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(2020) Elemental Mobility Following CO2-H2S Injection into Basaltic Rocks at the CarbFix2 Site, Iceland

Clark D, Galeczka I, Oelkers E, Sigfússon B, Gunnarsson I, Snæbjörnsdóttir S, Aradóttir E & Gislason S


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08p: Room 3, Wednesday 24th June 22:33 - 22:36

Listed below are questions that have been submitted by the community that the author will try and cover in their presentation. To submit a question, ensure you are signed in to the website. Authors or session conveners approve questions before they are displayed here.

Submitted by Claire Nelson on Wednesday 24th June 20:30
great presentation! I see from your figure in your presentation that Cl and B have similar relative mobilities, and in your recent GCA paper, you mentioned the concentrations of each fluctuate. I'm curious to know if the Cl/B ratio of the waters also fluctuates? Or does it remain relatively constant and similar to that of Icelandic basalt, indicative dissolution? Do you have any information on how incorporation of Cl and B into secondary carbonates may change the aqueous Cl/B ratio?
This is an excellent question (answering here too so others can see) - Yes I also look at the Cl/B ratios, they are just not shown in the presentation. They do compare well with the Icelandic basalts as well as Cl/B ratios from the work for Andri Stefansson and his group. He had taken samples from Hellisheidi geothermal wells back in 2008. And yes, if there is incorporation of Cl and B into carbonates, this would change the ratio. It would mean more basalt rock mass would be needed to dissolve to obtain the concentrations that we observe in the monitoring well fluids.

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