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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Chauviré B. (2023) Opaline Silica Synthesis Under Geologically-Relevant Conditions with Applications to Earth and Mars
Gouzy S, Rondeau B, Vinogradoff V, Chauviré B & Carter J
(2017) Water in Opals: New Insights from Thermal Analysis
Chauviré B, Thomas P, Rondeau B & Fritsch E
(2014) Precious Opal Deposits at Wegel Tena, Ethiopia: Formation Through Successive Pedogenesis Events
Chauviré B, Rondeau B, Mazzero F & Ayalew D
(2014) Blue Spinel in Marble from Luc Yen, North Vietnam
Chauviré B, Rondeau B, Pardieu V & Fritsch E
(2014) Genesis of Precious Opal in the Critical Zone: Role of the Host Rock, Climate, and Biology
Rondeau B, Chauviré B, Fritsch E, Ayalew D & Mazzero F

Chaux L. (2011) Mobility of Rare Earth Elements during Igneous Rocks Weathering and Associated Stream Water Transport (Malaval Catchment, Massif Central, France)
Chaux L, Routier T, Pourret O, Steinmann M & Bontemps S

Chavagnac Valerie (2016) The Low Temperature Hyperalkaline Hydrothermal System of the Prony Bay (New Caledonia)
Pelletier B, Monnin C, Boulart C, Chavagnac V, Erauso G, Gerard M, Gerard E, Guentas L, Menez B, Payri C, Pisapia C, Postec A & Quemeneur M
(2011) Spatial and Temporal Variability of Fluid and Gas Chemical Composition at the Lucky Strike Hydrothermal Vent Site (Mid-Atlantic Ridge)
Chavagnac V, Boulart C, Monnin C & Castillo A
(2011) Characterization of Hyperalkaline Fluids Produced by Serpentinization of Mantle Peridotites in Oman and in Liguria (Northern Italy)
Monnin C, Chavagnac V, Ceuleneer G, Boulart C & Hoareau G
(2009) Fluid Circulation in the Oceanic Crust: The Case of the Alkaline Springs of the Oman Ophiolite
Chavagnac V, Monnin C, Ceuleneer G & Destrigneville C
(2002) The Record of the Hydrothermal Activity at Rainbow (MAR, 36º14'N) by Sediment Cores
Chavagnac V, German CR & Cave RR
(2000) Nd-Hf Isotope Constraints on the Petrogenesis of Al-Depleted and Al-Undepleted Komatiites, the Onverwacht Group, South Africa
Chavagnac V, Bowring SA, Parman SW & Carlson RW

Chavagnac Valérie (2023) Silicified Brecciated Fault Rocks from an Oceanic Detachment Fault at 13°20’N, Mid-Atlantic Ridge: Which Fluid Sources and Pathways?
Verlaguet A, Bonnemains D, Mevel C, Escartin J, Andreani M, Bourdelle F, Boiron M-C & Chavagnac V
(2022) Impact of Shallow Hydrothermalism on Lithium Content and Lithium Isotope Composition of Marine Plankton
Vigier N, Weppe L, Tilliette C, Chavagnac V, Boulart C, Thibon F, Lombard F, Montanes M, Guieu C & Bonnet S
(2019) Drake Gateway Opening Recorded by Global 87Sr/86Sr Signals of Foraminifers
Grespan R, Hodel F, De Rafelis M, Dera G, Lézin C, Nardin E, Chardon D, Rouby D & Chavagnac V
(2019) Chemical Weathering of the West African Craton during the EOT: A Li and Sr Isotopic Approach
Hodel F, Grespan R, Chardon D, Rouby D, Buatier M, Destringneville C, De Rafelis M, Dera G, Lézin C, Nardin E & Chavagnac V
(2019) Spatial Variations in Vent Chemistry at the Lucky Strike Hydrothermal Field, Mid Atlantic Ridge (37°N)
Chavagnac V, Leleu T, Fontaine F, Cannat M, Ceuleneer G & Castillo A
(2019) Near Seafloor Dynamics of Mid-Ocean Ridge Hydrothermal Flows and Formation of Diffuse Vents at the Lucky Strike Hydrothermal Field, Mid-Atlantic Ridge
Wheeler B, Fontaine FJ, Cannat M & Chavagnac V
(2019) A Forest of Carbonate-Brucite Chimneys at the Southwest Indian Ridge: The Ultramafic-Hosted Old City Hydrothermal Field
Cannat M, Agrinier P, Martinez I, Vitale Brovarone A, Lecoeuvre A, Corre M, Früh-Green G, Fontaine F, Chavagnac V, Brunelli D, Prampolini M, Bickert M, Hamelin C, Lie Onstad S & Rouméjon S
(2017) Mollusc Shells are They Suitable for Accessing the Strontium Isotopic Composition of Seawater ?
El Meknassi S, Cardone T, Dera G, Chavagnac V & De Rafelis M

Chavan R. (2005) The Potential for Methyl Mercury Production in Constructed Wetlands and a Riparian Setting
Gustin M, Chavan R, Stamenkovic J, Ericksen J, Brown S, Saito L, Dennett K, Marchand E & Donaldson S

Chavarria D. (2021) A Combined Petrological and Numerical Approach to Investigate Basaltic Plinian Eruptions at Masaya Caldera, Nicaragua
Bamber EC, Arzilli F, Burton MR, Polacci M, La Spina G, de' Michieli Vitturi M, Hartley ME, Petrelli M, Fellowes J, Chavarría D & Saballos JA
(2020) Understanding Basaltic Plinian Activity at Masaya Caldera, Nicaragua
Bamber EC, Arzilli F, Polacci M, La Spina G, Petrelli M, Hartley ME, Di Genova D, Fellowes J, Chavarria D, Saballos JA, De' Michieli Vitturi M & Burton MR
(2019) The Masaya Triple Layer: A Petrological Approach to Constraining the Dynamics of an Episodic, Highly Explosive Basaltic Plinian Eruption
Bamber E, Arzilli F, Polacci M, Hartley M, Fellowes J, Di Genova D, Chavarria D & Burton M

Chavarria K. (2011) Isotopic Evidence for Microbial Oxidation of Dissolved Methane in the Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill Deep Plume
Conrad M, Bill M, Stringfellow W, Borglin S, Mason O, Dubinsky E, Piceno Y, Fortney J, Tom L, Chavarria K, Lamendella R, Joyner D, Wetmore K, Kuehl J, Mackelprang R, Wu C, Lim H, Reid F & Hazen T

Chavarria S. (2022) Geochemical Fingerprinting Sources of Arsenic, Aluminum, and Lead to the San Juan River Through the Navajo Nation, Four Corners Region, USA
Blake J, Brown J, Ferguson C, Yager D, Chavarria S, Mixon R, Ball G & Shephard Z

Chavdarova S. (2021) Depositional Setting of the Deep-Sea Sediments from an Area of High Nodule Occurrence in the Clarion-Clipperton Fractures Zone, NE Pacific
Milakovska Z, Stoyanova V, Hikov A, Abramowski T, Stefanova E, Peytcheva I, Chavdarova S & Stavrev M

Chave T. (2009) SON68 Nuclear Glass Dissolution Kinetics: Current State of Knowledge and Basis of the New GRAAL Model
Frugier P, Gin S, Minet Y & Chave T

Chaves L.C. (2021) Chemical and Microstructural Analysis of Space Weathered Fe-Sulfides Returned from Asteroid Itokawa
Chaves LC & Thompson MS

Chaves M. (2010) Influence of the L-Methionine on the Mackinawite Oxidation Stability
Chaves M, Valsaraj K, Preston J, Gambrell R, DeLaune R & Buchler P
(2004) Monte Carlo Simulation of the Hydration of Na-, Ca-, and Kmontmorillonite at 353 K and 625 Bar
de Pablo L & Chavez M
(2000) Constraints on the Origin of Carbonado from C and N Isotopes in Diamond Matrix and Studies of Inclusion Minerals
Yokochi R, Sano Y, Takahata N, Terada K, Ozima M & Chaves M

Chavez G. (2015) Very Low-Grade Hydrothermal Metamorphism of Cenozoic Volcanics in Fildes Peninsula, King George Island, Antarctica
Fuentes F, Chavez G, Bastias J, Aguirre L & Hervé F

Chavez Jr. W.X. (2001) The Geochemical Settings of Copper Oxide Ore Deposits: Recognition of Eh-Ph Conditions and the Weathering of Copper Mineralization
Chavez Jr. WX

Chavez-García M.L. (2006) Simulation of the Stability of Na-, K-, and Ca-montmorillonite at High Temperatures and Pressures
De Pablo-Galan L & Chavez-García ML

Chavira E. (2007) Stability of Nanoparticles in the Presence of Biological Material and their Toxicity
Cervini-Silva J, Fernandez P, Gilbert B, Hernandez M, Guzman J & Chavira E

Chavrit Déborah (2014) Spatial Distribution of Halogens (Cl, Br, I) in Back-Arc Basin Basalts
Chavrit D, Ruzié L, Burgess R, Hilton DR, Sinton J & Ballentine CJ
(2014) Mineralogical and Spatial Control of Seawater-Derived Noble Gases and Halogens in the Oceanic Crust
Chavrit D, Burgess R, Sumino H, Teagle D & Ballentine CJ
(2013) Halogen Systematics of the Manus Spreading Center
Ruzie L, Chavrit D, Burgess R, Clay P, Joachim B, Hilton DR, Sinton JM & Ballentine CJ
(2013) Combined Halogen (Cl, Br, I) and Noble Gas Mantle Geochemistry
Ballentine C, Burgess R, Sumino H, Hilton D, Graham D, Van Keken P, Chavrit D, Ruzie L, Clay P, Joachim B, Moorsom B, Jepsom L & Broadley M
(2013) The Halogen Cycle in Subduction Zones: Insight from Back-Arc Basin Basalts
Chavrit D, Ruzie L, Burgess R, Hilton DR, Sumino H, Sinton J & Ballentine CJ
(2013) Noble Gas and Halogen Recycling at Subduction Zones
Sumino H, Kobayashi M, Chavrit D, Jepson L, Shimizu A, Kimura J-I, Burgess R & Ballentine C
(2012) Noble Gases and Halogens in the Oceanic Crust
Chavrit D, Burgess R, Weston B, Abbott L, Teagle D & Ballentine C
(2011) The Noble Gas and Halogen Composition of the Hydrated Oceanic Crust
Chavrit D, Burgess R, Ballentine C, Weston B & Teagle D
(2011) Noble Gases and Halogens in the MORB-Source Mantle: Recycled?
Ballentine C, Burgess R, Weston B, Chavrit D, Sumino H & Teagle D
(2008) CO2/N2 in MORB Vesicles Using Raman Spectroscopy: Implications for Global Volatile Fluxes
Chavrit D, Morizet Y, Bézos A & Humler E

Chavrit Déborah (2015) Across-Arc Noble Gas and Halogen Variation of Volcanic Rocks from the Izu-Ogasawara Subduction Zone
Sumino H, Burgess R, Jepson L, Chavrit D, Shimizu A, Machida S & Ballentine C

Chavrit Deborah (2020) The Critical Role of Subduction in Earth’s Halogen Distribution
Ruzie-Hamilton L, Burgess R, Clay P, Joachim-Mrosko B, Chavrit D, Hilton D, Perfit M & Ballentine C
(2017) Halogens (F, Cl, Br, I) in High Pressure Subduction Zone Minerals from the Western and Central Alps
Hughes L, Burgess R, Pawley A, Chavrit D, Lyon I, Tartese R, Droop G & Ballentine C
(2016) Iodine Budget in the Manus Back-Arc Basin: Implication for the Iodine Cycle in the Earth’s Mantle
Ruzie L, Chavrit D, Hilton D, Burgess R, Joachim B, Clay P, Sinton J & Ballentine C

Chawchai S. (2022) A Decade of Daily Oxygen Isotope Analysis from Peninsular Thailand: Implications for the Interpretation of Speleothem Records
Löwemark L, Kontsevich G, Chabangborn A, Chawchai S, Duerrast H, Liang M-C, Madhavan M & Wang C-H
(2019) A 18, 000-Year High-Resolution Record of Atmospheric Convection and Temperature from the Indo-Pacific Warm Pool
Smittenberg R, Yamoah A, Schenk F, Chabangborn A, Chawchai S, Väliranta M & Wohlfarth B
(2018) A 18, 000-Year Lacustrine High-Resolution Record of Past Temperature and Hydroclimate Dynamics from the Indo-Pacific Warm Pool
Smittenberg R, Yamoah K, Schenk F, Chabangborn A, Chawchai S & Wohlfarth B
(2017) Intricacies of Organic Hydrogen and Carbon Isotope Proxies for Past Hydroclimate
Smittenberg R, Yamoah K, Norström E, Muschitiello F, Chabangborn A, Chawchai S, Björck S & Wohlfarth B

Chaychi Amirkhiz A. (2008) Obsidian Provenance Studies from the Chalcolithic Sites of the Eastern Lake Urmia, Northwestern Iran
Niknami KA & Chaychi Amirkhiz A

Chazan M. (2019) U-Pb in Fossil Tortoise Shell: A Potential Geochronometer for Sedimentation
Rochin-Banaga H, Davis D & Chazan M

Chazette P. (2009) Transport and Vertical Structure of Dust and Biomass Burning Aerosols over West Africa from Airborne Lidar, in situ and CALIPSO Measurements during AMMA Dry Season Campaign
Kim S-W, Yoon S-C, Chazette P, Dulac F, Sanak J & Johnson B

Chazot G. (2023) Erta Ale Volcano (Afar, Ethiopia) Plumbing System Architecture, Magma Source and Differentiation Series
Pin J, Chazot G, France L, Abily B, Gurenko A & Bertrand H
(2023) Deciphering the Role of Sulfides and Volatiles in the Transfer of Copper Towards the Surface: Insights from the Volatile and Sulfur Saturated Magmas of Fatu Kapa (NW Lau Back-Arc Basin, SW Pacific)
Jeanvoine A, Park J-W, Pelleter E, Chazot G, Yves F, Bézos A & Hwang J
(2021) Mantle Metasomatism Influence on Water Contents in Continental Lithosphere: New Constraints from Garnet Pyroxenite Xenoliths (France & Cameroon Volcanic Provinces)
Azevedo-Vannson S, France L, Ingrin J & Chazot G
(2019) Behaviour of Metals in Slab-Decoupled Magmas. Example of the Fatu-Kapa Hydrothermal Fields (SW Pacific)
Jeanvoine A, Chazot G, Pelleter E, Fouquet Y, Bézos A, Guivel C & Langlade J
(2017) The Oldoinyo Lengai Volcano Plumbing System Architecture, and Composition from Source to Surface
Mollex G, France L, Füri E, Bonnet R, Botcharnikov R, Zimmermann L, Wilke S, Deloule E, Chazot G, Kazimoto E, Marty B & Burnard P
(2013) Metamorphic and Magmatic Overprint of Garnet Pyroxenites from the Beni Bousera Massif (Northern Morocco): Mineralogical, Chemical and Textural Records
El Atrassi F, Brunet F, Chazot G & Chopin C
(2011) Origin of the Seamounts Near Futuna Island, SW Pacific
Labanieh S, Chazot G, Etoubleau J, Fouquet Y, Dosso L & Hemond C
(2006) Mg- and Fe-rich wehrlites: products of progressive melt/peridotite reaction?
Vannucci R, Raffone N, Chazot G, Pin C & Zanetti A
(2003) New Data on Mantle Metasomatism beneath the Devès, France
Touron S, O’Reilly S, Renac C, Chazot G & Cottin J
(2003) Minor Elements, HREE and δ18O Distribution in UHPGarnets from the Dora-Maira Massif (Western Alps): Evidence for Gneiss and Mg-Quartzite Interaction at UHP?
Brunet F, Chazot G, Burchard M, Vielzeuf D & Chopin C
(2002) The Composition of Mid Atlas Lithospheric Mantle
Raffone N, Zanetti A, Chazot G, Pin C & Vannucci R
(2002) Immiscible Dolomitic Carbonatitic and Trachytic Magmas and the First Occurrence of Carbonatites in the French Massif Central
Chazot G, Bertrand H, Mergoil J & Sheppard S
(2002) High-K Magmas from the French Massif Central: Crust-Mantle Interaction during the Hercynian Orogeny
Arnaud N, Agranier A, Chazot G, Pin C, Poidevin J-L & Blichert Toft J
(2002) Extension of the Afar Plume Material: He Isotope Constraints
Yokochi R, Pik R, Marty B & Chazot G
(2001) Geochemistry of Mantle Xenoliths from Ibalrhatene (Mid Atlas, Morocco): Insights into the Lithospheric Mantle Evolution during Continental Rifting
Raffone N, Zanetti A, Chazot G, Deniel C & Vannucci R
(2001) Rutile/Mineral and Rutile/Liquid Partition Coefficients for HFSE, REE and Actinides: Results from Natural Eclogites and Partial Melting Experiments
Dardon A, Schmidt MW, Chazot G, Tiepolo M & Vannucci R

Che B. (2020) Sulfate Sulfur Isotope Evidence for Enhanced Pyrite Burial in the Aftermath of the Late Paleozoic Great Ice Age
Wu H, Wang Y, He T, Newton R, Che B, Zhang Y & Yang T

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