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Mattioli Michele (2013) Across-Arc Geochemical Variations in Central America Subduction Zone: Evidences from Honduras Basalts
Mattioli M, Agostini S & Renzulli A

Mattioli Michele (2021) Could Soluble Minerals be Dangerous for Human Health? The Epsomite Case Study
Giordani M, Mattioli M, Meli MA, Roselli C, Fagiolino I, Valentini L, Peruzzi F & Betti M

Mattioli Rolim J. (2023) Sources of Fluids and Metals in the Krafla-Bjarnarflag Magmato-Hydrothermal System, NE Iceland
Mattioli Rolim J, Pinti DL, Berlo K, Sigurðardóttir ÁK & Alfredsson HA

Mattioni M. (2023) Land Use Change Impacts on Soils and Vegetation: Examples from Italian Alps
Baneschi I, Adamo MP, Gavrichkova O, Maerker M, Mattioni M, Richiardi C, Salvadori M, Scartazza A, Sella L, Rossi V, Vicario S & Pennisi M

Mattiussi R. (2023) Impact of Nitrogen Source on Vanadium Removal during Anaerobic Digestion Process: Investigating the Feasibility of Anaerobically Treating V(V) and Nitrate Rich Wastewaters
Mattiussi R, Le Guet T, Guibaud G, Lens PNL, Collins G & Abram F

Mattner D. (2014) Textural Re-equilibration during Marble Replacement by Ca-Oxalate
King HE, Mattner D, Plümper O, Geisler T & Putnis A

Mattocks J.A. (2022) Biomining of Rare Earth Elements from Primary and Secondary Sources
Jiao Y, Dong Z, Mattocks JA, Deblonde G, Cotruvo J & Park D

Matton G. (2016) Evidence of a Transformation from Pyrochlore into Columbite-(Fe) at the Saint-Honoré Carbonatite, Québec (Canada)
Tremblay J, Bédard PL & Matton G

Mattos N.H.S. (2014) Chemostratigraphy of Late Cretaceous Bauru Basin (SE Brazil) and Implications for Source-Area, Paleoweathering and Provenance
Mattos NHS & Batezelli A

Mattox T. (2002) Bimodal Komatiite-Dacite Volcanism in the Black Swan Area, Norseman-Wiluna Greenstone Belt, Australia
Barnes S, Hill R, Thordarson T, Dowling S & Mattox T

Mattson B. (2014) Introducing a Flow-Through Technique to Aid Predict Drainage Quality from Mine Waste: A Case Study
De Baere B, Francois R, Mayer U & Mattson B

Mattson E.D. (2015) Isotopic Insights into Deep Geothermal Systems in the Snake River Plain in Southeastern Idaho
Conrad ME, Dobson PF, Sonnenthal EL, Kennedy BM, Spycher N, Cannon C, Wood T, McLing TL, Neupane G & Mattson ED
(2008) Mineralogical Changes in Oil Shale from Hydrous Retorting
Perkins R, Grathoff G, Palmer C & Mattson E

Mattsson H.B. (2009) Incomplete Mixing of Silicate-Carbonatite Magmas during the Explosive Eruption of Oldoinyo Lengai (September 2007)
Mattsson HB & Reusser E
(2009) Sr-Poor Nyerereite and Gregoryite in Ashes from Oldoinyo Lengai (Tanzania)
Reusser E & Mattsson HB

Mattsson T. (2018) Growth Model Interpretation of Planet Size Distribution
Zeng L, Jacobsen S, Sasselov D, Vanderburg A, Lopez-Morales M, Perez-Mercader J, Petaev M & Mattsson T

Matu A. (2023) Indigenous Microorganisms and the Bioavailability of Organic Matter Drive the Mobilization of Potentially Toxic Elements and Rare-Earth Elements in Alkaline Mine Wastes
Cebekhulu S, Gomez-Arias A, Matu A, Alom J, Valverde A, Ololade O & Castillo J
(2023) Developing a Bacterial Consortium for Improving the Quality of Mining-Contaminated Water
Matu A, Cason ED, Valverde Portal A, Moganedi K & Castillo J
(2023) Energy Sources Like Iron Contribute to Shaping the Microbial Communities in Scalding Hot Springs
Maleke MM, Matu A, Cason ED, Gómez-Arias A & Castillo J

Matukhin V. (2016) Composition and Semiconductor Properties of Non-Stoichiometric Deep-Sea Chalcopyrites from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
Babaeva S, Matukhin V, Pogoreltsev A & Gavrilenko A

Matukov D. (2007) U-Pb Age and REE Data (SHRIMP II) on Zircons in Mantle Xenoliths from Alkaline Basalts (Vitim Area, Transbaikalia): Implication for the Upper Mantle Partial Melting
Saltykova A, Nikotina L & Matukov D
(2007) Archaean Evolution of the Okhotsk Terrane by U/Pb Zircon Chronology
Berezhnaya N, Kuzmin V, Glebovitsky V, Tolmacheva E, Matukov D, Presnyakov S, Paderin I & Sergeev S
(2006) SHRIMP-II U-Pb dating of perovskite from ultramafic-alkaline intrusion
Matukov D, Lepekhina E, Bagdasarov E, Antonov A & Sergeev S
(2006) Isotopic and geochemical evidences of magmatic origin of Precambrian calcifires (North-East of Russia)
Matukov D, Lokhov K, Prasolov E, Kuzmin V & Bogomolov E
(2006) Geochronological evidences of three-stage tectonic evolution of the Dzhugdzhuro-Stanovoy fold terrane
Berezhnaya N, Matukov D, Presnyakov S, Tolmacheva E, Glebovitsky V & Sergeev S
(2006) First SHRIMP U-Th-Pb data on detrital zircons and monazite from ice drillcore, Vostok lake, Antarctica
Rodionov N, Belyatsky B, Matukov D, Antonov A, Presnyakov S, Leitchenkov G & Sergeev S
(2006) U-Pb SHRIMP dating of zircons from the ore-bearing Kharaelakh intrusion (Talnakh district, Russia)
Petrov O, Malitch K, Shevchenko S, Matukov D, Presnyakov S, Tolmacheva E, Tuganova E & Khalenev V
(2004) Age and Sr-Nd-Pb Isotope Characteristics of the Mid Atlantic Ridge Gabbro-Peridotite Complex
Krymsky R, Belyatsky B, Matukov D, Shulyatin O & Beltenev V

Matulanya M. (2017) Climatic Versus Geochemical Controls on Soil Organic Matter Stabilization and Greenhouse Gas Emissions along Altitudinal Transects in Different Mountain Regions
Griepentrog M, Bodé S, Boudin M, Dercon G, Doetterl S, Martin V, Matulanya M, Msigwa A, Richter A, Sun X, Vermeir P, Wang X & Boeckx P

Maturilli A. (2019) The Hydrothermal Synthesis of Alkali-Carbonates: An Hypothetical Equivalent of the Ceres Bright Spots
Zucchini A, Morgavi D, Stabile P, Carroll MR, Comodi P, Frondini F, Perugini D, Cherin M, Maturilli A, D'Amore M, Helbert J, Alemanno G, Fastelli M & Arzilli F

Matus D. (2018) On the Presence of Almandine Bearing Rocks at the Moraine of Collins Glacier, King George Island: Part of the Scotia Metamorphic Complex?
Bastias J, Süssenberger A, Ugalde R, Matus D, Spikings R & Schmidt S

Matus F. (2021) Changes in the Bioavailability of iron(III) for Microbial Reduction along a Precipitation Gradient
Sauter L, Schwerdhelm C, Samuels T, Witzgall K, Hampl F, Mueller CW, Riveras N-A, Scholten T, Wagner D, Merino C, Matus F, Neumann T, Kappler A & Bryce C
(2021) Deep Weathering of Subsurface Fe-Bearing Minerals by Fe-Metabolizing Microorganisms in a Semi-Arid Climate
Schwerdhelm C, Hampl F, Sauter L, Merino C, Matus F, von Blanckenburg F, Neumann T, Kappler A & Bryce C

Matusewicz M. (2014) 15-Year Experiments of the Interaction of the Compacted Bentonite, Copper Canister and Fresh Water
Järvinen J, Tiljander M, Matusewicz M, Rajala P, Itävaara M, Olin M & Muurinen A

Matushkin N. (2020) Stages of Tectonothermal History of the Taimyr – Severnaya Zemlya Orogen during Oblique Collision in the Carboniferous-Permian
Vernikovskaya A, Vernikovsky V, Matushkin N, Proskurnin V, Polyansky O, Laevsky Y & Travin A
(2019) Ediacaran Magmatism in the Evolution of the Transform Active Continental Margin of the Siberian Craton: Geochemistry, Geochronology and Geodynamics
Vernikovskaya A, Vernikovsky V, Matushkin N, Kadil'nikov P, Li Z-X, Wilde S, Romanova I & Travin A
(2017) Late Ediacarian Adakites from the Yenisey Ridge Orogen, Western Framing of the Siberian Craton: Petrology and Tectonic Setting
Vernikovskaya A, Vernikovsky V, Matushkin N, Kadil'nikov P & Romanova I
(2016) Geochemistry, Petrogenesis and Tectonic Setting of Late Neoproterozoic Adakites and Gabbro-Anorthosites from Zimovey Massif (Southwestern Framing of the Siberian Craton)
Vernikovskaya A, Vernikovsky V, Kadilnikov P, Matushkin N & Romanova I
(2013) Thermal History of a Neoproterozoic Orogen and A-Type Leucogranites Formation (Yenisey Ridge, Western Margin of the Siberian Craton)
Vernikovskaya A, Vernikovsky V, Matushkin N, Romanova I, Veyalko I, Polyansky O, Laevsky Y & Voronin K
(2009) Thermochronological Models for the Cooling History of Neoproterozoic Post-Collisional Granites
Vernikovskaya A, Vernikovsky V, Matushkin N, Polyansky O & Travin A
(2007) The Neoproterozoic Alkaline Rocks of the Yenisey Ridge, Western Margin of the Siberian Craton: Mineralogy, Geochemistry and Geochronology
Vernikovskaya I, Sal'nikova E, Vernikovskaya A, Matushkin N & Yasenev A

Matusiak-Małek M. (2022) Sulfide-Rich Crust-Mantle Transition Zone of Balmuccia Orogenic Massif: New Insights from Fe-S Isotope System in Sulfides
Pieterek B, Ciążela J, Tribuzio R, Matusiak-Małek M, Strauss H, Lazarov M, Weyer S, Horn I, Kuhn T & Nowak I
(2013) Different Styles of Metasomatism in Lithospheric Mantle beneath Central Europe
Puziewicz J, Matusiak-Małek M, Ntaflos T & Gregoire M
(2013) Modal Metasomatism in Upper Mantle from Eastern Part of Central European Volcanic Province (SW Poland)
Matusiak-Małek M, Puziewicz J, Ntaflos T & Grégoire M
(2011) Mantle Metasomatic Events Related to Alkaline Volcanism during Incipient Rifting: NE Eger Rift (Central Europe) Example
Puziewicz J, Matusiak-Małek M, Ntaflos T & Gregoire M
(2011) Fe–metasomatism in Upper Mantle beneath SW Poland
Matusiak-Małek M, Puziewicz J, Grégoire M & Ntaflos T
(2011) Evolution of Variscan Orogenic Popiel Peridotite (SW Poland)
Kukuła A, Puziewicz J, Matusiak-Małek M & Ntaflos T
(2009) Insight into the Lithospheric Mantle beneath NE Part of Bohemian Massif: A Case Study of Lutynia (SW Poland) Peridotite Xenoliths
Matusiak-Małek M, Puziewicz J, Ntaflos T & Grégoire M

Matusik J. (2022) As(V) Scavenging from Artificial and Real Wastewaters by Mineral-Derived Mg/Al and Mg/Fe LDH Materials
Rybka K, Matusik J, Dziewiątka K & Giera A
(2022) Al- and Fe-Bearing Layered Double Hydroxides as Effective Adsorbents of Aqueous V(V): The Effect of Brucite-Like Layer and Interlayer Chemistry
Rybka K & Matusik J
(2013) BTX Sorption by Surfactant-Modified Synthetic Zeolite
Turek P, Szala B, Czerwiński J, Bajda T & Matusik J

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