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Matsuno Koichiro (2002) Evolution of a Prebiotic Ecosystem of Amino Acids in Hydrothermal Environments
Matsuno K

Matsuno S. (2021) Quantitative Mass Transfer Analyses of Metabasalt in Subduction Zone-Related Metamorphism: A Machine-Learning Based Approach
Matsuno S, Uno M & Okamoto A

Matsuno T. (2023) Quantifying Mesoscale Isopycnal/Diapycnal Water Mixing Processes in the Subtropical North Pacific and Marginal Seas Using Multiple Trace Elements and Isotopes: Water Composition and Material Exchange Influenced by Turbulence and Eddy
Zhu S, Zhang J, Liu Q & Matsuno T
(2019) Material Transport between the Marginal Seas and Western North Pacific Using Neodymium and Radiocesium Isotopes
Zhang J, Zhu JS-T, Kambayashi S, Matsuno T & Tsutsumi E

Matsuno Y. (2003) Sr and Nd Isotopic Signature of Late Cenozoic Alkali Basalts from Kibi-Sera and Northern Hyogo Areas in Chugoku District, Japan
Matsuno Y, Okano O, Anraku E, Iizumi S & Senoh M

Matsuo K. (2016) NINS Astrobiology Center Project: The Origin of Terrestrial Bioorganic Homochirality Relevance to Asymmetry of the Universe – Approaches with Synergy Effects of Observations, Experiments and Computations
Takahashi J-I, Katoh M, Tamura M, Kobayashi K, Umemura M, Kusakabe N, Kwon J, Takashima Y, Hosaka M, Zen H, Matsuo K, Tadokoro D, Kamei Y, Ehara M, Fukuda R, Shiraishi K & Shinojima H

Matsuo M (2006) Distribution of REE in thermal springs and surrounded surface waters of some active volcanic zones in Russia and Japan
Chudaeva V, Chudaev O, Sugimori K, Matsuo M & Kuno A
(2006) New Geochemical Data of Hydrothermal System of Baransky Volcano (Kuril Islands)
Chudaev O, Chudaeva V, Sugimori K, Kuno A, Matsuo M & Nordstrom K
(2005) Geochemistry of Thermal Waters of Mendeleev Volcano (Kuril Islands)
Chudaev O, Chudaeva V, Sugimori K, Kuno A, Matsuo M & Nordstrom K
(2003) Re-Os Systematics in Modern Estuarine Sediments from the Tama and Yasaka Rivers, Japan
Zheng G, Suzuki K, Kuno A, Matsuo M, Takano B & Shimizu H
(2003) Analysis of Chemical Species of Airborne Particles Collected at Roadsides with Heavy Traffic
Hirabayashi M, Matsuo M, Kobayashi S, Tanabe K & Nomura M

Matsuo Miki Y (2016) Microscopic Imaging Reveals Geochemical Cellular Process of Foraminiferal Calcification
Toyofuku T, Matsuo MY, de Nooijer L, Nagai Y, Kawada S & Kitazato H

Matsuo Motoyuki (2017) Development of Dosimeter with Positioning System
Hori M, Shozugawa K, Itakura Y & Matsuo M
(2017) Cl Isotope Study on Gas Condensates of Island Arc-Volcano Implying 37Cl-Enrichment during Slab Subduction
Musashi M, Kimura J-I, Chang Q, Nomura M, Matsuo M & Shozugawa K

Matsuo Motoyuki (2016) Authigenic Carbonate Precipitation at the End-Guadalupian (Middle Permian) in China: Implications for the Carbon Cycle in Ancient Anoxic Oceans
Saitoh M, Ueno Y, Isozaki Y, Shibuya T, Yao J, Ji Z, Shozugawa K, Matsuo M & Yoshida N

Matsuo Motoyuki (2015) Reduction Cycle of Cr(VI) by Fe(II) with Humic Acid and Its Application to Environmental Remediation
Hori M, Shozugawa K & Matsuo M
(2013) Reduction Process of Cr(VI) by Fe(II) and Humic Acid Using High-Time Resolution XAFS Analysis
Hori M, Shozugawa K & Matsuo M

Matsuo Motoyuki (2008) Trace and Rare Earth Elements in Surface Waters of Kuril Islands (Russia)
Chudaeva V, Chudaev O, Sugimory K, Matsuo M & Kuno A

Matsuo Motoyuki (2019) Four Years Dynamics (2013-2016) of Tritium in Environmental Water at Fukushima Evacuation Zone
Hori M, Shozugawa K, Johnson T, Takahata N, Sano Y & Matsuo M

Matsuoka A. (2023) Lanthanides as Tracers of Sediment Export from the Mackenzie River to Coastal and Abyssal Arctic Ocean
Bosse-Demers T, Gobeil C, Juhls B, Matsuoka A, Lizotte M, Gaudy A, Mareque S & Couture R-M

Matsuoka H. (2013) Relationship between Modern Speleothem Formation and Surface Weather in an Asian Tropical Cave
Hasegawa W, Watanabe Y, Matsuoka H, Ohsawa S, Brahmantyo B, Maryunani KA & Tagami T
(2009) Precipitation Variation for the Last 140 Years Recorded in Stable Isotope Ratios from Indonesian Stalagmite
Watanabe Y, Matsuoka H, Sakai S, Yamada M, Ohsawa S, Kiguchi M, Satomura T, Nakai S, Brahamantyo B, Maryunani K, Tagami T, Takemura K & Yoden S
(2008) Stable Isotopic Variations of a Stalagmite from Indonesia and their Comparison of Meteorological Data
Watanabe Y, Matsuoka H, Sakai S, Yamada M, Ohsawa S, Kiguchi M, Satomura T, Nakai S, Brahmantyo B & Maryunani KA

Matsuoka J (2003) High-Resolution Stable Isotopic Analyses of an Annually Laminated Tufa, Southwest Japan
Matsuoka J & Kano A

Matsuoka Jun (2016) Boron and Lithium Isotope Constraints on Fluid-Rock Interactions in the Shallow Megathrust at the Japan Trench
Ishikawa T, Matsuoka J, Nagaishi K, Kameda J & Sample J

Matsuoka K. (2006) Biogenic Fe-oxyhydroxide nodules encrusted iron-oxide bacteria in reducing sediments
Yoshida H, Yamamoto K, Murakami Y, Takeuchi M, Hotta Y & Matsuoka K

Matsuoka Megumi (2012) High-Precision Temperature Change at the Western Japan during the Past 10, 000 Years and its Effect on the Human Activity
Kawahata H, Matsuoka M, Togami A & Harada N

Matsuoka Moe (2016) Space Weathering Simulation Experiments on the Murchison Meteorite with Low-Energy Pulse Laser Irradiation
Matsuoka M, Nakamura T, Kimura Y, Takahiro H, Nakamura R, Okumura S & Sasaki S
(2016) Chondrule Flattening of MET01072 CM Chondrite: Possible Evidence for Long-Duration Slow Impact
Nakamura T, Matsuoka M, Yamashita S, Sato Y, Nakato A, Uesugi M, Miyahara M & Uesugi K
(2014) Reproduction of Space Weathering of C-Type Asteroids by Laser Heating Experiments of Murchison CM2 Chondrite
Matsuoka M, Nakamura T, Kimura Y, Hiroi T, Nakamura R, Okumura S & Sasaki S

Matsuoka T. (2016) Why NanoGeosciences are Necessary for Petroleum Engineering
Matsuoka T
(2016) Construction of Digital Oil for Bitumen
Sugiyama S, Liang Y, Murata S, Matsuoka T, Morimoto M, Nakano M, Ohata T & Boek E
(2016) Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Slip Flow in Nanopores for Shale Gas Development
Okamoto N, Liang Y, Murata S, Matsuoka T, Akai T & Takagi S
(2016) P-T Diagram of Elastic Moduli of CH4 and CO2 Hydrate
Jia J, Liang Y, Murata S, Tsuji T & Matsuoka T
(2016) Cation Specific Bridging of Acid Oil on Muscovite Surface: Improved Description of Low-Salinity EOR
Kobayashi K, Liang Y, Murata S, Matsuoka T, Takahashi S, Shimokawara M, Amano K, Nishi N & Sakka T
(2016) Structure Analysis on Oil-Mineral Interface for Application to Enhanced Oil Recovery
Tateyama Y, Kobayashi K, Murata S, Liang Y, Mino Y, Takahashi S & Matsuoka T
(2014) How the Sub-Nanoscopic Rougness Affects the Hydrophobic Gap: X-Ray Reflectivity Experiment and Molecular Dynamics Simulation
Katasho Y, Liang Y, Murata S, Fukunaka Y & Matsuoka T
(2013) Molecular Dynamics Study of Cement-Aqueous Solution Interfacial System: Cesium Ion Fixation
Kobayashi K, Liang Y, Bourg I & Matsuoka T
(2012) Determination of Line Tension Via Pressure Profile: A Molecular Dynamics Study
Kunieda M, Liang Y, Takahashi S & Matsuoka T
(2012) Molecular Dynamics Study of Aqueous Solution: Solubility Calculation with Kinetic and Thermodynamic Approaches
Kobayashi K, Liang Y & Matsuoka T
(2010) Self-Accumulation of Aromatics at Oil-Water Interface. A Molecular Dynamics Study
Kunieda M, Nakaoka K, Liang Y, Miranda C, Ueda A & Matsuoka T
(2008) Experimental Research of Casing Cement Alteration by Interaction with Supercritical CO2 for Geological Sequestration
Kunieda M, Yamada Y, Ueda A & Matsuoka T
(2008) Experimental Research of Plagioclase -Gas-Water Interaction at Hydrothermal Conditions Caused by CO2 Sequestration
Kuroda Y, Yamada Y, Ueda A & Matsuoka T
(2008) Nanogeoscience: There’s Plenty of Room at the Ground
Miranda CR & Matsuoka T

Matsushima H. (2008) Accurate Chronology of Antarctic Climate and Greenhouse Gas Changes over the Past 470 ky
Kawamura K, Aoki S, Nakazawa T, Matsushima H, Ishidoya S, Sugawara S, Lisiecki L, Raymo M & Severinghaus J

Matsushima N. (2016) Temporal Variations of Self-Potential at the Summit Area of Izu-Oshima Volcano
Matsushima N, Nishi Y, Onizawa S, Takakura S, Hase H & Ishido T

Matsushima S. (2016) Isotopic Analyses of Dissovled N2O and Nitrite in the Subarctic North Pacific
Toyoda S, Matsushima S, Makabe A, Nunoura T, Yoshikawa C & Yoshida N

Matsushima T. (2013) 3D Shapes of Regolith Particles: Comparison between Itokawa and Moon
Tsuchiyama A, Matsushima T, Matsumoto T, Nakano T, Amemiya D, Matsuno J, Nagano T, Shimada A, Uesugi K, Takeuchi A, Suzuki Y & Ohtake M

Matsuura A.K. (2022) Melding of Art & Science for Visual Communication
Andrade IH & Matsuura AK

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