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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Chiffoleau J-F.
(2017) Multi-Isotope (Hg, C & N) Approach to Assess Mercury Origin along the French Coast
Briant N, Sonke J, Chouvelon T, Brach-Papa C, Chiffoleau J-F, Savoye N & Knoery J
(2011) Pb Concentrations, Stable Isotopes and 210Pb in Seawater, Phytoplankton, Zooplankton, Sardines, Anchovy from the Gulf of Lion
Strady E, Veron A, Chiffoleau JF & Radakovitch O
(2008) Seasonal Variations of Trace Elements in the Water Column of the Ligurian Sea, Western Mediterranean
Heimbürger L-E, Chiffoleau J-F, Dufour A, Migon C, Coppola L, Auger D & Cossa D
(2000) Experimental Approaches for Modeling of the Behaviour of Trace Metals and Radionuclides in Coastal Zones: Application to Cadmium and Cobalt in French Estuaries
Dange C, Charmasson S, Gonzalez JL, Thouvenin B, Boutier B, Chiffoleau JF, Auger D & Chartier E

Chigai T (2003) Condensation Sequence of SiC and Graphite Grains Around Carbon Stars
Chigai T & Yamamoto T

Chigai Takeshi (2015) Evolution of Organic Molecules in Space: From Ice Deposition to Organic Residues
Piani L, Tachibana S, Hama T, Kimura Y, Endo Y, Fujita K, Nakatsubo S, Fukushi H, Mori S, Chigai T, Yurimoto H & Kouchi A

Chiglino L. (2011) Mercury Stratigraphy: A Proxy for Volcanogenic CO2 Buildup in Neoproterozoic Snowball Earth and Volcanism in the K-T Transition
Sial A, Lacerda L, Gaucher C, Ferreira V, Chiglino L, Campos M, Nascimento-Silva V & Cezario W
(2011) Carbon-Isotope and Mercury Stratigraphies of the Frecheirinha Formation Cap Carbonate, Northeastern Brazil
Chiglino L, Sial A & Gaucher C

Chih-Kai C. (2016) Provenance of a Distinct Gray Layer from the Lomonosov Ridge off Greenland
Weng-Si C, Ludvig L, Kari S, Yoshiyuki I & Chih-Kai C

Chikanda F. (2022) Iron Precipitation and Associated Microbial Activities in Ainai and Shojin River Mine Drainages, Japan
Ohtomo Y, Matsui T, Chikanda F, Tum S, Otake T & Sato T
(2021) Geochemical Modeling of a Natural Remediation of an Acid Mine Drainage from an Abandoned Mine in Northern Japan
Tum S, Chikanda F, Matsui T, Ohtomo Y, Otake T, Kikuchi R, Norota S & Sato T
(2020) Formation, Characterization and Behavior of Fe Colloids at Circumneutral pH at Ainai Mine Drainage, Japan: Implications from Geochemical Trends and Fe Isotopes
Chikanda F, Otake T, Ito A, Koide A & Sato T
(2018) The Role of Multi-Stage Processes on REE Enrichment in Kangankunde Carbonatites, Malawi
Chikanda F, Otake T, Ohtomo Y & Sato T

Chikanna A. (2017) Characterization of High Exopolysaccharide Produced by a Halophilic Thermotolerant Bacteria Halomonas Nitroreducens Strain WB1
Ghosh D, Mukherjee S, Kishore A & Chikanna A

Chikaoka F. (2014) Transportation Process of Arsenic in Red River, Vietnam
Masuda H, Inoue R, Shintani T, Chikaoka F, Luan TX, Hang DT, Yonezawa G & Nakano T

Chikaraishi Y. (2020) Sugars in Carbonaceous Chondrites
Furukawa Y, Chikaraishi Y, Ohkouchi N, Ogawa N, Glavin D, Dworkin J, Abe C & Nakamura T
(2020) Trophic Discrimination of 15N/14N for Amino Acids Illustrates Energy Consumption in Organisms
Chikaraishi Y
(2020) What is the Parasitic Nematode Anisakis Doing in Host Fish?
Sugaya S, Takizawa Y & Chikaraishi Y
(2020) Trophic Discrimination Factor in 13C/12C for Amino Acids
Takizawa Y, Takano Y, Choi B, Dharampal P, Steffan S, Ogawa N, Ohkouchi N & Chikaraishi Y
(2020) Fractionation of 15N/14N in Plant Phenology: Implications for Physiological, Ecological, and Geochemical Studies
Fan R & Chikaraishi Y
(2020) Illustrating Isoscape Map for Better Understanding the Ecological and Geochemical Nitrogen Dynamics
Xing D & Chikaraishi Y
(2020) CSIA of Amino Acids in Zooplankton for Nitrogen Isotopic Baseline Estimation in North Western Pacific
Choi B, Lee Y, Chikaraishi Y, Park N, Noh J-H, Lee W-C, Shin K-H & Kwak I-S
(2016) Adsorption of Ammonia onto Grain Surface as a Potential Mechanism for Nitrogen Isotopic Discrimination
Sugahara H, Takano Y, Ogawa NO, Chikaraishi Y & Ohkouchi N
(2016) Seasonal Variations in Nitrogen Isotope Ratios of Amino Acid of Settling Particles in the Western Subarctic North Pacific
Yoshikawa C, Ogawa N, Chikaraishi Y, Fujiki T, Harada N, Honda M & Ohkouchi N
(2016) Revealing the Blackbox Since 1999: 13C-Depleted Amino Acids and Lipids in Deep-Sea Methane Biogeochemistry
Takano Y, Chikaraishi Y, Kruger M & Ohkouchi N
(2016) Catabolic Production in Plants: Significant Influence for CHN Isotopes in Lipids and Amino Acids
Takizawa Y, Takano Y, Ohkouchi N, Yamamoto M & Chikaraishi Y
(2016) Amino Acid Uptake in C4 Plants: Compound-Specific 13C and 15N Probing in Lipids and Amino Acids
Chikaraishi Y, Takano Y & Ohkouchi N
(2016) Isolation and Purification of Individual Amino Acids by HPLC for Precise Small-Scale Radiocarbon Dating of Archaeological Bones
Itahashi Y, Takano Y, Chikaraishi Y, Ogawa N, Ohkouchi N, Yamane M, Yokoyama Y, Nagata T & Yoneda M
(2016) Preliminary Results of Radiocarbon Dating of Amino Acids: A Novel Tool for Biogeochemistry and Chronology
Ohkouchi N, Itahashi Y, Ishikawa N, Yamane M, Yokoyama Y, Ogawa N, Takano Y, Chikaraishi Y, Yoneda M & Nagata T
(2016) Homochiral Feedback: Asymmetric Interaction between an Achiral Amino Acid Precursor and a Chiral Amino Acid
Takano Y, Chikaraishi Y & Ohkouchi N
(2015) Heterotrophic Modification and Production of Long-Chain N-Alkanes during Early Diagenesis
Chikaraishi Y & Ohkouchi N
(2014) Development of a New Proxy for Past Terrestrial Nitrogen Cycles from Chlorophyll Degradation Products in Soil
Enders S, Houlton B, Freeman K, Ohkouchi N, Chikaraishi Y, Ogawa N & Suga H
(2013) 15N-Enrichment of Amino Acids for Studying Trophic Structure and Energy Flow in Food Webs
Chikaraishi Y, Ogawa N, Tsuchiya M & Ohkouchi N
(2013) Nitrogen Isotopic Fractionation during Enzymatic Transamination of Glutamic Acid to Form Aspartic Acid
Goto A, Miura K & Chikaraishi Y
(2011) Compound-Specific Stable Isotope Analysis of Amino Acids as a Novel Tool for Ecological Food Web Study
Chikaraishi Y, Ogawa N, Takano Y, Tsuchiya M & Ohkouchi N
(2009) Compound-Specific Nitrogen Isotope Analysis of Amino Acids: Implication of Aquatic Food Web Studies
Chikaraishi Y, Ogawa N & Ohkouchi N
(2007) Application of Compound-Specific Radiocarbon Dating for Studying West Antarctic Ice Sheet during the Late Quaternary
Ohkouchi N, Eglinton T, Toyoda M, Chikaraishi Y, Tokuyama H, Miura H & Yokoyama Y
(2007) Stable Nitrogen Isotopic Composition of Amino Acids: Implications for Aquatic Food Web Studies
Chikaraishi Y, Kashiyama Y, Ogawa N, Kitazato H & Ohkouchi N
(2007) Reconstruction of the Past Biogeochemical Cycles Based on Compound-Specific N and C Isotopic Analyses of Sedimentary Porphyrins
Kashiyama Y, Ogawa NO, Chikaraishi Y, Nomoto S, Tada R, Kitazato H & Ohkouchi N
(2006) Stable nitrogen isotope analysis of chlorophylls by gas chromatography-isotope ratio mass spectrometry
Chikaraishi Y, Kashiyama Y, Ogawa N, Kitazato H, Nomoto S & Ohkouchi N
(2006) Nitrogen and carbon isotopic analyses on sedimentary porphyrins of organic-rich shales from Miocene and mid-Cretaceous
Kashiyama Y, Ogawa NO, Chikaraishi Y, Suga H, Tada R, Kitazato H & Ohkouchi N
(2006) Nitrogen isotopic composition of chlorophylls and porphyrins in geological samples as tools for reconstructing paleoenvironment
Ohkouchi N, Kashiyama Y, Chikaraishi Y, Ogawa N, Tada R & Kitazato H
(2006) Massive melting of West Antarctic Ice Sheet during the latest Pleistocene and Holocene: Hydrogen isotopic records of sedimentary biomarkers in Ross Sea
Toyoda M, Yokoyama Y, Miura H, Chikaraishi Y, Tokuyama H, Kitazato H & Ohkouchi N
(2004) Carbon and Hydrogen Isotopic Compositions of Sterols in Riverinemarine Sediments
Chikaraishi Y & Naraoka H
(2003) Carbon and Hydrogen Isotopic Fractionations during Lipid Biosyntheses in Higher Plants
Chikaraishi Y
(2003) Carbon Isotope Fractionation of Monoaromatic Hydrocarbons and Chlorinated Ethylenes during Oxidation by Fenton’s Reagent
Poulson S, Chikaraishi Y & Naraoka H
(2002) Hydrogen and Carbon Isotope Fractionation during Lipid Biosynthesis of Terrestrial Plants
Chikaraishi Y & Naraoka H

Chikunov A. (2019) Fate of Elements in Marine Systems: Evidence from Salt Lake Sediments
Lazareva E, Bryanskaya A, Taran O, Chikunov A, Rozanov A, Surkov O, Peltek S & Zhmodik S

Childers D. (2007) Understanding Carbon Isotope Records from Wetland Plants: Implications for Paleohydrology
Anderson W, Saunders C, Sternberg L, Childers D & Newman S

Childers S.E. (2009) Geomicrobiological Control of Selenium Solubility in Subsurface Phosphate Overburden Deposits
Kirk LB, Childers SE, Peyton B, McDermott T, Gerlach R & Johnson TM
(2005) Microbial Selenate Reduction in a Selenium-Contaminated Watershed
Lynn J, Nair B & Childers S
(2005) Microbial Oxidation of Arsenite in Geothermal Waters
Flores G & Childers S
(2005) Microbial Diversity and Geochemical Heterogeneity within Siliceous Sinters
Abd El-Fatah S, Cetiner Z, Williams T & Childers S
(2000) Genomic Approach to the Study of Microbial Reduction of Iron and Uranium in Subsurface Environments
Lovley D, Methe B, Coppi M, Nevin K, Childers S, Lloyd J & Leang C

Childress Laurel B (2023) Evolutionary Lineages of Alkenones Recorded in Cretaceous and Paleocene Sediments from the Transkei Basin (Iodp Site U1581)
Doiron KE, Brassell SC, Bijl PK, Wagner T, Herrle J, Uenzelmann-Neben G, Bohaty SM, Childress LB & Science Party IE3
(2022) Relationships between Lithology and Chemical Properties: Mining the IODP Databas
Childress LB, Acton G, Percuoco VP & Hastedt M

Childress Laurel Birch (2014) Organic Carbon Burial over the Last 10 kyr by the Waipaoa River, NZ
Childress LB, Blair NE & Leithold EL
(2013) The Fate of Small Active Margin River POC in the Marine Environment
Blair N, Childress L, Ginnane C & Leithold L
(2011) Deciphering the Offshore Biogeochemical Record of Holocene Erosion in the Waipaoa Watershed, New Zealand
Leithold E, Blair N & Childress L
(2010) Carbon and Nitrogen Stable Isotopes as Proxies for Late Pleistocene to Holocene Environmental Change in the Waipaoa Sedimentary System, New Zealand
Childress L, Leithold E, Blair N & Brulet B
(2010) Resolving Organic Carbon of Differing Diagenetic/Catagenetic States in Riverine and Marine Sediments
Blair N, Fournillier K, Leithold E & Childress L

Childs A. (2008) Metal-Mineral-Microbe Interactions in Experimental Microcosms Using New Zealand Thermophiles
Mountain B, Childs A, Daughney C & Stott M
(2006) Microbial community structure at Champagne Pool, Waiotapu, New Zealand
Childs A, Mountain BW & O'Toole R

Childs E.V. (2009) The Stanol: ∆5-Sterol Ratio as a Proxy for Palaeoredox Conditions in Mires
Bingham EM, McClymont EL, Childs EV, Pancost RD, Charman D & Evershed RP

Chilin-Eusebe E. (2023) Three-Years Variations of HCl Concentration and Chlorine Isotopic Compositions in Fumarolic Gases of La Soufrière de Guadeloupe (FWI) Reveal Key Constraints on the Scrubbing of HCl(g)
Le Glas E, Bonifacie M, Agrinier P, Robert V, Bardoux G, Moretti R, Labidi J, Chilin-Eusebe E, Didier T, Burtin A & Pantobe L
(2023) Geochemical Markers of Magmatic Solicitations to Volcanic-Hydrothermal Systems: The Long-Standing Unrest of La Soufrière de Guadeloupe Dissected via Non-Condensable Gases
Moretti R, Robert V, Moune S, Inostroza Pizarro M, Jessop DE, Tassi F, Vaselli O, Bonifacie M, Fiebig J, Labidi J, Vlastelic I, Chilin-Eusebe E, Grassa F, Metcalfe A & Allard P

Chillagana D. (2023) Influence of the Pacific Equatorial Undercurrent on Galápagos Seawater δ18O Values
Conroy J, Murray N, Cole J, Echeverria F & Chillagana D

Chillrud S.N. (2014) Reconstructing the Record of Anthropogenic Pyrogenic Carbon Emissions Since the Onset of the Industrial Revolution: Location, Location, Location
Louchouarn P, Kopp K, Kjær K, Ilsoe P, Andresen C, Chillrud S & Rumpel C
(2013) Formation of Magnetite within Aquifer Sediments and Its Effects on Arsenic Mobility
Sun J, Chillrud S, Mailloux B & Bostick B
(2012) Distribution of Ferrihydrite in Sediments and its Role in Regulating Groundwater Arsenic Exposure Potential
Bostick B, Sun J, Mihajlov I, Chillrud S & Mailloux B
(2005) An Approach to Interpreting Contaminant Deposition Fluxes from Dated Sediment Cores
Chaky D, Bopp R & Chillrud S
(2002) Tracing Groundwater Transport Underneath a Landfill with SF6, Br, and 3H/3He
Stute M, Simpson HJ, Chillrud SN, Law-wai E & Schlosser P

Chilom G. (2012) Adsorption of Humic Acid onto Alumina: Conformational Changes
Chilom G, Khalaf MMR & Rice JA
(2011) Self-Assembly in Natural Organic Matter: Lipid and Amphiphilic Components
Chilom G, Shore J & Rice J

Chilson-Parks B. (2021) The Peridotite Deformation Cycle and the Deep Impact of Subduction beneath the Wyoming Craton
Chin E, Chilson-Parks B, Boneh Y, Hirth G, Saal A, Hearn BC & Hauri EH
(2019) Olivine-Hosted Melt Inclusions from the Andean Back Arc (34º-38ºS)
Chilson-Parks B, Calabozo F, Saal A, Hauri E & Mallick S
(2018) Deciphering the Geochemistry of Lithospheric Mantle in the Melt Source of the Payenia Volcanic Province, Argentina
Chilson-Parks B, Saal A, Wang Z, Calabozo F, Mallick S & Frey F

Chim-Pampillo J. (2019) Effect of Biochar Addition on the Chemical and Isotopic Evolution of Nitrate Retained and Leached from Soil after Manure Fertilization: Lysimeter Experiments
Otero N, Llovet A, Carrey R, Ribas A, Domene X, Mattana S, Chim-Pampillo J, Alcañiz JM & Soler A

Chimedtsogzol A. (2007) Removal of Hg(II) by Natural Zeolite
Chimedtsogzol A
(2004) Methylmercury Uptake by Natural Zeolites
Campbell L, Chimedtsogzol A & Dyer A
(2004) Study of Heavy Metal Uptake by Natural and Modified Zeolites from Mongolia
Chimedtsogzol A & Dyer A

Chimiak E. (2020) Quick Stable Isotope Analysis of Multiple Components in a Complex Mixture by Fourier Transform Mass Spectrometry
Zeichner S, Chimiak E, Elsila J & Eiler J
(2019) Molecular Isotopic Structure as a Biosignature and Window on Molecular Origins
Eiler J, Chimiak E, Csernica T, Dallas B, Neubauer C, Wilkes E & Zeichner S
(2018) Prediction and Interpretation of Comprehensive Molecular Isotopic Structures
Eiler J, Chimiak E, Lloyd M, Neubauer C & Xie H
(2017) Isotope Effects in Low-Molecular-Weight Aromatic Compounds from Petroleum Hydrocarbons Originating from Fluvial-Deltaic Source Rocks
Cesar J, Eiler J, Dallas B, Chimiak E, Raiteri P & Grice K
(2016) Determining the Isotopic Structures of Molecules by Orbitrap Mass Spectrometry
Eiler J, Chimiak E, Dallas B, Griep-Raming J, Juchelka D, Kitchen N, Makarov A & Schwieters J

Chimiak Laura (2022) Position-Specific Carbon Isotopes of Murchison Amino Acids Elucidate Extraterrestrial Abiotic Organic Synthesis Networks
Zeichner SS, Chimiak L, Elsila JE, Sessions A, Dworkin J, Aponte JC & Eiler JM
(2021) Reconstructing Extraterrestrial Organic Synthesis via Site-Specific Isotope Measurements
Csernica T, Chimiak L, Zeichner S, Dworkin J, Elsila JE & Eiler J
(2017) Position Specific Isotope Effects in Alanine Produced by Strecker Synthesis
Chimiak L, Dallas B, Eiler J, Sessions A & Blumenfeld C
(2017) Position-Specific Carbon Isotope Measurements in Alanine by High-Resolution Gas-Source IRMS
Dallas B, Eiler J, Chimiak L & Sessions A
(2017) High-Precision and Accuracy Measurements of the Isotopic Contents and Structures of Extra-Terrestrial Organic Molecules
Eiler J, Chimiak L, Elsila J, Dallas B & Hofmann A

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