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(2020) Lithium Isotope Composition of Scleratinian Corals is Sensitive to Internal pH Regulation

Vigier N, Comeau S, Counillon L, McCulloch M & Rodolfo-Metalpa R


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12g: Room 4, Thursday 25th June 22:33 - 22:36

Listed below are questions that have been submitted by the community that the author will try and cover in their presentation. To submit a question, ensure you are signed in to the website. Authors or session conveners approve questions before they are displayed here.

Submitted by Elizabeth King on Thursday 25th June 17:06
From Conveners: 1) Is species effect more pronounced at pH = 8.2? Why? In other words, why is the difference between species greater on x-axis (1.8‰) than y-axis (0.8‰) 2) Are the B isotopes only for the vent samples? They should be different from the control samples as they were formed in quite different pH conditions.
Hi Elisabeth, thank you for your question. Boron isotopes have been measured in corals from both sites. We are still thinking about this, but perhaps near the vent site, the pH is less variable - due to the CO2 bubbling - than in the controle site, which is submitted to natural variations. This may explain the difference in the observed variability and is supported by boron isotopes as well.

Submitted by Claire Nelson on Thursday 25th June 21:28
very cool presentation! I wonder if your results could be used in parallel to Ca isotopes to further develop the Li proxy and better constrain precipitation rate effects associated with pH fluctuations?

Submitted by Nathalie Vigier on Friday 26th June 06:45
Hi Claire, thank you. These corals have been studied by R. Rodolfo Metalpa and his team, and their growth rate are not significantly different between the control site and the vent site.

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