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Dambrine E (2004) Interactions between Vegetation and Rock Chemical Weathering: A Study with a Coupled Hydrological and Biogeochemical Model
François L, Bureau M, Carignan J, Dambrine E, France- Lanord C, Schott J, Pokrovsky O & Goddéris Y

Dambrine Etienne (2016) Long-Term Record of Open Field Precipitation and Throughfall in a Medium Altitude Forested Environment (Strengbach Watershed – NE France): Response to Atmospheric Pollution Trend
Pierret M-C, Viville D, Dambrine E & Cotel S

Damby D. (2020) Tracking the Reactions of SO2 and Glass in the 2018 Kilauea Ash
Oborski E, King P & Damby D
(2020) Insight into the Global Phosphorus Cycle from Apatite in Ash from the 2018 Kilauea Eruptions
King P, Oborski E & Damby D
(2015) Volcanic Ash Activates the NLRP3 Inflammasome in Macrophages in Vitro
Damby D, Duewell P, Horwell C, Baxter P, Kueppers U, Schnurr M & Dingwell D

Damdinov Bulat (2011) Pt-Bearing Metabasites from the East Sayan (Russia): Composition and Origin
Damdinov B
(2003) Geochemistry and Mineralogy of Precious Metals in Carbonaceous Magmatic Rocks from the East Sayan Ophiolites
Damdinov B, Mironov A & Zhmodik S

Damdinov Bulat (2015) Geochemical Types of Gold Mineralization in the South-Eastern Part of the East Sayan
Damdinov B

Damdinov Bulat (2016) Geochemical Types of Intrusion-Related Gold Deposits in the South-Eastern Part of East Sayan (Russia)
Damdinov B
(2016) The Metal Contents of Solutions Formed Fluorite-Leucophanite-Melinophane-Eudidymite Ores of Ermakovka Beryllium Deposit Using LA-ICP-MS (West Transbaikalia, Russia)
Damdinova L, Damdinov B & Bryansky N

Damdinova L. (2016) The Metal Contents of Solutions Formed Fluorite-Leucophanite-Melinophane-Eudidymite Ores of Ermakovka Beryllium Deposit Using LA-ICP-MS (West Transbaikalia, Russia)
Damdinova L, Damdinov B & Bryansky N
(2015) The Composition of Solutions Formed Fluorite-Leucophanite-Melinophane-Eudidymite Ores of Ermakovka Beryllium Deposit (West Transbaikalia, Russia)
Damdinova L
(2011) The Pecularities of Khasurta Massif Rocks Formation on the Melt Inclusions Study (Angara-Vitim Batholith, Western Transbaikalia)
Damdinova L & Tsyrenov B

Damdinsuren M. (2022) Ore and Alteration Mineralization of Erdenetiin Ovoo Cu-Mo Porphyry Deposit, Mongolia
Damdinsuren M, Altankhuyag D, Munkhtsengel B & Tsend-Ayush T

Damdinsuren N. (2011) Microbial Arsenic Transformation Associated with Soda Lake in Khovsgol, Mongolia
Hamamura N, Itai T, Damdinsuren N, Reysenbach A-L & Inskeep W

DamDuy A. (2009) Carbonaceous Component of an Asian Aerosol Plume: Tracking the Chemical Signature during Transport
Gonzaga-Cayetano M, Jung J, Batmunkh T, Damduy A, Lee K, Kim DG & Kim YJ
(2009) Chemical Characteristics of Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollutants from Asian Continent Observed at Two Remote Sites and One Urban Site in Korea
Jung JS, Lee KY, G-Cayetano MB, Batmunkh T, DamDuy A, Kim YJ, Chang IS & Kim JS

Damgaard Lars Riis (2014) Cable Bacteria in Tokyo Bay Sediment
Nielsen LP, Risgaard-Petersen N, Giao Garcia D, Schauer R, Sayama M & Damgaard LR
(2014) Potentiometric Analysis of Marine Biogeobatteries
Risgaard-Petersen N, Damgaard L, Garcia D, Sayama M & Nielsen LP
(2013) Activity of Cable Bacteria and Electro-Physical Properties of Gradient Systems Studied with a Novel Microsensor for Electric Potential
Damgaard LR, Risgaard-Petersen N & Nielsen LP
(2013) Distribution of Metabolic Activity and Current Production along Conductive Cable Bacteria
Pfeffer C, Larsen S, Damgaard LR, Nielsen LP & Risgaard-Petersen N

Damgaard Lars Riis (2015) Electricity in Biogeochemistry – Potential for Confusion?
Damgaard LR, Risgaard-Petersen N & Nielsen LP

Damgaard Lars Riis (2017) Electrostatic Potential Measurements as Proxies for Cable Bacteria Activity – Potentials and Resistances
Damgaard LR, Risgaard-Petersen N, Giao Garcia D & Nielsen LP

Damgaard Lars Riis (2024) Effect of Ionic Migration on Nutrient Transport in Sediments
Fernandez PM, Damgaard LR & Marzocchi U

Damian C. (2011) Development of an Active Mine Water Treatment Technology by Use of Schwertmannite
Janneck E, Burghardt D, Simon E, Damian C, Martin M, Schöne G & Meyer J

Damiani L.H. (2014) Geochemical Speciation Sofware Comparative Study and Development of a New Software
Klunk MA, Damiani LH, Conceicao RV & Freitas CMDS

Damidot D. (2004) Experimental Evidence for a Direct Use of Nutriments (Fe, Mg) from Basaltic Glass, and MWI Bottom Ash by Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Aouad G, Geoffroy V, Meyer J, Crovisier J, Stille P & Damidot D

Damien P. (2023) The Shelf-To-Basin Transport of Iron from the Northern U.S West Coast to the Pacific Ocean
Pham AL-D, Damien P, McCoy D, Kessouri F, McWilliams J, Moffett J, Bianchi D & Mar M
(2023) Using GEOTRACES Intermediate Data Product to Constrain Model Ocean Fe Cycling in the Pacific Ocean
Pham AL-D, Damien P, McCoy D & Bianchi D

Damm T. (2019) Endolithic Algae Affect Modern Coral Morphology and Chemistry
Krause S, Liebetrau V, Nehrke G, Damm T, Büsse S, Hu M, Leipe T, Vogts A, Gorb S & Eisenhauer A
(2019) Detecting Biogenic Diagenesis in Tropical Corals
Krause S, Liebetrau V, Nehrke G, Damm T, Büsse S, Hu M, Leipe T, Vogts A, Engelkes K, Gorb S & Eisenhauer A

Dammeier R. (2010) Understanding Lunar Granulites Through a Terrestrial Analogue Study
Dammeier R, Moser D & Osinski G

Dämmer L.K. (2017) Impact of Day/Night Light Cycle on Trace Metal Uptake in the Carbonate Shells of Symbiont-Bearing Benthic Foraminifera
Dämmer LK, de Nooijer L & Reichart G-J

Dammshäuser A. (2011) Sinking Titanic [Ti(IV)] – Insights into the Speciation and Distribution of Titanium in the Atlantic Ocean
Croot P, Dammshäuser A & Heller M

Damnati B. (2023) Combination between the Caesium-137 Technique and Soil Moisture Data to Assess the Soil Erosion Status in Three Watersheds in Northwest Morocco
Moustakim M, Benmansour M, Amenzou N, Mbaye M, Benkdad A & Damnati B
(2021) Combined Use of Caesium-137 Re-sampling Approach and Excess Lead-210 Sediment Dating to Assess The Impacts of Climate Change and Agricultural Practices on Soil Erosion and Sedimentation in Northwest Morocco
Moustakim M, Benmansour M, Nouira A, Benkdad A & Damnati B

Damodararao K. (2017) Dynamics of Hf Isotopic Compositions in the Indian Ocean Waters
Damodararao K, Singh SK, Bhushan R, Rengarajan R & Rai VK
(2016) REEs and eNd in the Ganga (Hooghly) and Other East Indian Estuaries: Massive Desorption of Particulate REEs to the Ocean
Damodararao K, Singh SK & Rai VK
(2015) Nd in the Arabian Sea: Water Mass Mixing vs Particle – Water Interaction
Damodararao K, Singh SK, Bhushan R & Rai VK

Damond J. (2020) Characterization and Validation of a Novel Equilibrium Passive Sampler for Prediction of Porewater Methylmercury
Washburn S, Ghosh U, Damond J & Gilmour C

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