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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Clark Christian (2017) Fate of Zero-Valent Sulfur in a Sulfidic Aquifer
Clark C, Polerecky L & Macalady J
(2015) Light-Dependent Primary Productivity in a Proterozoic Ocean Analog
Hamilton T, Weber M, Lott C, Clark C, Bird L, de Beer D, Dron A, Freeman K & Macalady J

Clark Christopher (2016) Deciphering Thermal Events in the Capricorn Orogen Using Titanite
Taylor R, Reddy S, Clark C & Johnson S
(2016) Age Relations and Geochemistry of Precambrian Rocks of Shetland
Kinny P, Strachan R, Fowler M, Jahn I, Clark C & Taylor R
(2016) In situ SHRIMP U-Pb Geochronology and Geochemistry of Mafic Dykes in the Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia and Bunger Hills, East Antarctica
Stark JC, Wang X-C, Li Z-X, Rasmussen B, Zi J-W, Clark C & Hand M
(2016) The Ultrahigh Temperature Evolution of the Napier Complex as Revealed by Zircon Geochemistry
Clark C, Taylor R, Kylander-Clark A & Hacker B
(2016) P–T–t Evolution of the UHT Rogaland–Vest Agder Sector, SW Norway
Blereau E, Clark C, Johnson T, Taylor R, Kinny P & Hand M
(2015) Age and Hafnium Isotopic Evolution of the Western Ethiopian Shield
Blades M, Collins A, Foden J, Payne J, Alemu T, Woldetinsae G, Clark C & Taylor R
(2015) Subducting the Mozambique Ocean: Cryogenian Arc Formation throughout the East African Orogen
Collins AS, Archibald D, Blades M, Robinson F, Plavsa D, Foden J, Pisarevsky S, Clark C & Taylor R
(2015) Quantitative Microstructural and Trace Element Geochemical Analysis of a Mineralogically Zoned Vein
Meadows H, Reddy S, Clark C & Taylor R
(2015) LASS-ICPMS Zircon Geochronology: Comparisons with SHRIMP
Jahn I, Clark C, Reddy S, Taylor R & Kylander-Clark A
(2015) Rare Earth Element Partition Coefficients during High-Grade Metamorphism: Experiments, Realities, and Large Datasets
Taylor R, Clark C, Kinny P & Kylander-Clark A
(2013) On the Hunt for a Gondwanan Suture Zone in South India
Plavsa D, Collins A, Foden J, Clark C & Santosh M
(2013) Garnet, Zircon and Monazite as Monitors of High-Temperature Metamorphic Events: How Useful are They?
Clark C
(2013) Timing of Ultra-High Temperature (UHT) Metamorphism and Formation of Incipient Charnockites in the Kerala Khondalite Belt (KKB), Southern India
Taylor R, Clark C & Fitzsimons I
(2012) How Does the Continental Crust get Really Hot?
Clark C, Fitzsimons I & Healy D

Clark David (2019) Denitrification Dominates Riverbed N2O Production
Ma C, Clark D, Hemsley V, Sanders I & Trimmer M
(2008) Molecular- and Nano-Scale Structure and Reactivity of Biogenic Uranium (IV) Oxide
Schofield E, Bargar J, Ulrich K-U, Mehta A, Bernier-Latmani R, Veeramani H, Sharp J, Conradson S, Clark D, Giammar D & Webb S

Clark Deirdre (2020) Elemental Mobility Following CO2-H2S Injection into Basaltic Rocks at the CarbFix2 Site, Iceland
Clark D, Galeczka I, Oelkers E, Sigfússon B, Gunnarsson I, Snæbjörnsdóttir S, Aradóttir E & Gislason S
(2016) Mineral Storage of Gas Mixtures in Basalt
Gislason S, Gunnarsson I, Juliusson B, Clark D, Snæbjörnsdottir S, Aradottir E, Gunnlaugsson E, Sigfusson B, Stute M, Matter J, Broecker W, Arnarsson M, Dideriksen K, Olssen J & Oelkers E

Clark Deirdre E. (2023) Carbon Fixation Using Seawater for Sustainable Large-Scale Carbon Capture and Storage—Using Stable Isotopes for Quantification
Phillips E, Voigt M, Bradbury H, Knapp WJ, Turchyn A(V, Tipper ET, Snæbjörnsdóttir SÓ, Sigfússon B, Clark DE, Oelkers EH & Gislason SR
(2015) The CarbFix-SulFix project: Mineral Storage of CO2/H2S Gas Mixtures in Basaltic Rocks
Clark DE, Gunnarsson I, Aradottir ES, Gunnlaugsson E, Juliusson BM, Matter JM, Stute M, Oelkers EH, Snaebjornsdottir SO & Gislason SR

Clark Deirdre Elizabeth (2021) Fluid Chemistry of the Theistareykir Geothermal Field, NE Iceland
Clark DE, Óskarsson F, Eichinger F, Iannotta J, Voropaev A, Nielsson S & Sigurðardóttir ÁK
(2021) Carbfix: CO2 Storage Through Carbon Mineralisation
Snæbjörnsdóttir SÓ, Sigfússon B, Helgason K, Marieni C, Clark DE, Ratouis T, Voigt M, Oelkers EH, Gislason SR & Aradottir ES
(2019) Thermodynamic Databases for CO2 Water Rock Systems
Voigt M, Marieni C, Clark DE, Gíslason SR & Oelkers EH
(2019) Chemistry and Mineralisation of CO2-H2S Fluids Injected into Basaltic Rocks at the CarbFix2 Site, Iceland
Clark DE, Gunnarsson I, Oelkers EH, Sigfússon B, Snæbjörnsdóttir SÓ, Aradóttir ES & Gíslason SR
(2017) Rapid Siderite Mineralisation of Carbon during CO2-water-Basaltic Glass Experiments at 50℃
Clark DE, Gislason S, Galecka I & Wolff-Boenisch D

Clark Donald L. (2007) A-Type Granite(?) of Late Jurassic Age, Western Utah, USA
Christiansen EH, Jensen B, Clark DL, Biek RF, Hart GL & Vervoort JD

Clark E. (2019) 14C Ages of ‘Hand-Picked’ Foraminifera and More from the AMS Facility at ETH Zurich
Hajdas I, Clark E, Klas M, Trumbore S, Ivy Ochs S, Peteet D, Hemming S, McManus J, Liu T, Severignhaus J, Putnam A & Bonani G
(2008) A Search for the Glacial Age 14C Depleted Ocean Reservoir
Barker S, Broecker W & Clark E
(2005) The Radiocarbon Age Glacial Deep Water
Broecker W, Barker S & Clark E

Clark G (2006) A Comparison of Arsenic Occurrence and Geochemistry in Two Groundwater Environments
O'Shea B, Clark G & Jankowski J

Clark Geoffrey (2016) Geochemical Analyses of Fossil Shells of Gafrarium Tumidum Collected from Tongatapu Island and its Application for Paleoceanography and Archaeology during the Holocene
Fukuyo N, Kubota K, Clark G, Miyairi Y, Tsuzuki K, Shirai K, Higuchi T & Yokohama Y

Clark Goeffrey (2018) Monitoring Dairy Consumption in Humans Using Calcium Isotopes
Tacail T, Berthet D, Herrscher E, Valentin F, Clark G & Martin JE

Clark Ian (2023) Clumped Isotope Geochemistry Reveals Insights into Secondary Carbonates Mineralisation in the Michigan Basin, Ontario
Fosu BR, Jautzy JJ, Al T & Clark I
(2020) Controls on O and H Isotope Compositions of Clay Minerals and Porewater in Ordovician Shales, Ontario, Canada
Longstaffe F, Chauvin S, Clark I & Kennell-Morrison L

Clark Ian D. (2018) CH4 Clumped Isotope Signatures in an Ordovician Aquiclude: Insight into Methanogenic N-Alkanes Degradation
Jautzy JJ, Douglas PMJ, Eiler JM & Clark ID
(2018) Carbon-Cycling in Lake Untersee, Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica
Marsh NB, Lacelle D, Clark ID, Faucher B & Andersen DT
(2016) Comparison of 14C Isotope-Based Correction Methods for Quantifying Petroleum Hydrocarbon Degradation Rates
Wozney A, Clark I & Mayer KU
(2016) Magnesium Isotopes as an Environmental Tracer to Assess Solute Migration within a Deep-Seated Sedimentary Aquiclude
Cotroneo S, Jensen M & Clark ID
(2014) Chemistry of Primary High Temperature Uranium Minerals from Central Jordan
Khoury H, Sokol E & Clark I
(2013) The Fate of Iodine-129 Released from the Fukushima-Daiichi Nuclear Accident
Herod MN, Suchy M, Clark ID, Kieser WE & Graham G
(2012) An Absorption Method for Porewater Characterization in Low Permeability Sedimentary Rocks
Celejewski M, Al T, Clark I & McKelvie J
(2012) Analysis of Carbon Cycling within a Malaysian Watershed
Lee K, Veizer J & Clark I
(2012) Biogenic Methane and Bacterial Community Structure in Ordovician Shales, Michigan Basin, Ontario
Ilin D, Mohammadzadeh H, Poulain A & Clark I
(2012) Estimation of He Diffusion Coefficients in Low Permeability Sedimentary Rocks
Mohapatra R, Al T & Clark I
(2012) Generating Pore Fluid Isotope and Solute Profiles in Exceptionally Low Permeability Rocks
Agosta S, Hanna D, Liu I & Clark I
(2012) A High-Resolution Paleoclimate Reconstruction Using C and N Isotopes in a Subarctic Environment, Northern Canada
Griffith F, Clark I, Patterson T, Macumber A, Galloway J & Falck H
(2012) Understanding the Origin of Porewater Geochemical Profiles in the Michigan Basin, Southwest Ontario
Al T, Clark I, Kennell L, Raven K & Jensen M
(2012) Anammox Activity in Contaminated Groundwater Having High Ammonium and Nitrate Concentrations
Xing Y, Tekin E, Fortin D, Timlin R & Clark I
(2012) Isotopic Constraints on Water and Carbon Fluxes in Langat Basin, Peninsular Malaysia: A Reconnaissance Study
Syakir M, Clark I & Veizer J
(2012) Input and Transport of 129I in the Canadian Arctic: Evidence of a Fukushima Pulse
Herod MN, Clark ID, Kieser WE & Zhao X-L
(2011) Geochemistry of Fluids from the Bruce Nuclear Site: Evidence for a Geologically Ancient Ordovician Porewater System
Kennell L, Al T, Clark I & Jensen M
(2011) Helium in Michigan Basin Sediments: A Tracer for Pore Fluid Migration and Age
Mohapatra R, Clark I, Jackson R, Raven K & Jensen M
(2010) Geochemical and Isotope Tracers in Pore Waters from Low Permeability Paleozoic Strata of the Michigan Basin of Southwest Ontario
Clark I, Liu I, Mohammadzadeh H, Mohapatra R, Jackson R, Heagle D & Raven K
(2009) Microbial and Geochemical Controls on Bacteriogenic Iron Oxide Formation and Fate
Gault A, Ibrahim A, Langley S, Renaud R, Takahashi Y, Boothman C, Lloyd J, Clark I, Ferris G & Fortin D
(2009) Tritium-Helium Dating of a TCE-Contaminated Aquifer for Model Validation
Murphy S & Clark I
(2008) Sulphur Isotopes in Carbonatites & Associated Silicate Rocks from the Superior Province, Canada
Farrell S, Clark I & Bell K
(2008) Stability of Natural Bacteriogenic Iron Oxides (BIOS) and their Role in Sr Cycling
Fortin D, Langley S, Gault A, Ibrahim A, Ferris FG & Clark ID
(2008) Noble Gases in Permafrost Perrenial Groundwater Springs, Fishing Branch River, Yukon, Canada
Utting N, Clark I, Aeschbach-Hertig W & Wieser M
(2003) Compound-Specific Isotope Analysis of DOC in Landfill Leachate
Mohammadzadeh H, Marschner M, Clark I, St-Jean G & Middlestead P

Clark James (2019) Hyper-Enriched Black Shales: Paleoredox Conditions and Late-Stage Metal Mobility
Henderson K, Williams-Jones A & Clark J
(2019) Colloidal Transport: A Solution to the High-Grade Gold Ore Paradox?
McLeish D, Williams-Jones A, Vasyukova O, Clark J & Board W
(2012) Selection for Gaia at Multiple Scales
Daines S, Boyle R, Clark J, Williams H & Lenton T
(2011) Controls on and Effects of Surface Ocean Oxygenation Prior to the Great Oxidation
Daines S, Clark J & Lenton T
(2009) Agent-Based Modelling of Archean Biogeochemistry and the Great Oxidation
Clark J, Williams H, Lenton T & Watson A
(2006) Carbon sources and signals through time in an alpine groundwater basin, Sagehen California
Clark J & Blumhagen E

Clark Joanna (2022) Searching for Mineralogical Evidence for the Clay-Sulfate Transition Region in Gale Crater, Mars Using the Sample Analysis at Mars-Evolved Gas Analyzer (SAM-Ega) Onboard the Curiosity Rover
Clark J, Sutter B, Wong G, Lewis J, McAdam A, Archer D, Mahaffy P, Franz H, Eigenbrode J, Freissinet C, Stern J, Glavin DP, Steele A, Knudson C, House C, Malespin C & Ming DW
(2017) Effect of Solution pH and Chloride Concentration on Akaganeite Precipitation: Implications for Akaganeite Formation on Mars
Peretyazhko T, Rampe L, Clark J, Archer D, Morris D & Ming D
(2008) 34S Tracer Study of Pollutant Sulfur Behaviour in a Lowland Peat Bog
Bottrell S, Coulson J, Bartlett R, Clark J & Chapman P
(2008) Recovery from Acidification: Sulfur Cycling and Dissolved Organic Carbon Dynamics
Bartlett R, Bottrell S, Clark J & Chapman P

Clark Jordan (2015) Multi-Scale Studies of Advective Transport Across the Sediment-Water Interface with Radioactive Tracer Tools – Some Examples from Coastal Environments
Stieglitz T, Cook P, Clark J, van Beek P & Hancock G
(2014) Seasonal Groundwater Recharge in the Snow-Dominated Sierra Nevada Using Cosmogenic 35S
Uriostegui S, Bibby R, Esser B & Clark J
(2011) Rapid Seawater Circulation Through Animal Burrows in Mangrove Forests – A Significant Source of Saline Groundwater to the Tropical Coastal Ocean
Stieglitz T, Clark J & Hancock G
(2010) Excess Air Formation Below Spreading Ponds
Clark J

Clark Kathryn E. (2012) Erosion of Organic Matter in a Tropical Mountain Catchment: Implications for Carbon Delivery from the Andes to the Amazon River
Clark KE, Hilton RG, West AJ, Malhi Y, Grocke DR, Bryant C, Robles A, Rao Y & New M

Clark Kathryn E. (2016) Rhenium as a Tracer of Oxidative Weathering from the Andes to the Lowland Amazon Basin
Dellinger M, Hilton RG, West AJ, Torres MA, Burton K & Clark KE

Clark Kathryn E. (2015) Combining Ge/Si, δ30Si, and δ74Ge to Unravel Controls on Weathering and Solute Production in Tropical Catchments
Baronas JJ, Torres M, West AJ, Hammond DE, Clark KE, Opfergelt S & Burton KW

Clark Kenneth (2016) Density Changes of Black Carbon Particles and Effects on Particle Movement and Storage
Pyle L, Masiello C & Clark K

Clark Malcolm (2017) Hybrid ROV Surveys Reveal Hadal Megafaunal Community Structure Varies with Depth in the Kermadec Trench
Shank T, Drazen J, Yancey P, Jamieson A, Rowden A, Clark M, Mayor D, Bourgue J, Demopoulos A, Bartlett D, Piertney S & Ruhl H
(2017) Life History of Abyssal and Hadal Fishes from Otolith Growth Zones and Oxygen Isotopes
Gerringer M, Andrews A, Huss G, Nagashima K, Gallo N, Clark M, Linley T, Jamieson A & Drazen J

Clark Marin (2020) The Geochemistry of Tibetan Lavas: Geodynamic Implications
Saal A, Yakovlev P, Clark M, Hong C, Niemi N & Mallick S

Clark Mark (2017) The Effect of Short-Term Inundation on Potential Nutrient Flux in a Coastal Ecosystem
Collins R, Mylavarapu R, Clark M & Osborne T
(2008) Supramolecular Aggregation of Natural Organic Matter Promoted by Complexation with Ca2+, Mg2+, and Na+ Ions in Aqueous Solutions
Ahn W-Y, Kalinichev A & Clark M
(2006) Progress and Problems with Apatite (U-Th)/He Dating
Farley K & Clark M
(2005) Dating Erosion Events Using <+>4<$>He/<+>3<$>He Thermochronometry
Farley K, Shuster D, Clark M & Maheo G

Clark P. (2010) Surface Mass Balance and Geochemical Constraints on the Laurentide Ice Sheet Contribution to Meltwater Pulse 1A
Carlson A, Ullman D, Anslow F, He F, Clark P, Liu Z & Otto-Bliesner B
(2010) North Atlantic Melting Water Forcing of Early Deglacial Warming in the Southern Ocean and Two-Step North Pacific Ventilation: A Transient GCM Study with CCSM3
He F, Liu Z, Otto-Bliesner BL, Clark P, Carlson A & Brady E
(2008) Decadal to Millenial Variability in Holocene Winter Climate in the Pacific Northwest
Ersek V, Clark P, Mix A, Cheng H & Edwards LR

Clark R (2005) Using Imaging Spectroscopy to Map Ultramafic Rocks, Serpentinites, and Tremolite-Actinolite-Bearing Rocks in California
Swayze G, Higgins C, Clinkenbeard J, Kokaly R, Clark R, Meeker G & Sutley S

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