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Christensen Peter Bondo (2010) Extracellular Electron Transport Coupling Biogeochemical Processes Centimeters Apart
Risgaard-Petersen N, Fossing H, Christensen PB, Sayama M & Nielsen LP

Christensen Philip (2013) Combining Geochemistry with Thermal Infrared Remote Sensing to Characterize Glacial Weathering
Rutledge A, Canovas P, Shock E & Christensen P
(2008) Analysis of Chloride Salt Deposits on Mars
Glotch T, Osterloo M, Hamilton V, Bandfield J, Baldridge A, Christensen P, Tornabene L, Anderson FS, Che C & Seelos F

Christensen S. (2023) Origin of B- and P-Rich Thermal Waters in Northeastern Japan: Modern Analogue of Nucleotide-Forming Environments on the Early Earth
Kakegawa T, Christensen S, Ishida A, Araoka D & Shinjo R

Christensen T. H. (2001) Organic Contaminants in the Vejen Landfill Leachate Plume: 1990 and 2000
Christensen TH, Baun A, Ledin A, Bjerg PL, Richnow H & Meckenstock R

Christensen Torben (2020) Sulfuric Acid Weathering in a High Arctic Watershead
Stevenson E, Murphy M, Relph K, Tipper E, Turchyn S, Pogge Von Strandmann P & Christensen T

Christenson Bruce (2021) Stable Isotope, Noble Gas, and Forward Modelling Insights into the Fate of Volatiles Subducted along the Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand
Epstein GS, Bebout GE, Christenson B, Sumino H, Wada I, Werner CA & Hilton DR
(2021) Chemical Composition of the Evaporative Degassing Plume at Te Wai a Moe Crater Lake (Ruapehu, New Zealand)
Rouwet D, Christenson B, Tamburello G, Kusakabe M & Fournier N
(2020) C-N-He-Ar Cycling at the Hikurangi Subduction Margin, New Zealand
Epstein G, Bebout G, Christenson B, Sumino H, Wada I, Werner C & Hilton D
(2019) Magmatic-Hydrothermal Ore-Metal Mineralization in the Taupo Volcanic Zone (TVZ)
Reyes A & Christenson B
(2003) Physico-Chemical Response of Volcanic-Hydrothermal Systems to Volcanic Unrest: Evidence from New Zealand Crater Lake Environments
Christenson B
(2002) Oxidation Rates of Hg0 in Geothermal Fluids
Mroczek E & Christenson B

Christenson Bruce W. (2016) Degassing History of the White Island Magmatic-Hydrothermal System (New Zealand) during the 1976-2000 Eruptive Cycle
Mandon CL, Christenson BW & Seward TM

Christenson Hannah (2013) Speciation of Phosphorus in Soils Peripheral to Meltwater Ponds in Victoria Land, Antarctica
Christenson H, Webster-Brown J & Hawes I
(2011) A "Cradle to Grave" Analysis of Geothermal Arsenic in Lowland River System
Webster-Brown J, Wilson N, Hegan A, Christenson H & Swedlund P

Christenson Hugo (2014) A New Precipitation Pathway for Calcium Sulfate Dihydrate (Gypsum) via Amorphous and Hemihydrate Intermediates
Wang Y, Kim Y, Christenson H & Meldrum F

Christgen B. (2023) Microbial Communities in the Weathering Zone—implications for Oxidative Weathering
Georgiadis E, Roylands T, McClymont E, Christgen B, Gray N, Le Bouteiller C, Soulet G, Eglinton TI, Magnabosco C, Hemingway JD & Hilton R

Christian J. (2014) An Undocumented Water Column Sink for Cadmium in Open Ocean Oxygen Minimum Zones
Cullen J, Janssen D, Christian J, Conway T & John S

Christiansen B.c (2013) Green Rust Sulphate – Making Space for Interlayer Cations
Christiansen BC, Katz A, Bovet N, Sørensen HO, Andersson MP, Nedel S, Frandsen C, Dideriksen K & Stipp SLS

Christiansen B.c. (2013) Cadmium Sorption by Green Rust
Nedel S, Dalby KN, Dideriksen K, Christiansen BC & Stipp SLS

Christiansen Bo C. (2016) The Role of Anion (Cl-, SO42- and CO32-) Ratio and Concentration on Reformation of Calcined Hydrotalcite
Eiby SHJ, Nedel S, Tobler DJ, Bischoff A, Christiansen BC, Hansen AS, Kjaergaard HG & Stipp SLS
(2009) Green Rust Interaction with Cerium
Nedel S, Dideriksen K, Christiansen B, Bovet N & Stipp S
(2007) Green Rust Sodium/Potassium Sulfate
Christiansen BC, Balic-Zunic T, Frandsen C, Mørup S & Stipp SLS
(2004) Improved Structural Model of Green Rust Sulfate, GRSO4
Christiansen B, Stipp S & Balic-Zunic T
(2002) Morphological and Structural Changes during Transformation of Green Rust – Fe(II)(III)-hydroxide
Christiansen BC & Stipp SLS

Christiansen C. (2017) A Pan-Canadian Study of Optical Properties of Dissolved Organic Matter in the Active Layer and Permafrost
Fouché J, Christiansen C, Lafrenière M, Grogan P & Lamoureux S

Christiansen Eric H (2021) No Oxygen, Less Diorite; No Biosphere, Smaller Continents
Christiansen EH & Pitcher BW

Christiansen Eric H. (2015) Cotectic Compositions: A New Geobarometer for Dry Rhyolites
Wilke S, Bolte T, Almeev R, Christiansen EH & Holtz F
(2014) Origin of the Cenozoic Ignimbrite Flareup in the Southern Great Basin, Western USA
Christiansen E & Best M
(2007) A-Type Granite(?) of Late Jurassic Age, Western Utah, USA
Christiansen EH, Jensen B, Clark DL, Biek RF, Hart GL & Vervoort JD
(2005) Eruptive Source of Volcanic Ash in Jurassic Morrison Formation Suggested by Pb Isotopic Composition of Sanidine
Hart G, Christiansen E & Kowallis B
(2005) Titanite as a Tool in Tephra Provenance Studies: An Example from the Late Jurassic
Kowallis BJ, Christiansen EH & Barth AP
(2005) Miocene Magmatic Transition in the Northern Basin and Range Province, Western United States
Christiansen E
(2005) Cenozoic and Proterozoic A-Type Silicic Magmas of the Western US
Christiansen E
(2004) Contrasting Processes in Silicic Magma Chambers: Evidence from Very Large Volume Ignimbrites
Christiansen E

Christiansen Hanne (2002) Towards Determining Cosmogenic 3He Exposure Histories from Old Volcanic Rocks
Stuart F, Williams A & Christiansen H

Christiansen Hanne Hvildtfeldt (2021) Pingos and Old Sub-Permafrost Water at Svalbard
Weinstein Y, Rotem D, Hodson A & Christiansen HH

Christiansen K. (2011) Horizontial and Vertical Water Mass Tracing of the SW Pacific Ocean during the Last Deglaciation
Marr J, Baker J, Carter L, Allan A, Christiansen K & Bostock H

Christiansen R.L. (2012) The Evolution of Magmas at a Large Stratocone Volcano, Mount Shasta, N. California
Wende AM, Ziechert TA, Johnson CM, Beard BL, Christiansen RL & Calvert AT
(2005) Post-Laramide Tectonomagmatics of the U.S. Cordillera
Christiansen RL

Christianson K. (2013) First Results from the Northeast Greenland Ice Stream Drilling Site
Vallelonga P, Kjær H, Tibuleac C, Svensson A, Kristensen M, Popp T, Holme C, Weng Y, Vinther B, Dahl-Jensen D, Karlsson N, Kipfstuhl S, Peters L & Christianson K

Christidis L. (2017) Can Coral Skeletal d15N be Used as a Proxy for Past Mass Bleaching Events?
Rangel MS, Erler D, Riekenberg J, Scheffers S, Christidis L & Lough J

Christie A.B. (2015) Trends in the Inorganic Species Budget of New Zealand Soils (Southern South Island): Natural Versus Anthropogenic Change
Martin AP, Rattenbury MS, Turnbull RE & Christie AB
(2015) Cu, Zn and Pb Geochemistry of Stream Sediment Samples from Mineral Exploration Surveys, Hauraki Goldfield, New Zealand
Christie A

Christie D (2004) Contrasting Origins of the Upper Mantle MORB Source Revealed by Hf and Pb Isotopes from the Australian-Antarctic Discordance
Hanan B, Blichert-Toft J, Pyle D & Christie D

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