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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Fedortchouk Y. (2020) Crystallization Conditions of Kimberlite Magma
Fedortchouk Y & Chinn I
(2018) Mantle Metasomatism as Recorded in Diamond Dissolution Features
Fedortchouk Y, Chinn I, Liebske C & McCammon C
(2017) UHP-Uht Melting and Diamond Formation
Kotkova J, Fedortchouk Y, Wirth R, Whitehouse M & Jakubová P
(2015) From What Media Were North Bohemian Microdiamonds Formed?
Kotkova J, Wirth R, Fedortchouk Y, Whitehouse M & Jakubova P
(2013) Micromorphology of Diamond Resorption at 100 kPa: The Role of Metal Ions
Skvortsova V, Fedortchouk Y & Shiryaev A
(2013) Diamond Dissolution in COH Fluids
Fedortchouk Y
(2011) Diamond Record of Metasomatism
Fedortchouk Y & Zhang Z
(2008) Resorbed Diamond Surfaces: A Tool to Investigate Oxidizing Fluids
Fedortchouk Y & Canil D
(2005) Kinetics of Diamond Oxidation at Various Oxygen Fugacities
Fedortchouk Y, Semenets E & Canil D

Fedosse Zornio B. (2020) Transition Metals Cations as EOR Agents in Carbonate Reservoirs: An Atomistic Point of View
Fedosse Zornio B, Moraes De Almeida J & Rodrigues Miranda C

Fedotov A. (2005) Century-Resolved 1<!s><$>Myr History of Paleogeographic Changes in Lake Khubsugul (Mongolia), Reconstructed from Geochemical Markers in Lake Bottom Sediments
Phedorin M, Fedotov A, Goldberg E, Saeva O, Zolotarev K & Grachev M

Fedotov G. (2013) Precise U-Pb (ID-TIMS) and SHRIMP Ages on Single Zircon for Achaean TTG Rocks on Baltic Shield
Bayanova T, Mitrofanov F, Morozova L, Nitkina E, Serov P, Fedotov G & Larionov A

Fedotova A. (2011) Early Archean Crust of the Ukrainian Shield – Evidence from Detrital Zircons
Bibikova E, Shumlyanskyy L, Hawkesworth CJ, Claesson S, Storey C, Dhuime B & Fedotova A
(2009) Early Archaean Crust in the Ukrainian Shield – Evidence from Clastic Zircons in Late Archaean Greenstone Belts
Bibikova E, Claesson S, Fedotova A & Artemenko G
(2007) REE Pattern and Oxygen Isotopes in Zircons from Different Rocks (the Fennoscandian and Ukrainian Shields) as Indicators of their Genesis
Bibikova E, Fedotova A & Claesson S
(2003) Behaviour of Heavy Metals in Tailings Drainage
Fedotova A & Bortnikova S

Fedou C. (2015) Fluid Circulations and Iron Oxides Associated on Cataclastic Deformation Bands in Porous Sandstones, Bassin du Sud-Est, Provence, France: New Insights from Rare Earth Elements Geochemistry
Bonhoure J, Pourret O, Debaecker S, Fedou C & Saillet E

Fedulov Veniamin (2021) Origin of Sediment Column Profiles of Gases and Organic Matter at a Laptev Sea Gas Seeps Area (Arctic)
Sevastyanov V, Fedulova V, Fedulov V, Kuznetsova O, Dushenko N & Vinnikova A

Fedulov Vyacheslav (2019) Experimental Degassing of Ordinary Chondrites
Stennikov A, Voropaev S, Fedulov V, Dushenko N & Naimushin S

Fedulova V. (2021) Origin of Sediment Column Profiles of Gases and Organic Matter at a Laptev Sea Gas Seeps Area (Arctic)
Sevastyanov V, Fedulova V, Fedulov V, Kuznetsova O, Dushenko N & Vinnikova A

Fee A. (2015) Characterisation of Organic Aerosols with New Soft Ionisation Ultra-High Resolution Mass Spectrometry Techniques
Kalberer M, Kourtchev I, Gallimore P, Giorio C, Mahon B & Fee A

Feely Richard (2007) Land Ocean Interactions in a Coastal Embayment, Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii: Nutrient Dynamics, Productivity, and CO2 Exchange between Seawater and Atmosphere
Solomon R, Ostrander C, De Carlo E, McManus M, Mackenzie F, Fagan K, Sabine C & Feely R
(2006) Coastal Productivity and CO2 Exchange Between the Ocean and Atmosphere in Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii, a Subtropical Coastal Embayment
De Carlo EH, Solomon R, Ostrander C, McManus M, Mackenzie F, Chung M, DeGelleke L, Sabine C & Feely R
(2005) Sources and Sinks of Carbon Dioxide in the Surface Oceans
Feely R, Takahashi T & Wanninkhof R

Feely Richard (2015) Autonomous Observations of Carbon Dynamics in the Southern California Current System
Martz T, Send U, Ohman M, Takeshita Y, Bresnahan P, Kim H-J, Nam S, Feely R & Alin S

Feely Richard (2018) The Combined Effects of Acidification and Hypoxia along the West Coast of North America
Feely R, Carter B, Bednarsek N, Cai W-J, Alin S, Okazaki R & Greeley D
(2018) Solubility Controls Carbonate Chemistry with Local Modifications in North American Ocean Margins
Cai W-J, Xu Y, Feely R, Alin S, Sutton A & Barbero L

Feenstra E. (2016) In-Vitro Simulation of AOM Mediated Diagenesis in Cold-Water Coral Carbonate Mounds
Feenstra E, Heindel K, Birgel D, Krause S, Maeder U & Foubert A
(2015) Understanding the Temporal and Spatial Variability of Early Diagenesis in Carbonate Mounds
Feenstra E, Wehrmann L, Jaramillo-Vogel D, Birgel D, Heindel K & Foubert A

Fegel T. (2020) The Impact of Land Use Change on the Ecosystem Metabolome of a Forested Watershed
Boot C, Haase A, Fegel T, Hall E, Rhodes C & Covino T

Fegley Bruce (2014) Solubility of Lava Planets in Steam Atmospheres
Fegley B
(2014) Chemical Equilibrium Models of the Redox State of Earth’s Earliest Atmosphere
Schaefer L & Fegley B
(2013) Loss of Volatile Elements after the Moon-Forming Giant Impact
Pahlevan K, Karato S & Fegley B

Fegley Bruce (2015) Chemistry of the Protolunar Disk and Volatile Depletion in the Moon
Visscher C, Canup R, Salmon J & Fegley B

Fegley Bruce (2017) Chemistry of Impact-Generated Disks: Implications for the Moon
Visscher C, Canup R, Fegley B & Salmon J
(2017) Potassium Isotopic Fractionation during the Volatile Depletion In Early Solar System
Wang K, Tian Z, Chen H, Fegley B, Lodders K & Barrat J-A

Fegley Bruce (2018) Measurement of Water Solubility in Synthetic and Natural Carbonatite
Jacobson N, Setlock J, Kulis M, Costa G, Fegley B & McAdam A
(2018) Potassium Isotopic Composition of the Moon
Tian Z, Chen H, Fegley, Jr B, Lodders K, Korotev R & Wang K

Fegley Bruce (2023) Knudsen Effusion Study of Equilibrium Isotope Fractionation during Evaporation in the Early Solar System
Neuman M, Cornelison DM, Holzheid A, Lodders K, Fegley B & Wang K

Fegley, Jr B. (2019) Mass Balance for the Bulk Moon K Budget and Isotopic Composition
Tian Z, Chen H, Jolliff B, Korotev R, Fegley, Jr B, Lodders K & Wang K

Fehlauer T. (2021) X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy Evidence of Sulfur-Bound Cadmium in the Cd-Hyperaccumulator Solanum Nigrum and the Non-Accumulator Solanum Melongena
Pons M-L, Collin B, Doelsch E, Chaurand P, Fehlauer T, Levard C, Keller C, Guihou A, Deschamps P & Rose J
(2021) Colocalization Analysis to Understand Yttrium Uptake in Saxifraga Paniculata Using Complementary Imaging Technics
Fehlauer T, Collin B, Angeletti B, Somogyi A, Lallemand C, Chaurand P, Dentant C, Levard C & Rose J
(2020) Exploring the Link between Cd Isotopes and Speciation in Plants: A Case Study in Solanum Species
Pons M-L, Collin B, Chaurand P, Fehlauer T, Guihou A, Doelsch E, Levard C & Rose J

Fehn U. (2016) The Hydrological Cycle of Iodine in Atacama: Natural and Anthropogenic Sources Revelead by Iodine-129 Isotopes
Alvarez F, Reich M, Snyder G & Fehn U
(2014) Natural and Anthropogenic Iodine in Atacama: Sources, Sinks and Cycling of Iodine in a Hyperarid Continental Margin
Alvarez F, Reich M, Perez A, Snyder G, Muramatsu Y & Fehn U
(2013) Transport in Active Margins: Comparison of Results from I<sup>129</sup> And Be<sup>10</sup> Studies
Fehn U
(2011) The 129I Isotopic Composition of Supergene Iodine Minerals in Chile and Australia
Reich M, Alvarez F, Perez A, Snyder G, Palacios C, Vargas G, Muramatsu Y, Cameron E & Fehn U
(2011) Fluids at Continental Margins: What We can Learn from 129I Results
Fehn U
(2010) Sources and Sinks of Iodine in the Atacama Desert, Northern Chile: Insights from the Nitrate Ore Fields and Supergene Zones of Cu Deposits
Reich M, Snyder G, Fehn U, Palacios C, Vargas G & Cameron E
(2009) Occurrence of Iodine Rich Brines and Hot Spring Waters in Japan
Muramatsu Y, Kashiiwagi Y, Ohba T, Kazahaya K, Matsuzaki H & Fehn U
(2009) Occurrence of Iodine and Methane in Active Margins: A Potential Link to Past Climatic Changes
Fehn U, Lu Z & Tomaru H
(2009) 129I Dating of Hydrocarbons in Gas Hydrate Deposit, off Shimokita Peninsula, Japan
Tomaru H, Fehn U, Lu Z, Takeuchi R, Inagaki F, Imachi H, Kotani R, Matsumoto R & Aoike K
(2007) Geochemistry of Cold Vent Fluids at the Central American Convergent Margin
Hensen C, Wallmann K, Schmidt M, Liebetrau V, Fehn U, Garbe-Schönberg D & Brückmann W
(2005) Sources of Methane in Continental Margins: I-129 Results from Gas Hydrate Systems and Fore Arc Fluids
Fehn U
(2005) Behavior of Stable and Radioactive Iodine in the Global Environment
Muramatsu Y, Fehn U & Snyder G
(2005) Depth Profile of Iodine and Bromine in Pore Waters Collected from the Nankai Trough
Doi T, Muramatsu Y, Matsumoto R, Takeuchi R, Tomaru H & Fehn U
(2005) The Marine Iodine System as a Proxy for Global Deposition of Organic Carbon
Fehn U, Snyder G & Dickens G
(2005) Pore Water Iodine Concentrations and <+>129<$>I/I Ratios of the Hydrate Ridge (ODP 204): Implication for the Origin of Gas Hydrates
Lu Z, Fehn U & Tomaru H
(2005) Iodine Distribution in Pore Fluids Associated with Methane Plumes in the Sea of Japan
Tomaru H, Fehn U, Snyder G & Matsumoto R
(2004) Factors Influencing the Global Distribution of Iodine-129 in the Environment: A Look at the Iodine Cycle in Surface Reservoirs
Snyder G, Fehn U, Muramatsu Y, Sultana M, Moran J & Rao U
(2004) Source Ages of Hydrocarbons: 129I Investigations of Oil Field Brines, Gas Hydrates and Coal-Bed Methane
Fehn U, Snyder G & Moran J
(2003) Origin of Iodine and 129I in Volcanic and Geothermal Fluids from the North Island of New Zealand
Fehn U & Snyder G
(2003) On the Origin of Marine Gas Hydrates: Systematics of Iodine and I-129 in Pore Waters
Fehn U, Snyder G & Muramatsu Y

Fehr Karl Thomas (2013) 57Fe Mössbauer Spectroscopy of Pantelleritic Melts
Borovkov N, Hess K-U, Fehr KT, Cimarelli C, Dingwell D & Günther A

Fehr Karl Thomas (2015) HFS Element Minerals in Volcanic Sanidinite Formed from a Gaseous Phase
Aßbichler D, Heuss-Aßbichler S, Fehr KT & Müller D
(2015) Solvothermal Transport of Zr in Volcanic Systems and its Relevance for Technical Applications
Heuss-Aßbichler S, Aßbichler D, Fehr KT & Müller D

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