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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Kiyoshi I. (2016) Behaviour of Boron Isotopes in the Streams and Springs of AsO Caldera, Kyushu, Japan
Louvat P, Hartmann J, Hosono T, Kiyoshi I, Bouchez J & Gaillardet J

Kiyosu Y. (2000) Stable Isotope Composition of Dissolved Methane from Some Peatlands in Central Japan
Kiyosu Y & Sakuta S

Kiyota K. (2009) Sampling and Analysis of Dissolved Noble Gases in The Porewater of Marine Sediments in Northeastern Okinawa Trough, Japan
Lan TF, Takahata N, Kiyota K, Tsutsumi M, Kaneko A, Yang TF & Sano Y
(2007) Distribution of 3He Plumes and Deep-Sea Circulation in the Central Pacific Ocean
Takahata N, Kiyota K, Shirai K, Nishizawa M, Sano Y & Gamo T

Kiyota Y. (2019) Chemical State of Dissolved Aluminum in Silicic Acid Solution and its Adsorption Behavior to Silica
Masunaga S, Tasaka Y, Yonezu K, Kiyota Y, Watanabe K & Yokoyama T

Kizewski F. (2012) Nitrate Transformation and Immobilization as Affected by Oxic and Biotic Conditions
Kizewski F, Kaye J & Martinez CE

Kizhur S. (2018) A Geochemical Record of the Link between Chemical Weathering and the Indian Summer Monsoon during the Late Holocene Recorded in Lacustrine Sediments
Kizhur S, Warrier A & Shankar R

Kizilkaya L. (2017) Role of Virtual Reality 3D Ocean Immersive Experience in Technology Enhanced Learning
Anand P, Kizilkaya L, Daniels J, Sexton P, Ansine J, Vince D & Braithwait N

Kizovski T. (2020) Quantitative Microstructural Analysis of Olivine and Ringwoodite
Tait K, White L, Darling J, Kizovski T, Dunlop J & Moser D
(2018) The Shocking State of Ca-Phosphates in Martian Meteorites
Darling J, Tait K, White L, Moser D, Kizovski T, Černok A & Dunlop J
(2018) Atomic-Scale Chemical Implications of Phase Separation, Solid State Transformation, and Recrystallization in Feldspathic Phases and Glasses
Kizovski T, White L, Tait K, Langelier B, Gordon L, Harlov D & Norberg N

Kısakürek B. (2011) Calcium and Magnesium Isotopes in Biogenic Calcite
Kısakürek B, Eisenhauer A, Müller M, Taubner I, Fietzke J, Böhm F, Buhl D & Erez J

Kjaergaard H.G. (2016) The Role of Anion (Cl-, SO42- and CO32-) Ratio and Concentration on Reformation of Calcined Hydrotalcite
Eiby SHJ, Nedel S, Tobler DJ, Bischoff A, Christiansen BC, Hansen AS, Kjaergaard HG & Stipp SLS

Kjarsgaard Bruce (2022) Plume-Driven Recratonization of Deep Continental Lithospheric Mantle – 2022 Shen-Su Sun Award
Liu J, Pearson DG, Wang LH, Mather K, Kjarsgaard B, Schaeffer A, Irvine G, Kopylova MG & Armstrong J
(2019) A Diamondiferous Palaeoproterozoic Mantle Root beneath the Sask Craton (Western Canada)
Czas J, Pearson DG, Stachel T, Kjarsgaard BA & Read G
(2019) Destruction and Regeneration of Cratonic Lithosphere Roots: Evidence from the Slave Craton (Canada)
Liu J, Pearson DG, Mather K, Kjarsgaard B & Kopylova M
(2019) Metasomatism and Oxidation State of the Mantle Root beneath the Rae Craton, Canada
Gräf C, Sandner T, Woodland A, Höfer H, Seitz H-M, Pearson G & Kjarsgaard B
(2018) Diamondiferous Proterozoic Mantle Roots beneath Arctic Canada
Liu J, Brin L, Pearson G, Bretschneider L, Luguet A, van Acken D, Kjarsgaard B, Riches A & Mišković A
(2016) Can Komatiite PGE Abundances Trace Mixing of the Late Veneer?
Waterton P, Pearson G & Kjarsgaard B
(2014) Mantle Carbon Mobilization during Supercontinent Break-Up: Evidence from Kimberlites and their Diamonds
Tappe S, Kjarsgaard B & Aulbach S
(2013) Linking Kimberlite Magmatism, Transition Zone Diamonds, and Subduction Processes
Tappe S, Pearson G, Kjarsgaard B, Nowell G & Dowall D
(2013) Insight on Formation and Evolution of Cratonic Mantle: Re-Os Dating of Single Sulfides from Somerset Mantle Xenoliths (Rae Craton, Canada)
Bragagni A, Luguet A, Pearson DG, Fonseca ROC & Kjarsgaard BA
(2012) Global Oxygen Isotope Survey of Lithospheric Mantle: Implications for the Evolution of Cratonic Roots
Miskovic A, Ickert RB, Pearson DG, Stern RA, Kopylova M & Kjarsgaard B
(2011) Crust-Mantle Links in Cratons
Pearson GD, Tappe S, Smart KA, Mather KA, Dale CW & Kjarsgaard BA
(2011) Rogue Hafnium Isotopes in Lac de Gras Kimberlites, Canada: Ultradeep vs. Shallow Mantle Processes
Tappe S, Pearson G, Kjarsgaard BA, Nowell G & Dowell D
(2009) Phase Relationships in the System Na2CO3-CaCO3-MgF2: Application to the Crystallization of Oldoinyo Lengai Natrocarbonatite
Mitchell R & Kjarsgaard B
(2009) Geochemical Dissection of a Kimberlite: What Makes up a Whole Rock Analysis?
Malarkey J, Pearson DG, Davidson J, Nowell G, Kjarsgaard B & Ottley C
(2008) Isotopic Constraints on the Source Regions of Alkaline Volcanics
Pearson DG, Nowell G, Klein BenDavid O, Kjarsgaard B & Irving A
(2008) Paragenetic Types of Carbonatite as Indicated by the Diversity and Relative Abundances of Associated Silicate Rocks: Evidence from a Global Database
Kjarsgaard B & Woolley A
(2007) Interactions between Carbonate Magmas and MARID Metasomes: The Case of Diamondiferous Aillikites from the Torngat Mountains, Canada
Tappe S, Foley S, Heaman L, Romer R, Stracke A, Kjarsgaard B & Jenner G
(2002) Late Archean Komatiites and BIFs, Woodburn Lake Group, Churchill Province, Nunavut
Jenner G, Shirey S, Hyde D, Elkins L, Kjarsgaard B & Kerswill J
(2000) The Nature of Kimberlite Source Regions: A Hf-Nd Isotopic Study of Slave Craton Kimberlites
Dowall D, Nowell G, Pearson DG & Kjarsgaard B

Kjarsgaard Bruce A (2022) Discovery of a Giant Juvenile 3.3–3.1 Ga Terrane in the Rae Craton, Canada
Neil B, Tersmette DB, Chacko T, Heaman LM, Kjarsgaard BA, Martel E, Creaser RA, Pearson DG, Stern RA, Dufrane SA & Luo Y

Kjarsgaard I. (2012) Zn-Rich Chromite in Ni-Ore of the Thompson Nickel Belt, Canada
Kjarsgaard I, McClenaghan B, Averill S & Matile G

Kjartansdóttir R. (2023) Mantle CO2 Fluxes and Carbonate Fixation in Volcanic Hydrothermal Systems in Iceland
Kleine BI, Smit MJ, Toro DI, di Stefano AM, Pope E, Waight T, Thomassot E, Jeon H, Whitehouse M, Padilla Rivas EK, Wiese F, Fridriksson T, Ármansson H, Gunnarsdóttir SH, Mesfin KG, Sigurðardóttir ÁK, Fiebig J, Ricci A, Gunnarsson-Robin J, Halldorsson SA, Kjartansdóttir R, Ono S, Sveinbjörnsdóttir ÁE, Ólafsdóttir R & Stefánsson A
(2022) Rapid Source Shifting of a Deep Magmatic System Revealed by the Fagradalsfjall Eruption, Iceland
Halldorsson SA, Marshall E, Caracciolo A, Matthews S, Bali E, Rasmussen M, Ranta E, Gunnarsson-Robin J, Guðfinnsson GH, Sigmarsson O, Maclennan J, Jackson M, Whitehouse MJ, Jeon H, van der Meer QHA, Mibei G, Kalliokoski M, Repczynska M, Rúnarsdóttir R, Sigurdsson G, Pfeffer M, Scott S, Kjartansdóttir R, Kleine BI, Clive O, Aiuppa A, Ilyinskaya E, Bitetto M, Giudice G & Stefánsson A
(2020) The Surtsey Volcano Geothermal System: An Analogue to Constrain Elemental Cycling in Seamounts?
Kleine BI, Stefánsson A, Kjartansdóttir R, Prause S, Weisenberger TB, Sveinbjörnsdóttir ÁE, Jackson M & Gudmundsson MT
(2019) Low-Temperature Hydrothermal Fluids in the Oceanic Crust – A Case Study from Surtsey Volcano, Iceland
Kjartansdóttir R, Kleine BI, Stefánsson A, Weisenberger TB, Prause S, Gunnarsson-Robin J, Jackson MD, Guðmundsson MT, Þórisson D & Þorbjarnardóttir ÞM
(2018) Origin of the CO2 Fluxes of the Icelandic Hotspot
Kjartansdóttir R, Stefánsson A, Sveinbjörnsdóttir ÁE, Fiebig J, Heinemeier J & Halldórsson SA
(2018) Fluid-Rock Reaction in N Iceland in Connection with Earthquakes
Stockmann G, Skelton A, Andrén M, Sturkell E, Keller N, Kjartansdóttir R, Balic-Zunic T, Siegmund H & Hjartarson H
(2015) Carbon Isotope Systematics of Icelandic Low-Temperature Geothermal Waters
Kjartansdóttir R, Stefánsson A & Keller NS

Kjær H. (2013) First Results from the Northeast Greenland Ice Stream Drilling Site
Vallelonga P, Kjær H, Tibuleac C, Svensson A, Kristensen M, Popp T, Holme C, Weng Y, Vinther B, Dahl-Jensen D, Karlsson N, Kipfstuhl S, Peters L & Christianson K

Kjær K. (2019) Using Paleogenomics from Arctic Lake Sediment to Track Microbial Methane Cycling Under Holocene: A Window into Past Climate Change
Rouillard A, Pedersen MW, Wang Y, Siggaard-Andersen M-L, Alsos IG, Bjørk A, Davidson T, Farnsworth W, Funder S, Håkansson L, Kjeldsen K, Larsen N, Ruter A, VanHardenbroek M, Woodroffe S, Smol J, Willerslev E, Kjær K & Schomacker A
(2014) Reconstructing the Record of Anthropogenic Pyrogenic Carbon Emissions Since the Onset of the Industrial Revolution: Location, Location, Location
Louchouarn P, Kopp K, Kjær K, Ilsoe P, Andresen C, Chillrud S & Rumpel C

Kjærgaard H. (2013) Pressure-Dependent Change of Ultraviolet Absorption Cross Section of SO2 Isotopologues and S-Mif
Endo Y, Danielache S, Ueno Y, Hattori S, Johnson M & Kjærgaard H

Kjeldsen Kasper U (2014) Thermophilic Endospores in Cold Sediments Indicate Long Term Survival and Dispersal Following a Former Life in Warm Anoxic Environments
Hanson C, Hubert C, Bell E, De Rezende JR, Sherry A, Suárez-Suárez A, Gray ND, Head IM, Loy A, Müller AL, Baranyi C, Kjeldsen KU & Jørgensen BB
(2013) A Constant Flux of Diverse Anaerobic Thermophilic Endospores into Cold Marine Sediments
Hubert CR, Bell E, de Rezende JR, Hanson CA, Suárez-Suárez A, Head IM, Loy A, Müller A, Baranyi C, Ferdelman TG, Nickel M, Vandieken V, Arnosti C, Brüchert V, Finster K, Kjeldsen KU & Barker Jørgensen B
(2012) Single Cell Genomics of Uncultured Subsurface Archaea
Lloyd K, Schreiber L, Petersen D, Richter M, Kjeldsen K, Lever M, Lenk S, Kleindienst S, Schramm A & Jorgensen BB

Kjeldsen Kristian (2019) Using Paleogenomics from Arctic Lake Sediment to Track Microbial Methane Cycling Under Holocene: A Window into Past Climate Change
Rouillard A, Pedersen MW, Wang Y, Siggaard-Andersen M-L, Alsos IG, Bjørk A, Davidson T, Farnsworth W, Funder S, Håkansson L, Kjeldsen K, Larsen N, Ruter A, VanHardenbroek M, Woodroffe S, Smol J, Willerslev E, Kjær K & Schomacker A

Kjoll H.J. (2018) Melt Water Surge at End Marinoan Glaciation: Os Isotopic Evidence
Hannah J, Stein H, Yang G, Markey R, Tohver E, Kjoll HJ & Torsvik T

Kjøller C. (2004) Mobility of Ni in Carbonate Aquifers
Kjøller C, Larsen F, Jessen S & Postma D

Klacic T. (2019) Structure and Surface Complexation of the Calcite-Water-Interface
Heberling F, Klacic T, Eng P, Preocanin T & Lützenkirchen J

Klaebe Robert (2021) Chromium Isotopes as a Proxy for Redox Conditions on Early Earth: Insights from Australian Sedimentary Rock Records
Farkas J, Klaebe R, Stromberg J, Spinks S, Toledo G, Liebelt S, Blades M, Collins A & Frei R
(2020) Fractionated Cr Isotopes in the Late Paleoprotorozoic Marine Carbonates from the McArthur Basin, Australia: A Record of Oxic Paleo-Seawater or a Later Diagenetic Fluid-Flow Event?
Farkas J, Klaebe R, Collins A, Toledo G, Frei R, Lohr S, Murray S, Cox G, Blades M & Subarkah D
(2019) The Utility of Modern Microbialites for Recording Environmental Conditions
Bruggmann S, Rodler A, Klaebe R & Frei R
(2015) Facies Associations and the Largest Neoproterozoic Carbon-Isotopic Anomalies
Klaebe R & Kennedy M
(2014) The First Crown Eukaryotic Biomarkers Emerge during the Bitter Springs Carbon Isotopic Anomaly
Brocks J, Jarrett A, Giorgioni M, Poulton S, Klaebe R, Kennedy M & Corrick A
(2014) Sedimentological Constraints on the Bitter Springs δ13C Anomaly
Klaebe R, Kennedy M, Corrick A, Brocks J & Jarrett A

Klaebe Robert M (2018) Cr Isotope Fractionation during Sorption on Kaolinite and its Implications for Using Black Shales as a Paleoredox Archive
Frank AB, Klaebe RM & Frei R
(2017) Chromium Isotope Heterogeneity on a Modern Carbonate Platform: Implications for an Emerging Paleo-Redox Proxy
Klaebe R, Swart P & Frei R
(2017) The Chromium Isotopic Composition of Organic-Rich Marine Sediments as a Potential Paleoredox Archive
Frank AB, Klaebe RM & Frei R
(2017) Chromium Isotope Cycling Across the Peruvian Oxygen Minimum Zone
Bruggmann S, Scholz F, Klaebe R & Frei R
(2017) Deciphering the Carbonate Record of Mesoproterozoic Biospheric Oxygenation: Insights from Chromium and Uranium Isotopes
Gilleaudeau G, Frei R, Kaufman A, Luo G, Romaniello S, Zhang F, Klaebe R, Sahoo S, Kah L, Azmy K, Bartley J, Chernyavskiy P, Knoll A & Anbar A

Klaessens D. (2021) Decoupled Water and Iron Enrichments in the Cratonic Mantle
Doucet L, Xu Y, Klaessens D, Hui H, Ionov D & Mattielli ND
(2021) Osmium Isotope Evidence for Rapid Melt Migration Towards the Moho in the Oman Ophiolite
Klaessens D, Reisberg L, Jousselin D, Godard M & Aupart C
(2019) Melt Migration and Dunite Formation in the Mantle Section of the Oman Ophiolite: Insights from Lithophile and Highly Siderophile Elements Coupled with Structural Observations
Klaessens D, Reisberg L, Jousselin D & Godard M
(2017) A Middle Jurassic Age for Ophiolitic Fragments in the Queyras Area (Western Alps)
Klaessens D, Bosch D, Caby R & Bruguier O

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