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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Jacobson Andrew D (2024) Biocalcification Stress and a Foraminiferal Extinction at the Aptian-Albian Boundary
Chen J, Wan C, Waldeck AR, Huber B, Jacobson AD & Sageman BB
(2024) Combined Stable Ca, Sr, and O Isotope Records Reveal Coccolithophore Calcification Stress Before and Across the PETM
Wan C, Kitch GD, Sarvian NL, Waldeck AR, Sageman BB & Jacobson AD
(2024) Radiogenic Sr Isotope Ratios Spanning Cretaceous OAE2 Record Hydrothermal Activity and Ocean Mixing
Waldeck AR, Jacobson AD, Sageman BB, Linzmeier BJ, Kitch GD, Sarvian NL, Wan C & Hurtgen M
(2022) Investigating Basalt Weathering in the Icelandic Highlands with Ca and C Isotopes
Nelson CJ, Jacobson AD & Weisenberger TB
(2022) Constraining the Shuram δ13C Excursion with the δ44/40Ca – δ88/86Sr Multi-Proxy
Sarvian NL, Jacobson AD, Chung-Swanson T, Hurtgen M, Osburn MR & Bergmann K
(2021) Bulk Carbonate and Foraminiferal Calcium Isotope Ratios Indicate Calcification Stress Preceded Oceanic Anoxic Event 2
Kitch GD, Jacobson AD, Coccioni R, Chung-Swanson T, Hurtgen M & Sageman BB
(2021) Application of the δ44/40Ca – δ88/86Sr Multi-Proxy to the Shuram Carbon Isotope Excursion
Sarvian NL, Jacobson AD, Hurtgen M, Osburn M & Bergmann K

Jacobson Andrew D. (2020) Calcium Isotope Response of Morozovella spp. To Paleocene-Eocene Ocean Acidification
Kitch GD, Jacobson AD, Hurtgen MT, Sageman BB, Harper DT & Zachos JC
(2019) Calcium Isotope Composition (δ44/40Ca) of Bulk Carbonate Spanning Ocean Anoxic Event 2: Kinetic Effects or Diagenesis?
Kitch GD, Jacobson AD, Ankney ME, Masterson AL, Hurtgen MT & Sageman BB
(2019) Large Fractionations of Ca Isotopes by Zeolite Minerals from Iceland
Nelson CA, Jacobson A & Weisenberger T
(2019) Stable Strontium Isotope (δ88/86Sr) Record of pre-Sturtian Carbonate Rocks Spanning a Large δ13C Anomaly
Sarvian N, Hurtgen M, Jacobson A & Maloof A
(2019) Calcium Isotope Evidence for Environmental Change Before and Across the K-Pg Extinction
Linzmeier B, Jacobson A, Sageman B, Hurtgen M, Ankney M, Petersen S & Tobin T
(2019) Thermal and Paleoceanographic Responses to OAE2 from Δ47 Geochemistry and a Refined Chronostratigraphy
Jones MM, Petersen SV, Sageman BB, Selby D, Jacobson AD, Singer BS & Jicha BR
(2018) Deciphering the Unexpected Response of the Cr Isotope Proxy to OAE 2
Holmden C, Jacobson A, Sageman B, Hurtgen M & Dickson A
(2018) Linking Deccan Volcanism and the Bolide Impact with Ca Isotope Stratigraphy from the Late Maastrichtian of Seymour Island, Antarctica
Linzmeier BJ, Jacobson AD, Sageman BB, Hurtgen MT, Ankney ME, Petersen SV & Tobin TS
(2014) Response of the Cr Isotope Proxy to Ocean Anoxic Event 2
Holmden C, Jacobson AD, Sageman BB & Hurtgen M
(2013) Detection of Non-Stoichiometric Silicate Mineral Dissolution in Rivers Draining Alpine Glaciers Using δ44/40Ca
Moore J, Jacobson AD, Holmden C & Craw D
(2013) Characterizing the Pb Isotopic Contribution of Dust to Seawater
Erhardt A, Chen C-T, Jacobson A, Moy C & Paytan A
(2013) Perturbation to the Marine Ca Isotope Cycle Across Oceanic Anoxic Event 2
Du Vivier A, Jacobson A, Lehn G, Selby D & Sageman B
(2012) A Multiproxy Approach (87Sr/86Sr, S44Ca, S13CDIC) for Tracking Seasonal Changes in Permafrost Dynamics
Lehn GO, Jacobson AD, Douglas TA, McClelland JW, Barker AJ, Khosh MS & Holmden C
(2011) CO2 Evasion from the Greenland Ice Sheet: A New Carbon-Climate Feedback
Jacobson A & Ryu J-S
(2011) Permafrost Active Layer Dynamics Inferred from Major Element Geochemical Signatures in Six Arctic Alaskan Rivers
Douglas T, Jacobson A, McClelland J, Barker A, Khosh M & Lehn G
(2009) δ44Ca Traces Chemical Weathering of Hydrothermal Calcite in the Southern Alps of New Zealand
Moore J, Jacobson A, Holmden C & Craw D
(2008) An Experimental Perspective on Microbial Weathering Mechanisms and their Role in the Long-Term Carbon Cycle
Jacobson AD
(2007) Steady State Chemical Weathering in an Eroding Landscape
Chamberlain P, Hilley G, Hren M, Porder S & Jacobson A
(2007) Characterization of Elemental Release during Interaction of Bacteria with Basalt and Granite
Wu L, Jacobson A & Hausner M
(2007) <delta>44Ca Evolution during Water-Rock Interaction in a Carbonate Aquifer
Jacobson A & Holmden C

Jacobson Astrid R. (2008) Influence of Ionic Strength, pH, and Cation Valence on Aggregation Kinetics of TiO2 Nanoparticles
French RA, Jacobson AR, Kim B, Isley SL, Penn RL & Baveye PC

Jacobson D. (2020) Determination of Reaction Pathways and Mineralogy in Material Samples Using 3-D Neutron Tomography
DiStefano V, LaManna J, Hussey D, Baltic E & Jacobson D
(2018) Neutron-Based Multi-Scale, Multi-Modal Imaging of Geological Systems
Hussey D, LaManna J, Jacobson D, Treiman A & Anovitz L
(2015) Multiscale Effects of Reactivity and Flow Rate on Porosity during Dissolution of Carbonates
Anovitz L, Novack C, Prisk T, Ilavsky J, Hammons J, Mildner D, Wasborough M, Jacobson D & Hussey D

Jacobson G (2006) Helium-4 characteristics of groundwaters from Central Australia: Comparative chronology with Chlorine-36 and Carbon-14 dating techniques
Kulongoski J, Hilton D, Hostetler S, Cresswell R & Jacobson G

Jacobson Gloria (2013) Quantifying the Relative Contribution of Natural Gas Fugitive Emissions to Total Methane Emissions in Colorado, Utah, and Texas Using Mobile Isotopic 13CH4 Analysis
Rella C, Crosson E, Winkler R, Petron G, Jacobson G, Karion A & Sweeney C

Jacobson Kurt (2009) Soil and the Transmission of Prion Diseases
Pedersen J, Johnson C, Bell C, Jacobson K, Benson C, McKenzie D & Aiken J

Jacobson Kurt (2015) Particulate Organic Matter in Northern Peatlands as a Terminal Electron Acceptor
Jacobson K, Klüpfel L & Sander M

Jacobson M.
(2012) Investigating Cloud Absorption Effects I and II: Global and Arctic Absorption Properties of Black Carbon and Tar Balls in Clouds and Aerosols
Jacobson M
(2009) Review of Solutions to Global Warming, Air Pollution, and Energy Security
Jacobson M
(2008) On the Link between Carbon Dioxide and Paticulate Matter Mortality
Jacobson M
(2003) Dissecting the Nitrogen Cycle in a Tropical Mangrove Ecosystem
Fogel M, Wooller M, Jacobson M, Cheeseman J, Smallwood B & Romero I

Jacobson N. (2018) Extreme Planetary Systems – NASA GRC Current and New Capabilities to Study the Thermochemistry and Kinetics of Materials, Minerals and Gases/Vapors
Costa G, Nakley L, Jacobson N, Kulis M & Zhu D
(2018) Measurement of Water Solubility in Synthetic and Natural Carbonatite
Jacobson N, Setlock J, Kulis M, Costa G, Fegley B & McAdam A
(2014) Vaporization Studies of Olivine via Knudsen Effusion Mass Spectrometry
Jacobson N & Costa G

Jacobson Seth (2019) Composition of Super-Earths as a Signature of Planet Formation
Scora J, Valencia D, Morbidelli A & Jacobson S
(2018) Consequences of Multi-Stage Core Formation
Jacobson S
(2017) Mantle Composition Constraints on Different Planet Formation Scenarios
Jacobson S, Rubie D, Morbidelli A, Izidoro A & Raymond S
(2017) Sequestration of Tungsten into the Core during Earth’s Accretion
Jennings E, Rubie D, Jacobson S, Morbidelli A, Armstrong K & Frost D
(2017) HSE Removal from the Lunar Mantle and the Timeline of the Lunar Bombardment
Morbidelli A, Nesvorny D, Laurenz V, Marchi S, Rubie D, Elkins-Tanton L & Jacobson S
(2016) Beyond Matching Orbits and Masses, Terrestrial Planet Formation in the era of Compositional Constraints
Jacobson S, Rubie D & Morbidelli A
(2016) Evolution of Sulfur Concentrations in Magma Oceans during Earth’s Accretion
Rubie D, Laurenz V, Jacobson S, Morbidelli A, Palme H, Vogel A & Frost D
(2016) Terrestrial Core Stratification and Subsequent Mixing
Jacobson S, Hernlund J, Rubie D & Morbidelli A
(2015) The Hadean Matte, Magma Ocean Solidification and Earth’s Late Veneer
Rubie D, Laurenz V, Jacobson S, Morbidelli A, Palme H & Frost D
(2013) Accretion and Chemical Evolution of the Terrestrial Planets
Rubie D, O'Brien D, Morbidelli A, Jacobson S & Young E

Jacobson Seth A (2021) Stochastic Accretion of the Earth – F.G. Houtermans Medal Lecture
Sossi PA, Stotz IL, Jacobson SA, Morbidelli A & O'Neill H
(2021) Where can the Water go? Giant Impacts and the Deep Mantle
Jacobson SA
(2021) The Al/Si Ratio: Sub-Solar in Enstatite Chondrites but Supra-Solar in the Earth – A Plausible Explanation
Morbidelli A, Libourel G, Rubie D, Palme H & Jacobson SA
(2021) Fate of Carbon during the Formation of Earth’s Core
Blanchard I, Jennings E, Franchi I, Zhao X, Petitgirard S, Miyajima N, Jacobson SA & Rubie D
(2021) Isotopic Fractionation during Multi-Stage Core Formation
Nathan G, Shahar A, Rubie D & Jacobson SA

Jacobson Seth Andrew (2024) Creating Primordial Heterogeneous Mantle Domain
Jacobson SA
(2024) Solar System Formation Scenarios Effect on Ideal Redox State of Disk Needed to Produce Earth
Nathan G, Nguyen H & Jacobson SA
(2024) An Inner Solar System Origin of the Moon-Forming Impactor
Hopp T, Dauphas N, Boyet M, Jacobson SA & Kleine T

Jacobson Sylvia R (2024) Rerouting Microfluidic Transformations of Organic Nitrogen and Phosphorus in Soils
Wilmoth JL, Van Benschoten IE, Jacobson SR & Manzon JS
(2024) Changes in Soil Organic Matter Composition and Microbial Communities due to Coastal Wetland Migration
Jacobson SR, Derby RK, Baldwin AH, Van Benschoten IE, Manzon JS & Wilmoth JL
(2024) Optimizing Cover Cropping for Carbon Sequestration Under Future Climate Change Scenarios
Manzon JS, Yarwood SA, Van Benschoten IE, Jacobson SR & Wilmoth JL
(2024) Linking Transient Changes in Dissolved Organic Chemistry to Wetland Carbon Emissions
Van Benschoten IE, Jacobson SR, Wilmoth JL, Spicer N & Manzon JS
(2023) Transient and Microfluidic Methane Cycling in the Wetland Rhizosphere
Van Benschoten IE, Jacobson SR & Wilmoth JL
(2023) Soil, Plant, and Microbiome Tracers of Coastal Wetland Migration
Jacobson SR, Derby RK, Van Benschoten IE, Baldwin AH & Wilmoth JL

Jacobson Y. (2023) Acquisition of Fe and P from Natural and Anthropogenic Aerosols by Marine Phytoplankton
Shaked Y, Jacobson Y, de Beer D, Wang S, Zhang F, Visser A-N, Eichner M, Morag N, Angert A & Basu S
(2017) Trace Elements of Mediterranean Vermetid Reefs as Proxies for Natural and Anthropogenic Processes
Jacobson Y, Yam R, Montagna P, López Correa M, Devoti S & Shemesh A
(2017) The Stable Isotope Record of Vermetids from the Eastern, Central and Western Mediterranean Basins during the Past Two Millennia
Shemesh A, Yam R, Jacobson Y, López Correa M, Devoti S & Montagna P

Jacobsson A. (2004) Microbial Biofilm Processes in Deep Granitic Groundwater
Pedersen K, Anderson C, Jacobsson A & Nielsen M

Jacobsson P. (2016) C-14 Releases from the Fukushima Dai-Ichi Nuclear Power Plant
Xu S, Cook G, Cresswell A, Dunbar E, Freeman S, Hou X, Jacobsson P, Kinch H, Naysmith P, Sanderson D, Tripney B & Yamaguchi K

Jacobsson U.

Jacoby I. (2022) Belowground Allocation and Dynamics of Recently Fixed Plant Carbon and Soil Organic Matter in a California Annual Grassland
Pett-Ridge J, Fossum C, Estera-Molina K, Yuan M, Herman D, Jacoby I, Nico PS, Morrison K & Firestone M

Jacomet S. (2004) Chemical Evidence for Dairying at the Neolithic Lake-Shore Settlement Arbon Bleiche 3, Switzerland
Spangenberg J, Jacomet S & Schibler J

Jacot Des Combes H. (2007) Diatom δ13C, δ15N, and C/N Since the Last Glacial Maximum in the Southern Ocean: Evidence for Regional and Ecological Influences
Jacot Des Combes H, De La Rocha CL, Esper O, Abelmann A, Gersonde R & Shemesh A

Jacq K. (2020) Hyperspectral Imaging for Sediment Cores: A Promising Method for Source-To-Sink Approach ?
Debret M, Copard Y, Van Exem A & Jacq K

Jacq V. (2017) Response of the Marine Unicellular Diazotrophic Cyanobacterium C. Watsonii to Input of Atmospheric Iron from Saharan Dust
Ridame C, Jacq V, Desboeufs K, L’helguen S, Kaczmar F & Saliot A
(2013) Impact of Iron Limitation on Marine Unicellular Diazotrophic Cyanobacteria
Jacq V, Ridame C, L'Helguen S, Kaczmar F & Saliot A

Jacqmot A. (2007) Spatial and Temporal (30 Yr.) Variations of Lead Geochemical Signature in a Macrotidal Highly Polluted Estuary
Taillez A, Jacqmot A, Petit J, Maerschalk C, Lemadec D, Fagel N, Verheyden S, Chou L & Mattielli N

Jacquat O. (2007) Formation of Hydrozincite, Zn Layered Double Hydroxide and Zn Phyllosilicates in Contaminated Calcareous Soils
Jacquat O, Voegelin A & Kretzschmar R
(2005) Zinc Speciation in Contaminated Soils in Relation to Soil Type
Jacquat O, Voegelin A & Kretzschmar R

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