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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Karume K. (2016) Geochemistry of the Bitungulu Lava Flow of the January 17, 2002 Nyiragongo Volcano Eruption (Virunga, East-African Rift)
Kamate Kaleghetso E, Karume K & Kambale Kavuke J

Karunakaran C. (2011) STXM and XAS Study of Kaolinite Conversion into Berthierine-Like Mineral
Rivard C, Montarges-Pelletier E, Pelletier M, Michot LJ, Vantelon D, Karunakaran C, Villieras F & Michau N
(2009) 2D, 3D, and in situ STXM in Geomicrobiology
Obst M, Wang J, Karunakaran C, Benzerara K, Dynes JJ, Lawrence JR, Swerhone GDW & Hitchcock AP

Karunatillake S. (2010) Correlations of H2O and S in the Martian Midlatitudes
Karunatillake S, McLennan S, Squyres S, Gasnault O & Boynton W

Karung Phaisonreng K. (2020) Major Ion Chemistry and Groundwater Quality Assessment for Drinking and Irrigation Purpose in Parts of Noyyal Basin, Tamil Nadu, India
Karung Phaisonreng K & Gurugnanam B

Karwan D. (2016) Muddying the Waters: Using Sediment Fingerprints to Constrain POM Sources Under Diverse Hydrologic Conditions
Rose L, Karwan D & Aufdenkampe A

Karwaski J. (2022) Developing a Proof-Of-Concept Environmental Geochemistry Database in Canada
Cleaver A, Cole J, Deriaz J, Tomini E, Karwaski J & Levesque M

Karwowski Ł. (2017) Two Different Fingerprinted Impacts in One Layer: A New Find of Altered Meteoritic Remnants in the Cretaceous-Paleogene Boundary Clay in Lechówka, Poland
Szopa K, Karwowski Ł, Krzykawski T & Brachaniec T

Karydis V. (2016) Molecular Corridor Based Approach for Predicting Phase State of Secondary Organic Aerosols
Li Y, Tsimpidi A, Karydis V, Pandis S, Lelieveld J, Poschl U & Shiraiwa M

Kasai H. (2003) Archaeal Community in the Hydrothermal System at Suiyo Seamount on the Izu- Ogasawara Arc
Kasai H, Hara K, Kakegawa T, Maruyama A, Ishibashi J & Marumo K
(2003) Microbial Community Under a Hydrothermal System Revealed by the Analysis of Water Samples Collected from Bored Holes
Yamagishi A, Kasai H, Hara K, Yamashiro K, Itahashi S & Urabe T

Kasai S. (2016) Pretreatments and Analytical Protocol for a Compound-Specific Stable Isotope Analysis of Fatty Acids in the Porites Coral Skeleton
Sowa K, Nakatomi N, Tanaka K, Kasai S, Yamaguchi KE & Yamamoto S

Kasai Y. (2010) Large MIF on O2 Photo-Dissociation and its Relevance to Earth Wind
Yamada A, Nanbu S, Kasai Y & Ozima M

Kasama T. (2019) Vesicles as Impact Criteria
Bender Koch C & Kasama T
(2017) Vanadium in Al-Ore (Bauxite) from Mines of Central Greece
Gamaletsos P, Godelitsas A, Kasama T, Fiordaliso E, Goettlicher J & Steininger R
(2016) Linking the Formation Pathways of Organic Matter in Chondrites to their Accretion Regions
van Kooten E, Nagashima K, Kasama T, Balogh Z, Ramsey J, Frimann S, Franchi I, Wampfler S, Jørgensen J, Schiller M, Wielandt D, Krot A & Bizzarro M
(2016) Nano-Mineralogy & -Geochemistry of Karst Bauxites (Greece): Implications of the Origin of the Deposits
Gamaletsos P, Godelitsas A, Kasama T, Göttlicher J & Steininger R
(2016) TEM Study on the Localisation of Th in an Al-Ore Industrial Residue
Kasama T, Gkamaletsos P & Godelitsas A
(2013) Magnetic Nanostructures in Meteorites: A Window on the Early Solar System
Harrison R, Bryson J, Church N, Kasama T & Herrero Albillos J
(2009) Partitioning and Speciation of Fe, Ti and Cr in High-Quality Diasporic Bauxite from Greece
Gamaletsos P, Godelitsas A, Kasama T, Dunin-Borkowski R, Goettlicher J, Church N, Economou G, Bakas T & Douvalis A
(2004) Environmentally Important Nanoparticles from a Massive Acid Mine Drainage Site
Hochella M, Madden A, Moore J, Kasama T, Putnis A & Putnis C
(2004) Exploring Effects of Nanoscale Exsolution on Magnetic Properties in the Hematite-Ilmenite Series
McEnroe S, Harrison R, Langenhort F, Robinson P, Jackson M, Kasama T & Brown L
(2004) Behavior of Light REE in Precambrian Paleosols: Implication for Atmospheric Oxygen Evolution
Murakami T, Sato M, Utsunomiya S, Kasama T & Sreenivas B
(2003) Uranium Biosorption by the Lichen Trapelia Involuta at a Uranium Mine
Purvis O, Bailey E, Kasama T & Williamson B
(2003) Biotite Dissolution Processes and Mechanisms: Early Stage Weathering Environment
Murakami T, Utsunomiya S, Yokoyama T & Kasama T
(2002) Contribution of Fine Exsolution Lamellae of Hematite-Ilmenite to Magnetic Properties
Kasama T, Golla-Schindler U & Putnis A

Kasanke C.P. (2022) Bonding Strength of Biomolecules on Dominant Field-Soil Minerals by Pyrolysis-Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry
Leichty SI, Zhao Q, Kasanke CP, Qafoku N, Weitz K & Hofmockel KS
(2022) Microbe Mineral Effects on SOM Formation and Persistence
Hofmockel KS, Zhao Q, Bell S, Kasanke CP & Leichty SI

Kasanzu C. (2008) Trace Element and Nd Isotopic Compositions of the Neoproterozoic Clastic Sedimentary Rocks of the Ikorongo Group, NE Tanzania: Implications for Provenance, Palaeoweathering, Mineral Sorting and Post-Depositional Processes
Kasanzu C, Maboko MAH & Manya S
(2007) Geochemistry of the Neoproterozoic Ikorongo Group of Clastic Sedimentary Rocks, NE Tanzania: Implications for Provenance, Tectonic Setting and Upper Crust Composition
Kasanzu C

Kasay G.M. (2022) Niobium Contents of the Lateritic Soils of Bingo in the Democratic Republic of Congo
Kasay GM, Nyamai C & Opiyo N

Kasaya T. (2022) Ocean Bottom Detector: New Under-Development Anti-Neutrino Detector for Direct Observation of Mantle Geo-Neutrino
Sakai T, Inoue K, Watanabe H, McDonough WF, Ueki K, Abe N, Kasaya T, Kyo M & Araki E
(2016) Physical Property of Rock Cores of Submarine Hydrothermal Deposits and its Application to the Geophysical Joint Inversion
Goto T-N, Ohta Y, Kashiwaya K, Koike K, Kasaya T, Machiyama H & Lin W
(2016) The Self-Potential Method as a Tool for Exploring Submarine Buried Ore Bodies
Kawada Y & Kasaya T

Kasbohm J. (2023) Calibrating Timescales and Measuring pCO2 to Test the Role of LIP Volcanism in the Miocene Climate Optimum
Kasbohm J, Jurikova H, Schoene B, Holbourn A, Planavsky NJ, Rae JWB & Hull PM
(2022) Radiometric Constraints on the Timing, Tempo, and Effects of Large Igneous Province Emplacement
Kasbohm J, Schoene B, Burgess SD & Hull PM
(2018) U-Pb Zircon Ages Correlate the Columbia River Flood Basalt with the Mid-Miocene Climate Optimum
Kasbohm J & Schoene B

Kaschabek S. (2015) Respirometric Measurements of Toxic Effects on Iron-Oxidizers
Giebner F, Roder M, Kaschabek S, Schlömann M & Schopf S

Kaschl A. (2005) The Binding of Cadmium, Copper and Iron by Fractions of Dissolved Organic Matter and Humic Substances Originating from Compost
Chen Y, Kaschl A & Gat P

Kasdekar M.

Kasemann Simone (2023) Multi-Isotope Chemostratigraphy of the Kuibis Subgroup, Nama Basin
Paula-Santos GM, Kasemann S, Elias EM, Bowyer F, Trindade R, Babinski M, Wood R & Leme J
(2017) Holocene Provenance Shift of Suspended Particulate Matter in the Amazon River Basin
Höppner N, Lucassen F, Chiessi CM, Sawakuchi AO & Kasemann SA
(2017) Multi-Isotope Study on Hydrothermal Vent Fluids from an Early-Stage Hydrothermal System at Nifonea Volcano, New Hebrides Backarc
Wilckens FK, Meixner A, Koschinsky A, Kasemann SA & Bach W
(2017) Intercomparison of δ26Mg Values in Mg Isotope RMs and Standards to a New Isotope RM Traceable to the SI
Rosner M, Vogl J, Meixner A, Kasemann S, Rienitz O, Noordmann J, Schuessler J, Vocke R, Rabb S & Kraft R
(2015) A Deep Time Perspective on Ocean pH
Kasemann S, Wood R, Ohnemüller F, Clarkson M, Lenton T & Prave A
(2015) Tracing Palaeo-Weathering via Lithium Isotopes
Pogge von Strandmann P, Ridgwell A, Jenkyns H, Lechler M, Metzger G, Kasemann S & Desrochers A
(2015) New Insight on Lithium and Boron Isotope Fractionation during Serpentinization Derived from Batch Reaction Investigations
Hansen C, Meixner A, Kasemann S & Bach W
(2015) Boron and Lithium Isotope Compositions of Acid-Sulfate Fluids from the Eastern Manus Basin, Papua New Guinea
Wilckens FK, Kasemann SA, Bach W, Reeves EP, Meixner A & Seewald JS
(2015) Nd Isotopes of Seabird Guano Reflect the Composition of Upwelling Waters off Northern Chile?– A Pilot Study
Lucassen F, Kasemann S, Wilke H, Vasquez P & Sepúlveda F
(2015) Continental Weathering and Earth System Response
Kasemann S, Pogge von Strandmann P, Prave A, Ohnemüller F, Fallick A, Elliott T & Hoffmann K-H
(2015) Ocean Acidification and the Permo-Triassic Mass Extinction: Process and Manifestation
Kasemann S, Wood R, Clarkson M, Lenton T, Daines S, Richoz S, Ohnemueller F, Meixner A, Poulton S & Tipper E
(2014) Radiogenic Isotope Signatures of Past Coastal Waters from Ornithogenic Sediments in North Chile
Lucassen F, Kasemann S, Vasquez P, Sepulveda F & Wilke H
(2014) Advantages of Combined High Precision MC-ICPMS and High Spatial Resolution Techniques in Earth Sciences
Kasemann S, Jones R, Schmidt D, Elliott T & Kirstein L
(2013) Calcium and Magnesium Isotopes Reveal Earth System Response in the Aftermath of a Cryogenian Glaciation
Kasemann S, Pogge von Strandmann P, Prave A, Fallick A, Elliott T & Hoffmann K-H
(2013) Boron Cycling in the Central Andean Subduction Zone: Evidence for Recycled Components
Jones R, Kirstein L, Hinton R, Kasemann S, Elliott T & Litvak V
(2013) Ocean-Ph Evolution and Weathering Conditions during the Ediacaran: Insights from B, Sr & Li Isotopes at the Gaojiashan Section, South China
Ohnemueller F, Meixner A, Gamper A & Kasemann SA
(2013) Source Tracing in Li–bearing Brines, Salar Pozuelos, NW Argentine
Lucassen F, Korte L, Kasemann S, Meixner A & Alonso R
(2012) Subduction Erosion, Magmatism and Continental Crust Formation in the Southern Central Andes
Jones R, Kirstein L, Hinton R, Kasemann S, Dhuime B & Elliott T
(2011) Fractionation of Li and Mg Isotopes in Mantle Derived Materials- Promise, Perils and Progress
Elliott T, Pogge von Strandmann P, Lai YJ, Kasemann S, Ionov D, Takazawa E, Marschall H, Gallagher K & Dohmen R
(2011) Neoproterozoic Ice Ages, Boron Isotopes, and Ocean Acidification
Kasemann S, Prave A, Fallick A, Hawkesworth C & Hoffmann KH
(2011) Controls on Early Biomineralisation: Oxygen and Competition
Wood R, Prave A, Hoffman C, Lyne J, Clarkson M & Kasemann S
(2008) Neoproterozoic Carbonates: An Isotopic Archive of Ocean Acidification?
Kasemann S, Abell R, Prave A, Fallick A & Hawkesworth C
(2008) Constraints on the Carbon Cycle Changes during the PETM
Schmidt DN, Ridgwell A, Kasemann S & Thomas E
(2007) Stable Isotopic Trends in Neoproterozoic Oceans: A Record of Global Snowballs, Global Slushballs, Global Methane, Global Diagenesis, and/Or Palaeogeography?
Prave T, Kasemann S, Fallick T, Hawkesworth C & Hoffmann C
(2007) Diffusively Driven Li Isotope Fractionation
Elliott T, Pogge van Strandmann P, Gallagher K, Kasemann S & Sims K
(2007) Li Isotopes and Li/Ca Measured in Foraminifera via SIMS and MC-ICP-MS
Abell R, Elliott T, Foster G, Kasemann S & Schmidt D
(2007) In situ Boron Isotope Analysis in Foraminifera: Implications for palaeo-Ph Predictions
Kasemann S & Schmidt D
(2007) Trace Elements in Foraminiferal Calcite: New Understanding Based on in situ Analysis
Schmidt DN & Kasemann S
(2006) Stable isotope investigation of palaeo- CO2 levels: Neoproterozoic climatic extremes as a test study
Kasemann SA, Prave AR, Hawkesworth CJ & Fallick AE
(2006) Biology of boron iotopes in planktic foraminifers: new understanding based on in-situ analysis (SIMS)
Schmidt DN & Kasemann S
(2006) Li isotopic evidence for subduction induced mantle heterogeneity
Elliott T, Jeffcoate A & Kasemann S
(2005) Lithium-Gesopeedometry: Quantifying Rapid Geological Processes
Coogan L, Kaseman S & Chakraborty S
(2004) High-Spatial Resolution Lithium Isotope Variation in Mantle Minerals
Kasemann S, Jeffcoate A & Elliott T
(2002) Calcium Isotope Variation in Neoproterozoic Carbonate Rocks
Kasemann SA, Hawkesworth CJ & Prave AR

Kasemann Simone A. (2023) Continental Weathering during the Permo-Triassic Boundary: Mg and Li Isotopes from Carbonates of the Neo-Tethys Ocean
Gómez-Gutiérrez JC, Paula-Santos GM, Meixner A, Wood R, Richoz S & Kasemann SA
(2023) Iron Isotope Signals: Use and Limitations in Natural Marine Sediments
Henkel S, Köster M, Liu B, Staubwasser M, Meixner A, Kasemann SA, Manners HR, Heuer VB, Morono Y, Inagaki F & Kasten S
(2022) Mg and Li Isotope Geochemistry at the Permo-Triassic Boundary: Evidence for Carbonate Diagenesis and Continental Weathering
Gómez Gutiérrez JC, Paula-Santos GM, Meixner A, Wood R, Richoz S & Kasemann SA
(2021) Volcanic Ash Alteration as Driver of (Bio-)geochemical Iron Cycling in Deep Marine Sediments of the Nankai Trough
Köster M, Manners HR, Meixner A, Kasemann SA, Staubwasser M, Morono Y, Inagaki F, Heuer VB, Kasten S & Henkel S
(2021) Magnesium Isotopes as a Paleo-Proxy for Enhanced Crustal Reworking during the Precambrian-Cambrian Transition – A Case Study from Lowermost Cambrian Sedimentary Rocks from Koksu, Kazakhstan
Stammeier JA, Hippler D, Dietzel M, Nebel O, Leis A, Grengg C, Mittermayr F & Kasemann SA
(2019) Tracing Fluid-Rock Interactions in Acid-Sulfate Vent Fluids from Back-Arc Basins and Island Arcs with Mg, Li and B Isotope Ratios
Wilckens FK, Reeves EP, Kleint C, Bach W, Koschinsky A & Kasemann SA
(2019) U-Pb Dating of Carbonate Veins in Cretaceous to Neogene Oceanic Crust
Zavala K, Gerdes A, Bach W & Kasemann S
(2019) Boron, Lithium and Magnesium Isotopes in Cold Water Corals (Lophelia pertusa)
Kasemann SA, Wilckens FK & Hebbeln D
(2019) Offshore Neodymium Isotope Recordings of Neoglacial Ice Advance over South Western Greenland
Madaj L, Hillaire-Marcel C, Lucassen F, Weiser J & Kasemann S
(2019) Boron Isotopes in Hydrothermally Altered Crust of the Brothers Volcano (Kermadec Arc, New Zealand)
Schlicht L, Rouxel O, Meixner A, Kasemann S & Bach W
(2019) Boron Isotope Behavior in Ultramafic-Hosted Hydrothermal Systems: Nature vs. Experiment
Hansen C, Schlicht L, Reeves E, Meixner A, Kasemann S & Bach W
(2019) Ocean Acidification during the Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event (Early Jurassic) – A Kill Mechanism?
Klein T, Meixner A, Ullmann CV, Duarte LV, Wood RA & Kasemann SA
(2018) Boron Isotopes in Hydrothermally Altered Rocks from the Manus Basin
Schlicht L, Kasemann S, Meixner A & Bach W
(2018) New Insights into Environmental Conditions for the Early Jurassic Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event from Boron and Lithium Isotopes
Klein T, Meixner A, Kasemann SA & Duarte LV

Kaseyama T. (2021) Galvanic Influence on Pyrite and Chalcopyrite Oxidation Rates Under Floatation pH Condition
Ishida S, Xue J, Fuchida S, Aoki Y, Kaseyama T, Kishimoto Y & Tokoro C
(2010) Sorption Characteristics of Co<sup>2+</sup> Ions on Biogenic Birnessite: Comparison with Synthetic Analogues
Sasaki K, Yu Q & Kaseyama T

Kashai E.L. (2006) Biogeochemistry on Mars, both possible and realistic: Magnetite
Friedmann EI, Wierzchos J, Davila A, Kirschvink JL, Ascaso C, Kashai EL & McKay CP

Kashefi K. (2000) Microbial Reduction of Iron in Hot Environments: Implications for the Geochemistry of Ancient and Modern Environments
Lovley D, Kashefi K, Tor J, Vargas M & Reysenbach A

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