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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Matsufuji K. (2006) Deep mantle origin of kimberlite magmas revealed by neon isotopes
Sumino H, Kaneoka I, Matsufuji K & Sobolev A

Matsuhisa Y. (2005) SMOW-Scale for Isotopic Ratios of NBS-28 Quartz and Some Other Reference Silicate Minerals
Kusakabe M & Matsuhisa Y
(2000) Effect of Crystallization Kinetics and Volatiles on Oxygen Isotope Fractionation between Anorthite and Basalt Melt: Direct Crystallization and Partial Melting Experiments at 1 Atm
Satoh H & Matsuhisa Y

Matsuhita N. (2016) Denitrification Triggered by Extracellular Electron Transfer
Yamada T, Kawaichi S, Matsuhita N & Nakamura R

Matsui A. (2003) Domestication Patterns of Pigs (Sus Scrofa) Evidenced by Carbon and Nitrogen Isotope Analysis for Prehistoric Boar Bone Collagen
Minagawa M, Matsui A & Ishiguro N

Matsui H. (2013) Vertical Transport of Black Carbon over East Asia during the AFORCE Aircraft Campaign
Oshima N, Koike M, Kondo Y, Matsui H, Moteki N, Nakamura H, Takegawa N & Kita K

Matsui M. (2009) Temperature-Pressure-Volume Equations of State of Au and Pt
Matsui M
(2005) Computer Modeling of the Equations of State of Crystals and Melts in the CaO-Mgo-Al<->2<$>O<->3<$>-SiO<->2<$> System
Matsui M

Matsui Takaaki (2019) Element Fluxes for Sinking Particles in the Northwest Pacific
Yamaoka K, Suzuki A, Tanaka Y, Shimamoto A, Fukuhara T, Matsui T, Kato S, Okamoto N & Igarashi Y

Matsui Takafumi (2016) Impact-Induced Winter Caused by Sulfuric Acid Aerosol Made from the K/Pg Bolide
Ohno S, Sakaiya T, Kadono T, Kurosawa K, Yabuta H, Shigemori K, Hironaka Y, Matsui T & Sugita S
(2016) Generation of Carbon Compounds by “Low” Velocity Impacts
Ishibashi K, Kurosawa K, Okamoto T & Matsui T
(2016) A Direct Measurement of Vaporized Water Ice during Hypervelocity Impacts in an Open System
Kurosawa K, Okamoto T, Yabuta H, Komatsu G & Matsui T
(2014) Impact–driven Ocean Acidification as a Mechanism of K–Pg Mass Extinctions
Ohno S, Kadono T, Kurosawa K, Hamura T, Sakaiya T, Shigemori K, Hironaka Y, Sano T, Watari T, Otani K, Matsui T & Sugita S
(2007) Numerical Simulation on the Thermal Evolution and Differentiation of Iron Meteorites' Parent Body
Senshu H & Matsui T
(2003) An Experimental Study on Fischer-Tropsch Catalysis: Implications for Planetary Science
Sekine Y, Shido T, Sugita S, Matsui T, Yamamoto T & Iwasawa Y

Matsui Tatsuya (2022) Iron Precipitation and Associated Microbial Activities in Ainai and Shojin River Mine Drainages, Japan
Ohtomo Y, Matsui T, Chikanda F, Tum S, Otake T & Sato T
(2021) Geochemical Modeling of a Natural Remediation of an Acid Mine Drainage from an Abandoned Mine in Northern Japan
Tum S, Chikanda F, Matsui T, Ohtomo Y, Otake T, Kikuchi R, Norota S & Sato T
(2020) A Natural Attenuation of Heavy Metals in a Stream Contaminated by Acid Mine Drainage from Artisanal Gold Mining in Cambodia
Tum S, Sato T, Matsui T, Kong S, Ohtomo Y, Kikuchi R & Otake T

Matsui Tomoaki (2016) Anorthite Megacrysts within the Basaltic Andesite of Hokiyadake Volcano, Central Japan: Geochemical and Mineralogical Constraints for their Generation
Arakawa Y, Azuhata M & Matsui T
(2015) Yellow and Colourless Anorthite Megacrysts from Hakone Volcano: Structural Controls on Colouration
Matsui T, Buisman I, Lampronti G & Redfern S

Matsui Y. (2020) Radiocarbon (14C) Analysis of Hydrothermal CO2 and CH4 at Okinawa Trough
Kawagucci S, Matsui Y & Früh-Green G
(2019) Variations in Fluid Chemistry Among Twenty High-Temperature Hydrothermal Vent Sites in the Okinawa Trough
Kawagucci S, Matsui Y, Makabe A, Chen C, Kitada K & Miyazaki J
(2019) Origin of Methane in Hakuba Happo Serpentinite-Hosted Hot Spring: 14C and Noble Gas Study
Suda K, Aze T, Miyairi Y, Yokoyama Y, Matsui Y, Ueda H, Saito T, Sato T, Sawaki Y, Nakai R, Tamaki H, Takahashi H & Morikawa N
(2019) Distribution of Methanogenic Coenzyme F430 in the Subsurface Water Columns at North Pacific Ocean
Kaneko M, Matsui Y, Kawagucci S, Yoshikawa C, Yoshida O, Nunoura T & Ohkouchi N
(2019) Shift in Limiting Nutrients in Late Ediacaran-Early Cambrian Oceans
Nishizawa M, Tsuchiya Y, Du W, Sawaki Y, Matsui Y, Wang Y, Han J & Komiya T
(2017) Nitrogen/Carbon Isotope Ratios of Middle Proterozoic Sedimentary Rocks, McArthur Basin, Northern Australia
Yoshiya K, Sawaki Y, Matsui Y, Nishizawa M, Komiya T & Maruyama S
(2017) Geochemical and Biological Features of Hydrothermal Vent Fields Newly Discovered in the Okinawa Trough
Makabe A, Tasumi E, Matsui Y, Horai S, Sato S, Chen C, Shibuya T, Kitada K, Takahashi A, Miyazaki J, Nakamura K, Kawagucci S & Kumagai H
(2016) Hypervelocity Impact Experiments with Liquid Water and Polycarbonate in an Open System
Nishizawa M, Shibuya T, Matsui Y, Takai K & Yano H
(2016) Atmospheric CO2 Levels during the Paleoproterozoic Makganyene Glaciation
Shibuya T, Ueno Y, Komiya T, Nishizawa M, Kitajima K, Yamamoto S, Saito T, Matsui Y, Kawagucci S, Takai K, Yoshida N, Maruyama S & Russell M
(2016) Nitrogen Isotope of Chloropigments in the Nitrogen Cycle in the Ocean
Ogawa NO, Yoshikawa C, Suga H, Makabe A, Matsui Y, Yoshida O, Kawagucci S, Fujiki T, Harada N & Ohkouchi N
(2016) Discovery of New Hydrothermal Vent Fields in the Mid- and southern-Okinawa Trough
Makabe A, Tsutsumi S, Chen C, Torimoto J, Matsui Y, Shibuya T, Miyazaki J, Kitada K & Kawagucci S
(2016) Isotope Systematics of CO2-H2-H2O-Ch4 in Hydrogenotrophic Methanogenesis Examined by Laboratory Incubation
Kawagucci S, Okumura T, Saito Y, Matsui Y, Takai K & Imachi H

Matsukage Kyoko (2016) Melting Model of Hawaiian Plume
Takahashi E, Gao S & Matsukage K
(2016) Subducting Basaltic Crust as a Water Transporter into the Earth’s Mantle Transition Zone
Matsukage K, Liu X, Nishihara Y, Suzuki T, Seto Y & Takahashi E
(2016) Experimental Melting Study of Basalt-Peridotite Hybrid Source
Gao S, Takahashi E, Matsukage K, Kimura J-I & Suzuki T
(2016) Phase D as a Major Water Carrier in the Subducting Oceanic Crust into the Lower Mantle
Liu X, Matsukage K, Takahashi E & Suzuki T
(2015) Major Element Composition of the Missing Reservoir and the Early Earth Differentiation
Kondo N, Yoshino T, Matsukage K, Yoshida K & Kogiso T

Matsukage Kyoko N. (2009) Plume Derived Mantle Heterogeneity beneath the Cameroon Volcanic Line, West Africa: A Study of Peridotite Xenoliths
Matsukage KN & Oya M
(2009) Supercritical Fluids from Downgoing Slab beneath Volcanic Arcs: Critical Endpoints in Sediment – H2O and High Mg Andesite – H2O Systems
Kawamoto T, Kanzaki M, Mibe K, Matsukage K & Ono S
(2003) Direct Observation of Immiscible Fluids Using X-Ray Radiography
Mibe K, Kanzaki M, Kawamoto T, Matsukage K, Fei Y & Ono S

Matsukage Kyoko. N. (2019) Role of Oceanic Crust in Deep Water Cycle
Liu X, Matsukage KN, Takahashi E, Li Y, Nishihara Y, Suzuki T & Xiong X

Matsuki A. (2019) Estimation of Emission Source of Sulfate Aerosol Collected in the Northwestern Region in Japan
Miyamoto C, Matsuki A, Itai T & Takahashi Y
(2016) The Characterization of Ice Nucleating Particles by Combined AFM, RMS, and SEM-Edx
Iwata A & Matsuki A
(2016) Carbonaceous Aerosols Observed in Noto Peninsula: Their Source and Impact on Aerosol CCN Activity
Matsuki A, Yamada R, Kinouchi K, Miyazaki R, Iwamoto Y, Ikemori F, Minami M & Nakamura T
(2016) Geochemical Education in Kanazawa University: Combination of Fieldwork, Material Handling, and Instrumental Techniques
Hasebe N, Mizukami T, Fukushi K, Matsuki A, Morishita T & Umino S
(2016) Seasonal Variations of Triple Oxygen Isotopes of Atmospheric Nitrate and Sulfate at Noto Peninsula, Japan
Hattori S, Kamezaki K, Ishino S, Nyu T, Savarino J, Sadanaga Y, Matsuki A & Yoshida N
(2013) Simultaneous Measurement of CCN Activity and Chemical Composition of Fine Aerosols at Noto Peninsula, Japan, in Autumn 2012
Iwamoto Y, Kinouchi K & Matsuki A

Matsukura S. (2011) Boron Isotope Geochemistry of Subseafloor Hydrothermal Ore Deposits, Agrokipia B, in Troodos Ophiolite, Cyprus
Kawahata H, Yamaoka K, Matsukura S & Ishikawa T
(2009) VFAs Concentrations in the Hydrothermal Fluids Venting from the Sediment-Hosted Hydrothermal System in the Wakamiko Submarine Crater, Japan
Akashi H, Yamanaka T, Maeto K, Chiba H, Matsukura S & Ishibashi J-I
(2009) Fluid-Sediment Interactions in a Marine Shallow-Water Hydrothermal System at the Wakamiko Submarine Crater, Japan
Miyoshi Y, Ishibashi J-I, Matsukura S, Kuwahara Y, Omura A, Maeto K, Chiba H & Yamanaka T
(2009) Geochemistry and Hydrogeology of a Marine Shallow-Water Hydrothermal System at the Wakamiko Submarine Crater, Japan
Yamanaka T, Maeto K, Chiba H, Hirao S, Matsukura S & Ishibashi J-I

Matsumi Y. (2016) Optical Properties of Secondary Organic Aerosol from Diesel and Gasoline Engine Exhaust
Nakayama T, Fujitani Y, Sato K, Inomata S, Morino Y, Fushimi A, Kondo Y, Takami A, Tanabe K, Kobayashi S & Matsumi Y
(2014) Contributions of Brown Carbon and Lensing Effect to Aerosol Light Absorption in the Nagoya Urban Area, Japan, during Summer and Winter
Nakayama T, Ikeda Y, Sawada Y, Setoguchi Y, Ogawa S, Kawana K, Mochida M & Matsumi Y
(2014) Light Absorbing Properties of Diesel Exhaust Particles Measured by a Three-Wavelength Photoacoustic Spectrometer
Guo X, Nakayama T, Yamada H, Inomata S, Tonokura K & Matsumi Y

Matsumoto A (2006) Upper mantle isotopic components beneath the Ryukyu arc system: evidence for ‘back-arc’ entrapment of Pacific MORB
Hoang N, Uto K, Matsumoto A & Itoh J

Matsumoto Akiko (2016) Intensive Hydration of the Wedge Mantle at the Kuril Arc – NE Japan Arc Junction: Implications from Mafic Lavas from Usu Volcano, Northern Japan
Kuritani T, Tanaka M, Yokoyama T, Nakagawa M & Matsumoto A

Matsumoto I. (2018) Chromian Spinels and Olivines in a Contact-Metamorphosed Peridotite-Sediment System from Nagasawa, Shimane Prefecture SW Japan
Matsumoto I, Arai S & Miura M
(2018) Salt Weathering in the Lapilli Tuff on the Coastal Cliff in Isotake, Oda City, Shimane Prefecture Southwest Japan – Preliminary Study-
Sueyoshi R, Matsumoto I & Kogure T
(2015) Chemical Characteristics of Heavy Metal Concentration of Riverbank Sediment by River Flow from the Hii River, Shimane Prefecture, Southwest Japan. – A Preliminary Study –
Kyomen I, Li W, Sakai T & Matsumoto I
(2015) High-Cr Chromian Spinel in Serpentinized Ultramafic Rocks from Masuda Area, the Sangun Zone, Southwest Japan
Matsumoto I & Arai S
(2013) Chemical Composition of Chromian Spinel of Podiform Chromitite, Sangun Zone, Southwest Japan
Matsumoto I
(2013) Chemical Composition of Detrital Spinel from Eastern Chugoku and Northern Kinki of Sangun Zone, Southwest Japan
Umeda T & Matsumoto I
(2012) Petolorogical Diversity of Chromian Spinel Bearing Matsue Basalt in Shimane Prefecture, Japan
Matsumoto I, Tsubota T, Kamei A & Sato D
(2012) Petrological Exploration of Podiform Chromitite by Using of Detrital Spinel, Sangun Zone, Southwest Japan
Umeda T & Matsumoto I
(2012) Geological Environmental Assessment of Lakes Shinji-Ko and Nakaumi by Stream Sediment, Shimane Prefecture, Japan
Yoshida K & Matsumoto I
(2010) Petrological Characteristics of Boninite, Chichijima Island, Japan – Vertical Petrological Diversity of Boninite Pillow Lava
Taku M & Matsumoto I
(2010) Heavy Metal Sediment Concentration Patterns within the Texas River System, USA and Hii River System, Japan
Matsumoto I, Hoffman D, McAlister J, Wolfe J & Ishiga H
(2009) Comparative Study of Heavy Metal Concentration of Stream Sediments on Major Rivers of Texas, USA and Several Rivers of Japan
Matsumoto I, Hoffman D, McAlister J, Wolfe J & Ishiga H
(2009) Sr-Nd Isotopic Ratios of Wakurayama Dacite as Adakite from the Matsue City, Inner Zone of Southwest Japan Arc
Sato D, Shibata T, Kamei A & Matsumoto I
(2008) Heavy Metal Concentration of River Sediment in the Light of the Environmental Quality Standard Value at the Kiso and Syounai Rivers in Nagoya, Japan
Ito M & Matsumoto I
(2008) Impact of Human Population on Heavy Metal Concentration of Stream Sediments in the Trinity River, Texas, USA
Matsumoto I, Hoffman D, McAlister J & Ishiga H
(2008) Geochemical Study of Chromian Spinel Bearing Alkaline Matsue Basalt in the Shimane Prefecture, Southwest Japan Arc
Tsubota T & Matsumoto I
(2008) Wakurayama Dacite as a Possible Adakites from the Matsue City, Inner Zone of Southwest Japan Arc
Sato D & Matsumoto I
(2005) Petrological Characteristics of Chromitite Bearing Gabbro from the Inazumiyama Ultramafic Complex of the Sangun Zone, Southwest Japan
Matsumoto I, Okada J, Iwamoto K & Arai S
(2005) Characteristics of River Sediment in the Light of the Environmental Quality Standard Value of Japan -A Case Study at the Tama, the Tsurumi, the Hino and the Kamo Rivers in Japan-
Watanabe K, Ochi A & Matsumoto I

Matsumoto K (2003) High-Resolution Isotopic Record of Total Organic Carbon in Cretaceous Black Shales
Kuroda J, Tokuyama H, Ogawa N, Matsumoto K, Suga H & Ohkouchi N
(2003) Biogeochemical Implications of Carbon Isotopic Compositions of Sedimentary Biomarkers from a Meromictic Lake
Matsumoto K, Suga H, Ogawa N, Kitazato H & Ohkouchi N
(2003) Chemical Characterization of Marine Aerosol over the Western North Pacific Ocean
Matsumoto K
(2003) Inconsistent Model Uptake of Anthropogenic Tracers in the Southern Ocean
Matsumoto K, Gnanadesikan A, Gruber N, Key R & Sarmiento J
(2003) Outflow of Anthropogenic Substances from the Asian Continent to the East China Sea Through Atmosphere
Nakamura T, Matsumoto K & Uematsu M

Matsumoto Katsumi (2019) The Hulu Cave 14C Record
Edwards RL, Cheng H, Southon J, Wang Y, Kong X, Matsumoto K & Feinberg J
(2011) Enhanced Shelf Sediment Weathering during Glacial Periods Damps pCO2 Reduction: A Negative Feedback
Ushie H & Matsumoto K

Matsumoto Kazuhisa (2023) Effect of Pre-Existing Crystals and Melt Homogeneity on the Decompression-Induced Crystallization of Hydrous Rhyodacite Magma
Matsumoto K, Okumura S & Tomiya A

Matsumoto Keiko (2016) Pyrrhotite Oxidation as a Tool for Reconstructing Thermal Structure of Eruption Columns
Matsumoto K, Nakamura M & Suzuki Y

Matsumoto Keisaku (2007) Water Content Variation in Low Temperature Eclogite Inferred from the Sesia Zone, Western Alps
Matsumoto K & Hirajima T

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