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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Byrne David (2023) It’s not Air: What We can Learn from Ar-Kr-Xe Isotopes in Volcanic Gases at the per mil Level and Below
Seltzer AM, Bekaert DV, Barry PH, Broadley MW, Byrne D & Marty B
(2021) The End of the Atmospheric Xenon Archean’s Evolution: A Study of the Great Oxygenation Event Period
Ardoin LM, Broadley M, Almayrac M, Byrne D, Avice G & Marty B
(2021) Determining the Volatile Composition of the Ancient Mantle Through the Analysis of Archean Aged Fibrous Diamonds
Broadley M, Byrne D, Kopylova MG, Thomassot E, Almayrac M & Marty B
(2018) Tracing Fluid Migration in the East Texas Basin Using Noble Gas Isotopes
Byrne D, Barry P, Lawson M, Gelman S, Hillegonds D & Ballentine C
(2015) The Development of the Sulfate-Methane Transition Zone: A Case Study from the Portuguese Margin
Turchyn AV, Byrne D, Antler G, Miller M & Hodell DA

Byrne David J (2022) Discontinuous Isotopic Evolution of Paleo-Atmospheric Xenon: A Record of Sun-Earth Interactions in the Deep Time?
Marty B, Ardoin L, Almayrac M, Byrne DJ & Broadley MW
(2021) Resolving Spatial Heterogeneity of Noble Gas Isotopes in Chondrites Using Laser Ablation
Byrne DJ, Broadley MW, Almayrac M & Marty B
(2020) Determining Hydrocarbon Generation and Migration Using Noble Gases
Byrne DJ, Barry PH, Lawson M & Ballentine CJ
(2020) Noble Gas Isotope Composition of the Yellowstone Mantle Plume
Byrne DJ, Barry PH, Broadley MW, Bekaert DV, Almayrac M, Tyne RL, Ballentine CJ & Marty BM
(2019) Tracing Geothermal Fluid Interactions in Iceland Using Noble Gases
Byrne DJ, Barry PH, Halldórsson SA, Broadley MW, Stefánsson A & Ballentine CJ
(2019) Tracing Crustal Fluid Source, Migration and Residence Using Noble Gases
Ballentine C, Barry P, Byrne D, Flude S, Karolyte R, Tyne R, Cheng A & Hilligond D
(2017) Noble Gas Extraction and Purification from Oil/Water Mixtures
Hillegonds D, Tyne R, Barry P, Byrne D, Kulongoski J & Ballentine C
(2017) Noble Gas Characteristics of Produced Gases from the Lost Hills and Fruitvale Oil Fields, USA
Barry P, Kulongoski J, Tyne R, Hillegonds D, Byrne D, McMahon P, Landon M & Ballentine C
(2017) Oil-Water Exchange, Degassing, and Cracking of Oil Traced by Noble Gases in the Eagle Ford Shale
Byrne DJ, Barry PH, Lawson M, Becker S, Hillegonds DJ & Ballentine CJ
(2015) Noble Gas Analysis of the Eagle Ford Shale: The Source of Understanding for the Greater Hydrocarbon System
Byrne DJ, Barry PH, Lawson M, Mabry JC, Warr O, Danabalan D & Ballentine CJ
(2015) Noble Gas Evidence for the Mechanisms Creating Commercial Helium Reservoirs
Danabalan D, Gluyas J, Macpherson C, Barry P, Warr O, Mabry J, Byrne D & Ballentine C
(2015) Noble Gas Characteristics of the Carboniferous Rotliegend Hydrocarbon System, NW Germany
Barry P, Lawson M, Warr O, Broadley M, Byrne D, Mabry J, Danabalan D & Ballentine C

Byrne James (2018) The Role of Microbial Fe Metabolism in the Biogeochemical Cycle of Cd
Tomaszewski E, Bayer T, Sorwat J, Muehe M, Byrne J & Kappler A
(2018) H2 Fuelled Microbial Metabolism in Opalinus Clay
Boylan A, Perez-Mon C, Guillard L, Burzan N, Kappler A, Byrne J & Bernier-Latmani R

Byrne James M. (2024) Sustainable Biogenic Transformation of Iron from Industrial Waste to Magnetic Nanoparticles
Ullah S, Crane R & Byrne JM
(2023) Redox-Independent Isotope Fractionation during Cr(III) Adsorption onto Goethite and Magnetite
Kleinhanns IC, Babechuk M, Wille M, Byrne JM & Schoenberg R
(2023) Dynamics of Contaminant Sorption on Mineral Surfaces due to Multiple Redox Cycling of Natural Iron-Rich Clay Minerals
Biswakarma J & Byrne JM
(2023) The Use of Magnetic Nanoparticles for the Recovery of Metals from Anthropogenic and Environmental Waste
O'Neill K, Biswakarma J, Crane R & Byrne JM
(2023) Si and Mg Fractionation during Reverse Weathering: An in Vitro Experimental Approach
Dong Z, Hendry KR, Byrne JM & Bryce C
(2023) Iron Biogeobatteries: Interactions with Bacteria and Metal Contaminants
Byrne JM
(2021) Phototrophic Fe(II) Oxidation Takes Place in Organic Rich Environments
Nikeleit V, Maisch M, Byrne JM, Harwood C, Kappler A & Bryce C
(2021) Autotrophic Nitrate Reduction Coupled to Oxidation of Fe(II) Phases by a Gallionellaceae Sp.-Dominated Microbial Community Enriched from a Pyrite-Rich Aquifer
Jakus N, Blackwell N, Mellage A, Straub D, Hoeschen C, Maisch M, Byrne JM, Mueller CW, Grathwohl P, Kleindienst S & Kappler A
(2021) Improving Quantification of Iron-Associated Organic Carbon in Organic-Rich Soils
Eberle A, Byrne JM, Patzner MS, Gallego-Sala A, Pancost RD, Kappler A & Bryce C
(2020) Fe(III) Mineral Formation by Fe(II)-oxidizing Bacteria – Consequences for Removal of Nitrate
Kappler A, Jakus N, Becker S, Kleindienst S, Huang Y-M, Bayer T, Maisch M, Nikeleit V, Byrne JM & Bryce C
(2020) Can Reactive Iron Preserve Organic Carbon during Permafrost Collapse?
Kappler A, Patzner M, Logan M, Joss H, Mueller C, Scholten T, Byrne J, Borch T & Bryce C
(2019) Iron Oxidation Under Continuous Flow Conditions
Bayer T, Kappler A & Byrne J
(2019) Influence of Microbial Fe Cycling on the Formation of Primary BIF Sediments
Schad M, Bryce C, Byrne JM, Konhauser KO & Kappler A
(2019) Challenges and Solutions of Using Magnetite Nanoparticles for Metal(loid) Remediation
Sorwat J, Kappler A & Byrne J
(2019) Did Bacteria Induce Redox Cycling of Magnetite within Banded Iron Formations (BIFs)?
Byrne J, Schad M, McCammon C, Tomaszewski E, Smith A, Cerantola V & Kappler A
(2019) Influence of Microbial Biomass on Abiogenic and Microbial Magnetite Formation
Han X, Byrne JM, Tomaszewski EJ, Pan Y & Kappler A
(2019) Arsenic Speciation and Distribution in Peat Deposits of the Hetao Basin, China
Wang H, Byrne J, Perez J, Thomas A, Benning L, Mayanna S, Hoefer H, Kontny A, Eiche E, Guo H, Kappler A & Norra S
(2019) Pyrite Formation from FeS and H2S: A Novel Microbial Energy Metabolism
Thiel J, Byrne J, Kappler A, Schink B & Pester M
(2019) Mercury Reduction by Vivianite
Etique M, Bouchet S, Byrne J, Thomas-Arrigo L, Kaegi R & Kretzschmar R
(2019) Framboidal Magnetite Formation in Ferruginous Waters
Bauer K, Byrne J, Kenward P, Michiels C, Simister R, Friese A, Vuillemin A, Henny C, Nomosatyro S, Kallmeyer J, Kappler A, Smit M & Crowe S
(2019) Overview of the Role of Surface Defects on Goethite’s Biogeochemistry
Notini L, Latta D, Neumann A, Pearce C, Rosso K, Byrne J, Tomaszewski E, Zhou Z, Kappler A & Scherer M
(2017) Using He-Ion Microscopy to Map the Growth and Mineralization of Twisted Stalks Produced by Microaerophilic Fe(II)-oxidizing Bacteria
Byrne J, Schmidt M, Bryce C, Gauger T & Kappler A
(2017) Adaptation to Growth on Fe(II) in the Photoferrotroph R. Palustris TIE-1: A Proteomic and Electron Microscopy Analysis
Bryce C, Kleindienst S, Benzerara K, Miot J, Newman DK, Kulkarni G, Byrne JM, Franz-Wachtel M, Macek B & Kappler A
(2017) Microbial iron(II) Oxidation Under Anoxic and Microoxic Conditions – Ecology and Biomineral Formation
Kappler A, Bryce C, Blackwell N, Koeksoy E, Schmidt C, Byrne J, Nordhoff M, Laufer K & Jorgensen BB
(2017) Biogeochemical Fingerprints in Biogenic Magnetite Nanoparticles
Warter V, Byrne J, Schoenberg R, Schade M, Amor M, Konhauser K & Kappler A
(2017) Iron Mineral Transformations Induced by Ferrous Iron and Sulfide in NOM-Fe-Rich Peatland Flocs
ThomasArrigo L, Mikutta C, Byrne J, Lohmayer R, Planer-Friedrich B, Kappler A & Kretzschmar R
(2017) Identity and Abundance of Iron- and Sulfur-Metabolizers in a Paleoproterozoic Ocean Analogue
Koeksoy E, Halama M, Hagemann N, Byrne JM, Kleindienst S, Sundman A, Laufer K, Hanselmann K, Halevy I, Konhauser KO, Schoenberg R & Kappler A
(2016) Iron Atom Exchange Kinetics in Iron-Rich Organic Freshwater Flocs
ThomasArrigo L, Mikutta C, Byrne J, Kappler A & Kretzschmar R
(2016) Redox Reactions between Humic Substances and Magnetite
Sundman A, Byrne JM & Kappler A
(2016) Comparing Biogenic and Abiotic Magnetite for Potential Biotechnological Applications
Byrne J, Sundman A & Kappler A
(2015) Size Dependent Microbial Redox Cycling of Fe within Magnetite
Byrne J & Kappler A
(2015) Redox and Sorption Reactions between Magnetite and Humic Substances
Sundman A, Byrne JM & Kappler A
(2014) Cyclic Microbial Oxidation and Reduction of Magnetite Nanoparticles
Byrne J, Klueglein N, Pearce C, Appel E & Kappler A
(2013) Microbial Redox Cycling of Surface Fe Ions in Magnetite Nanoparticles
Byrne J, Klüglein N & Kappler A
(2012) Scaling up Production of Biogenic Magnetite for Industrial Use
Coker V, Byrne J, Muhamad-Ali H, Hainsworth C, Cooper J & Lloyd J
(2011) Using Bacteria to Produce Tailored Magnetic Nanoparticles
Byrne J, Coker V, Telling N, van der Laan G, Vaughan D, Pattrick R & Lloyd J
(2011) Bioengineering Nano-Magnetite for Contaminant Clean-Up
Coker V, Crean D, Cutting R, Telling N, Byrne J, Pattrick R, van der Laan G, Vaughan D & Lloyd J

Byrne M. (2017) Sequesteration and Mineralization of Metals in Bacterial Organelles
Komeili A, Rahn-Lee L, Grant C & Byrne M

Byrne Patrick (2023) Ecotoxic Metal(Loid) Geochemistry and Mineralogy in Coastal Legacy Wastes
Onnis P, Riley AL, Gandy CJ, Jennings E, Crane R, Byrne P, Burke IT, Jarvis AP, Mayes WM & Hudson-Edwards KA
(2017) Speciation of Vanadium in the Hazeltine Creek Catchment Following the 2014 Mount Polley Tailings Dam Spill, Canada
Hudson-Edwards K, Byrne P, Bird G, Jamieson H, Macklin M, Brewer P & Williams R

Byrne Peter (2020) Stabilities of MgCO3 Polymorphs up to 150 GPa
Binck J, Bayarjargal L, Lobanov SS, Morgenroth W, Luchitskaia R, Pickard CJ, Milman V, Refson K, Jochym DB, Byrne P & Winkler B

Byrne R H (2005) Systematic Spatial Variations of Ba and Sr Enrichments over Ambient Seawater Values in Saline, Geothermal, Submarine Springs on the West Florida Shelf
Schijf J & Byrne RH
(2004) Yttrium and Rare Earth Element Adsorption onto Freshly Precipitated Hydroxides of Fe(III), Al, Ga, and In
Quinn K, Byrne R & Schijf J
(2002) Developments in Fluorite (U-Th)/He Thermochronology
Evans N, Wilson N, Cline J, McInnes B & Byrne J

Byrne Robert (2021) Shallow Calcium Carbonate Cycling in the Ocean Driven by Organic Matter Respiration
Subhas AV, Berelson W, Ziveri P, Dong S, Rae JWB, Gray WR, Byrne R & Adkins J
(2018) Spectrophotometric Determinations of Carbonate Dissociation Constants in Seawater
Schockman K & Byrne R

Byrne T.B. (2019) Helium Isotopic Signature of the Plate Boundary Suture in an Active Arc-Continent Collision Setting, Eastern Taiwan
Chen A, Shen C-C, Byrne TB, Sano Y, Takahata N, Yang TF & Wang Y

Byrne-Bailey K. (2011) Extracellular Electron Transport by the Gram-Positive Species Thermincola Potens
Wrighton K, Carlson H, Byrne-Bailey K, Thrash C, Bigi J, Remis J, Schichnes D, Auer M, Chang C & Coates J

Byrnes J (2006) Characterization of glasses using infrared spectroscopy
Dalby K, Dufresne C, King P, Byrnes J, Lee R & Ramsey M

Byrnes Joseph (2022) Volatiles, Redox, and Mantle Attenuation in the East African Rift
Brounce M, Ford H, Fischer TP, Byrnes J, Scoggins S, Jaramillo S, Goldhagen G & Humphreys J

Bystricky M. (2023) Magmatic and Plastic Processes in Primary Planetary Bodies: The Brachinite Meteorites as Witness of the Early Differentiation
Meunier-Mili N, Kaczmarek M-A & Bystricky M
(2014) Textural Properties of Opaque Phases in H-Chondrites as a Measure of Thermal Metamorphism
Guignard J, Toplis M, Monnereau M & Bystricky M
(2002) High-Strain Deformation of Mantle Minerals and Seismic Anisotropy
Mackwell S, Bystricky M, Stretton I & Heidelbach F

Bytchkov A. (2011) Structure of CaO-Al2O3-SiO2 Melts Studied by Molecular Dynamics and Diffraction Experiments
Jahn S, Haigis V, Drewitt J, Kozaily J, Bytchkov A & Hennet L

Byun D.S. (2017) Seasonal Variations in Atmospheric Platinum Group Elements at Ieodo Ocean Research Station in the East China Sea
Shin D, Lee K, Han C, Lee S, Byun DS, Hur SD & Hong S

Byun E. (2022) CO2 Flux Measurements in Northern Peatland Soil Incubations: Q10 Climate Trends and Alternative Model Representations Under Freeze-Thaw Conditions
Byun E, Rezanezhad F, Fairbairn L, Slowinski S, Basiliko N, Price JS, Quinton WL, Roy-Léveillée P, Webster K & Van Cappellen P
(2022) Peatlands and Climate Warming: Winter Carbon Cycling
Rezanezhad F, Rafat A, Byun E, Quinton WL, Humphreys ER, Webster K & Van Cappellen P

Byun T.S. (2019) Capturing Atom Exchange Fronts during Fe(II)-catalyzed Recrystallization of Fe(III)-oxide Minerals Using Isotopic Mapping Probes
Taylor S, Liu J, Zhang X, Kovarik L, Cliff J, Perea D, Byun TS, Schreiber D & Rosso K

Byun Young-Hwa (2016) Study on the Effect of Volcanic Erruption at Mt. Baekdu Using the Simulations from Climate Model
Kim B-H, Lee J, Kim J, Ahn Y, Kim K-T & Byun Y-H

Byun Yujin (2023) Mineralogical and Physicochemical Characteristics of Bentonite Layers at Shallow Depths from the Ground Surface: Natural Analogue Study of Bentonite Buffer
Byun Y, Seo C, Jo HY, Ryu J-H & Park S-W

Bywaters K.

Bzarzycka B. (2008) Tracking Soil Organic Matter Export Across the Continent-Ocean Interface: A Case Study of the NW Mediterranean Using the BIT Index
Kim J-H, Buscail R, Bzarzycka B, Kerhervé P, Peterse F, Schouten S, Ludwig W & Sinninghe Damsté JS

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