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McColl S. (2018) Glacial Oxygen Delivery in the Neoproterozoic: Fe Isotope Evidence
Lechte M, Wallace M, Hood A, Planavsky N, Li W, Jiang G, McColl S & Asael D

McColloch J. (2012) Dynamics of Organic Carbon Sedimentation and Bottom Oxygen and their Impact on Phosphorus Retention in Lake Simcoe: Reactive-Transport Modeling and Experimental Study
Dittrich M, Chesnyuk A, McColloch J, Gudimov A, Arhonditsis G, Young J, Winter J & Stainsby E

McCollom N. (2019) Potential Biosignatures of Surface Alteration on Mars Inferred from Terrestrial Analog Regoliths
Demirel C, McCollom N, Marra K, Elwood Madden A, Hall B, Levy J, Soreghan G & Elwood Madden M

McCollom Thomas (2023) Experimental Determination of the Clumped Isotope Signatures of Abiotic Methane
Labidi J, McCollom T, Leavitt W & Young ED
(2022) Oxidized Fluids Fed Earth’s Earliest Hydrothermal Systems
Trail D & McCollom T
(2019) Network Analysis on Geochemical and Biological Signatures from Cerro Negro Volcano and Implications for Life on Ancient Martian
Huang F, Fischer A, Collins C, Eleish A, Fox P, Hynek B, McCollom T, Prabhu A & Rogers K
(2018) Quantifying Subsurface Mixing of Groundwaters at the Coast Range Ophiolite Microbial Observatory
Cardace D, Anwar M, Schrenk M, McCollom T, Kubo M & Hoehler T
(2018) The Means of Production: Methylotrophy, Acetogenesis, and the Reverse Citric Acid Cycle in the Coast Range Ophiolite Microbial Observatory (CROMO)
Seyler L, Brazelton W, McLean C, Hoehler T, McCollom T, Kubo M & Schrenk M
(2017) Effect of pH on Rates of Serpentinization and Hydrogen Production
McCollom T, Donaldson C & Klein F
(2017) Temperature Effects on Hydrogen Generation during Serpentinization
Klein F, Grozeva NG & McColom TM
(2015) Generation of Condensed Carbon from Serpentinization Fluids
Milesi V, Guyot F, Brunet F, Richard L, Prinzhofer A, Benedetti M & McCollom T
(2014) Variability in the Biological Potential of Serpentinizing Systems
Hoehler T, Som S, McCollom T, Cardace D, Schrenk M & Alperin M
(2014) Quantifying the Flux of Hydrogen from Serpentinzing Ultramafic Rocks
McCollom T, Klein F, Hoehler T & Templeton A
(2013) Volcanic Acid-Sulfate Analogs for Early Mars
Hynek B, McCollom T, Rogers K & Marcucci E
(2012) Hydrogen Production from Low Temperature (55-100ºC) Water-Rock Reactions
Mayhew L, Ellison E, McCollom T & Templeton A
(2012) Compositional Controls on Hydrogen Generation during Serpentinization
Klein F, Bach W & McCollom TM
(2012) Serpentinization and the Flux of Reduced Volatiles to the Seafloor
McCollom T, Klein F, Bach W, Moskowitz B, Berquo T & Templeton A
(2011) Serpentinization and Hydrogen Generation
McCollom T, Klein F, Bach W, Jons N & Templeton A
(2011) Olivine and Pyroxene Surface Reactivity during H2-generation
Templeton A, Mayhew L, Trainor T, Eng P & McCollom T
(2010) Intrinsic Silica Metasomatism during Serpentinization
Klein F, Bach W, Jöns N, McCollom T & Frost BR
(2010) Hydrogen Generation for Microbial Activity in Ultramafic-Hosted Hydrothermal Systems
McCollom T, Bach W & Hoehler T
(2010) Investigations of the Roles of Minerals in Hydrothermal Organic Geochemistry
McCollom T
(2010) Acid-Sulfate Weathering Pathways at Cerro Negro, Nicaragua
Marcucci E, Hynek B & McCollom T
(2010) Investigating Cell-Mineral Interactions and the Geochemistry of Methanogenic Activity in a Low-Temperature Serpentinizing System
Mayhew L, McCollom T & Templeton A
(2008) Constraints on Hydrogen Generation during Serpentinization of Ultramafic Rocks
McCollom T & Bach W
(2008) Habitability of Serpentinizng Systems for Methanogenic Microorganisms: An Energy Balance Model
Hoehler T, Alperin M, McCollom T & Rogers K
(2006) Compound Specific Isotope Analysis and the challenge for identifying life: the role of biosignatures and abiosignatures
Sherwood Lollar B, Lacrampe-Couloume G, Telling J, McCollom TM & Slater GF
(2006) Isotopic Signatures of Abiotic Organic Synthesis Under Geologic Conditions
McCollom T, Seewald J, Sherwood Lollar B & Lacrampe-Couloume G
(2005) The Past Geochemical Environment of Meridiani Planum, Mars, and its Implications for Astrobiology
Hynek B & McCollom T
(2005) Energetic Constraints on Subsurface Biomass Production within the Igneous Ocean Crust
McCollom T
(2005) Carbon and Hydrogen Isotope Measurements in Abiogenic Hydrocarbon Synthesis
Sherwood Lollar B, Telling J, Lacrampe-Couloume G, Fu Q, Seyfried Jr. W, Horita J & McCollom T
(2004) Experimental Study of Abiotic Formation of Organic Compounds in Hydrothermal Systems
McCollom T & Seewald J
(2001) Abiotic Synthesis of Hydrocarbons from Dissolved CO2?
McCollom TM
(2001) Experimental Investigation of Aqueous Carbon Monoxide Reactivity Under Hydrothermal Conditions
Zolotov MY, Seewald JS & McCollom TM

McCollom Tom (2023) Formation of Mixed-Layer Sulfide-Hydroxide Minerals from the Tochilinite-Valleriite Group during Experimental Serpentinization of Olivine
McCollom T, Hoehler T, Fike DA & Houghton J
(2022) Characterizing Intramolecular Carbon and Hydrogen Isotope Structures of Higher N-Alkanes by GC-Orbitrap
Dong G, McCollom T, Lepland A, French K, Birdwell JE, Ferreira AA, Sessions A & Eiler J
(2021) Sulfate Reduction and Formation of a Nickel-Rich Member of the Tochilinite Group during Experimental Serpentinization of Olivine
McCollom T, Hoehler T, Fike DA & Klein F

McComish J. (2011) Osmium, Carbon and Trace Element Investigations into Archaeological Material
Finlay A, McComish J, Bates R & Selby D

McConachy T. (2020) Subseafloor Alteration of a Modern Mafic-Volcaniclastic Hosted Seafloor Massive Sulfide Deposit
Anderson M, Hannington M, McConachy T, Jamieson J, Hansteen T & Petersen S
(2013) Seafloor Massive Sulfide Exploration in SW Pacific – A Commercial Perspective
McConachy T

McConnaughey T. (2005) Dinoflagellate Toxins Stimulate Coral Calcification and Cause Bleaching
McConnaughey T
(2002) Heavy Isotope Deficiencies in Corals: Kinetic and McCrea Models
McConnaughey T

McConnell B. (2015) A Multi-Isotope Investigation of Granite Petrogenesis in the Caledonian Iapetus Suture Zone
Fritschle T, Daly JS, Whitehouse MJ, McConnell B & Buhre S
(2013) U-Pb Zircon Ages from Granites in the Iapetus Suture Zone in Ireland and the Isle of Man
Fritschle T, Daly JS, Whitehouse MJ & McConnell B

McConnell Joe (2019) High-Resolution Sulfur Isotopes from Ice Cores: Insights into Climatic Impacts of Double Eruptions over the Past 2000 Years
Burke A, Sigl M, Moore K, McConnell J & Adkins J

McConnell Joseph (2021) High Resolution Sulfur Isotopes from Ice Cores: New Techniques and Improved Estimates of the Volcanic Forcing of Climate
Burke A, Innes HM, Sigl M, McConnell J, Steele R, Rae JWB, Coath CD, Lewis J & Elliott T
(2020) Application of HR-ICP-MS Techniques to Constrain Modern Lead Pollution Sources in Greenland Ice
Wensman S, Shiel A & McConnell J
(2013) Black Carbon Concentrations and Fluxes during Recent Millennia from a Developing Array of Arctic Ice Cores
McConnell J, Dahl-Jensen D, Fritzsche D, Nolan M & Sigl M
(2013) Continuous Carbon Monoxide Measurements along the NEEM-2011-S1 Ice Core: In situ Production and Potential for Atmospheric Reconstruction
Faïn X, Chappellaz J, Rhodes R, Stowasser C, Blunier T, McConnell J, Brook E, Legrand M, Desbois T & Romanini D
(2013) The Biogeochemical Ice Core Record: A New Perspective on Nitrate
Hastings M, Fibiger D, Chellman N & McConnell J
(2008) Changing Solubility of Aeolian Iron in the Arctic from Greenland Ice Cores
Edwards R & McConnell J
(2008) New High-Resolution Records of Dustiness over Recent Centuries from Greenland and Antarctic Ice Cores
McConnell J, Aristarain A, Curran M, Thomas E, Banta R & Edwards R
(2008) Developing an Ice Core Reconstruction of Regional Sea Ice Changes Around Antarctica
Abram N, McConnell J, Thomas ER, Curran M & Mulvaney R

McCord J. (2007) Mercury, Trace Elements, and Organic Constituents: A Combined Approach to Sampling Atmospheric Particulate Matter (PM)
Kolker A, Engle M, Orem B, Bunnell J, Lerch T, Krabbenhoft D, Olson M & McCord J

McCorkle D (2004) Early Diagenesis and Benthic Fluxes in Manfredonia Gulf (Southern Adriatic Sea)
Spagnoli F, Bartholini G, Marini M, Giordano P, McCorkle D, Fiesoletti F & Specchiulli A

McCorkle Daniel (2019) Coccoliths and Foraminifera in Deep Sea Sediments and their Role in the Calcium Carbonate Budget
Subhas AV, Long M, McNichol A & McCorkle D

McCorkle E. (2016) Fate of Eroded Soil Organic Matter in Temperate, Forested Catchments: Implications for Erosion-Induced Carbon Sequestration
Berhe AA, McCorkle E, Stacy E, Hart SC, Hunsaker C & Johnson D
(2014) Sources of Soil Organic Matter Transported by Soil Erosion in Fire-Prone Upland Ecosystems of the Sierra Nevada
Berhe AA, McCorkle E, Stacy EM, Hart SC, Fogel ML, Hunsaker C & Johnson D

McCormack J. (2022) Cenozoic Evolution and Extinction of Megatooth Sharks from Stable Isotope Ratios in Bioapatite
Griffiths ML, Flores R, Kast ER, Kim SL, McCormack J, Akhtar AA, Shimada K, Becker M, Maisch Iv H, Rao ZC, Higgins JA, Neumann A, Clarke C, Tripati AE, Chan R, Karnes M, Sigman DM & Eagle RA

McCormack S.J. (2018) Topotactic Motif and Orientation Relation Extraction for Phase Transformations from in situ X-Ray Powder Diffraction
McCormack SJ & Kriven WM
(2018) Phase Diagram Determination of the HfO2-Ta2O5 Binary up to 3000 ˚C Using in situ X-Ray Diffraction
McCormack S, Weber R, Kapush D, Navrotsky A & Kriven W

McCormick B. (2016) Pre-Eruptive Exsolved Gas: Implications for Deformation and Atmospheric Loading during Eruptions
Edmonds M, McCormick B & Biggs J
(2013) Transformational Science with a New Global Volcanic Gas Emissions Database
McCormick B, Cottrell E, Fischer T, Chiodini G & Cardellini C

McCormick Michael (2019) Particle-Associated Biogeochemical Processes in Fayetteville Green Lake, a High Sulfur, Permanently Anoxic Lake
Cohen A, Weber F, Klepac-Ceraj V, McCormick M & Taylor G
(2018) Do Manganese Oxides Dominate Transport of Mo Across the Chemocline of Redox-Stratified Lakes?
Chen X, Romaniello S, McCormick M, Sherry A, Havig J & Anbar A

McCormick Michael L. (2014) High Resolution Sampling Reveals a Complex Geochemical Environment at Fayetteville Green Lake, N.Y
Havig J, McCormick M, Bachan A & Kump L
(2012) Dissimilatory Iron Reduction and the Redox Cycling of Green Rust
O'Loughlin EJ, Boyanov MI, Gorski CA, McCormick ML, Scherer MM & Kemner KM
(2000) Geochemistry of Hydrous Ferric Oxide Reduction by Geobacter Metallireducens: Implications for Sustained Dechlorination of Tetrachloromethane
McCormick M, Gerdenich M, Kao L & Adriaens P

McCormick Kilbride B. (2023) H2O, CO2, and S Contents of Basaltic Andesite Magmas at Rabaul Caldera Complex, Papua New Guinea
Höhn M, McCormick Kilbride B & Hartley ME
(2019) ABOVE: Aerial-Based Observations of Volcanic Emissions, Papua New Guinea
Liu E, Aiuppa A, Alan A, Arellano S, Bitetto M, Bobrowski N, Carn S, Cerdes G, Clarke R, Corrales E, de Moor M, Diaz JA, Edmonds M, Fischer T, Freer J, Fricke M, Galle B, Giudice G, Gutmann A, Jones J, Mason E, McCormick Kilbride B, Mulina K, Nowicki S, Richardson T, Rüdiger J, Schipper CI, Watson IM & Wood K

McCort C. (2012) Investigating Biomineralized Structures and Morphology Associated with Laminated Freshwater Stream terraces:Stromatolites?
McCort C, Chi Fru E, Goudy S & Weisener C

McCowan A. (2015) Ecological and Biogeochemical Controls on Blooms of Cyanobacteria
Cook P, Scicluna T, Woodland R, Grace M, Kessler A, Hipsey M, McCowan A & Zhu Y

McCoy C. (2023) Melting of Iron-Bearing Bridgmanite: Implications for the Internal Structure of super-Earths
Kim D, McCoy C, Duwal S, Fei Y & Tracy SJ

McCoy D. (2023) The Shelf-To-Basin Transport of Iron from the Northern U.S West Coast to the Pacific Ocean
Pham AL-D, Damien P, McCoy D, Kessouri F, McWilliams J, Moffett J, Bianchi D & Mar M
(2023) Using GEOTRACES Intermediate Data Product to Constrain Model Ocean Fe Cycling in the Pacific Ocean
Pham AL-D, Damien P, McCoy D & Bianchi D

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