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Mayer J. (2017) Depicting in situ Carbon Transfer from Roots to Rhizosphere with NanoSIMS
Vidal A, Hirte J, Bender SF, Mayer J, Gattinger A & Mueller CW
(2017) Rhizosphere – Hot Spot for Organic Carbon Allocation between Plants, Microorganisms and Soil Minerals
Mueller CW, Vidal A, Schweizer S, Angst G, Hirte J, Bender F, Mayer J, Gattinger A & Hoeschen C

Mayer K. Ulrich (2022) Advances in Monitoring Carbon Dioxide Exchange between the Atmosphere and Mine Waste Derived from Ultramafic-Hosted Mineral Deposits; A Pilot Study at Cassiar, B.C
Jones FA, Doucet A, Ladd B, Mayer KU, Black A & Dipple G
(2022) Measuring CO2 Exchange over the Hydromagnesite-Magnesite Playas in Atlin, B.C
Doucet A, Jones FA, Ladd B, Black A, Dipple G & Mayer KU
(2022) Reactive Transport Investigations of the Long-Term Geochemical Evolution of a Multibarrier System and Impacts on Radionuclide Migration
Xie M, Su D, Mayer KU & MacQuarrie KTB
(2021) Investigation of the Role of Spatial Evolution in a 2-D Reactive Transport Simulation of the Oxalate Carbonate Pathway
Gatz-Miller H, Su D, Gérard F, Verrecchia E & Mayer KU
(2020) Enhancing Passive Atmospheric CO2 Sequestration and Tailings Stabilization by Ultramafic Mine Waste Aeration
Vanderzee S, Dipple G, Mayer KU & Bradshaw PMD
(2020) 2-D Reactive Transport Modeling of Biogeochemical Carbon Sequestration by the Iroko Tree – Examination of Spatial Dependencies of the Oxalate Carbonate Pathway
Gatz-Miller H, Gérard F, Verrecchia E & Mayer KU
(2019) A Compositional Model for the Reactive Transport Modelling of Strongly Coupled Processes
Seigneur N & Mayer KU
(2019) Reactive Transport Modeling the Oxalate-Carbonate Pathway of the Iroko Tree
Gatz-Miller H, Gérard F, Verrecchia E & Mayer KU
(2019) Geochemical and Mineralogical Heterogeneity in a Full-Scale Waste-Rock Pile
St-Arnault M, Vriens B, Klein B, Mayer KU & Beckie RD
(2019) Assessment of the Influence of Heterogeneity in S, C, and Hydraulic Conductivity on the Geochemical Evolution of Large-Scale Experimental Waste-Rock Piles Using Reactive Transport Simulations
Wilson D, Su D, Amos R, Mayer KU, Smith L, Sego D & Blowes D
(2016) Molybdenum Stable Isotope Variations Associated with Redox Gradients in Drainage from Mo-Rich Mine Tailings
Skierszkan EK, Stockwell JS, Dockrey JW, Weis D, Beckie RD & Mayer KU
(2016) Comparison of 14C Isotope-Based Correction Methods for Quantifying Petroleum Hydrocarbon Degradation Rates
Wozney A, Clark I & Mayer KU
(2016) Impacts of Fugitive Methane from Energy Resource Development on Shallow Groundwater Chemistry
Cahill A, Parker B, Cherry J, Mayer B, Mayer KU, Kuloyo K & Hagmann A

Mayer Kim-Marisa (2016) A Simplified Approach for Density Calculation for up to Hexary Brine Solutions
Mayer K-M, Moog HC, Seher H & Bracke G

Mayer Klaus Ulrich (2015) Pore Scale Visualization of Multiphase Reactions in the Unsaturated Zone
Harrison AL, Dipple GM, Song W, Power IM, Mayer KU, Beinlich A & Sinton D
(2014) Reactive Transport Benchmarks on Heavy Metal Cycling
Arora B, Mayer KU, Steefel CI, Spycher NF, Sengor SS, Jacques D & Alt-Epping P
(2012) Reactive Transport Modeling of CO2 Sequestration in Mine Tailings
Harrison AL, Power IM, Wilson SA, Dipple GM, Mayer KU & Bea SA
(2012) Migration and Evolution of Oil Sands Tailings Pond Seepage Through Glacial Till Sediments: Combined Field and Laboratory Investigations
Holden A, Kone M, Mayer KU & Ulrich A
(2010) Fate and Transport of Arsenic from Constructed Soil Aggregates
Masue-Slowey Y, Kocar B, Jofré SAB, Mayer K, Pallud C & Fendorf S
(2010) Measurement of Cation Exchange Capacity in Shale Using Radiographic Detection of Cesium
Cave L, Bea S, Al T & Mayer KU
(2010) Hydromechanical and Geochemical Coupling within an Intercratonic Sedimentary Basin Affected by Glaciation/Deglaciation Events
Bea SA, Mayer KU & MacQuarrie KTB
(2010) Acidophiles in Neutral Drainage and their Impact to Chemistry and Flow
Blackmore S, Power I, Southam G, Mayer KU, Beckie R & Smith L
(2010) Biogeochemical Impacts of Oil Sands Process Water on Aquifer and Aquitard Materials
Haque S, Holden A, Tompkins T, Mayer KU, Ulrich A & Barker J
(2010) Noble Gas Composition and Reactive Gas Fluxes: Indicators for Natural Attenuation Processes in Contaminated Aquifers
Mayer KU, Jones K, Kipfer R, Sihota N & Singurindy O
(2008) Reactive Transport Analysis of Mineralogical Controls Affecting Metal Release from Polymetallic Carbonate Waste Rock
Mayer KU, Beckie R, Klein B, Conlan M & Smith L
(2008) Modelling the Biogeochemical Cycle of Silicon in Soils: Application to a Temperate Forest Ecosystem
Gérard F, Mayer KU & Hodson M
(2008) Reactive Gases and Inert Gas Tracers in Vadose Zone Environmental Applications
Jones K, Singurindy O, Molins S, Beckie R, Smith L & Mayer KU
(2001) A Column Study and Reactive Transport Modeling of Reactions Controlling Metal Release in Mine Tailings
Jurjovec J, Ptacek CJ, Mayer KU & Blowes DW

Mayer Kristin (2011) Solute Compositions and Fluid Residence Times along an Erosional Gradient, Middle Fork of the Feather River, CA
Kouba C, Maher K, Mayer K, Yoo K, Weinman B, Mudd S & Attal M

Mayer Lawrence
(2014) Bromination Pathways in Marine Organic Matter Oxidation
Leri A, Mayer L, Thornton K & Ravel B
(2012) Delivery and Release of Organic Carbon Associated with Iron Oxyhydroxides in the Mississippi River-Delta
Mayer L, Schick L, Estapa M, Wagai R & Stevenson M
(2009) Submarine Basalts from the Alpha / Mendeleev Ridge and Chukchi Borderland: Geochemistry of the First Intraplate Lavas Recovered from the Arctic Ocean
Mukasa S, Andronikov A, Mayer L & Brumley K
(2002) Dissolved Fluorophore Production from Lipid-Protein Oxidation Reactions
Mayer L & Schick L
(2001) Organic Matter-Mineral Surface Relationships in Soils and Sediments as Assessed by Gas Sorption Measurements
Mayer LM & Wagai R

Mayer Lawrence M.

Mayer Lucio (2021) Nucleosynthetic Variations Generated by Size and Density Driven Sorting of Dust in Protoplanetary Disk
Bodénan J-D, Hutchison MA, Mayer L & Schönbächler M
(2020) The Role of Jupiter in Chondrule Formation
Bodénan J-D, Surville C, Szulàgyi J, Mayer L & Schönbächler M

Mayer M. (2017) Orphaned and Ignored: Synthesis of Eukaryotic Biomarkers by Bacteria
Welander P, Banta A, Wei J, Lee A, Mayer M & Zeng Z

Mayer S. (2017) Modeling Seasonal Variations of Subsurface Gas Dynamics and Soil Gas Composition in the Context of Inert Gas Tracer Applications
Jenner F, Mayer S, Aeschbach W, Peregovich B & Machado C
(2017) Biogeochemical Processes in the Subsurface Determining Inert Gas Concentrations in Recharging Groundwater
Mayer S, Jenner F, Aeschbach W, Peregovich B & Machado C
(2015) Noble Gases in Soil Air and Groundwater
Mayer S, Aeschbach-Hertig W & Peregovich B

Mayer T. (2011) Evaluation of Rock Properties and Rock Structures in the Micron-Range with Sub-Micron X-Ray Computed Tomography
Zacher G, Halisch M, Oliver B & Mayer T

Mayer Uli (2020) Field Protocols for Measuring Rates of CO2 Influx into Ultramafic Rocks: A Case Study at the Sumas Landslide, WA, US
Jones F, Doucet A-M, Black A, Dipple G, Mayer U & Vanderzee S
(2015) Hydro-Geochemical Impact of Fugitive Methane on a Shallow Unconsolidated Phreatic Aquifer System
Cahill A, Cherry J, Parker B, Verdin A, Mayer B, Mayer U, Forde O & Ryan C

Mayer Ulrich (2019) Mobilization of Metal(oid) Oxyanions Through Circumneutral Mine Waste-Rock Drainage
Vriens B, Skierszkan E, St-Arnault M, Mayer U & Beckie R
(2019) Numerical Modeling of Mass Loadings from Waste Rock Piles Affected by Heterogeneity and Structure
Raymond K, Mayer U, Seigneur N & Su D
(2018) Geochemical Controls on Mine Waste Drainage Quality: Long-Term Monitoring of Waste Rock Weathering at the Antamina Mine, Peru
Vriens B, Peterson H, Laurenzi L, Smith L, Mayer U & Beckie R
(2017) Processes Controlling Phosphate Acquisition by Plants as Revealed by Coupled Root System-Reactive Transport Modelling
Gérard F, Bea S, Pagès L, Hinsinger P & Mayer U
(2017) Molybdenum Stable Isotopic Variations Indicate Mo Attenuation in Sulfidic Mine Waste Rock
Skierszkan E, Stockwell J, Dockrey J, Weis D, Beckie R & Mayer U
(2017) Reactive Transport in Evolving Porous Media – Challenges and Opportunities
Mayer KU
(2014) Investigating Mine-Drainage Geochemistry Using Stable Isotopes of Molybdenum and Zinc
Skierszkan E, Amini M, Weis D, Beckie R & Mayer U
(2014) Introducing a Flow-Through Technique to Aid Predict Drainage Quality from Mine Waste: A Case Study
De Baere B, Francois R, Mayer U & Mattson B
(2014) Reactive Transport Benchmarks for Multicomponent Diffusion and Electrical Double Layer Transport
Steefel C, Alt-Epping P, Rasouli P, Mayer U, Jenni A, Rolle M, Tournassat C, Navarre-Sitchler A & Beisman J
(2014) Benchmarking the Simulation of Microbial Cr(VI) Reduction and Cr Isotope Fractionation
Wanner C, Molins S, Druhan J, Greskowiak J, Amos R, Mayer U, Alt-Epping P & Steefel C
(2014) Introducing a New Technique to Distinguish between Surface and Transport Controlled Mineral Dissolution
De Baere B, Francois R & Mayer U
(2014) Bacteria-Mineral Interactions at Sulfide Surfaces in Carbonate- Bearing Waste Rock
Dockrey J, Lindsay M, Mayer U, Beckie R, Norlund K, Warren L & Southam G
(2013) Measuring Mineral Dissolution Kinetics Using an Automated Flow-Through Module
De Baere B, Mayer U & Francois R
(2013) Enhancing CO2 Sequestration in Mg-Rich Mine Tailings
Harrison AL, Power IM, Wilson SA, Dipple GM & Mayer KU
(2012) Reactive Transport Modeling of Sr-90 Sorption in Reactive Sandpacks
Yin J, Mayer U & Jeen S-W
(2012) Characterizing Vadose Zone Hydrocarbon Biodegradation Using CO2 Effluxes, Isotopes, and Reactive Transport Modeling
Sihota N & Mayer U
(2011) Geochemical Impact of Seepage from a Canadian Oil Sands Tailings Pond: A Radial Diffusion Cell Study
Holden A, Mayer U & Ulrich A
(2011) The Role of Multicomponent Diffusion and Electromigration for Reactive Transport in Porous Media
Rasouli P, Mayer U & Bea S
(2005) Trace-Metal Mobility during KMnO<->4<$> Oxidation of TCE: Column Experiments
Banks V, Al T, Loomer D, Parker B & Mayer U
(2002) Relation between Redox Processes in Groundwater and an Adjacent Lake at an Abandoned Mine Site
Ptacek CJ, Moncur MC, Blowes DW, Jambor JL & Mayer UK
(2002) Constraining Reactive Transport Models Using Mineralogical Data
Mayer U & Blowes D

Mayer W. (2022) Introducing the OZCZO – Australian Critical Zone Network: What can We Learn from the Soils ‘down Under’ About the Near-Surface Biogeochemical Cycles and Pedogenesis
Farkas J, Thompson S, Andersen M, Chittleborough D, Mayer W, Leopold M, Cleverly J, Beringer J, Marshall A & Dahan O

Mayers Celia (2015) Collisional History of Asteroid Itokawa
Jourdan F, Timms N, Eroglu E, Mayers C, Frew A, Bland P, Collins G, Davison T, Abe M & Yada T

Mayers Celia (2016) 40Ar/39Ar Thermochronology of Unbrecciated Eucrites: Clues to the Crustal Formation of Vesta
Jourdan F, Kennedy T, Benedix G, Eroglu E & Mayers C

Mayers Celia (2017) Asteroid 4 Vesta: Large Impact Event Clusters at 4.5 Ga and 3.8-3.5 Ga
Jourdan F, Kennedy T, Eroglu E & Mayers C

Mayers Celia (2012) A Tertiary Record of Australian Plate Motion from Ages of Diamondiferous Alkalic Intrusions
McInnes B, Evans N, Jourdan F, McDonald B, Gorter J, Mayers C & Wilde S

Mayers Celia (2019) Itokawa, a >4.2 Ga Old Rubble Pile Asteroid
Jourdan F, Timms NE, Nakamura T, Rickard WDA, Eroglu E, Mayers C, Bland PA, Oike R & Yada T

Mayes M. (2012) Evidence of Transport of Composition B Colloids/Nano-Colloids in Range Soils
Sharma P, Mayes M & Tang G
(2011) Modeling the Relationship between Sorption and Residence Times
Mayes M, Jagadamma S, Post WM, Frerichs J & Wang G
(2010) Simulating Reactive Transport of Cobalt-EDTA Complexes Through Large Intact Sediment Cores
Tang G, Mayes M, Jardine P, Parker J & Brooks S
(2010) Preferential Sorption of Dissolved Organic Matter onto Mineral Soils due to Soil Type
Heal K, Mayes M, Amonette J, Phillips J & Jagadamma S
(2005) Uranium Hydrogeochemistry of the Hanford Caliche Layer
Mayes M, Pace M, Fendorf S, Jardine P & Yin X
(2002) Reactive Transport in Fractured Saprolite: Determining Diffusive Mass Transfer and Surface Reaction Kinetics Parameters
Gwo JP, Mayes M & Jardine P
(2001) Determining Hydrogeochemical Parameters for the Fate and Transport of CdEDTA and CoEDTA in Fractured Sparolite Using HBGC123D
Gwo JP, Frenzel H, Mayes MA & Sieve BJ
(2001) Reactive Transport of Chelated Radionuclides Through Weathered Shale Saprolite: Observations from Lab and Field Experimentation
Jardine PM, Mayes MA, Mehlhorn TL & Brooks SC

Mayes William (2014) Neutralisation of Red Mud Leachate: Mineralogical and Trace Metal Effects
Burke I, Peacock C, Lockwood C, Stewart D, Mortimer R, Ward M, Renforth P, Gruiz K & Mayes W
(2013) Arsenic Release from Red Mud Affected Soil-Water Systems
Lockwood C, Mortimer R, Stewart D, Mayes W & Burke I
(2011) Speciation of Contaminant Metals in Red Mud from Ajka, Hungary
Burke I, Mayes W, Peacock C, Brown A, Jarvis A & Gruiz K

Mayes William M (2023) Long-Term Metal Flux and Concentration Behaviour in an AMD Affected Catchment
Jennings E, Comber S, Crane R, Hudson-Edwards KA, Jarvis AP, Mayes WM & Onnis P
(2023) Eroding Coastal Landfill Sites: The Relative Contribution of Coastal and Inland Mining Wastes to Metal Flux along a Post-Industrial Coastline
Riley AL, Onnis P, Gandy CJ, Kanu C, Umeobika CV, Cameron J, Burke IT, Hudson-Edwards KA, Jarvis AP & Mayes WM
(2023) Ecotoxic Metal(Loid) Geochemistry and Mineralogy in Coastal Legacy Wastes
Onnis P, Riley AL, Gandy CJ, Jennings E, Crane R, Byrne P, Burke IT, Jarvis AP, Mayes WM & Hudson-Edwards KA
(2023) Arsenic Speciation and Evolution in Coastal Legacy Wastes
Onnis P, Burke IT, Gandy CJ, Jennings E, Crane R, Riley AL, Jarvis AP, Mayes WM & Hudson-Edwards KA
(2023) Quantifying CO2 Removal from Enhanced Weathering Sites: A Multi-Proxy Approach
Knapp WJ, Stevenson EI, Renforth P, Ascough P, Knight ACG, Bridgestock L, Bickle M, Lin Y, Riley AL, Mayes WM & Tipper ET

Mayes William M. (2016) From Remediation to Recovery: Options for Legacy Metal-Rich Waters in the UK
Mayes W, Gomes H & Jarvis A
(2016) A Cost Effective Alternative for Red Mud Rehabilitation
Bray AW, Stewart DI, Courtney R, Mayes WM & Burke IT
(2016) Surface Leaching of Vanadium from BOF Steel Slag: A µXAS and SEM Study
Hobson A, Stewart D, Bray A, Mayes W, Rogerson M & Burke I
(2016) Fate and Behaviour of Vanadium during the Aerobic Neutralisation of Alkaline Steel Slag Leachate
Hobson A, Stewart D, Bray A, Mayes W, Riley A & Burke I

Mayewski P. (2019) Discontinuous Ice from the 40 k World in the Allan Hills Blue Ice Area, Antarctica
Yan Y, Kurbatov A, Bender M, Mayewski P, Severinghaus J, Brook E & Higgins J
(2017) 2.7-Million-Year-Old Ice from Allan Hills Blue Ice Areas, East Antarctica Reveals Climate Snapshots Since Early Pleistocene
Yan Y, Ng J, Higgins J, Kurbatov A, Clifford H, Spaulding N, Severinghaus J, Brook E, Mayewski P & Bender M
(2008) A Snowpit Record of Atmospheric Fe Deposition in West Antarctica at the WAIS Divide Site
Koffman B, Kreutz K, Handley M, Wells M, Kurbatov A & Mayewski P
(2006) Ice Core Research in the New Zealand Southern Alps
Morgenstern U, Mayewski P, Bertler N & Ditchburn R
(2002) Spatial Deuterium Excess Patterns in High-Elevation Asian Precipitation
Kreutz K, Kang S, Mayewski P, Introne D, Qin D & Wake C

Mayhew Lisa (2018) Mineralogic Signatures of Low Temperature Alteration in Atlantis Massif Serpentinites?
Mayhew L, Ellison E & Templeton A
(2014) Isotopic Signatures of H2 and CH4 at the Cedars: Implications for Temperatures and Mechanisms of Serpentinization at the Site
Conrad M, Mayhew L, Christensen J, Bill M & Templeton A
(2013) Habitability and Hydrogen Generation in Perditotite Aquifers
Templeton A, Mayhew L, Miller H, Streit L & Kelemen P
(2012) Hydrogen Production from Low Temperature (55-100ºC) Water-Rock Reactions
Mayhew L, Ellison E, McCollom T & Templeton A
(2011) The Effect of M. Thermoflexus on the Fe-Bearing Mineral Assemblage Associated with Low Temperature Basalt-Water Reactions
Mayhew L, Webb S & Templeton A
(2011) Olivine and Pyroxene Surface Reactivity during H2-generation
Templeton A, Mayhew L, Trainor T, Eng P & McCollom T
(2010) Investigating Cell-Mineral Interactions and the Geochemistry of Methanogenic Activity in a Low-Temperature Serpentinizing System
Mayhew L, McCollom T & Templeton A

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