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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

McDaniel G. (2011) Impact of a Small Downstream Reservoir on Metal Cycling in Acid Mine Drainage Impacted Waters
Rademacher L, Faul K & McDaniel G

McDaniel M.F. (2020) Metal Uptake and Sequestration within Southern Ocean Diatom Frustules: A Significant Sink for Iron and Zinc
Castorina E, Ingall E, Morton P, Brewer L, McDaniel MF & Lai B
(2020) Relationship between Atmospheric Aerosol Mineral Surface Area and Iron Solubility
Ingall E, McDaniel MF, Morton P, Castorina E, Weber R, Shelley R, Landing W, Longo A, Feng Y & Lai B

McDannald A. (2023) Working Around Microanalytical Data Gaps to Make Multiscale Predictions- Exploring the Bon Accord Nickel Mineral Species
Einsle JF, O'Driscoll B, McDannald A, Kusne AG, Lampronti GI, Salge T & Buisman I

McDermitt D. (2013) Continuous Measurement of Methane Emissions from a Landfill Using a New Laser-Based Open Path Instrument
McDermitt D, Xu L, Lin X, Amen J, Welding K, Anderson T & Komissarov A

McDermott Christopher (2013) Investigating the Role of Noble Gases as Tracers for CO2 Storage
Kilgallon R, Gilfillan S, McDermott C & Edlmann K

McDermott Christopher I (2022) Resolving Fingerprints of Unconventional Gas Sources and Methane-Rich Groundwaters in the Vale of Pickering, UK
Chambers RM, Gilfillan SMV, McDermott CI, Smedley P & Ward R

McDermott F. (2023) Methodologies for Quantification of CO2 Drawdown by Enhanced Weathering
McDermott F, Bryson M, Magee R & van Acken D
(2017) Sourcing Groundwater Arsenic Contamination in North-East Ireland
Russell A, McDermott F, Hunter Williams T, Daly E, Henry T & Morrison L
(2015) Spatio-temporal Coherency Analysis of European Holocene Speleothem δ18O Records Reveals Temperature Driven Changes
Deininger M & McDermott F
(2014) The Onset of the Mediterranean Climate in Western Europe Inferred from Dating and CT Scanning of Un-Sectioned Stalagmite
Walczak I, Baldini J, Baldini L, Marsden S, Richards D, Standish C, McDermott F & Andreo B
(2010) A High Resolution, Precisely Dated Speleothem Record of the Younger Dryas and Holocene from La Garma Cave, Northern Spain
Baldini L, McDermott F, Arias Cabal P, Baldini J, Mattey D, Hoffman D & Müller W
(2010) Identifying the Link between Climate and Trace Element Concentrations in Cave Deposits Using a Daily-Scale Cave Drip Water Dataset
Baldini J, McDermott F, Baldini L & Clipson N
(2008) Spatial Variability in the NAO-European Winter Precipitation δ18O Relationship: Implications for Stalagmite Proxy NAO Index Reconstructions
Baldini L, McDermott F, Macpherson C, Hercman H & Baldini J
(2008) Cave Air Controls on Stalagmite Growth Rates and Paleoclimate Records
Baldini J, McDermott F, Hoffmann D, Richards D & Clipson N
(2008) Bacteria, Fungi and Archaea on Silicate Minerals – A Case for Selective Colonization
Hutchens E, McDermott F & Clipson N
(2008) 14C Variability in Two Late Holocene Stalagmites and the Implications for Climate Forcing Mechanisms
McDermott F, Jackson A, Mangini A, Mattey D & Frisia S
(2006) Forward modelling of speleothem δ18O; a critical assessment of their use as high-resolution climate proxies
McDermott F, Baldini J & Baldini L
(2006) Detection of late Holocene Δ14C anomalies and climate proxy response in a French stalagmite
Jackson A & McDermott F
(2006) Detecting NAO-mode variability in high-resolution speleothem isotope records
Baldini L, McDermott F & Baldini J
(2006) Effects of high-frequency cave atmosphere PCO2 variability on stalagmite climate proxy records
Baldini J, McDermott F & Clipson N
(2006) Microbial colonization of rock surfaces; random or mineral specific selection?
Hutchens E, Clipson N & McDermott FP
(2004) Environmental Controls on Annual Carbonate Deposition for Stalagmites from Brown’s Folly Mine, Wiltshire, England
Baldini J, McDermott F & Fairchild I
(2004) Source Compositional Variability beneath the Bicol Arc, the Philippines
McDermott F, Delfin F, Defant M, Turner S & Maury R
(2004) Local and Regional Geochemical Variability on the Southwest Indian Ridge (SWIR) and its Geophysical Context
Gleeson M, McDermott F & Hunter A
(2002) Geochemistry of Crustal Samples from the Atlantis Bank Platform, SWIR
Gleeson M, Hunter A, McDermott F, Pearson G, Nowell G & Fallick A
(2002) Solar Forcing of Holocene Climate; Where are the Amplifiers?
McDermott F
(2000) U Isotope Systematics in Four European Stalagmites: New Insights and Implications for Palaeoclimatic Reconstruction
Huang Y, McDermott F, Hawkesworh CJ & Fairchild IJ
(2000) Evidence for an Abrupt, High-Amplitude Climate Fluctuation c. 8, 300 Years ago in a New Laser Ablation *18O Record for a Holocene Speleothem from S.W. Ireland
McDermott F, Mattey D & Hakesworth C

McDermott Jill (2017) Geological Settings of Hydrothermal Vents at 6°15’W and 55°30’E on the Gakkel Ridge, Arctic Ocean
Marcon Y, Purser A, Diehl A, Albers E, Türke A, McDermott J, German C, Hand K, Schlindwein V, Dorschel B, Wegener G, Boetius A & Bach W
(2017) Geochemistry, Physics, and Dispersion of a Gakkel Ridge Hydrothermal Plume, 87°N, 55°30’E
McDermott J, Albers E, Bach W, Diehl A, German C, Hand K, Koehler J, Seewald J, Walter M, Wegener G & Wischnewski L
(2017) Microbial Dynamics in Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Plumes of the Ultra-Slow Spreading Gakkel Ridge
Molari M, Wegener G, McDermott J, Bach W & Boetius A
(2009) Sr Isotopic Evidence for Dissolution of Anhydrite in Hydrothermal Fluids at 9°50’N East Pacific Rise
McDermott J, Von Damm K, Kalnejais L & Bryce J
(2009) Thermobarometric Implications of Temporal and Spatial Variability in Hydrothermal Fluid SiO2-Cl Abundances Through a Full Eruptive Cycle at 9°50’N East Pacific Rise
Von Damm K, Meana Prado F, McDermott J, Lilley M & Bryce J

McDermott Jill M. (2023) Discovery and Exploration of Active Off-Axis Hydrothermal Vents at 9° 54'N East Pacific Rise
McDermott JM, Parnell-Turner R, Barreyre T, Herrera S, Downing CC, Pittoors NC, Pehr K, Vohsen SA, Dowd WS, Wu J-N, Marjanovic M, Siverand JM, Bibaj E, Preston V & Fornari DJ
(2023) Sediments in Deep Fracture Networks Reveal Divergent Sulfur Cycles
Schuler CJ, Patsis AC, Sheik C, McDermott JM, Santelli CM & Toner BM
(2022) Determining the Origin of Thermogenic Organic Matter in High Temperature Hydrothermal Vent Fluids
Pehr K & McDermott JM
(2020) Modern Water-Microbe-Mineral Feedbacks within a Subsurface Banded Iron Formation
McDermott JM, Gralnick J, Santelli CM, Bond DR, Sheik C, Kang PK, Peterson D, Lee W, Hsu D, Schuler CJ, Alexander SC, Noren A & Toner BM
(2019) Geochemical Mass Balance during Hydrothermal Alteration of Subseafloor Volcanic Rocks at Brothers Volcano, Kermadec Arc
Rouxel O, Schlicht L, Kutovaya A, McDermott J, Samin A, Djedjroh Y, Germain Y & Leroy L
(2019) Geochemistry of Deep Subseafloor Hydrothermal Fluids at Brothers Volcano
McDermott JM, Rouxel O, Schlicht LEM, Bach W, Stucker VK, de Ronde CEJ, Massiot C & Scientists E3
(2019) Origin of Dissolved C1-C4 Hydrocarbons and Assessment of Methanogenesis in Deep Subsurface Fracture Water: Soudan, Minnesota
Dowd W, Sheik C, Santelli C, Schuler C, Toner B & McDermott J
(2015) Tracing δ18O – δ2H Isotopic Evolution of Ancient Fracture Fluids: A Novel Approach Using Sr Stable Isotopes
Sutcliffe C, Burton K, Nowell G, Parkinson I, Glein C, McDermott J, Li L & Sherwood Lollar B
(2015) The Potential for Abiotic Organic Synthesis in an Ancient Ore Deposit: Echoes of an Iron-Sulfur World?
Glein C, Zhu A, Sutcliffe C, McDermott J & Sherwood Lollar B
(2015) Determining the Mean Residence Age of Precambrian Fluid Systems
Warr O, Sherwood Lollar B, Fellowes J, Sutcliffe C, McDermott J, Holland G, Mabry J & Ballentine C
(2015) Contributions to Abiotic and Biological Deep Carbon Cycling from H2 Sources in the Precambrian Continental Lithospshere
Sherwood Lollar B, Sutcliffe CN, McDermott JM, Glein CR, Warr O, Onstott TC & Ballentine CJ
(2015) Abiogenic and Microbial Cycling of Volatile Fatty Acids in Ancient Crustal Fracture Waters in the Canadian Shield
McDermott JM, Heuer VB, Tille S, Moran JJ, Slater GF, Sutcliffe CN, Glein CR, Hinrichs K-U & Sherwood Lollar B

McDermott Jill Marie (2016) Defining the Residence Times of Fluids within Precambrian-Aged Systems
Warr O, Sherwood Lollar B, Fellowes J, Sutcliffe C, McDermott J, Sica C, Holland G, Mabry J & Ballentine C
(2016) Sulfur Cycling in Ancient Terrestrial Fracture Waters Transports Archean Signatures
McDermott JM, Li L, Sutcliffe CN, Ono S, Wing B & Sherwood Lollar B
(2016) Clumped Isotopologue Constraints on the Origin of Methane in Basalt- and Ultramafic-Hosted Mid-Ocean Ridge Hydrothermal Fluids
Wang DT, Reeves EP, Seewald JS, McDermott JM & Ono S

McDermott K. (2009) Age Resolution of Polymetamorphic Events in the Scottish Northern Highlands Using Lu – Hf, Sm – Nd and Rb – Sr Methods
Bird A, Thirlwall M, Strachan R & McDermott K

McDermott R. (2017) Hematite Textures and (U-Th)/He Thermochronometry Inform Seismic and Aseismic Fault Zone Processes
Ault A, McDermott R, Moser A, Evans J & Reiners P

McDermott T. (2009) Geomicrobiological Control of Selenium Solubility in Subsurface Phosphate Overburden Deposits
Kirk LB, Childers SE, Peyton B, McDermott T, Gerlach R & Johnson TM
(2005) Microbial Interactions with Sulfide and Arsenite in an Acidic Geothermal Spring in Yellowstone National Park
D'Imperio S, Lehr C & McDermott T

McDevitt B. (2023) Radium Mineral Associations within Abandoned Mine Drainages and Treatment Systems with Perspective to the Future of Rare Earth Element Extraction
McDevitt B, Cravotta CA, McAleer RJ, Jackson J & Warner N
(2022) Dissolved Organic Matter Fluorescence within Oil and Gas Produced Water from U.S. Unconventional Petroleum Plays: Comparisons and Consequences for Beneficial Reuse
McDevitt B, Jubb AM, Varonka M, Hackley PC, Blondes M, Engle M, Gallegos T & Shelton J
(2022) Evaluating Environmental Impacts of Beneficial Use of Oil and Gas Wastewater with Radium and Strontium Isotopic Tracers
Warner N, Pankratz K & McDevitt B
(2021) Optimizing Radium Removal from Produced Water Utilizing the Sr/Ba Molar Ratio and Precipitate Seeding
McDevitt B, Gallegos T, Blondes M, Shelton J, McAleer R, Valentine B, Varonka M, Jolly G, Jubb AM, Jackson J & Chenault J
(2020) Freshwater Mussel Soft Tissue Incorporates Strontium and Radium Isotopic Signatures of O&G Produced Water
McDevitt B, Geeza T & Warner N
(2019) Tracking Oil and Gas Isotopic Signatures in Freshwater Bivalves
Warner N, Piotrowski P, Dorman F, Geeza T, McDevitt B, Tasker T & Gillikin D
(2019) Salinization and Radium Accumulation Assessment of Produced Water Beneficial Use in Western US Streams
McDevitt B, McLaughlin M, Blotevogel J, Borch T & Warner N
(2018) Strontium, Barium, and Radium as Tracers of Oil and Gas Contaminant Accumulation in Biota and Sediment
Warner N, Geeza T, Van Sice K, McDevitt B & Gillikin D
(2018) Field Assessment and Modelling of Radium Co-precipitation in Western US Produced Water Streams
McDevitt B, Cravotta C, McLaughlin M, Blotevogel J, Borch T & Warner N

McDonald A. (2012) Trace Element Interactions with Altered Surfaces in Smelter Affected Acidic Soils; Sudbury, Canada
Lanteigne S, Schindler M & McDonald A

McDonald Brad (2020) Mapping the 4D Lithospheric Architecture of Zealandia Using Zircon O and Hf Isotopes in Plutonic Rocks
Turnbull R, Schwartz J, Fiorentini M, Jongens R, Ludwig T, Evans N, McDonald B & Klepeis K

McDonald Brad (2017) Mapping Helium Distribution in Zircon
Danišík M, Evans N, McInnes B, Kirkland C, McDonald B & Becker T
(2017) Rutile Geochemistry in Ore Systems – Considerations for Metal Exploration
Porter JK, Evans NJ, McDonald B, Talavera C, McNaughton NJ, Kirkland CL, Jourdan F & McInnes BI

McDonald Brad (2015) A Multi-System Geochronology of Cenozoic Tuffs in the Western Pannonian Basin with Implications for Interpretation of (U-Th)/He Data
Danišík M, Fodor L, Dunkl I, Gerdes A, Csizmeg J, Hámor-Vidó M, McDonald B & Evans N
(2015) An in situ Investigation of Chalcophile and Siderophile Element Cycling in Subduction Zones: Insights from High-Pressure Ultramafic Rocks from Alpine Corsica
Crossley R, Evans K, Evans N & McDonald B
(2015) Laser Ablation in situ (U-Th-Sm)/He and U-Pb Double Dating of Apatite
Danišík M, McDonald B, Evans N, McInnes B, Kirkland C & Becker T

McDonald Brad (2013) In situ RESOchron Helium Dating: Progress, Pitfalls and Prospects
Evans N, McInnes B, McDonald B, Vermeesch P, Shelley M & Marillo Sialer E
(2013) RESOChron: ELA-Icp-He-Ms Instrument for in situ U-Th-Pb-He Geothermochronology
McInnes B, Evans N, Shelley M, McDonald B, Gibbs D, Norris A, Roberts E, Gabay C & Patterson D

Mcdonald Brad J. (2020) The Timing and Duration of HT-UHT Metamorphism Constrained by Zircon U-Pb-Hf and Trace Element Signatures
Jiao S, Guo J, Evans NJ, Mcdonald BJ, Liu P, Ouyang D & Fitzsimons ICW

McDonald Bradley (2018) Zircon Evidence for Eclogite Facies Metamorphism at 3.9 Ga
Cavosie AJ, Spencer C, Evans NJ, McDonald B, Reddy SM, Wilde SA, Talavera C, Cameron EM, Valley JW, Fournelle J & Ushikubo T
(2018) Re-Os Isotope and Trace Elements Study of Black Shales and Nodular Pyrites Associated with Massive Sulphides in the Nimbus VHMS System, Western Australia
Barrote V, Tessalina S, McNaughton N, Evans N & McDonald B
(2016) Visualizing He Distribution in Zircon by Laser Ablation Noble Gas Mass-Spectrometry: Implications for (U-Th)/He Geochronology and Thermochronology
Danišík M, McInnes B, McDonald B, Kirkland C, Evans N & Becker T
(2016) In situ 190Pt-4He Dating of Platinum Mineralization
Yakubovich O, Danišík M, Mochalov A, McDonald B, Sluzhenikin S, Evans N & Mclnnes B
(2012) A Tertiary Record of Australian Plate Motion from Ages of Diamondiferous Alkalic Intrusions
McInnes B, Evans N, Jourdan F, McDonald B, Gorter J, Mayers C & Wilde S
(2011) Post-Depositional Thermal History of the 4364–3060Ma Zircon-Bearing Metasandstones of the Illaara and Maynard Hills Granite Greenstone Belts, Western Australia
Thern E, Jourdan F, Evans N, McDonald B, Danisik M, Frew A & Nelson D
(2010) U-Th-Pb-He Double-Dating of Zircon from the Diamondiferous Ellendale Lamproite Pipe, Western Australia
McInnes B, Evans N, McDonald B, Thern E & Corbett D
(2010) Tectonothermal History of the Black Forest (Germany): A Triple Dating Approach on a Single Apatite Sample
Danisik M, Pfaff K, Evans N, Manoloukos C, Staude S, McDonald B & Markl G
(2008) Double Dating of Zircon via SHRIMP U/Pb and (U-Th)/He Methods
McInnes B, Evans N, McDonald B & Jakimowicz J
(2006) (U-Th)/He Thermochronometry of Supergene Base Metal Ores and Implications for Namibian Paleoclimate
Evans N, Boni M, McInnes B & McDonald B

McDonald Brian (2014) Evolution of Vehicle Exhaust-Related Particulate Matter over a Multi-Decadal Time Period
Harley R & McDonald B

McDonald C. (2018) Refining Models of the Lunar Bombardment History Using the Laser Microprobe 40Ar/39Ar Method
Hodges K, Mercer C, Brunner A, McDonald C & van Soest M
(2014) Recycling Ar Through Metamorphic Reactions: The Record in Symplectites
McDonald C, Warren C, Sherlock S & Kelley S

McDonald D.T.E. (2021) Assessing Carbon Balances Through CO2 Mineralization and Enhanced Rock Weathering Rates Using Field-Deployable Leaching Columns
McDonald DTE, Power IM, Paulo C & Stubbs AR

McDonald E. (2008) Enhanced Particulate Matter Surveillance Program: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Understanding Mineral Dusts from the Middle East
Engelbrecht J, McDonald E, Gillies J & Gertler A

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