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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Goldberg Tanya (2020) Enhancement of Carbonate, Silicate, and Sulfide Weathering via Fluvial Sediment Abrasion
Scheingross J, Bufe A, Hemingway J, Hovius N, Schleicher A & Goldberg T
(2015) Paleoenvironmental Controls on Sweetspots in Early Toarcian Black Shales
Goldberg T, Houben A, Nelskamp S, Wasch L, Boxem T & Verreussel R

Goldberg Tatiana (2013) Quality Control for Novel Isotope Analyses
Rehkämper M, Wombacher F, Nielsen S, Schönbächler M, Fehr M, Goldberg T, Larner F, Laycock A, Paul M & van de Flierdt T
(2013) Molybdenum Drawdown during the Cretaceous OAE 2
Goldberg T, Poulton S, Wagner T & Rehkämper M
(2012) Controls on Mo Isotope Fractionations
Goldberg T, Poulton S, Archer C, Vance D & Thamdrup B
(2011) Insights into Short-Term Changes in Local and Global Seawater Redox Conditions during Cretaceous OAE 2
Goldberg T, Poulton SW, Wagner T & Rehkamper M
(2009) Trace Metal Proxies for Ancient Oceanic Anoxia: Perspectives from Modern Biogeochemical Cycles
Vance D, Archer C, Goldberg T & Poulton S
(2009) Mo Isotope Proxy for Ancient Anoxia: Insights from a Modern Anoxic Basin
Archer C, Vance D, Goldberg T, Poulton S, Thamdrup B & Acuna G
(2009) Controls on Mo Isotope Fractionations in Modern Anoxic Marine Sediments – A Key to Paleoredox Research
Goldberg T, Poulton S, Archer C, Vance D & Thamdrup B
(2008) High Primary Productivity and Denitrification after the Paleoproterozoic Phosphogenic Event in the Aravalli Supergroup, India
Papineau D, Purohit R, Goldberg T, Pi D, Shields G, Bhu H & Fogel M
(2008) Towards a Mechanistic Understanding of Mo Isotope Fractionations
Goldberg T, Archer C, Vance D & Poulton S
(2007) Tracing Oceanic Sulphate with Phosphorite Geochemistry
Goldberg T & Shields G
(2006) Phosphorites as tracers of 2.0 Gyr old ocean chemistry and oxygenation
Goldberg T & Shields G
(2004) Late Neoproterozoic to Early Cambrian Marine Sulphur Cycle, Yangtze Platform (China)
Goldberg T & Strauss H
(2002) Isotopic Investigation of the Sulphur and Carbon Cycles in Sedimentary Rocks from the Yangtze Platform, Southern China
Goldberg T, Guo Q-J, Liu C, Steiner M & Strauss H

Goldberg V.M. (2021) Development of a Brine Treatment Strategy for Enhancing Geothermal Energy Production and Associated Raw Material Extraction
Goldberg VM, Winter D, Nitschke F, Morata D, Koschikowski J & Kohl T

Goldberger S. (2020) Challenges in Quantifying Long-Term Air–water Carbon Dioxide Flux Using Estuarine Water Quality Data: Case Study for Chesapeake Bay
Herrmann M, Najjar R, Da F, Friedman J, Friedrichs M, Goldberger S, Menendez A, Shadwick E, Stets E & St-Laurent P

Goldblatt C. (2022) Photochemical Modelling of the Climate-Redox Evolution of the Great Oxidation Event: From a Snowball Earth to a Hot-Moist Greenhouse
Garduño Ruíz DI, Goldblatt C & Ahm A-S
(2021) OCNAtm: A Biogeochemical Model of Archean Earth
Horne J & Goldblatt C
(2018) Venus: The Making of an Uninhabitable World
Kane S, Arney G, Crisp D, Domagal-Goldman S, Glaze L, Goldblatt C, Grinspoon D, Head J, Lenardic A, Unterborn C & Way M
(2016) Oxygen and Nitrogen Under the Ice: Trace Elements and δ15N Evidence for Oxic Weathering and Oxygenated Waters during the Snowball Earth Marinoan Glaciation, Ghuab Formation, Namibia
Johnson B, Hoffman P & Goldblatt C
(2015) Nitrogen Budget of Earth: Insights into Volatile Cycling in the Deeper Planet
Johnson B & Goldblatt C
(2014) Changing Pressure, Changing Climate: Theory and Constraints
Goldblatt C, Kavenagh L, Bryne B & Johnson B
(2014) The Nitrogen Budget of Earth
Johnson B & Goldblatt C
(2012) Modelling Long Term Carbon and Sulphur Cycling over the Proterozoic
Mills B, Watson A, Goldblatt C & Lenton T
(2012) On the Evolution of Earth's 'Geo-Bio' Atmosphere
Goldblatt C
(2011) Long Period Oscillations in the Neoproterozoic Carbon Cycle
Mills B, Watson A, Goldblatt C, Boyle R & Lenton T
(2011) Clouds and the Faint Young Sun Paradox
Goldblatt C & Zahnle K
(2010) What Happened in the Neoproterozoic? Investigations Using a Simplified Earth System Model
Mills B, Boyle R, Goldblatt C, Lenton T & Watson A
(2010) The Subduction Origin of Mantle Nitrogen
Goldblatt C & Zahnle K
(2009) There was Probably More Nitrogen in the Archean Atmosphere -­ This Would Have Helped Resolve the Faint Young Sun Paradox
Goldblatt C, Matthews A, Claire M, Lenton T, Watson A & Zahnle K
(2007) Bistability of Atmospheric Oxygen and the Great Oxidation
Goldblatt C, Lenton T & Watson A

Goldbrunner J. (2017) Scale-Fragment Accumulations Blocking Geothermal Energy Extraction – Interacting Steel Sulfide Corrosion and Calcite Crystallization
Boch R, Dietzel M, Haslinger E, Goldbrunner J, Mittermayr F, Fröschl H, Hippler D & Leis A

Golden C. (2023) Dietary and gut Microbiome Effects on MeHg Uptake and Elimination Rates: A Case Study of Two Malagasy Populations
Routhier E, Golden C, Balcom P & Sunderland E

Golden D.C. (2008) Phosphate Alteration on Mars
Hausrath E, Golden DC, Morris R & Ming D
(2006) Spherulitic (c-axis) growth for terrestrial (Mauna Kea, Hawaii) and martian hematite 'blueberries'
Golden DC, Ming DW & Morris RV

Golden Joshua (2020) Towards Quantitative Scales of Lithophilicity, Chalcophilicity and Hydrophilicity Using Statistical Correlations Among the Mineral-Forming Elements
Hummer D, Ma X, Que X, Zhang S, Liu C, Hazen R, Golden J & Downs R
(2017) Carbon Mineral Network Analysis: A Big Data Geobiology Study
Hazen R, Eleish A, Liu C, Morrison S, Meyer M, Fox P, Hummer D, Downs R, Golden J, Pires A, Hystad G & Ralph J
(2017) Network Analysis Applications: Exploring Geosphere and Biosphere Co-evolution with Big Data Techniques
Morrison SM, Eleish A, Liu C, Hummer DR, Giovannelli D, Meyer MB, Fox P, Downs RT, Golden JJ, Pires A, Hystad G, Ralph J & Hazen RM
(2017) Ecology and Evolution of Manganese Minerals: Implications for the Redox History of Earth and Life
Hummer D, Hazen R, Eleish A, Liu C, Morrison S, Downs R, Golden J, Pires A, Hystad G & Meyer M
(2016) Constraints on the Mineral Evolution of Planetary Crusts Using Statistical Correlations and Anti-Correlations Among the Mineral-Forming Elements
Hummer D, Hazen R, Ma X, Golden J & Downs R
(2016) Mineral Ecology and Evolution of First-Row Transition Elements
Hazen RM, Hummer DR, Liu C, Hystad G, Downs RT, Golden JJ & Morrison SM
(2015) Mineral Record of Crustal Evolution: The Roles of Episodic Mineralization and Preservational Bias
Hazen RM, Liu X-M, Grew ES, Downs RT & Golden J
(2015) Mineral Ecology of Carbon: Prediction of "Missing" Minerals
Hazen RM, Hystad G, Downs RT & Golden J
(2014) Trace Element Proxies for Oceanic and Atmospheric Chemical Evolution: Deep-Time, Data-Driven Discovery
Hazen RM, Liu X, Sverjensky DA, Downs RT, Golden J & Kah L
(2013) A Mineralogical Record of Metallogeny Associated with Supercontinent Assembly
Liu X-M, Hazen R, Downs R, Golden J, Grew E, Hystad G & Sverjensky D
(2011) Mineral Evolution: What's New?
Hazen R, Downs R, Golden J, Grew E, McMillan M, Ralph J & Sverjensky D

Golden Joshua J (2022) Evidence for Phanerozoic Crustal Oxidation from the Evolution of Manganese Minerals
Hummer DR, Golden JJ, Hystad G, Downs RT, Eleish A, Liu C, Ralph J, Morrison SM, Meyer MB & Hazen RM
(2020) Mineral Affinity Analysis: Predicting Unknown Mineral Occurrences with Machine Learning
Morrison SM, Prabhu A, Eleish A, Narkar S, Fox P, Golden JJ, Downs RT, Perry S, Burns PC, Ralph J & Hazen RM

Goldenberg E. (2013) Long Range Transport of Volcanic Aerosols: The Eyjafjallajökull Plume 2010
Grobety B, Meier M, Botter C, Weber K, Fischer C, Vogel A, Goldenberg E & Gieré R
(2010) Single-Particle Characterization of Saharan Dust Events at an Urban Site in Freiburg, Germany
Goldenberg E, Gieré R, Grobéty B, Dietze V, Stille P, Kaminski U & Neururer C
(2010) Passive Sampler Technique Sigma-2 with Automated Microscopic Real Color Image Processing for Particle Measurements in the Size Range from 2.5-80 µm
Dietze V, Kaminski U, Gieré R, Goldenberg E, Stille P, Grobéty B & Neururer C

Goldenfeld N. (2009) Watching Rocks Grow: Self-Organization of Depositional Patterns at Geothermal Hot Springs
Goldenfeld N

Goldenstein Nadine (2017) Seasonal Impact of Exported Particulate Matter on the TEX86-proxy in the Upwelling Area off Cape Blanc, Atlantic Ocean, NW Africa
Ebersbach F, Goldenstein NI, Iversen MH, Lipp JS, Elvert M, Sulz F & Hinrichs K-U
(2015) Archaeal Lipids in Transition: Characterization of Lipids and Sequences in the Orca Basin, Gulf of Mexico
Warren C, Elling F, Goldenstein N, Hinrichs K-U & Pagani M

Goldenstein Nadine I (2021) Archaeal Niche Partitioning and Non-Temperature Effects on the TEX86 Paleotemperature Proxy in Planktonic Communities from the Gulf of Mexico
Elling FJ, Warren C, Nigro LM, Goldenstein NI, Teske A & Hinrichs K-U

Goldfarb Richard J (2022) The Role of Orogenesis on the Formation of Epigenetic Sediment-Hosted Cu-Co Deposits
Qiu Z, Fan H, Goldfarb RJ & Tomkins A
(2022) Magmatic-Hydrothermal Orogenic Gold: Fact or Fiction?
Goldfarb RJ

Goldfarb Richard, J (2011) Fluid Inclusion and Stable Isotope Studies of the Kharape Epizonal Orogenic Gold Deposit, West Azerbaijan Province, Iran
Niroomand S, Goldfarb RJ & Moore F

Goldhaber Martin (2015) Scaling of Sulfur Geochemical Processes in Prairie Pothole Wetlands
Goldhaber M, Stricker C, Mills C, Guntenspergen G, Rover J & Mushet D
(2014) The Role of Sulfur in the Geochemical Evolution of the Praire Potholes Wetlands
Goldhaber M, Stricker C, Mills C & Morrison J
(2014) Use of δ34S of Sulfate in Hydrogeochemical Investigations of a Prairie Pothole Salt Ring
Mills C, Goldhaber M, Stricker C & Holloway J
(2014) Watershed Effects of Historic Chromite Mining in Northern California, USA
Holloway J, Mills C, Kraus J & Goldhaber M
(2012) Dissolved Organic Matter Characterization for a Prairie Potholes Ecosystem
Holloway JM, Goldhaber MB, Mills CT, Aiken GR & Butler KD
(2012) Scaling of Ecological and Critical Zone Processes in the Prairie Pothole Region, USA and Canada
Goldhaber MB, Mills C, Stricker C, Mushet D & Morrison J
(2012) Critical Zone Weathering of Glacial Till in the Prairie Potholes Region: A Major Control on Wetland Ecology
Morrison J, Goldhaber M, Mills C & Ellefsen K
(2012) Concentration and Transport of Solutes Driven by Transpiration at the Edge of a Prairie Pothole Wetland
Mills C, Goldhaber M & Stricker C
(2011) Scaling of Critical Zone Processes in the Prairie Pothole Region, USA
Goldhaber M, Mills C, Morrison J & Stricker C
(2010) Microbial Community Structure and Methylmercury Production in a Managed Wetland Ecosystem
Holloway J, Mills C, Marvin-DiPasquale M, Alpers C, Windham-Meyers L, Fleck J & Goldhaber M
(2010) Weathering Textures and Chemical Changes of Cr-Bearing Spinels, California
Diehl S, Morrison J, Goldhaber M & Holloway J
(2010) Controls on the Formation of Geogenic Cr(VI) in Soils of the Sacramento Valley, California
Mills C, Morrison J & Goldhaber M
(2010) Accumulation of Cr and Ni in Clays and Nanocrystalline Iron Oxides from Ultramafically-Derived Sediments in Northern California, USA
Morrison J, Goldhaber M, Hooper R & Diehl S
(2009) The Impact of Humans on the Geochemical Landscape
Goldhaber M
(2009) Geochemical Landscape Studies of Geogenic Trace Elements in Northern California, USA
Goldhaber M, Morrison J, Holloway J, Mills C & Wanty R
(2008) Influence of Soil Geochemistry on Microbial Community Structure in a Northern California Watershed
Holloway J, Scow K & Goldhaber M
(2008) Weathering and Transport of Cr and Ni in Northern California Soils
Morrison J, Goldhaber M, Lee L, Holloway J & Richard W
(2008) Basin-Scale Variations in California Ground-Water Chemistry Utilizing a Publicly Available Database
Wanty R, Goldhaber M, Morrison J & Lee L
(2008) Cr(III) Oxidation by Soluble Mn(III) Chelates: A Potential Biogeochemical Pathway for the Enhanced Mobilization of Cr from Spinels
Mills C, Goldhaber M, Foster A & Morrison J
(2007) A Coordinated Continental and Regional Soil Geochemical Survey of North America
Goldhaber M, Smith D, Morrison J, Wanty R & Holloway J
(2006) A Soil Geochemical Transect in Northern California: Links to Human Health
Goldhaber M, Morrison J, Wanty R, Smith D & Plumlee G
(2005) A Soil Geochemical Transect in Northern California-Links to Human Health Issue
Goldhaber M, Morrison J, Reynolds R & Smith D
(2003) Atmospheric Sources of Potentially Toxic Elements in the Northeastern U.S
Goldhaber M, Callender E, Reynolds R, Bleiwas D & Chambers D

Goldhaber Marty

Goldhagen G. (2022) Volatiles, Redox, and Mantle Attenuation in the East African Rift
Brounce M, Ford H, Fischer TP, Byrnes J, Scoggins S, Jaramillo S, Goldhagen G & Humphreys J

Goldhammer T. (2020) Vivianite Formation and Geochemical Focusing of Manganese and Iron in Lake Arendsee (NE-Germany)
Scholtysik G, Dellwig O, Arz HW, Goldhammer T & Hupfer M
(2015) Extensive Nitrogen Loss from Permeable Sediments off NW Africa
Sokoll S, Lavik G, Sommer S, Goldhammer T, Kuypers M & Holtappels M
(2014) Impact of Biogeochemical Zonation and Depositional Setting on Molecular Composition of Dissolved Organic Matter in Sediment Pore Waters
Schmidt F, Koch B, Goldhammer T, Zabel M, Buttigieg PL, Ramette A, Elvert M, Witt M, Lazar C, Könneke M, Heuer V & Hinrichs K-U
(2014) Intact Polar Lipids in the Black Sea and its Sediments: Microbial Life Above and Below the Seafloor
Schröder J, Lipp J, Lazar C, Aiello I, Goldhammer T, Heuer V, Elvert M, Zabel M, Morono Y, Inagaki F & Hinrichs K-U
(2014) Massive Production of Dissolved Organic Nitrogenous Compounds from the Guaymas Basin Sediment at Elevated Temperature
Lin Y-S, Koch BP, Goldhammer T, Witt M, Zabel M & Hinrichs K-U
(2013) Apparent Inverse Carbon Isotope Effects during the Anerobic Oxidation of Methane
Yoshinaga M, Wegener G, Holler T, Goldhammer T, Brunner B, Pohlman J, Kuypers M, Hinrichs K-U & Elvert M
(2013) Intact Polar Lipids and Diagenetic Processes in Sub-Seafloor Sediments in the Black Sea
Schröder J, Aiello I, Goldhammer T, Heuer V, Elvert M, Zabel M & Hinrichs K-U
(2009) Dissimilatory Sulfate Reduction: Why is the Oxygen Isotope Equilibrium Value Where it is?
Brunner B, Goldhammer T, Templer S & Bernasconi S
(2009) Sulfide-Oxidizing Bacteria Mediate Apatite Formation in Phosphorite-Bearing Sediments of the Namibian Upwelling System – Evidence from 33P-Labeling Experiments
Brüchert V, Goldhammer T, Ferdelman T & Zabel M
(2009) Phosphate Oxygen Isotopes and Microbial Activity in the Marine Subsurface
Goldhammer T, Brunner B, Ferdelman T & Zabel M
(2007) Tracking Microbial Life in the Marine Subsurface
Goldhammer T & Zabel M

Golding M. (2022) Biotic Extinction at the Norian/Rhaetian Boundary (Upper Triassic): Geochemical and Isotope Evidence of a Previously Unrecognised Global Event
Rigo M, Onoue T, Sato H, Tomimatsu Y, Soda K, Godfrey L, Katz M, Campbell HJ, Tackett L, Golding M, Lei J, Husson J, Maron M, Satolli S, Zaffani M, Concheri G, Bertinelli A, Chiari M & Tanner L

Golding Sue (2020) A Sequential Extraction Method for Evaluating Rock-Hosted Elements at Conditions Relevant to CO2 Geo-Sequestration
Dawson G, Pearce J, Kirste D & Golding S
(2020) Geochemical Modelling from Benchtop to Field Scale
Kirste D, Volden L, Pearce J, Dawson G & Golding S

Golding Suzanne (2018) Anaerobic Methanotrophy Coupled to Ferric Iron Reduction in an Australia Coal Mine
Raudsepp M, Evans P, Tyson G, Golding S, Wilson S & Southam G
(2018) Reactive Transport Modelling Predicting Trace Metal Mobility during CO2-SO2-NO-O2 Storage
Kirste D, Pearce J, Dawson G & Golding S

Golding Suzanne D (2021) Trace Metal Mobility during CO2-SO2-NO-O2 Storage
Kirste D, Pearce JK, Dawson G & Golding SD
(2017) Microbial and Hydrogeological Controls on the Origin and Evolution of Coal Seam Gases and Production Waters of the Surat Basin, Australia
Baublys K, Hamilton S, Golding S, Hofmann H & Vink S
(2017) Reactive Transport Modelling Predicting Trace Metal Mobility during CO2-SO2-O2 Storage
Kirste D, Pearce J & Golding S
(2017) Predicting Metal Mobilisation during CO2 Storage: The Role of Synchrotron XFM
Pearce J, Dawson G, Southam G, Patterson D & Golding S
(2017) Great Artesian Basin Authigenic Carbonates as Natural Analogues for Mineralisation Trapping
Golding S, Dawson G, Pearce J, Mernagh T, Boreham C & Hall L
(2016) Organic Components and Thermal Maturation in the 1.64 Ga Barney Creek Formation, McArthur Basin
Rodrigues S, Golding S, Bluett J, Titus L & Ferguson B
(2016) Carbonate Mineralised Fractures and Sandstones of the Eromanga and Surat Basins
Dawson G, Golding S, Mernagh T, Nguyen A, Feng Y, Farrajota F & Boreham C
(2016) Metal and Metalloid Mobilisation and Sequestration during CO2-SO2 and CO2-SO2-O2 Reaction of Reservoir and Cap-Rock Cores
Pearce J, Dawson G, Golding S & Kirste D
(2016) Reaction of SO2 and SO2 with O2 after Dissolution during Benchtop Experiments of CO2 Storage at Elevated Temperature and Pressure
Kirste D, Pearce J & Golding S
(2016) Effect of Bituminous Coal on Methanogenesis
Raudsepp M, Gagen E, Tyson G, Golding S & Southam G
(2015) Biogenic Methane Cycling in a Laboratory Model of an Abandoned Bituminous Coal Mine
Raudsepp M, Tyson G, Golding S & Southam G
(2015) Reactive Transport Modelling of CO2 with SO2 and O2 as Impurities for Geological Storage: Upscaling from the Benchtop to the Reservoir
Kirste D, Pearce J, Golding S & Frank A
(2015) Geochemical and Geomechanical Testing of Samples from a Potential Surat Basin CO2 Sequestration Site
Golding SD, Dawson GKW, Rudolph V, Gao J, Xing H, Khan C, Li Q, Pearce JK, Law ACK, Keck R, Watson A, Jiang X & Biddle D
(2015) Geochemical CO2-SO2-O2-fluid-Rock Interactions
Pearce J, Dawson G, Golab A, Knuefing L & Golding S
(2015) Potential Source of Fracture Calcite and Associated Sulfide Mineralisation in a Surat Basin Coal Mine
Dawson G, Mernagh T, Golding S, Ye X, Baltruweit D & Esterle J
(2014) Biogenic Methane Potential of Bowen Basin, Queensland Coal Preparation Plant Rejects
Lane S, Zheng H, Evans P, Rudolph V, Golding S & Gilcrease P
(2014) The Importance of Coal Associated Microbes in Coal-To-Methane Consortia
Papendick S, Robbins S, Tyson G, Hamilton S, Golding S & Gilcrease P
(2013) Berea Sandstone Permeability Pre and Post Reaction with Supercritical CO2 in 1% NaCl Brine
Dawson G, Biddle D, Khan C, Jiang X, Golding S & Rudolph V
(2013) Experimental Investigation of CO2-Water-Rock Interactions Under Simulated Fresh-Water Aquifer Conditions
Farquhar S, Dawson G, Pearce J & Golding S
(2013) SO2 and O2 Co-injection with Potential Carbon Storage Target Sandstone from a Fresh-Water Aquifer
Pearce J, Dawson G, Farquhar S & Golding S
(2013) Reaction Path Geochemical Modelling of CO2-SO2-Water-Rock Experiments
Kirste D, Pearce J, Golding S & Frank A
(2013) Crustal Evolution of the Intracontinental Warburton–Cooper–Eromanga Basin System, Central Australia
Middleton A, Uysal T & Golding S
(2013) Future Gas Through Bioconversion of Stranded Coals
Golding S, Hamilton S, Baublys K, Esterle J, Tyson G, Robbins S, Rudolph V, Zheng H, Gilcrease P & Papendick S
(2012) Mineral, Fluid and Gas Interactions Under CO2 Storage Conditions – The Role of SO2, NOX, and O2
Pearce J, Biddle D, Golding S, Rudolph V & Kirste D
(2012) Synchysite: Implications for Titanite Destabilisation and Differential REE, Y and Th Mobility in the Soultz Monzogranite
Middleton A, Foerster H-J, Uysal T & Golding S
(2011) The First Multiple Sulfur Isotope Evidence for a 2.9 Ga Mesoarchean Sulfate Reservoir
Barley M, Golding S, Heggie G & Fiorentini M
(2011) Metasomatic Accessory Phases in High Heat-Producing Felsic Igneous Rocks
Middleton A, Golding S & Uysal T
(2010) Biogenic Methane Potential for Surat Basin, Queensland Coal Seams
Gilcrease P, Papendick S, Downs K, Massarotto P & Golding S
(2009) Natural Analogues for Storage of CO2 in Coal Systems, Gunnedah and Bowen Basins, Australia
Golding SD, Uysal IT, Feng Y-X, Baublys KA & Esterle JS
(2009) Sulfur and Carbon Cycling in the Late Archean Hamersley Basin
Partridge M, Golding S, Baublys K & Young E
(2009) Experimental Supercritical CO2 and Water Interactions with Carboniferous Coal, Germany
Dawson G, Golding S, Bae J-S, Biddle D & Massarotto P
(2007) Experimental CO2 and Water Interactions with Permian Coals of Queensland, Australia
Golding S, Massarotto P, Iyer R, Baublys K & Rudolph V
(2007) Multiple Redox States in the Archean-Proterozoic Hydrosphere
Partridge M, Golding S, Baublys K & Young E
(2006) Multiple sulfur isotope constraints on microbial processes in Archaean seafloor environments
Golding S, Young E, Duck L, Baublys K & Glikson M
(2005) Early Archaean Carbonaceous Material from the Pilbara, Western Australia: Its Nature, Characteristics and Possible Sources
Duck LJ, Glikson M, Golding S & Webb R
(2005) Multiple Sulfur Isotope Evidence for Dual Sulfur Sources in the 3.24<!s><$>Ga Sulphur Springs VHMS Deposit
Golding S & Young E
(2004) Characteristics of Organic Matter in Sediments from the 3.24 Ga Sulphur Springs VHMS Deposit, Western Australia
Duck L, Glikson M, Golding S & Webb R
(2004) Combined 34S/33S/32S, Pb-Isotope and Trace Element Data for a Pyritic Banded-Iron Formation from the 3.71 Ga Isua Greenstone Belt
Young E, Kamber B, Baublys K & Golding S
(2004) Origin of Organic Matter in the 2.5 Ga Mt McRae Shale, Hamersley Basin, Western Australia
Golding S, Glikson M & Glikson A
(2002) Stable Isotope Geochemistry of Impact Related Alteration Phases from the Woodleigh Impact Structure, Western Australia
Golding SD, Uysal IT, Baublys KA, Glikson AY & Mory AJ
(2001) Stable Isotopic Studies and Isotopic Dating of Impact Related Alteration Minerals, Woodleigh Impact Structure, Carnarvon Basin, Western Australia
Golding SD, Uysal IT, Glikson AY, Mory AJ, Baublys KA & Glikson M

Golding Suzanne D. (2022) Geochemical Reaction Path and Reactive Transport Modelling of Laboratory Experiments in CO2 Storage and Mine Site Monitoring
Kirste DM, Volden LM, Pearce JK, Dawson GKW & Golding SD

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