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Fu Qi (2022) Isotopic Characterization of Abiotic Methane in Hydrothermal Systems: An Experimental Study
Fu Q, Chen X, Ono S & Sun T

Fu Qiang (2017) Source and Evolution Path of Ore- Forming Fluids in Volcanogenic Massive Sulfide (VMS) System: New Constraint from Lithium Isotopic Investigation on the Gacun Deposit, Sichuan
Yang D, Hou Z, Zhao Y, Hou K, Tian S & Fu Q
(2016) High Sensitivity of Northern Hemisphere Tropospheric Oxidants to Major Climate Transitions
Geng L, Murray L, Mickley L, Lin P, Fu Q, Schauer A & Alexander B
(2012) Relationship between Leaf Phosphorus and Soil Phosphorus: A Case Study of Degraded Grassland in Western Jilin Province, NE China
Li Y, Wan S, Wang D, Fu Q, Guo D & Yang Y
(2012) Study on the Effects between Soil Trace Elements and Apple-Pear Quality
Liu Q, Wang D, Yang Y, Shang Y & Fu Q
(2012) Study on Activation Characteristics of Trace Elements in Black Soil Region of Central Jilin Province
Fu Q, Wang D, Yang Y, Wu C & Fei F
(2012) Ecological Risk Assessment of Soil Heavy Metals in Fruit Producing Area
Yang Y, Wang D, Li Y, Fu Q & Guo D

Fu Qing-Long (2018) Humic Substance Molecules Bound to Iron as Determined by Ultrahigh Resolution Mass Spectrometry
Fujii M, Shiroya M & Fu Q-L

Fu Quan-Sheng (2010) Effect of Model Organic Macromolecules on Calcite Mineralization and Implication for Biomineralization
Zhou G-T, Guan Y-B, Yao Q-Z & Fu Q-S

Fu Roger (2024) Geochemical Databases: Promise, Problems, and Prospects
Langmuir CH, Lehnert KA & Fu R
(2021) When is a Biomineral not a Biomineral? Multi-Scale Complexity of Iron Oxide Crystallisation in the Gunflint Chert
Einsle JF, Lascu I, Popratiloff A, Fu R & MacLaren I
(2020) The Quest for Primary Magnetisation in Earth’s Oldest Materials
Harrison R, Taylor R, Tang F, Kuppili C, Ball M, Einsle J, Borlina C, Fu R, Weiss B, Rickard W, Saxey D & Reddy S

Fu Roger R (2018) Magnetic Fields of the Outer Solar Nebula Recorded in CR Chondrites
Fu RR, Kehayias P, Lima EA, Schrader DL, Weiss BP & Walsworth RL
(2017) Evaluating the Paleomagnetic Evidence for Early Dynamos
Fu RR, Weiss BP, Lima EA, Borlina C, Harrison TM & Krot AN

Fu Roger R. (2018) Questioning the Evidence for the Hadean Dynamo
Borlina CS, Weiss BP, Lima EA, Tang F, Taylor RJM, Einsle JF, Harrison RJ, Fu RR, Bell EA, Alexander EW, Kirkpatrick HM, Wielicki MM, Harrison TM, Ramezani J & Maloof AC

Fu Rong

Fu S (2003) Lead Isotopic Geochemistry and its Bearing on Genesis of the Huize Pb-Zn Deposit, Yunnan, South China
Fu S, Gu X, Wang Q & Liu X

Fu Shan-Ming
(2010) Application of Lead Isotopic Mapping to Pollution Sources
Chang X-Y, Chen N, Fu S-M, Tu X-L & Zhu B-Q

Fu Shanling (2017) Origin of the Giant South China Mesozoic Low-Temperature Metallogenic Domain
Hu R, Fu S, Huang Y, Zhou M, Zhao C & Bi X

Fu Shanming (2019) Atmospheric Heavy Metal Depositon Reconstructed Using Archived Moss in Guangzhou City, Southern China
Wu L, Fu S & Chang X
(2019) Trace Elements and Lead Isotopes in Lichen Transplants, Mosses and Soils Close to a Coal-Fired Power Station in Guangzhou, Southern China
Chang X, Wu L, Fu S & Wang X

Fu Shaohong (2008) Organic Ore-Forming Fluids in the Youjiang Basin, South China and their Linkage to the Hydrocarbon Accumulation and Gold Mineralization
Gu X, Li B, Xu S, Fu S & Dong S
(2002) Rb-Sr Isotopic Dating and its Genetic Significance to the Manaoke Gold Deposit, NW-Sichuan, China
Fu S & Gu X

Fu Shaoying (2016) Investigation of Carbon Cycle in the Historical Methane Seepage in Dongsha Area, Northern South China Sea
Liu L, Wu X, Zhang F, Fu S & Wu N

Fu Sheng-Quan (2012) Formation of Amorphous Silica with Distinct Morphologies and Implication for Biosilification
Zhou G-T, Shi J-Y, Yao Q-Z & Fu S-Q

Fu Suyu (2022) Melting Behavior of Fe-Si-H and its Impact on Possible Stratification at the Topmost Outer Core
Fu S, Chariton S, Prakapenka VB & Shim S-HD
(2022) Elasticity of Stishovite and Post-Stishovite at High Pressure: Implications for Understanding VS Anomalous Seismic Scatterers beneath Subduction Zones in the Lower Mantle
Zhang Y, Fu S, Karato S-I, Okuchi T & Lin J-F
(2017) Velocity Profiles and Deformation of Silicate Post-Perovskite in the Lowermost Mantle
Lin J-F, Wu X, Yang J, Fu S, Kaercher P, Mao Z, Liu J, Wenk R & Prakapenka V

Fu T-M. (2009) Aerosols over the United States: Space Observation, Source Characterization, and Climate Interactions
Jacob DJ, Drury EE, Fu T-M, Leibensperger EM, Mickley LJ & Tai A

Fu Wei (2018) Hidden Granite-Related W-Cu-Pb-Zn-Ag Deposits in Dayaoshan-Xidamingshan Area, Guangxi, South China: Mineralization Patterns and Geodynamic Setting
Feng Z, Fu W, Li Z, Li S, Kang Z, Feng Y, Le X & Wang C
(2018) Geochronology and Geochemistry of the Intrusions in Dayaoshan Uplift, Guangxi, South China
Wei N, Feng Z, Kang Z, Zhang Q, Tang J, Fang G, Qin Y & Fu W

Fu Wenjing (2019) Sources and Ages of Black Carbon in Large Chinene Rivers and Coastal Ocean
Fu W, Qi Y & Wang X

Fu Xinxin (2023) Use of Chitosan Goethite Bionanocomposites for Remediation of Water Body with Multi-Pollutants
He J, Fu X & Liu L

Fu Xuan (2019) Formation and Stability of Amides in Hydrothermal Systems
Yang Z, Fu X, Liao Y & Thelander I
(2018) Minerals Influence Hydrothermal Chemistry of Amines
Yang Z & Fu X

Fu Xuewu (2014) Gaseous Hg Stable Isotope Variations in the Free Troposphere of the Pic du Midi Observatory
Sonke J & Fu X
(2013) Observations of Atmospheric Hg Species and Depositions in Remote Areas of China
Feng X, Fu X & Zhang H

Fu Xuewu (2015) A Stable Isotope View of the Atmospheric Hg Cycle
Sonke J, Marusczak N & Fu X

Fu Xuewu (2016) Mercury Stable Isotope Compositions in Airborne Particulate Maters in Remote Areas of China
Feng X, Fu X & Zhang H

Fu Xuewu (2021) A Potential Mechanism to Explain Even Hg Isotope Mass Independent Fractionation
Fu X, Jiskra M & Sonke JE

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