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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Gloaguen R. (2023) New Insights into the Rare Earth Element Mineralization of the Storkwitz Carbonatite, Germany
Loidolt C, Broom-Fendley S, Zimmermann R, Tusa L, Lorenz S, Ebert D & Gloaguen R
(2008) Magma Generation in the Main Ethiopian Rift (MER) and Afar
Kersten F, Pfänder J & Gloaguen R
(2007) Geochemistry of Quaternary Lavas from the Main Ethiopian Rift-Constraints on Continental Breakup and Rifting
Kersten F, Pfänder J & Gloaguen R

Glock N. (2023) Regulation of Hydrothermal Vent Contribution to Ocean Chemistry by Hydrothermally Influenced Sediments, the Rainbow Field Case Study
Steiner Z, Zhang Z, Galley C, Zhou L, Shalev N, Glock N, Chen X-G & Achterberg EP
(2021) Foraminifera Iodine to Calcium Ratios: Approach and Cleaning
Winkelbauer HA, Cordova K, Reyes-Macaya DA, Scott J, Glock N, Chenery S, Hamilton E, Holdship P, Dormon C & Hoogakker B
(2015) Benthic Foraminiferal I/Ca Ratios as Redox Proxy in the Peruvian OMZ: Q-ICP-MS and SIMS Systematics
Glock N, Liebetrau V, Eisenhauer A & Couffignal F

Glockzin M. (2011) Impact of Authigenic Particles on Phosphate and Trace Metal Budgets of Anoxic Basins
Dellwig O, Leipe T, März C, Glockzin M, Häusler K, Moros M, Pollehne F, Schnetger B, Böttcher M & Brumsack H-J

Glodny J. (2023) Geochronological Constraints of the Paleoproterozoic Tectonics of Northern Indian Plate in Northern Pakistan
Sajid M, Wiedenbeck M, Arif M, Glodny J & Ghani H
(2023) What can be Learnt from the G-Chron U-Th-Pb Proficiency Testing Program
Meisel TC, Wiedenbeck M, Webb PC & Glodny J
(2021) Connate Brine Incorporation into the Bushveld Magmas as Evidenced by Hydrogen and Triple Oxygen Isotopes in Phlogopite from the UG2 Chromitite
Zhou H, Trumbull RB, Veksler IV, Bindeman IN, Glodny J, Kaufmann FED & Rammlmair D
(2019) Li and B Isotopic Fingerprint of Archean Subduction
Wang D, Romer RL, Guo J-H & Glodny J
(2019) Sr and Ar Diffusion Systematics in Polygenetic White Micas from Naxos
Villa IM, Glodny J, Ring U, Skelton A & Peillod A
(2018) High-Grade Crustal Melting: Stable and Radiogenic Isotope Disequilibria
Wolf M, Romer RL & Glodny J
(2017) High δ7Li Peridotite Xenoliths from ca. 2.52 Ga High-Mg Diorites: Metasomatism Above an Archean Subduction Zone
Wang D, Romer RL, Guo J & Glodny J
(2016) Field and Experimental Investigations of Li behavior-Implications for Fluid Origin and Fluxes in SZ Forearcs
Kastner M, Solomon E, Romer R & Glodny J
(2015) Blueschists Accretion along the Subduction Interface: Insights from Diego de Almagro Island (Chilean Patagonia)
Hyppolito T, Angiboust S, Juliani C, Calderon M, Garcia-Casco A & Glodny J
(2015) Fluid Transport and Metasomatism along the Subduction Interface: Insights from W. Alps High-Pressure Ophiolites
Angiboust S, Pettke T, De Hoog CJ, Glodny J & Oncken O
(2009) CO2 Sequestration and Extreme Mg Leaching in Serpentinized Peridotite Clasts of the Solund Devonian Basin, SW-Norway
Beinlich A, Austrheim H, Glodny J, Erambert M & Andersen TB
(2007) Exhumation Histories of High-Pressure Rocks: New Insights from Rb-Sr Geochronology
Glodny J
(2007) Petrogenesis of Fayalite Granitoids: New Insights from Metapelitic Xenoliths
Vásquez P, Franz G, Glodny J & Romer R
(2002) Rb/Sr Record of Fluid-Rock Interaction in Eclogites, Bergen Arcs, Norway
Glodny J, Kühn A & Austrheim H
(2000) Dating of Subduction-Related Fluid Mineralizations: Constraints on the Life Span of a Paleozoic Subduction System in the Polar Urals, Russia
Glodny J, Austrheim H & Rusin A

Glodowska M. (2023) Nitrate-Dependent Anaerobic Methane Oxidation (N-Damo) as a Bioremediation Strategy for Waters Affected by Agricultural Runoff
Glodowska M, Legierse A, Struik Q, Smith G, Echeveste Medrano MJ, Jetten M, Veraart AJ & Welte C
(2021) Arsenic Mobilization by Anaerobic Iron-Dependent Methane Oxidation
Kappler A, Glodowska M, Stopelli E, Schneider M, Rathi B, Straub D, Vu D, Pham T, Pham V, Lightfoot AK, Kipfer R, Berg M, Jetten M & Kleindienst S
(2020) Arsenic Mobilization and Retention Mechanisms along an Iron Mineral Dominated Redox Gradient in Delta Sediments of Van Phuc, Vietnam
Schneider M, Stopelli E, Glodowska M, Rathi B, Eiche E, Kontny A, Berg M, Kappler A, Göttlicher J, Winkel L, Bostik B, Nghiem A & Neumann T
(2019) Potential Role of CH4 Oxidation Coupled to Fe(III) Mineral Reduction for As Mobilization in a Groundwater Aquifer in Hanoi, Vietnam
Glodowska M, Stopelli E, Lightfoot A, Schneider M, Rathi B, Berg M, Kleindienst S & Kappler A
(2019) Hydrochemical Investigations on Arsenic (Im)mobilisation in Groundwater: Example of Van Phuc, Vietnam
Stopelli E, Vu Thi D, Lightfoot A, Schneider M, Glodowska M, Rathi B, Trang PK, Viet PH, Winkel L & Berg M
(2019) Iron Mineralogy along Redox Gradients in an Arsenic Contaminated Aquifer in Van Phuc, Vietnam
Schneider M, Glodowska M, Stopelli E, Lightfoot A, Rathi B, Eiche E, Kontny A, Berg M, Winkel L, Kappler A, Viet P & Neumann T
(2018) Interdisciplinary Approach to Understand As Mobilization in the Groundwater of Hanoi, Vietnam
Glodowska M, Stopelli E, Lightfoot A, Schneider M, Patzner M, Kipfer R, Winkel L, Berg M, Cirpka O, Eiche E, Kontny A, Neumann T, Rathi B, Prommer H, Pham Hung V, Vu D, Vi Mai L, Pham T, Kleindienst S & Kappler A
(2018) Microbial Arsenic Mobilization in Groundwater Aquifers of the Red River Delta, Vietnam
Patzner MS, Glodowska M, Stopelli E, Lightfoot A, Schneider M, Kipfler R, Winkel L, Cirpka O, Eiche E, Kontny A, Neumann T, Rhati B, Pommer H, Vu D, Tran M, Thrang P, Viet PH, Berg M, Kleindienst S & Kappler A

Gloe K. (2010) Uptake and Biotransformation of Gold Nanoparticles by a Freshwater Bivalve
Hull M, Chaurand P, Rose J, Jones J, Gloe K & Vikesland P

Gloire B.S. (2022) The Role of Intrusion in the Metallogeny of Tin-Tantalium Ore Deposits of Congolese Kibaran Belt, Case of Kalehe and Masisi teritories/DRC
Kavyavu WK, Gloire BS, Divine KM & Govind RG

Glombitza C. (2023) Investigating Controls on H2 Availability in Groundwaters during Active Serpentinization in the Samail Ophiolite
Templeton AS, Ellison ET, Nothaft DB, Boyd E, Colman D, Fones E, Spear J, Hoehler T, Kubo M & Glombitza C
(2023) Isotope Signatures of Siderites Spanning 1 Ma of Depositional Historyin Ferruginous Lake Towuti
Vuillemin A, Friese A, Mayr C, von Blanckenburg F, Heuer V, Glombitza C, Bauer KW, Crowe SA, Henny C, Vogel H, Russell JM & Kallmeyer J
(2022) Sulfur Biomineralization of Peridotites Undergoing Low-Temperature Serpentinization
Templeton AS, Ellison ET, Glombitza C, Hoehler T, Rempfert K, Caro T, Kashyap S, Sepulveda J & Boyd E
(2021) Controls on Carbohydrate Compositions and Pool Sizes in Quaternary Sediments of Lake Cadagno
Gajendra N, Berg JS, Schubert CJ, Glombitza C & Lever MA
(2018) Microbial Sulfate Reduction Rates in Fluids from Low Temperature Serpentinizing Mantle Rocks
Glombitza C, Kubo M, Rempfert K, Templeton A & Hoehler T
(2017) Systematics and Energetics of Volatile Fatty Acids in Baltic Sea Sediments
Glombitza C, Egger M, Røy H & Jørgensen B
(2017) Through the Looking Glass: The Controls of Volatile Fatty Acid Oxidation by Sulfate Reducers in Marine Sediments
Marietou A, Glombitza C & Jørgensen BB
(2016) Volatile Fatty Acids, Key Intermediates for Microbial Metabolism in Subsurface Sediments – Generation and Fate
Glombitza C, Røy H, Mangelsdorf K, Horsfield B & Jørgensen BB
(2011) Sulfate Reduction and Microbial Abundance in Saline, Alkaline Lake Van (Turkey)
Glombitza C & Kallmeyer J
(2011) Effects of Non-Supercritical CO2 on Leaching of Potential Microbial Substrates from Macromolecular Organic Matter
Sauer P, Glombitza C & Kallmeyer J

Glommé A. (2019) Sr-Isotope Compositions and Trace Element Concentrations in Plagioclase from the 0.92 Ga Sveconorwegian Hakafjorden Complex in SW Sweden – Implication for the Origin of Massif-Type Anorthosite
Scherstén A, Barrett A, Glommé A, Kullberg S & Lahaye Y

Glorie S. (2023) In situ Rb–Sr Dating of Micas: The Devil is in the Details
Lloyd JC, Gilbert S, Glorie S, Hand M & Spandler C
(2023) New Developments in Laser Ablation Lu-Hf Geochronology
Glorie S, Simpson A, Gilbert S, Hand M, Mulder J & Müller A
(2023) In situ Triple Dating (Rb-Sr, Lu-Hf, U-Pb) of Carbonate-Hosted Glauconite and Bioapatite from the Middle Cambrian Georgina Basin, Australia
Shao Z, Farkas J, Collins AS, Glorie S, Subarkah D, Gilbert S, Löhr S, Verdel C, Zivak D & Spandler C
(2023) AusGeochem: An Open-Access Platform for Geospatial Interrogation of Thermochronology Big Data Through Deep Time
Boone S, Kohlmann F, Noble W, Theile M, Beucher R, Kohn B, Glorie S, Danisik M, Zhou R, McMillan M, Nixon A, Zahirovic S, Müller RD & McInnes BIA
(2023) Laser Ablation Lu-Hf Geochronology of Mafic Igneous Apatite and Detrital Apatite
Kharkongor MBK, Glorie S, Mulder JA, Kirkland CL, Chew DM & Kohn B
(2023) Using Detrital Garnet Lu-Hf Geochronology to Study Subglacial Antarctica from Australian Shorelines
Verhaert S, Glorie S, Hand M, Milnes AR, Mulder JA & Halpin JA
(2023) In situ Lu–Hf Geochronology of Garnet by LA–ICP–MS/MS and Applications to Metamorphic Rocks
Tamblyn R, Simpson A, Gilbert S, Hand M, Glorie S & Wade B
(2022) In situ Lu-Hf Geochronology of Carbonates
Simpson A, Glorie S, Hand M, Spandler C, Gilbert S & Cave B
(2021) In situ Lu-Hf and Pu Fission Track Dating of Pallasite Meteorites
Burke T, Glorie S, Hand M, Simpson A, Gilbert S & Wade B
(2021) Mesoproterozoic High-Grade Metamorphism of Laurentian Crust Recorded in the Subducted Crustal Rocks of Western Tasmania: Decoding an Obscured Polymetamorphic Record Using Garnet Laser Ablation ICP–MS/MS Lu–Hf Geochronology
Brown DA, Simpson A, Hand M, Morrissey LJ, Gilbert S, Tamblyn R & Glorie S
(2021) Detrital Apatite Lu-Hf and U-Pb Geochronology
Glorie S, Simpson A, Gillespie J, Hand M, Gilbert S & Kirkland C
(2021) In situ Lu – Hf Geochronology of Garnet, Apatite, and Xenotime by LA ICP MS/MS
Simpson A, Gilbert S, Tamblyn R, Hand M, Spandler C, Gillespie J, Nixon A & Glorie S
(2019) Removal of Hg Interferences for Common Pb Correction When Dating Minerals by LA-ICP-MS/MS
Gilbert S, Wade B, Glorie S & Bockmann M
(2017) Does Uranium Influence Fission Track Annealing in Apatite?
Glorie S, Gillespie J, Jepson G & Fernie N
(2017) Strategies Towards Interpretation of in situ Detrital Apatite U-Pb Data
Gillespie J, Glorie S & Jepson G
(2017) Formation and Reactivation of the Pamir-Tian Shan Suture: Insights from Apatite Triple Dating
Jepson G, Glorie S, Konopelko D, Gillespie J, Danisik M, Evans N & Collins A
(2015) Deciphering Central Asia`s Exhumation History Using Apatite, Titanite and Zircon Fission Track and U-Th-Sm/He Thermochronology
Glorie S & De Grave J

Glorieux J. (2023) Crushed Basalt Application to a Tropical Soil Alters its Properties: A Modelling Study Using Crunchflow
Glorieux J & Delmelle P

Glossner A. (2012) Sulfate Reduction and Methanogenesis in Coal Microcosms
Glossner A, Gallagher L, Landkamer L, Figueroa L, Munakata-Marr J & Mandernack K
(2010) Microbial Methanogenesis from a Consortium Enriched from the Powder River Basin, WY
Glossner A, Gallagher L, Landkamer L, Figueroa L, Munakata-Marr J & Mandernack K

Glotch Tim (2017) X-Ray Fluorescence Imaging and Spectroscopy with Sub-µm and Sub-100nm Spatial Resolution for Mineralogy and Geochemistry
Thieme J, Williams G, Chen-Wiegart Y-C, Bowerman B, Hurowitz J, Glotch T, Legett C, Schoonen M & Coates J

Glotch Timothy (2018) Multimodal Imaging of a Banded Iron Formation Sample
Schoonen M, Thieme J, Northrup P, Jaret S, McKeeby B, Glotch T, Young J, Yesiltas M & Ohmoto H
(2008) Analysis of Chloride Salt Deposits on Mars
Glotch T, Osterloo M, Hamilton V, Bandfield J, Baldridge A, Christensen P, Tornabene L, Anderson FS, Che C & Seelos F

Glotch Timothy D (2023) Uranium Detection in Phosphate Rocks by Laboratory Spectroscopy, Toward the Remote Sensing of Non-Traditional Uranium Deposits
Friedlander LR, Berman A, Ganor J, Blumberg DG, Rucks M, Varatharajan I, Glotch TD & Schoonen MA

Glotch Timothy D. (2023) Remote Detection of a Lunar Granitic Batholith at Compton-Belkovich
Siegler MA, Feng J, Lehman Franco K, Andrews-Hanna J, Economos R, St. Clair M, Million C, Head J, Glotch TD & White M
(2021) Understanding the Space Weathering of Returned Samples Through Coordinated Analysis of Experimental Analogs
Thompson MS, Laczniak DL, Loeffler MJ, Dukes CA, Clemett SJ, Morris RV, Glotch TD, Christoffersen R & Keller LP

Gloter A (2004) Biologically Induced Nanomineralization: Specific Biosignatures of Biogeochemical Relevance?
Guyot F, Benzerara K, Gloter A, Menguy N & Skouri-Panet F

Gloter Alexandre (2017) An Experimental Approach of Asteroidal Water-Rock Interactions: Mineral Formation in a Fe, Si-Rich System Under Anoxygenic Conditions
Elmaleh A, Caste F, Menguy N, Bourdelle F, Gloter A, Lloret E, Belkhou R & Brest J
(2017) Kinetics and Mechanisms of Ni Sorption by Nanocrystalline Vernadite
Grangeon S, Fernandez-Martinez A, Claret F, Marty N, Tournassat C, Warmont F & Gloter A

Glotov A.I. (2002) Permian-Triassic Komatiites and their Os Isotopic Characteristics in Northern Vietnam
Hanski E, Walker RJ, Polyakov GV, Glotov AI, Balykin PA & Hoa TT

Glotzbach C. (2007) Topographic Threshold Values for the Interpretation of Low-Temperature Thermochronology
Glotzbach C, Spiegel C, Reinecker J, Rahn M & Frisch W

Glovack J. (2006) Nanoporous Transition Metal Phosphate Materials for Sequestration of Redox Sensitive Contaminants
Wellman D, Mattigod S, Fryxell G, Clayton L, Glovack J & Parker K

Glover A. (2011) Subsurface Biogeochemistry of Hydrothermal Flow at the Hook Ridge, Bransfield Strait
Hepburn L, Mills R, Aquilina A, Copley J, Glover A & Tyler P
(2000) Assessment of Constraints to Bioremediation in Contaminated Sites
Jones A, Fenwick C, Glover AL, Henkler RD & Mason JR

Glover C. (2018) Divalent Germanium: Stable at Low Oxygen Fugacity and Highly Incompatible in Olivine
Mare E, O'Neill H, Berry A & Glover C
(2012) Fe(II)-mediated Reduction of Cr(VI) and U(VI) in the Presence of Fe(III) Oxyhydroxides
Boland D, Collins R, Glover C, Payne T & Waite D
(2011) Kinetics of Coupled Fe(II)-Catalysed Ferrihydrite Transformation and U(VI) Reduction
Boland D, Collins R, Glover C, Payne T & Waite D
(2011) Ferric Iron Geometry and Coordination during Hydrolysis and Ferrihydrite Precipitation
Collins R, Rose A, Glover C, Boland D, Payne T & Waite D

Glud A. (2021) Potential of Sinking Zooplankton Carcasses for Organic Matter Export to Fuel Deep-Sea Life
Franco-Cisterna B, Stief P, Glud A, Rudra A, Sanei H, Winding MS, Nielsen TG & Glud RN
(2020) Early Diagenesis of Organic Material in Hadal Trenches
Glud RN, Thamdrup B, Zabel M, Larsen M, Glud A, Sanei H, Yunping X, Lou M, Li X, Oguri K, Jamieson A, Stewart HA, Rowden A, Fang J & Wenzhoefer F

Glud Ronnie (2020) Pore Water Conditions Drive Calcium Carbonate Dissolution in Reef Sands
Kessler A, Rogers A, Cyronak T, Bourke M, Hasler-Sheetal H, Glud R, Greening C, Meysman F, Eyre B & Cook P
(2019) Response of Surface-Derived Marine Microorganisms to High Hydrostatic Pressure: “Marine Snow” Experiments in Rotating Pressure Tanks
Stief P, Larsen M & Glud R
(2018) Cable Bacteria Enhance Iron Driven Dissimilatory Nitrate Reduction to Ammoium in Estuarine Sediments
Cook P, Kessler A, Glud R & Meysman F

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