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Matray J.M. (2012) Contribution of Natural Tracers (Cl, He) to Development of 3D Basin Model. Paris Basin, France
Rebeix R, Benabderrahmane H, Le Gal La Salle C, Lavielle B, Lavastre V, Jean Baptiste P, Fourre E, Vinsot A, Landrein P, Matray JM, Pagel M & Michelot JL
(2012) Experimental Solubility of Silica in Nano-Pores
Mercury L, Bouzid M & Matray J-M
(2010) Metastabilizing Aqueous Solutions in Micrometric Cylindrical Tubes
Bouzid M, Mercury L, Lassin A & Matray JM
(2009) Mechanical Stress due to the Capillary Bridging in Unsaturated Zone
Bouzid M, Mercury L, Matray JM & Azaroual M

Matrenichev V. (2009) Modeling of Possible Limits for Sr Values in Early Proterozoic Waters of Continental Flow (the Baltic Shield)
Alfimova N & Matrenichev V

Matreux T. (2023) Heat Flows Liberate Phosphate from Apatite Leachates
Matreux T, Schmid A, Aikkila P, Braun D & Mast CB

Matrosova E. (2019) Experimental Study of the MgSiO3–MgTiO3 (±Al2O3) System at 10–24 GPa and 1600℃
Matrosova E, Bobrov A, Bindi L & Irifune T
(2019) Minor Elements in Bridgmanite: Review of Experimental Data
Bobrov A, Bindi L, Matrosova E, Tamarova A & Irifune T

Matschiavelli N. (2023) Corrosion of Cast Iron for High-Level Nuclear Waste Containers in the Presence of Bentonite or the SRB Desulfosporosinus Burensis
Kirsch K, Matschiavelli N, Stumpf T & Koerdt A
(2018) Bentonite – A Natural Habitat for Sulfate-Reducers
Matschiavelli N, Kluge S & Cherkouk A
(2017) Bentonite – Geotechnical Barrier and Source for Microbial Life
Matschiavelli N, Steglich J, Kluge S & Cherkouk A

Matschullat J. (2023) Can Compositional Analysis of Plant Biogeochemical Data of Different Plant Tissue Types Reveal Signatures of Lithology?
Dujmović L, Pospiech S, Tolosana-Delgado R, van den Boogaart KG, Matschullat J & Middleton M

Matson C. (2013) Environmental Fate, Transport, and Bioavailability of CeO2 Nanoparticles in Stream Mesocosms
Baker L, King R, Unrine J & Matson C

Matson D. (2005) Chemistry of Metallic Iron Nanoparticles
Amonette J, Sarathy V, Linehan J, Matson D, Wang C, Nurmi J, Pecher K, Penn L, Tratnyek P & Baer D

Matson R. (2014) Worldwide Meteorite Fall Recovery Using Weather Radars
Fries M, Matson R, Schaefer J, Fries J & Hankey M

Matson S.D. (2005) Can Fossil Turtle Bone Apatite be Used to Reconstruct Paleoclimates?
Matson SD & Fox DL

Matsu'ura F. (2022) Large Contribution of Oxygen to Organic Matter Degradation during the Ediacaran Shuram Excursion
Matsu'ura F, Sawaki Y, Komiya T, Ushikubo T, Shimizu K & Ueno Y
(2021) Speciation and Quantification of Sulfur Distributed in the Ediacaran Limestones: Implications for Diagenetic Mobilization of Sulfur Species
Matsu'ura F, Nakada R, Sawaki Y, Ueno Y, Saitoh M, Kajitani I & Usui T
(2021) Missing Negative Δ33S Reservoir in Mantle Inferred from 2.7 Ga Komatiite
Kubota Y, Matsu'ura F, Shimizu K, Ishikawa A & Ueno Y
(2018) Rise of Ocean Sulfate Caused by Oxidative Weathering in the Ediacaran
Matsu'ura F, Sawaki Y, Saitoh M, Komiya T, Maruyama S & Ueno Y
(2016) Large Sulfur Isotope Fractionation during Microbial Sulfate Reduction in Maintenance Metabolism of Desulfoviburio Desulufuricans
Matsu'ura F, Makita H, Saitoh M, Takai K & Ueno Y

MATSU’URA F. (2020) Iron Limitation Enhance Organic Matter Sulfurization within the Limestones of the Ediacaran Dengying Formation
MATSU’URA F, Nakada R, Ueno Y, Sawaki Y, Saitoh M, Kajitani I & Usui T

Matsu’ura S. (2003) A Multi-Element Approach to the Relative Dating of Bone Fossils
Kondo M, Matsu’ura S, Aziz F, Sudijono, Fujimori E & Sawatari H

Matsubara K. (2004) Calcium Isotopic Fractionation during Weathering and Precipitation of Calciumcarbonate
Matsubara K, Beets C, Kasse C, Vandenberghe J & Kreissig K

Matsubara S. (2007) High-Grade Ag-Cu-Sn-In Mineralization in the Nishizawa-Ashio Area, Tochigi Prefecture, Central Japan
Shimizu M, Matsubara S, Shimizu M, Kyouno Y & Harada A

Matsubayashi J. (2019) Combining Isoscapes and Segmental Isotope Analysis of Vertebrae to Study the Movement of Fishes
Tayasu I, Kato Y, Kamauchi H, Yoshimizu C, Matsubayashi J, Osada Y, Saitoh Y, Shin K, Nakano T, Togashi H & Kurita Y

Matsubayashi K. (2007) The Effect of Organic Compounds on the Dissolution of Amorphous silica-Pyrochatechol, Salicylate, Hydrogen Phthalate
Bai S, Matsubayashi K, Okaue Y & Yokoyama T

Matsuda A. (2003) Variation of Alkenone Sea Surface Temperature in the Kuroshio Region of the Northwest Pacific during the Last 30 kyrs
Ikehara M, Matsuda A, Hokanishi N, Murayama M, Yasuda H & Kawamura K

Matsuda J-I. (2011) Time Variation of He and Ar Isotopic Compositions in the Earth's Atmosphere
Arakawa Y & Matsuda J-I
(2011) Distribution and Time Variation of Helium Isotope Ratios Around the Source Region of The Iwate-Miyagi Nairiku Earthquake in 2008
Horiguchi K, Nakayama T & Matsuda J-I
(2009) The 3He/4He Ratios in Hot Spring Gases after The Iwate-Miyagi Nairiku Earthquake in 2008
Horiguchi K, Shimo Y & Matsuda J-I
(2008) Behaviour of Noble Gases during Dehydration Processes in the Subducting Oceanic Crust
Matsumoto T, Okube M, Arima H, Matsuda J-I & Ito E
(2008) Raman Spectroscopic Feature of the Noble Gas Carrier Q in Meteorites
Matsuda J-I, Nara M & Amari S
(2007) The Diurnal Variation of Carbon Isotopic Ratios of Carbon Dioxide in Human Breath
Matsuda J-I, Maruoka T & Maruta S
(2007) Noble Gas Isotopic Ratios of Volcanics and Xenoliths from Northern Taiwan-Luzon Arc
Yang TF, Kurz MD, Matsuda J-I & Matsumoto T
(2007) Sulfur Isotope Geochemistry of Sulfidic Springwaters at Marche Region, Central Italy
Maruoka T, Galdenzi S & Matsuda J-I
(2006) Isotopic compositions of noble gas and carbon in the Archean carbonatites from the Sillinjärvi mine, central Finland
Matsumoto T, Maruoka T, Matsuda J, Shimoda G, Yamamoto K, Morishita T & Arai S
(2005) Carbon Isotope Variations of Carbon Deposits Synthesized in the Laboratory by Arc Discharge
Matsuda J, Omori H & Maruoka T
(2004) Laboratory Experiments on the Effect of Aqueous Alteration on Noble Gases in the Allende CV3 Chondrite
Matsuda J, Yasuda T, Nakasyo E & Matsumoto T
(2004) Isotope Systematics of Argon and Xenon in the Mantle: Inferences from a Four- Isotope Diagram
Kudo Y, Matsumoto T, Matsuda J & Orihashi Y
(2004) Surface Appearance of Slab-Derived Helium in Non-Volcanic Area in Kii Peninsula
Matsumoto T, Kawabata T, Matsuda J, Yamamoto K & Mimura K
(2003) Noble Gases Trapped in SiC Coated Diamond
Fujimoto T, Matsuda J, Morisada Y & Miyamoto Y
(2003) New Noble Gas Data on Basaltic Glasses from Eastern and Western Flanks of Loihi Seamount
Matsumoto T, Kudo Y, Matsuda J, Yamamoto K & Orihashi Y
(2003) Absence of Lithospheric Mantle Helium Signature in Megacrysts of SE China
Fang Z, Matsumoto T, Xu S, Matsuda J, Yu J & Wang R
(2003) Light Noble Gases from the Mass Extinction Layer in Hungary
Nishimura C, Matsuda J, Detre C & Matsumoto T
(2002) Helium Trapped in Old Porcelain: On the Historical Variation of the He Isotopic Ratio in Air
Matsuda J-I & Matsumoto T
(2001) A Relic of Planetary-Like He-3/He-4 Ratio in Archean Komatiite
Matsumoto T, Seta A, Matsuda J, Chen Y & Arai S
(2000) Noble Gases in Alpine-Type Peridotites from the Horoman Ultramafic Complex, Northern Japan
Matsumoto T, Chen Y & Matsuda J

Matsuda N. (2015) The Peritectic Reaction of Olivine to Orthopyroxene in Natural Silicates
Zellmer GF, Sakamoto N, Matsuda N, Moebis A, Iizuka Y & Yurimoto H

Matsuda T (2006) Fission-track thermochronologic analysis in the creeping section of the Atotsugawa Fault, Central Japan
Yamada R, Matsuda T, Mizoguchi K, Fukuyama E & Omura K
(2004) Fission Track Analysis of the Ryoke Granitic Rocks; Deep Drilling Core Penetrating the Nojima Fault
Yamada R, Matsuda T & Omura K

Matsuda Takahiro (2016) Development of Laser Post-Ionization SNMS for in situ U-Pb Chronology
Kawai Y, Matsuda T, Miya K, Yabuta H, Aoki J, Hondo T, Ishihara M, Toyoda M, Nakamura R & Terada K

Matsue N. (2005) Molecular Orbital Study on Dissolution of Allophane with Dilute Alkali Solution
Abidin Z, Matsue N & Henmi T

Matsueda H. (2003) Impact of Asian Emissions on the Western North Pacific Regions Observed at JMA Monitoring Stations
Matsueda H, Sawa Y, Wada A, Tsuboi K, Suda K & Tsutsumi Y
(2003) Long-Range Transport of Enhanced Carbon Monoxide in Winter Season at the Summit of Mt. Fuji, Japan
Sawa Y, Matsueda H, Taguchi S, Tsutsumi Y, Igarashi Y & Sekiyama T

Matsueda M. (2023) Gas Phase Reaction of Trace Iodine-129 for Determination by ICP–DRC–MS/MS
Matsueda M, Aoki J, Koarai K, Terashima M & Takagai Y
(2023) Removal Processes of Dissolved Elements in Groundwater Leached from Waste by Redox Reaction
Watanabe Y, Terashima M, Matsueda M, Koarai K, Aoki J & Inoue J

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