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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Gihring Thomas (2010) In situ Biostimulation of U(VI) Reduction and Immobilization Using Emulsified Vegetable Oil
Wu W, Watson D, Mehlhorn T, Earles J, Boyanov M, Gihring T, Schadt C, Lowe K, Phillips J, Kemner K, Spalding B, Criddle C, Jardine P & Brooks S
(2010) Changes in Microbial Community Structure and Activity during Amendment with Long-Term Electron Donor Sources for Bioreduction of Groundwater Contaminants
Gihring T, Schadt C, Zhang G, Yang Z, Carroll S, Lowe K, Mehlhorn T, Jardine P, Watson D, Brooks S, Wu W, Kostka J, Overholt W, Green S, Zhou J, Zhang P & Von Nostrand J

Gikas P. (2009) A Comparison of Approaches to Model Thermodynamics and Maintenance Energy Requirements of Microbial Metabolism
Sengor SS, Brugato CJ, Gikas P, Fletcher M & Ginn TR

Gil C. (2011) Why do Earthworms Synthesize ACC?
Diz P, Gil C, Mendez J, Iglesias-Briones MJ & Gago-Duport L

Gil D. (2014) Supersaturation-Independent Clusters: A Scaffold for Nucleation and Growth of Crystals
Sleutel M, Gil D, Maes D & Van Driessche AES

Gil G. (2020) Origin of Talc Deposits in the Góry Sowie Massif (SW Poland)
Gil G, Borowski M & Ilnicki S
(2019) Metasomatism of Nephrites Hosted in Serpentinites and Marbles (Sudetes, Poland): Insights into Source and Transfer of Fe, Mg, Ca, Cl and O
Gil G, Bagiński B & Barnes JD

Gil P.P. (2009) Evidence for Mobilization and Recycling of Boron in the Continental Crust of the Central Iberian Zone (Spain)
Pesquera A, Roda-Robles E, Gil PP & Torres-Ruiz J

Gil Ibarguchi J.I. (2021) Pushing the Limits: U-Pb Dating of Garnet by LA-MC-ICPMS at Sub-Ng/G U Levels
Beranoaguirre A, Millonig LJ, Shu Q, Albert R, Marschall H, Gil Ibarguchi JI & Gerdes A
(2013) Characterization of Complex Fe-Mn Phosphates by LA-ICP-MS Methods
García de Madinabeitia S, Roda-Robles E, Pesquera A, Sánchez ME & Gil Ibarguchi JI

Gil Lozano C. (2013) Kinetic of H2O2 Generation and Decay during Pyrite Water Reactions
Gil Lozano C, Fernandez-Dávila A, Losa Adams E, Gonzalez Fairen A & Gago-Duport L
(2013) Basalt Weathering on Mars: Insights from Li-Isotope Fractionation Models
Losa Adams E, Gil Lozano C, Diz P, Gago Duport L, Fernandez.Dávila A & Gonzalez Fairen A
(2013) Abiotic O2 Availability on an Early Alkaline Ocean Through Halogen-Induced Superoxide Species
Gago-Duport L, Fernandez Bastero S, Gil Lozano C, Losa-Adams E, Fernandez.Dávila A & Gonzalez Fairen A
(2011) Kinetics of Free Radical Formation at Mineral-Water Interfaces
Gil Lozano C, Fernández Davila A, González Fairén A & Gago Duport L

Gil-Crespo P-P. (2013) Trace-Elements Distribution in Tourmaline, Micas and K-Feldspar from the Berry-Havey Pegmatite (Maine, USA): Implications for the Pegmatitic Evolution
Roda-Robles E, Simmons W, Pesquera A, Gil-Crespo P-P, Nizamoff J & Torres-Ruíz J
(2013) Evolution of AFM Mineral Assemblages in the Jálama Granitic Pluton
Gil-Crespo P-P, Torres-Ruíz J, Pesquera A & Roda-Robles E
(2013) Tourmaline Breakdown in High-Grade Metamorphic Rocks from the Alamo Complex (Central Iberian Zone, Spain): Implications for Evolution of Boron during Crustal Anatexis
Pesquera A, Torres-Ruíz J, Gil-Crespo P-P & Roda-Robles E

Gil-Diaz T. (2023) Preliminary Gaussian Process Regression to Identify the Impact of Anthropogenic Releases in Aquatic Systems: Case Study of Sb in the Garonne River
Gil-Díaz T & Trumm M
(2023) Single Cell ICP-MS to Study the Uptake Mechanism of Ce, Cd and U in Streptomyces Coelicolor
Hellmann S, Merten D, Gil-Díaz T, Schäfer T & Montes-Bayón M
(2022) Tin and Organo-Tin Species along the Gironde Fluvial-Estuarine Continuum: Spatial Distribution and Solid/Liquid Partitioning during Two Contrasting Hydrological Conditions
Pougnet F, Gil-Díaz T, Dutruch L, Schäfer J, Blanc G & Coynel A
(2021) Benchmarking of a General Speciation Code for Charge Regulated Solid-Liquid Interfaces Interacting on the Nanoscale
Gil-Díaz T, Jara-Heredia D, Heberling F, Luetzenkirchen J, Link J, Sowoidnich T, Ludwig H-M, Haist M & Schäfer T
(2021) Surface Complexation Models for Heterogeneous and Uneven Surfaces – The Charge Regulation Concept Applied to Simple 2D Geometries
Heberling F, Gil-Díaz T & Luetzenkirchen J
(2017) Tellurium Environmental Behaviour at the Continent-Ocean Interface: Preliminary Scenarios for Hypothetical Radionuclide Releases
Gil-Diaz T, Keller V, Schäfer J, Eiche E, Mößner C, Pougnet F, Dutruch L, Bossy C, Derriennic H, Coynel A & Blanc G
(2017) Platinum Bioaccumulation Kinetics in Marine Bivalve (Oyster Crassostrea gigas) – A Potential Sentinel Species for TCEs
Abdou M, Schafer J, Dutruch L, Bossy C, Zaldibar B, Medrano R, Izagirre U, Catrouillet C, Hu R, Coynel A, Gil-Diaz T, Lerat A, Blanc G & Soto M

Gil-Lozano C. (2023) Characterizing Organic-Phyllosilicate Samples with Raman Spectroscopy: Hints for Planetary Exploration
Gil-Lozano C, Muñoz-Iglesias V & Gago Duport LC
(2023) Chemical Gardens as Laboratory Analogs to Clay Minerals Formation on Early Mars
Gago Duport LC, Gil-Lozano C, Losa-Adams E, Muñoz-Iglesias V & Fernandez-Bastero S
(2021) Understanding the Formation of Carbonates on Mars: Experimental Approach
Gil-Lozano C, Baron F, Gaudin A, Lorand J-P, Fernandez V, Hamon J & Mangold N

Gilabert E. (2021) Xenon High Pressure Crystal-Chemistry, Partitioning, and Isotopic Fractionation: What Does that Tell us About Atmosphere Formation on Earth and Mars
Sanloup C, Chen Q, Rzeplinski I, Bureau H, Horlait D, Shen G, Farla R, Gilabert E & Glazyrin K
(2021) Xenon Isotopic Fractionation, an Experimental Petrology Study
Rzeplinski I, Sanloup C, Horlait D & Gilabert E
(2010) Development of a New Facility for Dating Old Groundwaters and Ice Cores Based on 81Kr Measurement
Lavielle B, Gilabert E & Thomas B
(2009) Development of a New Facility for Dating Old Groundwaters and Ice Cores Based on 81Kr Measurement
Lavielle B, Gilabert E, Thomas B & Lavastre V
(2006) New RIS-TOF facility for measuring very small Kr and Xe gas samples
Lavielle B, Gilabert E, Thomas B & Lavastre V

Gilabert J. (2011) Ecological Impact of Submarine Groundwater Discharge in a Mediterranean Lagoon: Correlations between Radon, Radium and Nitrate in the Mar Menor, Murcia, Spain
Claude C, Baudron P, Mayer A, Gilabert J, Martinez-Vincente D, Radakovitch O, Leduc C, Garcia-Arostegui J-L & Cabezas-Calvo-Rubio F

Gilardoni S. (2013) Regional Scale OA Oxidation Observed over the Po Valley Basin (Italy), at Mt. Cimone (2165 M Asl)
Rinaldi M, Gilardoni S, Decesari S, Fuzzi S, Cristofanelli P, Bonasoni P, Ferrari S, Poluzzi V & Facchini MC
(2013) Properties and Processing of Organic Aerosol in the Po Valley
Gilardoni S, Rinaldi M, Paglione M, Decesari S, Poulain L, Carbone S, Hilamo R, Russell L, Massoli P, Poluzzi V & Facchini C

Gilbert Adrien (2023) 200 Years of NH3 Inventory in Europe Inferred from 15N of NH4+ in Mont-Blanc Ice Core with Unexpected Recent Combustion-Related Emissions
Lamothe A, Akers P, Ginot P, Albertin S, Caillon N, Eichler A, Gilbert A & Savarino J

Gilbert Alexis (2023) Hydrocarbon Cycling in Tokamachi Mud Volcano, Niigata, Japan
Jajalla MAB, Gilbert A, Nakagawa M, Zhang N, Li-Hau F & Ueno Y
(2023) Strong 13C Depletion Induced by Solar UV Photolysis of CO2 and its Implication for Early Mars
Ueno Y, Johnson MS, Schmidt JA, Gilbert A, Kurokawa H, Usui T & Zang X
(2023) Intra-Molecular Isotope Analysis of Acetate in a Serpentinite-Hosted Hydrothermal System
Wakabayashi H, Taguchi K, Gilbert A & Ueno Y
(2022) Methane Clumped Isotope Signatures and Microbial Activity: A Case Study from Two Mud Volcanos in Central Japan
Zhang N, Gilbert A, Nakagawa M, Taguchi K & Yamada K
(2021) Low 13C-13C Clumping on Abiotic Hydrocarbons
Taguchi K, Gilbert A & Ueno Y
(2021) Application of Fluorination Method to Isotopologue Biogeochemistry
Ueno Y, Katsuta T, Taguchi K, Nakagawa M, Yoshida N & Gilbert A
(2021) Doubly Substituted Isotopologues of Methane Hydrate (13CH3D and 12CH2D2): Implication for Sources and History
Zhang N, Sekine Y, Nakagawa M, Snyder G, Lin M, Gilbert A, Yoshida N & Matsumoto R
(2020) Abundance of 13C-13C Bonding in Biotic and Abiotic Ethane Measured by a New C2F6 Method
Taguchi K, Yamamoto T, Nakagawa M, Gilbert A & Ueno Y
(2018) Position-Specific Isotope Composition of Natural Gas Hydrocarbons: Recent Insights and Future Prospects
Gilbert A, Julien M, Yoshida N & Ueno Y
(2018) Determination of Intramolecular 13C Isotopic Composition of i- and N-Butane from Natural Gas Samples
Julien M, Goldman M, Yoshida N & Gilbert A
(2017) Position-Specific 13C Isotope Analysis of Propane from Southwest Ontario
Gilbert A, Sherwood Lollar B, Giunta T, Yamada K, Yoshida N & Ueno Y
(2016) Measurement of Stable Carbon Isotopic Composition of Breath and Urinary Acetone
Yamada K, Gilbert A, Ohishi K, Akasaka M, Mineta Y, Tajima H, Kawakami N, Yoshimura R & Yoshida N
(2016) Intramolecular Carbon Isotope Signature of Thermogenic and Abiotic Hydrocarbons
Gilbert A, Suda K, Yamada K, Ueno Y & Yoshida N
(2016) Molecular and Intramolecular 13C Isotopic Study of Hydrocarbons in Serpentinite-Hosted Spring, Japan
Suda K, Gilbert A, Yoshida N & Ueno Y
(2016) Constrains of Abiotic Thioester's Chemistries in Origins of Life
Chandru K, Gilbert A, Butch C, Aono M & Cleaves H
(2015) Position-Specific 13C Isotope Composition of Non-Methane Hydrocarbons
Gilbert A, Suda K, Yamada K, Ueno Y & Yoshida N
(2015) Isotopic Study of Hydrocarbons from on-Land Serpentinite-Hosted Hot Spring in Hakuba Happo, Japan
Suda K, Gilbert A & Ueno Y
(2014) Origin of Hydrocarbons in Continental Serpentinite-Hosted Hakuba Happo Hot Spring
Suda K, Ueno Y, Gilbert A, Yoshida N & Maruyama S
(2011) Measurement of Intramolecular Carbon Isotopic Distribution of Acetaldehyde Emitted from Plant Leaves
Li N, Yamada K, Hattori R, Shibata H, Gilbert A & Yoshida N

Gilbert B. (2023) Mineral Dissolution Controls the Rate of Methanogenesis by Hydrogenotrophic Microbial Communities Utilizing Carbonates
Qi Y, Borglin S, Li L, Dong W, Schichnes D, Lisabeth H, Bill M & Gilbert B
(2023) Understanding Water Chemistry in a Submicron Scale Environment with Quantum Sensing
Hao Z, Ocker H, Anand N, Druga E, Ajoy A & Gilbert B
(2023) Radiogenic Strontium Isotope Ratios Tracing Nutrient from Fractured Shale to Sagebrush
Li L, Christensen JN, Hao Z & Gilbert B
(2022) Rapid Prediction of Liquid Properties from Molecular Dynamics Simulations Using Deep Learning
Li C, Farrell S, Gilbert B & Zarzycki P
(2022) Molecular Dynamics and Kinetic Modeling of Rough Calcite Surface Dissolution
Zarzycki P, Li C & Gilbert B
(2022) Controlling Role of Water Table Fluctuations and Lateral Flow on Shale Weathering in a Mountainous Watershed: Implications for Hydrogeochemical Export and Nitrogen Cycling
Stolze L, Dwivedi D, Steefel C, Gilbert B & Arora B
(2022) Thorium in River Water Reveals Bedrock Fracture Processes Triggered by Distant Seismic Events
Gilbert B, Carrero S, Dong W, Joe-Wong C, Arora B, Fox PM, Nico PS & Williams KH
(2022) River Corridor Processes Across Scales in the East River of Colorado
Nico PS, Dwivedi D, Fox PM, Newcomer ME, Christensen JN, Arora B, Anderson C, Newman AW, Beutler C, Carroll RWH, Carrero S, Gilbert B, Williams KH, Faybishenko B & Dewey C
(2021) Reduction of Selenate in Contact with Pyrite [100]: A DFT ab Initio Study
Ramothe V, Simonnin P, Gilbert B, Rosso K & Charlet L
(2021) Solvation Structure and Thermodynamics of Oxyanions from Dielectric Relaxation Spectroscopy and Molecular Simulation
Gilbert B, Zarzycki P & Colla C
(2021) Development and 4D Visualization of Pressure-Solution Rock Fabrics at Lab-Compatible Timescale Using a Calcite Structural Analogue: Understanding the Role of the Microstructure and Grain Contacts
Voltolini M & Gilbert B
(2021) Deep Neural Network-Based Surrogates for Surface Complexation Models of Oxide/Electrolyte Interfaces
Li C, Farrell S, Gilbert B & Zarzycki P
(2020) Redox Controls on Trace Element Mobility during Shale Weathering from Microscale Analyses
Carrero S, Arora B, Slotznick S, Wan J, Steefel C, Banfield J & Gilbert B
(2020) A Hillslope Scale Model for Quantifying Fluxes of Weathered Elements in a Mountainous Headwater Catchment
Arora B, Carrero S, Steefel C & Gilbert B
(2020) Molecular Interactions Behind Carbonate Compaction
Zarzycki P, Pride S & Gilbert B
(2019) Molecular Simulation of the Solid-State Transport Properties of Silver Sulfide Towards Smart Passivation Strategies for Silver Nanowires in the Environment
Simonnin P, Charlet L, Gilbert B & Rosso K
(2019) Redox Barriers in Deep Geological Disposal Sites
Laurent C, Ma B, fernandez Martinez A, Wang K, Chakraborty S, Gilbert B & Made B
(2019) Clay Minerals Under the Microscope
Whittaker ML, Lammers LN, Comolli L, Gilbert B & Banfield JF
(2019) Trace Metals are Retained during the Circumneutral Weathering of Pyritic Shale
Carrero S, Sharrar A, Slotznick S, Swanson-Hysell N, Banfield J & Gilbert B
(2019) Effect of Mineral Confinement on Water Dielectric Response in Concentrated Electrolyte Solutions
Zarzycki P, Colla C, Prus M & Gilbert B
(2019) Dielectric Spectroscopy of Water and Ions in Clay Interlayer Nanopores from Experiments and Molecular Dynamics Simulation
Bourg I, Dazas B & Gilbert B
(2018) Molecular Characterization of the Hydrated Pyrite (001) Surface by Ambient Pressure XPS
Carrero S, Bluhm H, Whittaker M & Gilbert B
(2018) Dielectric Relaxation and Static Dielectric Constant of Confined Aqueous Solutions
Dazas B, Gilbert B, Zarzycki P & Bourg I
(2018) Molecular Structure of Interlayer Water Governs Dispersion Force Adhesion of Clay Particles
Zarzycki P & Gilbert B
(2017) Thermodynamics of Molybdate Binding to Tannic and Humic Acid
Gilbert B, Thalhammer K, Colla C & Casey B
(2017) Genome-Resolved Metagenomics as a Foundation for Understanding of Biogeochemistry
Banfield J, Anantharaman K, Andeer P, Arbour T, Brown C, Burstein D, Castelle C, Diamond S, Fakra S, Firestone M, Gilbert B, Kantor R, Lavi A, Matheus Carnevali P, Northen T, Probst A, Starr E, Thomas B, Warren L & Williams K
(2017) Photoreduction of Mn(IV) as a Mechanism of Mn(III) Accumulation in δ-MnO2: Implications for Mineral Reactivity
Marafatto FF, Schwartzberg A, Gilbert B & Pena J
(2016) Broadband Dielectric Spectroscopy Study of Smectites, Collation of Simulations and Experiments
Dazas B, Gilbert B & Bourg I
(2016) DOM Complexation of Fe(II) and its Effect on Fe(II) Stability Under Oxic Conditions
Borch T, Daugherty E, Nico P & Gilbert B
(2016) Calorimetric Study of Binding Interactions between Metal Ions and Natural Organic Matter
Kim E-J & Gilbert B
(2016) PH-dependent Photoreduction of δ-MnO2
Marafatto FF, Schwartzberg A, Gilbert B & Peña J
(2015) Photoreduction of δ-MnO2 Nanosheets
Pena J, Marafatto F, Strader M, Gonzalez-Holguera J, Scwartzberg A & Gilbert B
(2015) Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy of Organic Molecules on Magnetite (Fe3O4) Nanoparticles
Lee N, Shuck PJ, Nico P & Gilbert B
(2015) Physicochemical Controls on the Photoreduction of δ-MnO2
Marafatto FF, Schwartzberg A, Gilbert B & Peña J
(2015) High-Resolution Cryo-Transmission Electron Microscopy of Smectite
Banfield J, Comolli L & Gilbert B
(2015) Long-Range Dynamical Correlations Restrict Water Transport in Smectite Interlayers
Zarzycki P & Gilbert B
(2014) Protonated Nanoparticle Models of 6-Line Ferrihydrite
Gilbert B, Penn L, Spagnoli D & Waychunas G
(2014) Quantitative Model for β-FeOOH Nucleation and Growth Determined Using Small Angle X-Ray Scattering
Legg BA, Zhu M, Gilbert B & Banfield JF
(2014) Fumarate Photoreduction by Zinc Sulfide Nanoparticles: Ultrafast Studies of Prebiotic Photochemistry
Mangiante D, Gilbert B, Schaller R & Banfield J
(2014) Coordination and Redox Chemistry of Aqueous Fe(II) and Dissolved Organic Matter
Daugherty E, Gilbert B, Nico P & Borch T
(2014) Characterization, Transformation, and Mobilization of Sediment-Associated Natural Organic Matter in Subsurface Sediments
Fox P, Tinnacher R, Nico P, Gilbert B & Davis J
(2013) Ultrafast Pump-Probe Studies of Geochemical Reactions
Gilbert B
(2013) A Disordered Whole-Nanoparticle Model for 6-Line Ferrihydrite
Gilbert B, Erbs J, Penn RL, Spagnoli D, Petkov V & Waychunas G
(2012) The Possible Role of Crystal Conduction and Inter-Particle Electron Transfer in Fe-Oxide Phase Transformation and Growth
Dideriksen K, Gilbert B, Frandsen C, Zhu M, Stipp SLS & Banfield JF
(2012) Early-Stage Phase Transformation and Growth of Iron Oxyhydroxides during Neutralization of Simulated Acid Mine Drainage
Zhu M, Legg B, Zhang H, Gilbert B, Ren Y, Banfield J & Waychunas G
(2012) Structural and Chemical Studies of the Pyrite (001) Surface
Gilbert B, Eng P, Singer D, Banfield J & Waychunas G
(2011) Reactive Fe(II) and Electron Exchange Dynamics in Iron Oxides
Rosso K, Zarzycki P, Pearce C, Katz J, Gilbert B, Handler R, Scherer M & Meakin P
(2010) A Perspective on Nanominerals and their Roles in Microbial Ecosystesms
Banfield J, Zhang H, Gilbert B, Williams K, Singer S & Waychunas G
(2010) Reactivity of Ferrihydrite
Erbs JJ, Berquø T, Banerjee SK, Lowry GV, Reinsch BC, Gilbert B & Penn RL
(2010) Observing Iron Redox Dynamics at the Nanosecond Scale with Time-Resolved X-Ray Spectroscopy
Gilbert B, Katz J, Zhang H, Banfield J, Falcone R & Waychunas G
(2008) Effects of Nanoparticle Aggregation on Metal Sorption, Desorption, and Speciation
Kim C, Dale J, Stegemeier J, Lentini C, Reinsch B & Gilbert B
(2008) The Structure of Water Around Iron Oxide Mineral Nanoparticles
Spagnoli D, Banfield JF, Waychunas GA & Gilbert B
(2008) Siderophores Catalyze the Oxidation of Commercial Pb to Nano-Sized Lead (Hydr)oxides Stable in Water at pH 5 and 25℃
Cornejo-Garrido H, Guzman J, Alonso-Gomez A, Fernandez-Lomelin P, Trejo M, Hao Z, Lapidus-Lavine G, Gilbert B & Cervini-Silva J
(2007) Stability of Nanoparticles in the Presence of Biological Material and their Toxicity
Cervini-Silva J, Fernandez P, Gilbert B, Hernandez M, Guzman J & Chavira E
(2007) Influence of Nanoscale Iron Oxyhydroxide Growth on Metal Sorption / Desorption Mechanisms
Lentini C, Reinsch B, Gilbert B & Kim C
(2007) Surface and Electronic Structure Effects on Interfacial Charge Transfer at Iron Oxide Nanoparticle Surfaces
Gilbert B
(2006) Kinetics of water induced structual transformation in ZnS nanoparticles
Goodell C, Gilbert B, Wiegand S, Zhang H & Banfield J
(2006) Nanoparticle structure, surface structure and crystal chemistry
Waychunas G, Kim C, Gilbert B, Zhang H & Banfield J
(2006) Submicron-Scale Isotopic Variations Within Biogenic ZnS Record the Mechanism and Kinetics of Extracellular Metal-Sulfide Biomineralization
Moreau J, Weber P, Martin M, Webb R, Gilbert B, Hutcheon I & Banfield J
(2005) A Molecular Approach Towards Understanding the Biogenic Formation of CeO<->2<$> And its Interactions with Biomolecules
Cervini-Silva J, Gilbert B, Fakra S & Banfield J
(2004) Interface Interactions in Nanoparticle Aggregates
Huang F, Gilbert B, Zhang H, Finnegan M, Rustad J, Kim C, Waychunas G & Banfield J
(2003) Nanoparticles: Size-Structure-Reactivity Interrelationships
Banfield J, Huang F, Gilbert B, Zhang H, Moreau J & Waychunas G

Gilbert D. (2013) Temporal Evolution of the Oxygen Depletion in the Bottom Water of the Lower St. Lawrence Estuary: From 1930 to 2100
Lefort S, Dadou I, Gilbert D, Bopp L, Mucci A, Gratton Y & Resplandy L
(2012) The Lower St. Lawrence Estuary: A Suitable Analogue for OMZs?
Lefort S, Gratton Y, Mucci A, Gilbert D & Dadou I
(2012) Oxygen and Di-Nitrogen (N2) Dynamics in the Hypoxic Zone of the St-Lawrence Estuary
Maranger R, Altabet M, Gilbert D, Mucci A, Bristowe L & Sundby B
(2009) Oxygen Trends in the Coastal Ocean and along Deep Ocean Transects
Gilbert D
(2009) Impacts of Spreading Hypoxia on Coastal Biota of the Subarctic Pacific
Whitney F, Gilbert D & Sinclair A
(2009) Aerobic Respiration and Hypoxia in the Lower St. Lawrence Estuary: Constraints on Oxygen Sink Partitioning from Stable Isotope Ratios of Dissolved Oxygen
Lehmann MF, Barnett B, Bender ML, Gelinas Y, Gilbert D, Maranger R, Mucci A, Sundby B & Thibodeau B

Gilbert F. (2002) Influence of Redox Oscillation on the Reactivity of Microalgal Fatty Acids in Sediments
Caradec S, Grossi V, Gilbert F, Guigue C & Goutx M

Gilbert J.S. (2001) Crystal Residence Times of Magma during Vulcanian and Plinian Eruptions at Sakurajima Volcano, Japan
Black S, Gilbert JS & Kobayashi T

Gilbert K. (2016) CO2 Solubility: The Epic Battle between Ions and CO2 for Water and Energy
Gilbert K, Bennett P, Romanak K, Zhang T & Irwin J
(2015) Gypsum Solubility in CO2 Rich Aqueous Solutions
Bennett P, Wolfe W & Gilbert K

Gilbert M. (2022) Multiple Approaches to Investigate the Source of Gallium in the Subtropical North Pacific
Bolster KM, Gilbert M & Shiller AM
(2021) Biogeochemical Processes Controlling the Marine Ba Cycle: Dissolved and Particulate Barium Distributions along the US GEOTRACES North Atlantic and South Pacific Zonal Transects (GA03 and GP16)
Shiller A, Rahman S, Anderson R, Charette MA, Hayes CT, Gilbert M, Grissom K, Lam PJ, Ohnemus D, Pavia F, Twining B & Vivancos S

Gilbert P.u.p.a. (2016) Biomineral Vaterite Spicules do not Grow from Amorphous Calcium Carbonate, They Grow Ion by Ion from Solution
Pokroy B, Kabalah-Amitai L, Polishchuk I, DeVol RT, Blonsky AZ, Sun C-Y, Marcus MA, Scholl A & Gilbert PUPA
(2016) The Structure of Nacre in Jurassic Pinna Shells
Gilbert PUPA, Giuffre AJ, Bergmann KD, Myers CE, Marcus MA, DeVol RT, Sun C-Y, Blonsky AZ, Zhao J, Karan E, Tamre E, Tamura N, Lemer S, Giribet G, Eiler J & Knoll A
(2016) Transport of Amorphous Calcium Carbonate to Forming Nacre
Sun C-Y & Gilbert P
(2015) Biomineralization Pathways of Regenerated Sea Urchin Spines
Albéric M, Bertinetti L, Habraken W, Gilbert P, Fratzl P & Politi Y
(2015) Nacre and the Environment
Gilbert PUPA, Myers CE, Bergmann K, DeVol RT, Sun C-Y, Blonsky AZ, Zhao J, Karan EA, Tamre E & Knoll AH
(2014) Characterizing Particle Mediated Crystal Formation
Banfield JF, DeYoreo JJ, Dove PM, Gilbert P, Joester D, Michel FM, Murray CB, Navrotsky A, Penn RL, Rimer JD, Sommerdijk NAJM, Wallace AF, Whitelam S & Zhang H
(2013) Sequence of Phase Transitions in Calcite Biominerals, Mapped with 20 nm Resolution, and their Energetics
Gilbert P
(2012) Nacre as a Proxy for Water-Temperature and Hydrostatic-Pressure
Olson I & Gilbert P
(2007) Probing the Organic-Mineral Interface (OMI) at the Molecular-Level in Model Biominerals
Metzler R, Evans J, Zhou D, Beniash E, Wilt F, Abrecht M, Coppersmith S & Gilbert P
(2007) Mother-Of-Pearl: Architecture and Possible Formation Mechanism
Metzler R, Zhou D, Abrecht M, Coppersmith S & Gilbert P

Gilbert Pupa (2023) The Effect of pH on Coral Skeleton Formation Mechanisms
Schmidt CA, Tambutté E, Castillo Alvarez MC, Devriendt LS, Tambutté S & Gilbert P
(2023) The Effect of Growth Rate on Trace Elements and Isotopes in Coral Skeletons
Castillo Alvarez MC, Gilbert P, Stolper DA, Weaver J, Tambutté E & Tambutté S
(2022) Faster Crystallization during Coral Skeleton Formation Correlates with Resilience to Ocean Acidification
Gilbert P
(2021) Nucleation and Growth of Spherulites in Coral Skeletons, Aspirin, Chocolate
Gilbert P, Stifler CA & Granasy L
(2020) Crystallization by Particle Attachment (CPA) in Biominerals over 550 Million Years
Gilbert P, Porter SM, Sun C-Y, Xiao S, Gibson BM, Shenkar N & Knoll A
(2018) Energy Landscapes in Biomineral Formation
Gilbert P

Gilbert R. (2010) Slope Aspect and Weathering in the Colorado Front Range
Anderson S, Blum A, Hinckley E-L, Lee J, Gilbert R, Trotta J & Dethier D

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