McElroy M

McElwain Jennifer (2019) Rapid Atmospheric CO2 Drawdown into Basaltic Andisols of Mt. Etna
Kamber B, Xu W, Kinahan P, Gill L, McElwain J & Rocha C

McElwain Jennifer C (2022) Ecosystem-To-Global Scale Modeling of Vegetation-Climate Feedbacks during the Late Paleozoic Ice Age with Fossil-Based Plant Functional Types
Macarewich SI, Poulsen CJ, Matthaeus WJ, Richey JD, White J, Montañez IP, DiMichele WA, Hren MT, McElwain JC & Wilson JP
(2016) Climate Sensitivity at the Eocene-Oligocene Boundary as Recorded by Fossil Plant Stomata
Steinthorsdottir M, Porter AS, Holohan A, Kunzmann L, Collinson M & McElwain JC
(2016) Eccentricity Paced CO2, Climate and Terrestrial Carbon Cycling during Earth’s Penultimate Icehouse
Montanez I, McElwain J, Poulsen C, Tripati R & DiMichele W

McElwain Jennifer C. (2014) Substantial High CO2-Driven Reduction in Plant Transpiration Links Loss of Terrestrial and Marine Biodiversity: Deep Time Evidence
Steinthorsdottir M, Woodward FI, Surlyk F & McElwain JC
(2010) Linkage of Terrestrial & Marine Records during OAE2 (94Ma)
Barclay R, McElwain J & Sageman B
(2009) The Stomatal-CO2 Proxy: Limitations and Advances
McElwain J & Haworth M
(2009) Stomatal Index Based pCO2 Reconstruction and Terrestrial δ13C Record for OAE2 (94Ma)
Barclay R, McElwain J & Sageman B
(2009) Bennettites as CO2 Proxy for the Mesozoic?
Steinthorsdottir M & McElwain JC

McEnroe S. (2011) Interfaces and Exchange Coupling
McEnroe S, Robinson P, Fabian K, Harrison R, Miyajima N & Langenhorst F
(2004) Exploring Effects of Nanoscale Exsolution on Magnetic Properties in the Hematite-Ilmenite Series
McEnroe S, Harrison R, Langenhort F, Robinson P, Jackson M, Kasama T & Brown L
(2004) Phase Relations in the Hematite-Ilmenite Series: Crucial in Acquiring and Preserving Crustal Magnetism
Robinson P, Harrison R, McEnroe S, Langenhorst F & Heidelbach F

McFadden K. (2011) First Episode of Widespread Ocean Oxygenation 551 Myr ago
Kendall B, Komiya T, Lyons T, Bates S, Jiang G, Creaser R, Xiao S, McFadden K, Sawaki Y, Tahata M, Shu D, Han J, Li Y, Chu X & Anbar A

McFadden L. (2009) Revised Phanerozoic Atmospheric CO2 Concentrations from Paleosol Carbonate
Breecker D, Sharp Z, McFadden L & Quade J

McFadden M. (2002) 10, 000 Year Nitrogen Isotope Record from Lake Ontario, Understanding Carbon and Nitrogen Dynamics from a Paleo-Perspective
Anderson W, McFadden M, Mullins H & Patterson W

McFall Katie (2019) Assessing Magmatic Volatile Flux in Ancient VMS Systems
Martin A, Keith M, Parvaz D, McDonald I, Boyce A, McFall K, Jenkin G & MacLeod C
(2017) The Behaviour of Semi-Metals (Se, Te, Bi) in Magmatic-Hydrothermal Systems and their Role in Precious Metal Transport
McFall K & McDonald I

McFall Katie A (2022) High Temperature (>800℃) Brine and Sulfide Melt Interaction during the Formation of Northern Bushveld Magmatic Sulfide Cu-Ni-Pge Deposits
McFall KA, McDonald I, Yudovskaya MA, Kinnaird J, Hanley JJ, Kerr M & Tattitch B
(2021) High Temperature (>800℃) Brine Phase Present during the Formation of Northern Bushveld Magmatic Sulfide Cu-Ni-Pge Deposits
McFall KA, McDonald I, Yudovskaya MA, Kinnaird J, Hanley JJ, Kerr M & Tattitch BC

McFarlane Chris (2022) Bulk Inclusion Micro-Zircon U-Pb Geochronology: A New Tool to Date Low-Grade Metamorphism
Hollinetz SM, Schneider DA, McFarlane C, Huet B, Rantitsch G & Grasemann B
(2021) Exploring Metal Zoning in Metapelitic Porphyroblasts to Reconstruct Reaction Histories and P-T-t-D Paths
McFarlane C

McFarlane Chris RM (2023) In situ Biotite Rb-Sr Ages in Granulitic Polymetamorphic Rocks: Role of Inter- and Intragranular Diffusion on Preservation of Metamorphic Ages
McFarlane CR

McFarlane Christopher (2018) A Robust in situ Phosphate U-Pb Age for Martian Meteorite Los Angeles
McFarlane C, Spray J & Wilson B
(2018) Inferring Timescales of Garnet Crystallization from Lu-Hf Dating of a Size-Sorted Porphyroblast Population
McCarron T, Anczkiewicz R & McFarlane C
(2018) The Tiébélé Granite Pluton: New Geochronological (U-Pb) Data and its Capacity to Mineralize in Burkina Faso (West-Africa)
Ilboudo H, Lentz D & McFarlane C

McFarlane Christopher R. M. (2017) Tale-Tell Minerals from Massive Sulfide Deposits of the Bathurst Mining Camp, Canada and New Exploration Approaches
Soltani Dehnavi A, Lentz DR, McFarlane CRM & Walker JA
(2017) U-Pb Geochronology of Uraninite from Mt. Douglas Granite, Canada, and Pulsifer Pegmatite, Maine, USA
Mohammadi N, McFarlane C & Lentz D
(2017) U-Pb Geochronology of Hydrothermal Garnet by 193nm LA-ICP-MS
McFarlane C & Massawe R
(2016) Petrogenesis of a Unique, Massive Monazite-Xenotime Vein-Dike in Southern NY, USA
Garcelon EA, Lentz DR & McFarlane CRM
(2016) Raman Spectroscopy and Laser Ablation ICP MS of Hematite and Martite from Uraniferous Greisen Veins, Mt. Douglas Granite, NB Canada
Mohammadi N, McFarlane C & Lentz D
(2015) LA-ICP-MS Approaches to Depth-Profiling and Chemical Mapping of Unpolished Zircon
Kelly C, Schneider D, McFarlane C & Jackson S
(2015) Pyrite: Fool’s Gold or Not? Insights into the VMS Deposits of the Bathurst Mining Camp and Potential Use as Vectoring Tool in Exploration of VMS Deposits
Soltani Dehnavi A, Lentz DR & McFarlane CRM
(2015) Geochemical Comparison of the Mount Douglas Granite and the Oldest Phase of the Mount Pleasant Granophile Deposit System
Mohammadi N, Lentz D, Thorne K & McFarlane C
(2015) YREE, Th and U Enrichment Associated with Biogenic Material in Phosphatic Oil Shale, Green River Formation, Utah, USA
Keighley D & McFarlane C
(2014) Interpreting Volatile Trace-Element Signatures in Volcanogenic Massive Sulfide Deposits of the Bathurst Mining Camp, Canada: Evidence from a LA-ICP-MS Study on Sulfide Minerals
Soltani Dehnavi A, Lentz DR & McFarlane CRM
(2012) Evaluation of Uncertainty of Pb and U Determinations in Glasses and Zircon at High Spatial Resolution
Luo Y & McFarlane C
(2012) Timing Constraints on the Deep Crustal Residence and Subsequent Uplift of the Repulse Bay Block, Melville Peninsula, Nunavut
LaFlamme C, McFarlane C & Corrigan D
(2011) Trace Element Geochemistry of Micas by Laser Ablation ICP-MS in the Moose II Lithium-Tantalum Pegmatite Deposit, NWT
Anderson M, Lentz D, McFarlane C & Falck H
(2008) In situ Geochemical and Sm-Nd Isotopic Fingerprinting of High-T Hydrothermal Alteration
McFarlane C
(2006) In-situ 143Nd/144Nd in LREE-rich minerals via LA-MC-ICPMS
Mcfarlane CRM & Mcculloch M
(2005) Monazite Thermochronology Applied to the Challenger Mine, S. Australia
McFarlane C
(2004) Intracrystalline Mobility of Pb in Zircon in a High-Temperature Aureole
Connelly J, McFarlane C & Carlson W

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