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Jackson Danielle (2017) Increased Student Engagement Through Augmented Reality – A Catalyst for Learning?
Bursztyn N, Jackson D, Walker A, Shelton B & Pederson J

Jackson E. (2022) REE Distribution in the Water Column of the Eastern Pacific Oxygen Minimum Zone
de Souza Franco G, Duggan B, Bourbonnais A, Perin D, Jackson E & Scher H

Jackson G. (2004) From Dissolved Organic Carbon to Marine Snow in the Prokaryote Dominated Precambrian Oceans
Bjerrum C, Canfield D, Kiørboe T & Jackson G

Jackson I. (2017) Oxygen Fugacity in Large Metal Capsules
Faul U, Cline C, Jackson I & Berry A
(2011) Indoor Seismology
Liebermann R, Li B, Kung J, Jackson I, Gwanmesia G, Antao S & Parise J
(2006) Elastic Properties of Pyroxene Polymorphs of MgSiO3 and Implications for Seismic Models and Discontinuities in the Earth’s Upper Mantle
Liebermann R, Kung J, Li B & Jackson I
(2002) Systematics in the Seismic Wave Attenuation of Partially Molten Olivine Aggregates (Invited)
Jackson I, Faul U, Fitz Gerald J & Tan B
(2001) The Effect of Partial Melting on Seismic Wave Speeds and Attenuation in Upper-Mantle Materials: An Exploratory Study
Jackson I, Faul UH, Fitz Gerald JD & Tan BH

Jackson J. M. (2006) Elasticity and sound velocities of aluminous MgSiO3 perovskite at high-pressure
Jackson J
(2006) Spin crossover in ferropericlase by nuclear resonant spectroscopy
Sturhahn W, Lin J-F, Jackson JM & Zhao J
(2001) Elasticity and Equation of State of Orthoenstatite
Angel RJ & Jackson JM

Jackson Jennifer (2016) The Electronic Structure of Iron in Rhyolitic Glass at High Pressure
Solomatova N, Jackson J, Sturhahn W & Roskosz M
(2014) Melt Detection of Candidate Core Materials at High Pressures Using Atomic Dynamics Measurements and a Fast Temperature Readout System
Zhang D, Jackson J, Zhao J, Sturhahn W, Alp E, Hu M & Toellner T

Jackson Jennifer M. (2023) Linking Water and Ferric Iron in Earth's Lower Mantle
Buchen J, Pardo OS, Dobrosavljevic VV, Sturhahn W, Ishii T, Chariton S, Greenberg E, Toellner TS & Jackson JM

Jackson John (2023) Radium Mineral Associations within Abandoned Mine Drainages and Treatment Systems with Perspective to the Future of Rare Earth Element Extraction
McDevitt B, Cravotta CA, McAleer RJ, Jackson J & Warner N
(2021) Optimizing Radium Removal from Produced Water Utilizing the Sr/Ba Molar Ratio and Precipitate Seeding
McDevitt B, Gallegos T, Blondes M, Shelton J, McAleer R, Valentine B, Varonka M, Jolly G, Jubb AM, Jackson J & Chenault J
(2014) Geochronological and Geochemical Transects of the Western Alaska Range Batholith
Ayuso R, Haeussler P, Todd E, Box S, Jones J, Bradley D, Vazquez J, Karl S & Jackson J

Jackson K. (2021) Linking Innovative Field Measurements to Models: Characterizingreactive Groundwater Exchange along Large Rivers
Briggs MA, Helton AM, Gooseff MN, Barclay JR, Terry N, Moore EM, Haynes A, Jackson K, Bisson A, DiGiorno M, Arntzen E & Chen X

Jackson Latoya (2012) Number Density Considerations in the Dispersion-Dissolution Behavior of Engineered Silver Nanomaterials
Chappell M, Miller L, Price C, Middleton M, Blaustein G, Jackson L, Bednar A, Kennedy A & Steevens J

Jackson Laura M (2023) Exploration for Critical Metals in Australia’s Mine Waste to Support the Energy Transition
Parbhakar-Fox A, Jackson LM, Bhowany K, Guerin K, Han Z, Blannin R, Moyo A, Nicholls L & Mejias O

Jackson Margaret (2018) A Late Cenozoic Glacial History of the Central Transantarctic Mountains, Antarctica Using 3He, 21Ne, and 10Be Surface Exposure Ages
Balter A, Bromley G, Balco G, Thomas H & Jackson M

Jackson Marie (2020) The Surtsey Volcano Geothermal System: An Analogue to Constrain Elemental Cycling in Seamounts?
Kleine BI, Stefánsson A, Kjartansdóttir R, Prause S, Weisenberger TB, Sveinbjörnsdóttir ÁE, Jackson M & Gudmundsson MT
(2014) Al-Tobermorite and Phillipsite in Roman Seawater Concrete with Zeolitized Pumiceous Pozzolan
Jackson M, Mulcahy S, Kunz M, Chen H, Li Q, Wenk H-R & Monteiro P

Jackson Marie D (2018) The Impact of Seafloor Alteration on δ18O and δ34S of Sulfates in the Oceanic Crust
Kleine BI, Stefánsson A, Whitehouse MJ, Zierenberg RA, Weisenberger TB, Friðleifsson GÓ, Jackson MD & Guðmundsson MT

Jackson Marie D. (2019) Seafloor Alteration Traced by Stable Isotope (δ44Ca, δ34S, δ18O) Fractionation of Sulfates
Jónasson K, Kleine BI, Stefánsson A, Whitehouse MJ, Zierenberg RA, Weisenberger TB, Friðleifsson GÓ, Jackson MD & Guðmundsson MT

Jackson Matt (2017) Halogens and Water in MORB and OIB and the Origin of HIMU
Kendrick M, Hemond C, Kamenetsky V, Danyushevsky L, Devey C, Rodemann T, Jackson M & Perfit M

Jackson Matthew (2019) Ancient Lower Mantle Heterogeneities Revealed by Modern OIB – A Story Told by W and He Isotopes
Mundl-Petermeier A, Walker R, Fischer R & Jackson M
(2019) Contrasting Old and Young Volcanism at Aitutaki, Cook Inlands: Evidence for a Distinct Rarotonga Hotspot?
Jackson M, Halldorsson S, Price A, Kurz M, Konter J, Koppers A & Day J
(2019) Thermal Implications of Pb Isotope and Volatile Systematics in the Western Aleutian Arc
Andrys J, Kelley K, Cottrell E, Jackson M & Coombs M
(2019) Iron Isotope Constraints on the Lower Mantle Structure of the Samoan Mantle Plume
Soderman C, Williams H, Shorttle O, Matthews S & Jackson M
(2019) Reverse Chemistry of Iron in the Deep Earth
Wang X, Feng X, Li J, Jackson M, Spera F & Miao M
(2018) Isotopically Heavy Boron in the Source of Ocean Island Basalts
Marschall H & Jackson M
(2018) Transcrustal Magmatic Systems
Blundy J, Jackson M & Melekhova E
(2018) A Relationship between Sulfur Isotopes, μ182W, and 3He/4He: Evaluating the Possibility of S- Isotope Heterogeneity in a Primitive Mantle Reservoir
Dottin Iii J, Farquhar J, Labidi J & Jackson M
(2018) Water Systematics in the Samoan Lithosphere
Ashley A, Bizimis M, Peslier A, Jackson M & Konter J
(2018) Mantle Source and Magma Evolution of the Dying Spreading Ridge in the South China Sea
Zhang G, Jackson M, Sun W & Seward G
(2017) Hot Plumes Entrain Higher 3He/4He
Jackson M, Konter J & Becker T
(2017) The Oxidation State of Fe in Glasses from the Austral Islands: Limits on Effects of the HIMU Mantle End-Member on Oxygen Fugacity
Peterson M, Brounce M, Stolper E, Eiler J, Hanyu T, Nichols A & Jackson M
(2017) Ancient 182W Signatures in Modern Ocean Island Basalts
Mundl A, Walker R, Touboul M, Jackson M, Day J, Kurz M, Lekic V & Helz R
(2017) Tracking Hadean Processes in Modern Basalts
Horan M, Carlson R, Walker R, Jackson M & Mundl A
(2016) Magma Accumulation and Differentiation in a Mushy Magma Chamber: Insights from Numerical Modelling
Jackson M, Solano J, Blundy J & Sparks S
(2016) F, Cl, S Concentrations and Pb Isotopes in Melt Inclusions from São Miguel, Azores
Rose-Koga EF, Koga KT, Moreira M, Vlastelic I, Jackson MG, Whitehouse MJ & Shimizu N

Jackson Matthew D. (2023) An Experimental Study of Metal Extraction from Continental Red-Bed Sandstones
Woitischek J, Wilkinson JJ, Humphreys-Williams E & Jackson MD
(2023) Numerical Investigation of Fluid Flow and Cu Transport in the Katangan Basin, Central African Copperbelt
Bahlali ML, Salinas P, Woitischek J, Jacquemyn C & Jackson MD
(2022) What Drives Melt Fraction Change and Chemical Differentiation in Mush Reservoirs?
Hu H, Jackson MD & Blundy JD
(2022) Experimental Insights into the Mobility of Metals in Sedimentary Basin-Hosted Copper Systems
Woitischek J, Wilkinson JJ & Jackson MD
(2021) Impact of Mush Reservoir Processes on the Source, Frequency and Composition of Large-Scale Volcanic Eruptions
Booth CA, Jackson MD, Sparks RSJ & Rust AC
(2021) The Role of Reactive Flow in Driving Melt Fraction Change and Chemical Differentiation in Mush Reservoirs
Hu H, Jackson MD & Blundy JD

Jackson Matthew G (2023) Zirconium Isotopes Reveal Continental Crust Recycling into the Mantle
Tian S, Moynier F, Jackson MG & Inglis E
(2023) Do the Different Geographic Distributions of HIMU and EM Mantle Domains Record Later Onset of Continental Crust Subduction Relative to Oceanic Crust Subduction?
Jackson MG & Macdonald FA
(2023) A Heavy Stable Isotope Approach to Tracing Mantle Source and Process
Soderman CR, Matthews S, Shorttle O, Jackson MG, Day JMD & Williams HM
(2023) The Tail of Ontong Java Plateau: Insights from New 40Ar/39Ar Ages in the West Pacific Seamount Province
Beethe S, Koppers AAP, Gauer Pasqualon N, Cahoon E & Jackson MG
(2023) Origin of 182W Anomalies in Ocean Island Basalts
Archer GJ, Budde G, Worsham EA, Stracke A, Jackson MG & Kleine T

Jackson Matthew G. (2024) A New Geochemical Database for Ocean Island Basalts: A Highly Biased Dataset and a Potential Solution
Harðardóttir S & Jackson MG
(2024) A Machine Learning and Statistical View of Oceanic Island Basalts
White WM, Jackson MG & Hardardottir S
(2022) Elevated and Heterogeneous Oxygen Fugacity in Global Hotspot Lavas
Willhite LN, Arevalo R, Piccoli PM, Rand DS, Locmelis M, Nicklas RW, Jackson MG, Day JMD, Lassiter JC, Ireland T, Puchtel IS & Finlayson V
(2022) Shipboard Data from West Pacific Seamounts
Konter JG, Duncan BE, Jackson M, Koppers A, Anderson O, Beethe S, Cahoon E, Casey T, Gauer Pasqualon N, Hardardottir S, Rahalski E, Wildrick D & Wyckoff S
(2022) Rapid Source Shifting of a Deep Magmatic System Revealed by the Fagradalsfjall Eruption, Iceland
Halldorsson SA, Marshall E, Caracciolo A, Matthews S, Bali E, Rasmussen M, Ranta E, Gunnarsson-Robin J, Guðfinnsson GH, Sigmarsson O, Maclennan J, Jackson M, Whitehouse MJ, Jeon H, van der Meer QHA, Mibei G, Kalliokoski M, Repczynska M, Rúnarsdóttir R, Sigurdsson G, Pfeffer M, Scott S, Kjartansdóttir R, Kleine BI, Clive O, Aiuppa A, Ilyinskaya E, Bitetto M, Giudice G & Stefánsson A
(2022) Geochronology of Western Pacific Seamounts: Implications for Absolute Pacific Plate Motion Beyond 80 Ma
Beethe S, Koppers A, Cahoon E, Konter JG & Jackson M
(2021) Remnants of Early Earth Differentiation in the Deepest Mantle-Derived Lavas
Giuliani A, Jackson MG, Fitzpayne A & Dalton H
(2021) A Ce-Nd-Hf Isotope Perspective on the EMI-Emii End-Member
Doucelance R, Israel C, Boyet M, Bonnand P, Jackson MG & Barling J
(2021) The Search for Preserved Late-Stage Accretionary Components in Terrestrial Materials
Bermingham KR, Walker RJ, Finlayson VA, Tornabene HA, Peters B, Day JMD, Rudnick RL, Nakanishi N, Jackson MG, Pearson DG & Schilling ME
(2021) Ce-Nd Isotopic Composition of the Continental Crust: First Data on Middle and Lower Crustal Rocks
Israel C, Boyet M, Doucelance R, Bonnand P, Dhuime B, Ionov D & Jackson MG
(2020) Geodynamic Implications of He and W Isotopes in Iceland Hotspot Lavas
Jackson M, Blichert-Toft J, Halldorsson S, Mundl-Petermeier A, Bizimis M, Kurz M, Price A, Hardardottir S, Willhite L, Breddam K, Becker T & Fischer R
(2020) The Role of FOZO-Prema in Kimberlite Genesis
Giuliani A, Jackson MG & Fitzpayne A
(2020) The Spatial Distribution of ƒO2 in the Mantle: Insights from V Partitioning Behavior in Ocean Island Basalts
Willhite L, Arevalo R, Locmelis M, Piccoli P, Farcy B, Castillo M, Funderburg R, Jackson M, Day J, Ireland T & Lassiter J
(2020) A "Missing Link" for the Macdonald and Arago Hotspots
Buff L, Jackson M, Konrad K, Bizimis M, Koppers A, Price A, Rose-Koga E, Konter J & Blusztajn J
(2020) A Ce-Nd-Hf Isotopes Perspective on the EMI-Emii End-Members Distinction
Doucelance R, Israel C, Boyet M, Bonnand P, Jackson M & Barling J
(2020) Heavy δ57Fe in Ocean Island Basalts: Is Pyroxenite the Solution?
Soderman C, Williams H, Shorttle O, Matthews S, Jackson M, Nebel O, Ruttor S, Beier C, Turner S & Millet M-A
(2020) Low-δ18O(ol) Controlled by Entrainment of Oceanic Lithosphere into the Iceland Plume Source
Rasmussen MB, Halldórsson SA, Jackson MG, Whitehouse MJ & Bindeman IN
(2020) Implications of the Transition from Shield to Rejuvenation in Samoa
Konter J, Jackson M & Koppers A
(2020) The Potential Role of Later Alteration on the Inferred Mo and U Isotope Compositions of Mantle Reservoirs Derived from OIB Lavas
Gaschnig R, Reinhard C, Planavsky N, Wang X, Asael D & Jackson M
(2015) Unravelling the History of the Longest-Lived Hotspots in the Pacific
Jackson M, Konter J & Koppers A
(2015) Tracing the Long-Lived Rurutu Mantle Source in the Pacific with Implications for Plume Motions
Koppers A, Konrad K, Rose J, Konter J, Finlayson V & Jackson M
(2015) On the Archean vs. Proterozoic Age of the HIMU Mantle Component: New 33S/32S, 34S/32S, 36S/32S-Data from Saint-Helena Glasses
Cartigny P, Labidi J, Devey CW, Jackson MG, Thomassot E & Deloule E
(2015) Memories of Earth Formation in the Modern Mantle: W Isotopic Composition of Flood Basalt Lavas
Rizo H, Walker R, Carlson R, Mukhopadhyay S, Francis D & Jackson M
(2015) Inferring the “Geochemical Geometry” of Mantle Plumes
Jackson M
(2015) Helium, Carbon, Trace Metals, and Radiogenic Isotopes in the Northern Lau and North Fiji Basins
Lupton J, Rubin K, Arculus R, Price A & Jackson M
(2014) Heterogeneity of Calcium Isotopes in Earth’s Mantle
Chen H, Savage P, Valdes M, Puchtel I, Day J, Jackson M, Moreira M & Moynier F
(2014) The Origin of the Mantle “Species”: Five Decades of Debate
Jackson M
(2014) Mantle Mixing Processes Revealed from HIMU Basalts
Day J, Cabral R, Jackson M & Walker R
(2014) Trends in Igneous Rocktypes from Shipboard Analysis with LIBS
Konter J, Finlayson V, Engel J, Jackson M & Koppers A
(2014) The Abundance and Origin of Cl, Br and I in the Earth’s Mantle
Kendrick M, Kamenetsky V, Arculus R, Jackson M & Woodhead J
(2013) Mass Independently Fractionated Sulfur Isotopes in HIMU Lavas Reveal Archean Crust in their Mantle Source
Cabral R, Jackson M, Rose-Koga E, Koga K, Whitehouse M, Antonelli M, Farquhar J, Day J & Hauri E
(2012) Geochemical Mapping of Mantle Flow between Samoa and the Lau Basin
Price A, Jackson M, Hall P, Sinton J & Kurz M
(2012) Early Earth Differentiation: Before and after Earth Formation
Carlson R, Boyet M, Jackson M, O'Neil J & Qin L
(2012) Trace Element Composition of a Non-Chondritic Earth: Potential Solutions and Geodynamic Implications
Jackson M & Jellinek AM
(2012) Oceanic Gabbro Signature in Mangaia Melt Inclusions
Cabral R, Jackson M, Rose-Koga E, Day J, Koga K, Shimizu N, Whitehouse M & Price A
(2011) Implications of a Non-Chondritic Primitive Mantle for Chemical Geodynamics
Carlson R & Jackson M
(2011) Volatile and Trace Element Abundances in HIMU Melt Inclusions
Cabral R, Jackson M, Rose-Koga E, Day J & Shimizu N
(2011) Evidence for a Hawaii-Emperor Bend in the Rurutu Hotspot Track
Konter J, Jackson M & Koppers A
(2011) En Echelon Volcanic Chains at Hotspots as Probes of the Deep Mantle
Hall P, Huang S & Jackson M
(2011) A “Hotspot Highway” in the S. Pacific
Jackson M, Hart S, Konter J, Koppers A, Staudigel H, Kurz M, Blusztajn J & Sinton J
(2011) A New Starting Point for the Mantle’s Geochemical Reservoirs
Jackson M & Carlson R
(2010) 186Os-187Os Systematics of EM and HIMU Flavours
Day J, Jackson M & Walker R
(2010) The Geochemical Similarities between Double Volcanic Trends at Hawaii and Samoa
Huang S & Jackson M
(2010) Re-Os Reveals Ancient Mantle Components in Xenoliths from the Cook-Australs and Samoan Hotspots
Jackson M, Hauri E & Shirey S
(2010) Examining the Cause of Rejuvenated Volcanism in Samoa
Konter J & Jackson M
(2010) Sulfur Isotopic Variations in Mantle-Derived Magmas: Initial Observations
Shimizu N, Mandeville C, Jackson M, Yamamoto J & Kurz M
(2009) Osmium in Extreme EM2 Lavas: Implications for Recycled Sediment vs Eclogite in the Samoan Mantle
Jackson M & Shirey S
(2006) Strontium isotopes in melt inclusions from Samoan basalts: Implications for heterogeneity in the Samoan plume
Jackson M, Hart S & Ball L
(2006) Generating large volumes of TTG arc crust: An experimental study
Rushmer T, Gestinger A & Jackson M
(2004) Enigmatic Pb-Isotope Arrays (Galerays): A Genetic Approach to Mantle Taxonomy
Jackson M, Hart S & Workman R
(2004) Exploring Effects of Nanoscale Exsolution on Magnetic Properties in the Hematite-Ilmenite Series
McEnroe S, Harrison R, Langenhort F, Robinson P, Jackson M, Kasama T & Brown L
(2003) History of the Samoan Plume Inferred from Relationships between Pb-Isotopes and Olivine Composition
Jackson M, Hart S & Workman R

Jackson Michael (2017) Model-Based Identification of Physical and Geochemical Controls of Uranium in situ Leaching
Sun J, Prommer H, Bunney K, Jackson M, Austin P, Li J, Robinson D, Oram J, Rao A & Kuhar L

Jackson R. A. (2001) Computer Modelling of Ionic and Molecular Ionic Materials of Geochemical Importance
Jackson RA

Jackson Rebecca (2017) Once Upon a Time, Scientific Fairy Tales Promoting the Discovery, Protection and Use of the Ocean
Reyes Macaya DA, Martínez Méndez G, Elyashiv H, Jackson R, Tamborrino L, Tangunan D, Ruiz-Soto S, Hollstein M, Boehnert S, Schmidt C, Neto Dos Santos C, Wang H, Müller Dum D, Hernandez I, Hohmann S, Creco M, Rossel P, Duran Toro V, Park E & Liu Y

Jackson Richard (2011) Helium in Michigan Basin Sediments: A Tracer for Pore Fluid Migration and Age
Mohapatra R, Clark I, Jackson R, Raven K & Jensen M
(2010) Geochemical and Isotope Tracers in Pore Waters from Low Permeability Paleozoic Strata of the Michigan Basin of Southwest Ontario
Clark I, Liu I, Mohammadzadeh H, Mohapatra R, Jackson R, Heagle D & Raven K

Jackson Robert (2016) Geochemical Evidence for Fugitive Gas Contamination and Associted Water Quality Changes in Nearby Drinking-Water Wells
Darrah T, Jackson R, Muehlenbachs K, Poreda R, Warner N & Vengosh A
(2015) Tiny Tracers Tell Old Tales: Noble Gases Delineate the Source and Transport Mechanisnm of Hydrocarbons in Shallow Aquifers
Darrah T, Jackson R, Poreda R, Warner N & Vengosh A
(2015) Geochemical Characterization of West Virginia Groundwater in an Area Impacted by Hydraulic Fracturing
Harkness J, Warner N, Kern E, Darrah T, Jackson R & Vengosh A

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