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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Matthias B. (2008) Texturally Controlled U/Pb Dating of Rutile from the Ivrea Zone
Zack T, Luvizotto GL, Stockli DF & Matthias B

Matthias V. (2021) Global Mercury Observation Training Network (GMOS-Train)
Horvat M, Sonke JE, Heimbuerger-Boavida L-E, Lobnik A, Jonsson S, Dommergue A, Pirrone N, Amouroux D, Ebinghaus R, Knoery J, Corns W, Lapanje A, Kocman D, Hedgecock IM, Bieser J, Matthias V, Schrum C, Lorrain A & Point D
(2015) The Impact of Shipping on Nitrogen Deposition in North Sea Coastal Areas
Matthias V, Aulinger A, Bieser J & Quante M

Matthies R. (2015) Interpretation of Zn Isotope Ratio Measurments in a Complex Geochemical System
Blowes D, Lindsay M, Matthies R, Harish V, Kong L, Eagling J & Ptacek C
(2014) Zinc Isotope Partitioning in Organic Substrate-Amended Mine Tailings
Matthies R, Blowes D, Lindsay M & Ptacek C
(2013) Improved Understanding of Sources and Processes of Metal Mobilization from Sulfidic Mine Wastes Through the Application of Post-Transition Stable Isotopes
Matthies R & Blowes D

Matthiesen J. (2016) Surface Charges of Carboxyl Self Assembled Monolayers – Prediction and Experiments
Dobberschütz S, Olsson MHM, Matthiesen J, Andersson MP, Pedersen NR, Hassenkam T & Stipp SLS
(2016) AFM Force Mapping as a Fast Alternative to Core Plug Tests for Optimising Water EOR in Sandstone and Limestone
Hassenkam T, Dobberschütz S, Matthiesen J, Andersson MP, Pedersen NR, Segura JJ, Bovet N, Dalby KN & Stipp SLS
(2013) Effects of pH and Ionic Strength on the Surface Charge Density of Self Assembled Monolayers (SAM)
Olsson MHM, Andersson MP, Matthiesen J & Stipp SLS

Matthiesen Jesper (2015) Chemical Force Mapping of Clay Fractions from Sandstones
Blazanovic M, Nielsen AR, Matthiesen J, Dalby KN, Jelavic S, Hassenkam T & Stipp SLS
(2011) Using Atomic Force Microscopy to Probe Pore Surfaces of Oil-Bearing Sandstone
Matthiesen J, Hassenkam T, Bovet N & Stipp S

Matthiessen J. (2021) A Fresh Look at the Glacial Arctic Ocean
Geibert W, Matthiessen J, Stimac I, Wollenburg J & Stein R
(2017) Biogeochemical Cycling on the Yermak Plateau during the Last Two Glacial Cycles
Tessin A, Maerz C, Brumsack H-J, Forwick M, Löwemark L, Matthiessen J, O'Regan M & Schnetger B
(2012) More Than Just 'Brown Layers': Manganese in Quaternary Arctic Ocean Sediments
Maerz C, Stratmann A, Matthiessen J, Poulton SW, Meinhardt A-K, Eckert S, Schnetger B, Vogt C, Stein R & Brumsack H-J

Matthieu M. (2013) A New Database for Nd Isotopes in Marine Environments
Lacan F, Tachikawa K, Arsouze T, Bayon G, Bory A, Colin C, Dutay J-C, Frank N, Gherardi J, Gourlan A, Grousset F, Hillaire-Marcel C, Jeandel C, Meynadier L, Montagna P, Puceat E, Matthieu M & Waelbroeck C

Mattia M. (2022) Study of the Origin of Soil 222Rn and 220Rn Activities in Taylor Valley, Antarctica
Ruggiero L, Sciarra A, Tuccimei P, Galli G, Mazzini A, Mazzoli C, Tartarello MC, Florindo F, Wilson G, Anderson J, Worthington R, Mattia M, Giagnoni F, Bigi S, Sassi R & Ciotoli G

Mattiel N. (2013) Holocene Dust Record in a NW European Peat Bog: A Multiproxy Approach
Allan M, le roux G, Verheyden S, Mattiel N, Piotrowska N, Fagel N & Beghin J

Mattielli Nadine (2022) A Tale of Two Cities: Comparison of Metals and Pb Isotopes in Honey from Vancouver, Canada, and Brussels, Belgium, during the COVID-19 Lockdown
Hoppstock-Mattson B, Maton J, Weis D, Smith KE & Mattielli N

Mattielli Nadine (2023) Reading Dust Provenance in Epica Dome C Ice Core (East Antarctica): High-Resolution, Quantitative Records from a New Rare Earth Elements (REE) Mixing Model
Boxho SL, Mattielli N, Vanderstraeten A, Laruelle GG, Bory A, Gabrielli P, Gili S & Bonneville S
(2023) Rare Earth Elements and Radiogenic Isotopes from Mineral Dust in East Antarctica: Sensitive Tracers of the Atmospheric Circulation and Climate Variability Through Time
Mattielli N, Gili S, Boxho SL, Vanderstraeten A, Laruelle GG, Bory A, Chaput A, King JS, Gaiero D, Delmonte B, Vallelonga P, Formenti P, Gabrielli P & Bonneville S
(2023) Identification and Quantification of Metal Origins in Belgium Train Stations by Pb-Zn Isotopic Ratios
Hublet GC, Mattielli N & Curatolo J
(2023) Unravelling the Role of Surface Complexation in the Isotopic Fractionation of Fe Aerosols
Pech CG, De Jong J, Ciotonea C, Dhont G, Mattielli N & Flament P
(2023) Nanok Expedition: An Ice Triathlon in Greenland Partnering with Scientists for Climate Research
Denis G, Goffart N, Opfergelt S, Bertrand B, Bonneville S, Mattielli N, Boxho SL, Fettweis X, Box JE, Ahlstrom AP, Karlsson NB, Defraigne P & Bergeot N

Mattielli Nadine (2015) Geochemistry and Petrogenesis of Archean Mafic Rocks from the Amsaga Area, West African Craton, Mauritania
El Atrassi F, Debaille V, Mattielli N & Berger J
(2015) Zn and Fe Isotopes: Sensitive Tracers of Partial Melting and Redox Conditions
Doucet LS, Mattilli N, Ionov DA, Weis D, Debouge W & Golovin AV
(2015) Correlated Zn-Mg Isotope Fractionation in the Archean Fred’s and Theo’s Flows
Mattielli N, Hublet G, Haenecour P, Duchemin C & Debaille V

Mattielli Nadine (2019) Sedimentary Markers of Ocean Plateau Volcanism during the Cretaceous Oceanic Anoxic Events
Percival L, Tedeschi L, Creaser R, van Helmond N, Snoeck C, Debaille V, Mattielli N, Bottini C, Erba E, Goderis S, Mather T, Jenkyns H & Claeys P

Mattielli Nadine (2018) Zinc Behavior during Mantle Melting: A Reappraisal of Natural and Experimental Observations
Beunon H, Mattielli N, Doucet L-S, Moine B & Debret B
(2018) Role of the Forearc in the Geochemistry of Subduction Zones: New Insights from the IODP Expedition 366
Debret B, Mattielli N, Albers E, Walter B, Price R, Barnes JD, Beunon H & Williams H
(2018) Is the Argentinean Loess a Primary Dust Source in the Southern Hemisphere?
Gili S, Gaiero D, Mattielli N, Torre G, Goldstein S, Chemale F & Koester E

Mattielli Nadine (2017) Building up the First Continents: A Message from Integrated Zircon U-Pb/Lu-Hf Isotopes, Granitoid Petrology and Geochemistry
Laurent O, Zeh A, Vander Auwera J, Bingen B, Bolle O, Debaille V, Mattielli N & Gerdes A
(2017) Multielemental and Pb, Zn Isotopic Study of Metal Transfer Processes in Soils and Lichens from an Old Mining Area (São Domingos, Portugal)
Mattielli N, Africano F, Branquinho C, Delahaye A, Vogel-Mota R, Couder E, Delvaux B & Matos JX
(2017) Alteration of Iron Solubility and Isotopic Composition of Industrial Particles by Atmospheric Processing
Maters E, Flament P, de Jong J, Mattielli N & Deboudt K
(2017) Zinc Isotope Fractionation in Upper Mantle: New Insights from Ultra-Refractory Mantle Xenoliths in an Oceanic Intraplate Setting
Beunon H, Mattielli N, Doucet L-S, Moine B, Guillaume D, Debaille V, Wasilewski B, Grégoire M, Delacour A, Cottin J-Y & Delpech G
(2017) The 2014 Fogo Eruption (Cape Verde): Constraints on the Short-Term Geochemical Evolution and Plumbing System
Mata J, Martins S, Mattielli N, Madeira J, Caldeira R, Ramalho R, Silva P & Moreira M

Mattielli Nadine (2016) Smelting Process Evidenced by δ66Zn
Hublet G, Debaille V, Doucet LS, Greenwood RC, Yamaguchi A, Mattielli N & Ebihara M

Mattielli Nadine (2013) Investigation of Archean Mantle Plume Components from 2.7 Ga Komatiites (Abitibi, Canada)
Duchemin C, Mattielli N, Debaille V, Arndt N & Chauvel C
(2013) Interlaboratory Calibration of Zn Elemental and Isotopic Compositions for Organic and Inorganic Reference Materials
Mattielli N, Shiel A, Gordon K, Petit J, Weis D & Couder E
(2013) Holocene Peat Bog Records of Atmospheric Dust Fluxes in Southern South America
De Vleeschouwer F, Vanneste H, Mattielli N, Vanderstraten A, Piotrowska N, Coronato A & Le Roux G
(2013) Late Quaternary Sedimentary Provenances in the Central Arctic Ocean Inferred by Nd and Pb Isotopes of Fine Detrital Fraction
Fagel N, Not C, Gueibe J, Mattielli N & Bazhenova E
(2012) Rare Earth Elements in the Misten Peat Bog (Belgium) as Tracers of Dust Depositions and Past Environmental Changes
Allan M, Le Roux G, Mattielli N, Piotrowska N & Fagel N
(2012) Stagnant-Lid Tectonics in Early Earth Revealed by 142Nd Variations in Late Archean Rocks
Debaille V, O'Neill C, Brandon A, Haenecour P, Yin Q-Z, Mattielli N & Treiman A
(2012) Delta66Zn Profiles in Five Highly Zn-Contaminated Soils
Couder E, Smolders E, Delvaux B, Cambier C & Mattielli N
(2012) Zn Isotope Fractionation in Archean Komatiites and Associated Lava-Flows
Mattielli N, Haenecour P & Debaille V
(2011) Metasomatism beneath the Kerguelen Plateau Associated with Heterogeneous Mantle Plume
Debaille V, Hublet G, Mattielli N & Weis D
(2011) Potential Source Variation in Munro Komatiites: Fred’s and Theo’s Flows, Ontario, Canada
Duchemin C, Chauvel C, Arndt N, Debaille V & Mattielli N
(2011) A δ30Si Reconstruction of Holocene Productivity of the Southern Ocean, East Antarctica
Panizzo V, Cardinal D, Crosta X & Mattielli N
(2011) Secondary Crustal Effects on MORB Composition at the Kolbeinsey Ridge
Elkins L, Sims K, Prytulak J, Mattielli N, Elliott T, Dunbar N, Blichert-Toft J, Devey C, Mertz D, Schilling J-G & Murrell M
(2011) Zn Isotope Fractionation in the Soil-Plant System (A pot Experiment)
Couder E, Drouet T, Delvaux B, Maerschalk C, Meeus C & Nadine M
(2011) Atmospheric Lead Deposition in Ombrotrophic Peat Bogs of Southern Poland
Fiałkiewicz-Kozieł B, Mattielli N & Fagel N
(2010) Zn Isotopes as Tracers of Metal Atmospheric Deposition and Soil Contamination at the Vicinity of an Old Mining and Refining Complex (Portugal)
Mattielli N, Africano F, Matos JX, Branquinho C, Maerschalk C & De Jong J
(2010) Environmental Assessment Using Pb and Cd Isotopes at Abandoned Mining Site, South of Portugal
Africano F, Mattielli N, Matos J, Branquinho C, Maerschalk C & De Jong J
(2009) (234U/238U) and (230Th/238U) Disequilibria in Fresh and Altered Kolbeinsey Ridge Basalts
Elkins LJ, Sims KWW, Prytulak J, Mattielli N, Elliott T, Blichert-Toft J, Blusztajn J, Devey C, Mertz D, Kelemen P, Murrell M & Schilling J-G
(2009) δ66Zn as a Tracer of the Zinc Biogeochemical Cycle
Couder E, Delvaux B, Maerschalk C & Mattielli N
(2008) Pb-Nd Isotopic Constraints on Sedimentary Input into the Lesser Antilles Arc System
Carpentier M, Chauvel C & Mattielli N
(2008) High-Accuracy Determination of Iron in Antarctic Waters by Isotope Dilution MCICPMS Using Nitrilotriacetic Acid Chelating Resin for Preconcentration and Matrix Separation
De Jong J, Schoemann V, Lannuzel D, Tison J-L & Mattielli N
(2008) Holocene Records of Regional Dust Deposition Using Peat Bogs
Le Roux G, de Vleeschouwer F, Cheburkin A, Krachler M, Shotyk W, Mattielli N & Fagel N
(2008) Zinc Isotopes in Polluted Substrates
Couder E, Delvaux B, Maerschalk C & Mattielli N
(2008) On the Origin of the EM-1 Component in Santiago Island (Cape Verde)
Martins S, Mata J, Munhá J & Mattielli N
(2008) Zn Isotopes as Tracers of Atmospheric Emissions from a Pb-Zn Smelter
Mattielli N, Flament P, Deboudt K, Petit JCJ, Perdrix E, Sivry Y & Weis D
(2008) Terceira Lavas Isotopic Signatures and Multi-Scale Mantle Heterogeneity at the Azores Archipelago
Madureira P, Mata J, Mattielli N & Queiroz G
(2008) Cu and Zn Isotopic Changes from 1972 to Present in the Scheldt Estuary
Petit JCJ, Taillez A, Chou L & Mattielli N
(2008) Nd and Pb Isotopic Signatures of Detrital Fractions from Labrador Sea and Iceland Basin Sediments: Deep Oceanic Circulation Changes over the Holocene
Fagel N, Brasseur R, Mattielli N, Stevenson R & Hillaire-Marcel C
(2007) Mineralogy and Nd and Pb Isotope Signatures of Clay-Size Fraction of Northern North Atlantic Sediments during the Holocene and Late Glacial: Implications for the Inception of Modern Deep Circulation Pattern
Fagel N, Brasseur R, Mattielli N, Stevenson R & Hillaire-Marcel C
(2007) Plume-Lithosphere Interaction at Santiago Island (Cape Verde)
Martins S, Mata J, Munhá J & Mattielli N
(2007) Spatial and Temporal (30 Yr.) Variations of Lead Geochemical Signature in a Macrotidal Highly Polluted Estuary
Taillez A, Jacqmot A, Petit J, Maerschalk C, Lemadec D, Fagel N, Verheyden S, Chou L & Mattielli N
(2007) Single Column Procedure for Quantitative Separation and Recovery of Cadmium (Cd) for High Precision Isotope Analysis by MC-ICP-MS
Verheyden S, Maerschalk C, Shiele A & Mattielli N
(2006) Zn-Cu Isotopic Study and Speciation of Airborne Metal Particles Within a 5-km Zone of a Lead/Zinc Smelter
Mattielli N, Rimetz J, Petit J, Perdrix E, Deboudt K, Flament P & Weis D
(2006) Cu and Zn isotope fractionation along the Scheldt estuary
Petit J, Taillez A, Verheyden S, Chou L & Mattielli N
(2005) The Val Gabbro Plutonic Suite, Kerguelen Archipelago: Evolution of a Volcanic Feeder System in an Oceanic Island
Scoates J, Weis D, Franssens M, Mattielli N, Annell H, Frey F, Nicolaysen K & Giret A
(2005) Siderophile Element Geochemistry of Restitic and Cumulate Xenoliths from the Southeast Province of the Kerguelen Archipelago
Pretorius W, Scoates J, Weis D & Mattielli N
Gérard L, de Vleeschouwer F, Mattielli N, Streel M, LeRoux G & Fagel N
(2004) Geochemical and Pb Isotopic Investigations in Peat Bogs from Southern Chile: Identification of Particles Supplies and Possible Paleoclimate Record
de Vleeschouwer F, Ibanez M, Mattielli N, Maerschalk C & Fagel N
(2003) Kerguelen Hotspot Since 130 Ma: The View from Hf Isotopes
Ingle S, Weis D, Doucet S & Mattielli N
(2002) 238U and 230Th Excesses in Kolbeinsey Ridge Basalts
Sims K, Mattielli N, Elliott T, Kelemen P, DePaolo D & Mertz D
(2000) The Kerguelen Plume Source Characterized by Hf Isotopes
Mattielli N, Weis D, Blichert-toft J & Frey FA

Mattielli Nadine D (2021) High-Resolution Statistical Quantification of Aeolian Dust Provenance in East Antarctica over the Last Glacial-Interglacial Transition
Vanderstraeten A, Mattielli ND, Laruelle GG, Bory A, Gili S, Gabrielli P, Boxho S & Bonneville S
(2021) Decoupled Water and Iron Enrichments in the Cratonic Mantle
Doucet L, Xu Y, Klaessens D, Hui H, Ionov D & Mattielli ND
(2021) Mobility of Redox Sensitive Elements in Subduction Zone, a Fe Isotope Study of Mariana Forearc Serpentinites
Debret B, Mattielli ND, Menez B, Savov I & Williams HM
(2021) Copper and Zinc Isotopic Fractionation Induced by Major Infections: The SARS-Cov-2 Case Study
Hublet G, Debaille V, Mattielli ND & Galanti L

Mattigod S. (2010) In situ Immobilization of Radionuclide and Metallic Contaminants in Deep Vadose Zone Environments via Reactant Microfoams
Wellman D, Zhong L, Mattigod S, Szecsody J & Zhang C
(2006) Nanoporous Transition Metal Phosphate Materials for Sequestration of Redox Sensitive Contaminants
Wellman D, Mattigod S, Fryxell G, Clayton L, Glovack J & Parker K
(2005) In situ Identification of Uranium Minerals in Concrete
Wellman D, Mattigod S, Arey B, Wood M & Forrester S

Mattila J. (2016) K-Ar Dating of Proterozoic Fault Reactivation at the Olkiluoto Site of High-Level Nuclear Waste Repository, Finland
Mattila J, Viola G & Zwingmann H

Mattinson C.g. (2010) U-Pb Zircon Dating of Coesite-Bearing Eclogites from the Dulan Area of the North Qadiam HP/UHP Terrane, Northwestern China: New Constraints on Ages of UHP Metamorphism and Protoliths
Zhang JX & Mattinson CG
(2006) Age and duration of eclogite-facies metamorphism, North Qaidam HP/UHP terrane, Western China
Mattinson CG, Wooden JL, Liou JG, Bird DK & Wu CL

Mattinson Christopher (2015) Early Paleozoic Polyphase Metamorphism in the Northern Tibet, China
Zhang J, Yu S & Mattinson C
(2014) Evolution of the Chelan Migmatite Complex: New Insights from LA-ICPMS U-Pb and REE Zircon Analysis
Mattinson J, Mattinson C, Rioux M & Hopson C

Mattinson J. (2014) Evolution of the Chelan Migmatite Complex: New Insights from LA-ICPMS U-Pb and REE Zircon Analysis
Mattinson J, Mattinson C, Rioux M & Hopson C
(2011) Evaluating 238U/235U in U-Bearing Accessory Minerals: Implications for U-Pb Geochronology
Hiess J, Condon D, Noble S, Horstwood M, McLean N & Mattinson J
(2011) George R. Tilton and the Development of U-Pb Geochronology
Mattinson J
(2010) Advances in Zircon U-Pb Geochronology: The Ludwig Factor
Mattinson J
(2007) Zircon M257 – A New Standard for SHRIMP U-Pb Geochronology
Nasdala L, Hofmeister W, Mattinson J, Dörr W, Corfu F, Reiners P, Kronz A, Norberg N & Kröner A
(2005) Geochronology of the Western Gneiss Region UHP Terrane
Hacker B, Gehrels G, Grove M, Johnston S, Mattinson J, Root D, Walsh E & Young D
(2005) U-Pb Inter-Laboratory Calibrations Using Zircon Samples: Application of the New CA-TIMS Technique
Mattinson J
(2003) Zircon He-Pb* Dating: Approaches and Applications
Hourigan J, Reiners P, Mattinson J, Campbell I, Nicolescu S & Allen C
(2001) Partial Dissolution Analysis (PDA) of Zircon: Past, Present, Future
Mattinson JM
(2001) Zircon Radiation Damage, Annealing, Dissolution, and Pb Diffusion
Mattinson JM
(2001) U/Pb Zircon Geochronology of High- and Ultrahigh-Pressure Eclogites of the Western Gneiss Region, Norway
Root DB, Hacker BR, Mattinson JM & Wooden JL

Mattioli E. (2023) Palaeoenvironmental Records Across the Early Toarcian Hyperthermal Event: From Onset to Recovery
Fantasia A, Adatte T, Spangenberg JE, Mattioli E, Regelous M, Millot R, Bodin S, Rogov M & Suan G
(2023) Reconstruction of Sedimentation Rates and Nannofossil Fluxes Using Extraterrestrial 3He Across the Paleocene-Eocene Transition in the North Pacific
Pige N, Suan G, Blard P-H & Mattioli E

Mattioli Michele (2011) Petrological Implications of Temporal and Spatial Variations in Magma Chemistry of the Quaternary Tendurek Shield Volcano, Eastern Anatolian Collision Zone, Turkey
Unal E, Keskin M, Lebedev V, Sharkov E, Lustrino M & Mattioli M

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