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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Maurice C. (2014) Elemental and Isotopic Study of Lake Sediments: Evidence for Long-Term Anthropogenic Perturbations
Cloquet C, Aebischer S, Pienitz R, Maurice C & Carignan J
(2008) Ferropicrites and Archean Crustal Reworking in the Northeastern Superior Province of Québec
Francis D & Maurice C
(2007) Insights on the Enriched Isotopic Nature of Proterozoic Dyke Swarms in the Northeastern Superior Province
Maurice C, David J, O'Neil J & Francis D
(2004) Crustal Evolution of the Inukjuak Domain and the ca. 3.8 GA Nuvvuagittuq Sequence, Superior Province, Canada
Stevenson R, David J, Parent M & Maurice C

Maurice J. (2019) The Intrinsic Nature of Antigorite Breakdown at 3 GPa: Experimental Constrains on Redox Conditions of Serpentinite Dehydration in Subduction Zones
Demouchy S, Bolfan-Casanova N, Maurice J, Chauvigne P, Schiavi F & Debret B
(2017) Linking the Redox State of Magmas to that of their Mantle Source
Laubier M, Bolfan-Casanova N & Maurice J
(2017) Experimental Investigation of Ferric Iron Partitioning during Hydrous Melting: Implication for the Redox State of Arc Magmas
Maurice J, Bolfan-Casanova N, Laubier M & Andrault D
(2015) Experimental Study of Serpentine Dehydration
Maurice J, Bolfan Casanova N, Demouchy S & Debret B

Maurice Laurence (2015) Denudation and Weathering Rates from Meteoric 10Be/9Be Ratios in the Amazon Basin
Wittmann H, von Blanckenburg F, Dannhaus N, Bouchez J, Gaillardet J, Guyot J-L, Maurice L, Llacer-Roig H, Filizola N & Christl M
(2015) Hg Stable Isotopes as Tracers for Dietary Hg Exposure and Metabolic Detoxification in Humans
Menges J, Laffont L, Maurice L & Sonke J

Maurice Laurence (2021) Insights into the Mechanisms of Cadmium Accumulation by Theobroma Cacao Using Stable Isotope Analysis
Moore RE, Marchive L, Coles BJ, Schreck E, Maurice L & Rehkämper M

Maurice Laurence (2023) Mercury and Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining in the Guianas: Insights from Aquatic and Terrestrial Environments
Martin LA, Maurice L, Diouf M, Landburg GA, Abielie J, Cameron C & Williams A
(2023) Multiple Exposure of Amerindian People to Toxic Metals: How Co-building the Communities Outreach and Empowerment?
Maurice L, Martin LA, Davy D, Laffont L, Decamp P-E, Lartigau F, Landburg GA, Abielie J & Williams A
(2023) Impact of Artisanal Gold Mining on Land Degradation and Soil Contamination in West Africa: Contribution of Remote Sensing and Geochemistry in Koma Bangou, Niger
Abass Saley A, Baratoux D, Ahoussi K, Yao KA, Baratoux L, Martin L, Resongles E, Maurice L & Bruneel O

Maurice Laurence (2013) Lithium Isotopic Composition of the Dissolved Load in the Amazon River Basin
Dellinger M, Gaillardet J, Bouchez J, Calmels D, Louvat P, Gorge C & Maurice L
(2013) Large River Floodplains: Weathering Without Erosion?
Bouchez J, Lupker M, Gaillardet J, France-Lanord C, Louvat P & Maurice L
(2010) Hg Stable Isotopes in Human Hair as a Tracer for Dietary Hg Exposure
Laffont L, Sonke J, Maurice L, Bacarreza Y & Behra P

Maurice Laurence (2016) Shale Weathering Turning Mountains into CO2 Sources
Bouchez J, Gaillardet J, Maurice L, Calmels D & Dellinger M

Maurice M. (2023) Outgassed Atmospheres of Magma Ocean Exoplanets
Maurice M, Dasgupta R & Hassanzadeh P
(2023) Pyroxene/melt Partition Coefficients and their Impact on Models of Lunar Magma Ocean Evolution
Haupt CP, Klemme S, Renggli CJ, Rohrbach A, Berndt J, Schwinger S, Breuer D & Maurice M
(2017) Early Differentiation and Dynamic Evolution of Mars – The Geodynamical Approach
Breuer D, Plesa A-C, Grott M, Tosi N, Maurice M & Ruedas T
(2015) Evolution and Consequences of Magma Ocean Solidification
Maurice M, Tosi N, Plesa A-C & Breuer D

Maurice P. (2013) Bioavailability of Metals Associated with Aquatic Natural Organic Matter
Maurice P, Kuhn K, Neubauer L, Hofmann T & von der Kammer F
(2012) Microbial Siderophore Effects on Pb Sorption and Mineral Nucleation
Summers S, Song G, Bunker B & Maurice P
(2012) Effects of Polydispersity on Natural Organic Matter Fate and Transport
McInnis D, Seders Dietrich L, Bolster D & Maurice P
(2012) Strategies of Aerobic Microbial Fe Acquisition from Montmorillonite: Siderophores and Fe(III) Reduction
Koehn K, DuBois J & Maurice P
(2011) Acquisition of Fe by Aerobic Microorganisms: Effects of Fe Oxide Nanoparticle Size
Maurice P, Dehner C, Dubois J & Barton L
(2011) The Role of Siderophores and Biofilm Formation in Phosphate Acquisition and Pb Release from Pyromorphite by Pseudomonas Mendocina Bacterium
Flis J, Dehner C, Dubois J, Manecki M & Maurice P
(2011) Fe Acquisition from Natural Organic Matter by an Aerobic Pseudomonad: Siderophores and Cellular Fe Status
Koehn K, Dehner C, DuBois J & Maurice P
(2010) Acquisition of Fe from Hematite (Nano)particles by an Aerobic Microorganism
Maurice P, Dehner C, Barton L & Dubois J
(2010) Hematite Nanoparticle Structure and Reactivity
Quicksall A, Barton L, Chupas P, Kosel T & Maurice P
(2010) Structural Study of Aluminous Goethite Nano/Micro Particles
Song Z, Quicksall A, Chupas P, Bunker B & Maurice P
(2010) Size Dependent Adsorption Behavior of Hematite Nanoparticles
Barton L, Quicksall A, Grant K & Maurice P
(2009) Sorption of Pb and Desferrioxamine to Montmorillonite
Maurice P, Haack E, Quicksall A, Hunter E & Johnston C
(2008) Nanominerals, Mineral Nanoparticles, and Earth Systems
Hochella, Jr. M, Lower S, Maurice P, Penn L, Sahai N, Sparks D & Twining B
(2005) Examining the Nature of Siderophore-Montmorillonite Interactions
Haack E & Maurice P
(2005) Effects of Siderophores on Pb Adsorption to Kaolinite
Maurice P, Mishra B, Haack E & Bunker B
(2005) Pb Speciation in the Presence of Siderophores and Clay Surfaces – XAFS Study
Bunker B, Mishra B, Haack E & Maurice P
(2002) Microbially Mediated Dissolution of Clays: Effects of Siderophores
Maurice P
(2001) Direct Observations of Chemical Weathering and Biofilm Development on Mica Surfaces in the Hyporheic Zone of an Antarctic Dry Valley Stream
Maurice PA, McKnight DM, Leff L, Fulghum J & Gooseff M
(2001) Hydrologic and Geochemical Controls on the Chemical Characteristics of Natural Organic Matter at a Small Freshwater Wetland
Maurice PA, Drummond J & Cabaniss SE
(2001) Molecular Weight Fractionation of Fulvic Acid Upon Adsorption to Goethite
Zhou Q, Maurice PA & Cabaniss SE

Maurice S. (2023) Investigation of the Petrogenetic Relationship between the Two Igneous Formations in Jezero Crater by Using Trace Element Concentrations Acquired by the Perseverance SuperCam Instrument
Debaille V, Forni O, Anderson R, Beck P, Beyssac O, Clavé E, Clegg S, Cousin A, Dehouck E, Fouchet T, Gabriel T, Johnson JR, Le Mouélic S, Mandon L, Maurice S, Meslin P-Y, Pilleri P, Poulet F, Quantin-Nataf C, Royer C, Udry A & Wiens RC
(2023) Geochemistry and Mineralogy of Ancient Sedimentary Rocks Analyzed by the SuperCam Instrument in the Jezero Delta, Mars
Dehouck E, Forni O, Quantin-Nataf C, Beck P, Mangold N, Royer C, Clavé E, Beyssac O, Johnson JR, Mandon L, Poulet F, Le Mouélic S, Caravaca G, Kalucha H, Gibbons E, Dromart G, Gasda P, Meslin P-Y, Schroeder S, Udry A, Anderson R, Clegg S, Cousin A, Gabriel T, Lasue J, Fouchet T, Pilleri P, Pilorget C, Hurowitz J, Núñez J, Williams A, Russell P, Simon JI, Maurice S & Wiens RC
(2023) Compositional Analysis of the MarSCoDe’s LIBS Data from Zhurong Rover
Chen Z, Loche M, Zhang Y, Luo Y, Ren X, Cousin A, Maurice S & Li C
(2022) An Overview of the SuperCam Instrument Suite in Jezero Crater, Mars
Comellas J, Sharma SK, Wiens RC, Maurice S, Essunfeld A, Mayhew LE, Brown AJ, Cousin A, Connell S, Cloutis E & SuperCam Team T
(2022) Alteration Minerals Assemblage on the Floor of Jezero Crater, Mars: One Year of SuperCam IR Observations Onboard the Perseverance Rover
Mandon L, Quantin-Nataf C, Royer C, Beck P, Fouchet T, Dehouck E, Forni O, Johnson JR, Poulet F, Montmessin F, Le Mouélic S, Gasnault O, Maurice S & Wiens RC
(2022) Detection of Hydration Spectral Signatures with IRS/SuperCam, Perseverance Rover: Instrument Performance
Royer C, Fouchet T, Montmessin F, Poulet F, Forni O, Johnson JR, Gasnault O, Mandon L, Quantin-Nataf C, Beck P, Ollila AM, Pilorget C, Bernardi P, Reess J-M, Newell RT, Maurice S & Wiens R
(2021) Elemental Calibration of SuperCam’s LIBS
Cousin A, Forni O, Anderson R, Clegg S, Frydenvang J, Pilleri P, Ledgett C, Gasnault O, Maurice S & Wiens R
(2021) Providing Unbiased IR Spectra on Mars: The Ground Calibration of the Infrared Spectrometer Onboard Perseverance Rover
Royer C, Fouchet T, Forni O, Johnson JR, Gasnault O, Quantin-Nataf C, Beck P, Ollila AM, Mandon L, Poulet F, Pilorget C, Bernardi P, Reess J-M, Newell RT, Maurice S & Wiens R
(2021) Initial Results of the First Visible and Near-Infrared Spectrometer on the Martian Surface: SuperCam Unveils Jezero Crater’s Ground Mineralogy
Mandon L, Fouchet T, Forni O, Johnson JR, Gasnault O, Quantin-Nataf C, Beck P, Ollila AM, Royer C, Poulet F, Pilorget C, Bernardi P, Reess J-M, Newell RT, Maurice S & Wiens R
(2017) Time-Resolved Raman Spectroscopy for Mars Exploration: Insights from a Laboratory Analogue of the Mars2020 SuperCam Instrument
Beyssac O, Gauthier M, Maurice S, Wiens RC, Fau A, Bernard S & Benzerara K
(2017) Advanced InfraRed and Raman Spectroscopy on Ca-Phosphates and Mg-Carbonates for Surface Exploration of Mars
Fau A, Beyssac O, Gauthier M, Bernard S, Benzerara K, Meslin P-Y, Drouet C, Maurice S, Guyot F & Balan E
(2015) Diversity of Igneous Rocks At Gale, Mars
Cousin A, Sautter V, Mangold N, Fabre C, Forni O, Rapin W, Fisk M, Gasnault O, Lanza N, Lasue J, Meslin P-Y, Newsom H, Ollila A, Payre V, Wiens R & Maurice S
(2015) High Lithium in Kimberley and Pahrump Outcrops, Gale Crater-Mars
Forni O, Le Deit L, Vaniman DT, Mangold N, Blaney DL, Clegg SM, Cousin A, Gasnault O, Maurice S, Newsom HE, Sautter V, Toplis MT & Wiens RC
(2014) Feldspar-Rich Rocks at Gale Crater: A ChemCam Campaign
Sautter V, Fabre C, Cousin A, Toplis M, Wiens R, Forni O & Maurice S
(2014) Fluorine as Seen by ChemCam in Gale Crater-Mars
Forni O, Gaft M, Toplis M, Clegg SM, Gasnault O, Maurice S, Sautter V & Wiens RC
(2013) Postcards from Mars: Insights into Martian Geochemical Processes from the Curiosity Rover
Leshin L, Grotzinger J, Blake D, Gellert R, Mahaffy P, Wiens R, Maurice S & Schmidt M
(2013) The Petrochemistry of Jake_M: A Martian Mugearite
Stolper EM, Baker MB, Cousin A, Fisk M, Gellert R, King PL, Maurice S, McLennan SM, Minitti ME, Newcombe M, Sautter V, Schmidt ME, Treiman AH & Wiens RC

Maurice-Bourgoin L. (2009) The Heterogenous Nature of Rivers
Gaillardet J, Bouchez J, France-Lanord C & Maurice-Bourgoin L
(2009) Grain Sorting in Large Rivers and Continental Recycling
Bouchez J, Gaillardet J, France-Lanord C & Maurice-Bourgoin L
(2007) Distribution and Speciation of Mercury in the Curuai Floodplain Lakes and Role of the Water Exchanges with the Amazon River, Brazil
Dutra Maia P, Maurice Bourgoin L, Tessier E, Cossa D, Amouroux D, Perez M & Moreira Turcq P
(2007) Mercury Stable Isotope Variations in a Bolivian Watershed: Evidence for Mass-Independent Fractionation
Laffont L, Sonke J, Foucher D, Hintelmann H, Behra P & Maurice-Bourgoin L
(2007) Development of the High Presicion Measurement of Mercury Species Isotopic Ratios by GC-MC-ICP-MS and its Validation with Two Other Analytical Aproaches
Epov V, Rodriguez-Gonzalez P, Sonke J, Tessier E, Amouroux D, Maurice Bourgoin L, Estrade N, Carignan J & Donard O
(2007) Weathering over a Large Range of Erosion Solid Products: Insights from Amazon River Depth-Samplings
Bouchez J, Gaillardet J, France-Lanord C, Galy V & Maurice-Bourgoin L
(2006) The role of the Béni floodplain on the chemical weathering fluxes in the upper Madeira basin, Bolivia.
Gaillardet J, Maurice-Bourgoin L, Guyot J-L & Dosseto A

Mauritz-Tozer M. (2023) Development of Multiple-Scale Sensor and Remote Sensing Technology to Quantify Carbon Dioxide Emission Associated with Pedogenic Carbonate Accumulation in Irrigated Soils of Aridlands
Jin L, Hartman J, Esquivel Herrera K, Palmate S, Mauritz-Tozer M, Kumar S & Ganjegunte G

Maurizot P. (2020) Petrochronological and Structural Constraints on Intra-Oceanic Subduction Initiation from the Metamorphic Sole of the New Caledonia Ophiolite
Guerer D, Cenki-Tok B, Chatzaras V, Corfu F, Collot J & Maurizot P
(2015) Tracing the Efficiency of Chemical Weathering Through Magnetic Properties of Sediment: An Eocene Case Study
Dallanave E, Bachtadse V, Hollis C, Strogen D, Collot J, Maurizot P & Dickens G

Mauro D. (2019) Occurrence of Rare Phosphides in Ophiolitic Chromitites from Greece and Russia
Zaccarini F, Ifandi E, Sideridis A, Tsikouras B, Grammatikopoulos T, Garuti G, Pushkarev E, Bindi L, Mauro D & Stanley C

Maurrasse Florentin J M (2023) The Weissert Oceanic Anoxic Event (Valanginian), in the Caribbean, Sierra de los Órganos, Western Cuba
Orihuela J, Maurrasse FJM & Mihaela M-DC
(2021) Geochemical Response to Oceanic Anoxic Event 1a in Lower Aptian Pelagic Sediments of the Subbetic Basin, Spain
Herdocia C & Maurrasse FJM

Maurrasse Florentin J-MR (2014) High-resolution δ13Corg Stratigraphy in an Early Cretaceous Expanded Section: Implications for Global Correlation
Sanchez-Hernandez Y & Maurrasse FJ-M
(2007) Geochemical, Lithologic and Biotic Variations of the K/P Boundary Record, Implications for Seiche-Like Movements as Causal Factors in the Observed Mix-Up
Maurrasse F

Maury A. (2015) How can We Quantify the Contribution of Each Ni Bearing Phase to the Total Ni Exchangeable Pool? An Isotopic Exchange Kinetic Model
Zelano I, Sivry Y, Quantin C, Gelabert A, Tharaud M, Maury A, Nowak S, Phalyvong K, Abollino O & Benedetti M

Maury René

Maury René C. (2015) Mantle Dynamics during a Continental Break-Up: Insights from the North Atlantic Magmatic Province
Stéciuk-Mouillard P, Agranier A, Maury R, Nonnotte P, Chauvet F & Geoffroy L
(2011) Direct Evidence for the Nature and Timing of Sub-Arc Mantle Metasomatism
Turner S, Caulfield J, Turner M, van Keken P, Maury R, Sandiford M & Proteau G
(2008) Temporal Geochemical Evolution of Neogene Volcanism in Northern Baja California: Insights on the Origin of Post-Subduction Magnesian Andesites
Pallares C, Calmus T, Benoit M, Maury RC, Bellon H, Aguillón-Robles A & Cotten J
(2007) Different Origin for Mafic and Inter-Mediate/Felsic Lavas from Moorea Island (Society, French Polynesia)
Hemond C, Chauvel C, Maury R & Lewin E
(2004) Source Compositional Variability beneath the Bicol Arc, the Philippines
McDermott F, Delfin F, Defant M, Turner S & Maury R

Maury-Brachet R. (2023) Methylmercury δ13C Compound Specific Stable Isotopic Analysis: Application to Freshwater and Oceanic Fish Samples
Point D, Lagane C, Malberti LM, Lorrain A, Gentes S & Maury-Brachet R

Maurya A.S. (2021) Spatial Variations of Hydrogeochemistry and its Controlling Factors in the Satluj River Basin, Himalayas, India
Jahan A, Khan MU, Rai N, Maurya AS, Dar T & Kumar S

Maurya P. (2023) Impact of Change in Land Use/Land Cover on Toxic Metal Distribution in Mangrove Sediment and Ecological Risk Assessment, Gulf of Kachchh, India
Kumari R & Maurya P

Maussang E. (2017) Investigating the Effect of Pressure on the Sulfide-Sulfate Transition in Silicate Melts: Implications for the Behaviour of Chalcophile Elements and Redox State of Magma Sources
Jego S, Maussang E, Iacono Marziano G, Gaillard F & Morizet Y

Maussen K. (2016) Continuous CO2 Flux Monitoring at Taal Main Crater Lake
Maussen K, Villacorte E, Maximo R, Bornas MA & Bernard A

Mauthe G. (2000) The Effect of Pore Size on Salt Cementation in Porous Rocks
Putnis A & Mauthe G

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