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(2020) Determination of Reaction Pathways and Mineralogy in Material Samples Using 3-D Neutron Tomography

DiStefano V, LaManna J, Hussey D, Baltic E & Jacobson D


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08r: Room 3, Wednesday 24th June 23:36 - 23:39

Listed below are questions that have been submitted by the community that the author will try and cover in their presentation. To submit a question, ensure you are signed in to the website. Authors or session conveners approve questions before they are displayed here.

Submitted by Fulvio Di Lorenzo on Monday 22nd June 17:08
Which is the resolution of the XRD characterization that can be achieved with the Bragg Edge Tomography? For example, can we distinguish between calcite and magnesite that have the same structure and similar lattice parameters?
Thanks for your question. In order to distinguish between two minerals with the same structure, the neutron cross section of the different atoms (in this case Ca and Mg) have to be significantly different. For calcite and magnetite, they should be different enough to resolve.

Submitted by Victoria DiStefano on Friday 26th June 21:54
Unresolved question from Audience: What pressure can we achieve with our sample environments?
Up to 1500 psi at room temperature.

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