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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Antunes Isabel Margarida H. R. (2015) Contaminated Soils, Stream Sediments and Waters Close to an Abandoned Uranium Mine from Central Portugal
Neiva A, Carvalho P, Antunes I, Silva M, Santos A, Pinto M & Cunha P
(2013) Groundwater Contamination Potential – Vulnerability Assessment
Antunes I, Albuquerque T & Oliveira S
(2011) The Environmental Impact of Sewage Effluent Discharges in the Pracana River – Portugal
Oliveira N, Almeida P, Carvalho N, Silva A, Antunes M, Ferreira A & Albuquerque T
(2011) The Impact Associated to Wastewaters Treatment Plant Discharges into a Fluvial System (Central Portugal)
Silva A, Carvalho N, Almeida P, Oliveira N, Antunes M, Ferreira A & Albuquerque T
(2011) Geochemical Constrains on Lower Ordovician Magmatism at the Central Iberian Zone (Central Portugal)
Antunes M, Neiva A & Silva MMV
(2010) Uranium Minerals from the Picoto Uranium Mine Area, Central Portugal
Teixeira R, Antunes IM & Neiva A
(2010) Contamination of Waters Related to Abandoned W-Sn Mines (Murçós, NE Portugal)
Antunes IM, Gomes ME, Neiva AM & Teixeira R
(2010) Environmental Geochemistry of Argemela Mine Area (Barco, Central Portugal)
Pereira E, Antunes IM & Monteiro MC
(2010) Weathering and Hydrochemistry Associated with the Old Mine Workings at Fonte Santa (NE of Portugal)
Gomes M, Antunes I, Pacheco F, Neiva A & Silva P
(2009) Two Contrasting Ordovician and Variscan Plutons at Central Iberian Zone (Central Portugal)
Antunes H.R. IM
(2009) U-Bearing Quartz Veins and Related Waters from Mondego Sul Mine (Central Portugal)
Almeida CF, Neiva AMR & Antunes IMHR
(2009) Geochemistry of the Vila Nova Granitic Pluton (Central Portugal)
Reis AI, Silva MM & Antunes IM
(2008) The Impacts of Sn-W, Ba-Pb-Zn and W-Au-Sb Old Mine Workings on the Environment at Central Portugal
Neiva A, Antunes I, Carvalho P & Silva M
(2008) The Genesis of I- and S-Type Granitoid Rocks of the Early Ordovician Oledo Pluton, Central Iberian Zone (Central Portugal)
Antunes IMHR, Neiva A, Silva M & Corfu F
(2007) Geochemistry of Microgranular Enclaves and Host Granodiorite from Oledo, Central Portugal
Antunes I, Neiva A & Silva M

Antúnez G.N. (2011) Assessment of Arsenic Toxicity Using Bioassays. Application in Contaminated Soils
Romero-Freire A, Antúnez GN, Martín-Peinado F, Escoto MO & Roca A

Antwi R. (2020) Tracing Circulating Fluids in Gas Shales Using Noble Gases and Nitrogen
Basugupta S, Verchovsky S, Jones A, Papineau D & Antwi R

Antz B. (2015) Reconstructing Past Ocean Circulation with 231Pa/230Th and Nd Isotopes
Lippold J, Gutjahr M, Blaser P, Antz B, Böhm E, Carvalho Ferreira ML, Wombacher F, Christl M, Mulitza S & Jaccard S
(2015) Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation Around Heinrich-Stadials 1 & 2
Antz B, Lippold J, Schulz H, Frank N & Mangini A

Anum S. (2013) Dahomeyan Neoproterozoic Imprint on Eburnean Palaeoproterozoic Rocks in Southeast Ghana – <i>rubust Ar</i>, Flimsy Pb
Scherstén A, Page L, Kalvig P, Petersson A & Anum S

Anupama K. (2017) Controls on Si Isotopic Fractionations in the Forested Tropical Watershed of Mule Hole (Southern India)
Riotte J, Meunier J-D, Zambardi T, Audry S, Barboni D, Anupama K, Prasad S, Chmeleff J, Sekhar M, Poitrasson F & Braun J-J

Anwander R. (2017) Sorption of Pesticides to Natural and Synthetic Nanoparticles
Guluzada L, Luo L, Pattky M, Anwander R, Huhn C & Haderlein S

Anwar M. (2018) Quantifying Subsurface Mixing of Groundwaters at the Coast Range Ophiolite Microbial Observatory
Cardace D, Anwar M, Schrenk M, McCollom T, Kubo M & Hoehler T

Anwar N. (2014) Hydrologic Controls on Nitrogen Processing in a Nearshore Subterranean Estuary: Numerical Simulations
Robinson C & Anwar N
(2012) Fate of Groundwater-Derived Nutrients in Tidally Influenced Coastal Aquifers: Numerical Simulations
Anwar N & Robinson C

Anzai H. (2011) Analysis of Iodine, Bromine and Chlorine in Marine Sediments and Carbonate Nodules by ICP-MS
Sekiya T, Muramatsu Y, Anzai H, Matsumoto R, Tomaru H & Aizawa S
(2011) Vertical Distribution of Iodine in Pore Water Collected from Japan Sea Sediments: Origin of Iodine-Rich Fluid Associated with Methane Hydrate
Muramatsu Y, Anzai H, Tomaru H, Matsumoto R & Matsuzaki H

Anzai N. (2023) Ligand Exchange Links Adsorption and Oxidation of Pt(II) Ions on β-MnO2 Surface
Anzai N, Kawamoto D & Miyazaki A

Anzalone A. (2005) Pressure Solution and Mica in Quartzose Sandstone: Observations and Experiments
Boles J, Israelachvili J, Alcantar N, Anzalone A, Meyer E, Greene W & Pataki M
(2004) Forces and Ionic Transport between Clays: Implications for ‘pressure Solution’
Alcantar N, Anzalone A, Boles J & Israelachvili J

Anzellini S. (2019) Developments for the in situ Study of High P-T Fluids and Melts at the Diamond Light Source
Anzellini S, Louvel M, Drewit J, Farsang S, Keeble D, Ross A, Amboage M & Walter M
(2016) Carbon in the Deep Mantle: Sub- and Super-Solidus Phase Relations in the System CaO-Mgo-FeO-SiO2-CO2 in Earth’s Lower Mantle
Drewitt J, McMahon S, Lord O, Baron M, Daisenberger D, Anzellini S, Kleppe A & Walter M

Anzolini C. (2021) Genesis and Depth of Formation of Ferropericlase Inclusions within Super-Deep Diamonds
Lorenzon S, Nestola F, Pamato MG, Novella D, Nimis P, Marone F, Anzolini C, Mazzucchelli ML, Alvaro M, Regier M, Stachel T, Pearson DG & Harris J
(2015) Insights into Juina Super-Deep Diamonds
Anzolini C, Nestola F, Milani S, Brenker FE & Harris JW

Anzulovic A. (2023) The Effect of Volatiles CO2 and H2O on the Mechanical Properties of Silicate Melts
Anzulovic A & Caracas R

Anzures Brendan A (2022) Trace Element Partitioning in the Presence of Sulfur Under Reduced Conditions
Anzures BA, Vander Kaaden KE, McCubbin FM, Iacovino K, Moore GM, Prissel K, Righter M & Righter K

Anzures Brendan A. (2019) An fO2-P-T-X Model of Sulfur Speciation in Reduced Basaltic Melts
Anzures BA, Parman SW, Milliken RE, Namur O & Cartier C

Ao A. (2022) Clockwise Metamorphic P-T Path of Hornblende Eclogite Rock from Nagaland Ophiolite Complex, NE India: New Evidence of Warm Subduction
Ao A
(2019) Metamorphic Evolution of Nagaland Oceanic Eclogites: New Insights into Neo-Tethyan Subduction Tectonics
Rajkakati M, Bhowmik SK & Ao A
(2019) Metamorphic Framework of the Nagaland Ophiolite Complex
Bhowmik SK, Rajkakati M & Ao A

Ao W. (2010) The Lead Content in Chinese Coals and their Environmental Impact
Huang W & Ao W

Ao Y. (2016) Detection of Deep Microbial Life in the Oceanic Crust Aged 13-100 Million Years
Suzuki Y, Kouduka M, Ao Y, Mitsunobu S & Inagaki F

Aoi Y. (2013) Selective Cs Sorption in Biotite on Granite
Aoi Y, Fukushi K, Morishita T & Kamei A
(2013) Desorption Behavior of Cesium from Smectite by Major Cations
Fukushi K, Yamashina Y, Aoi Y & Sakai H

Aoike K. (2009) 129I Dating of Hydrocarbons in Gas Hydrate Deposit, off Shimokita Peninsula, Japan
Tomaru H, Fehn U, Lu Z, Takeuchi R, Inagaki F, Imachi H, Kotani R, Matsumoto R & Aoike K

Aoki Jo (2023) Gas Phase Reaction of Trace Iodine-129 for Determination by ICP–DRC–MS/MS
Matsueda M, Aoki J, Koarai K, Terashima M & Takagai Y
(2023) Direct Quantification of 90Sr in Biosamples Using Isotope Dilution–Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometry Assisted by Quadrupole Energy Filtering
Aoki J, Goto M, Wakaki S, Miyazaki T, Suzuki K & Takagai Y
(2023) Removal Processes of Dissolved Elements in Groundwater Leached from Waste by Redox Reaction
Watanabe Y, Terashima M, Matsueda M, Koarai K, Aoki J & Inoue J
(2022) Detecting Low Levels of Radioactive Sr in Environmental Samples Using RPQ-Tims
Wakaki S, Aoki J, Suzuki K, Miyazaki T, Roberts J, Vollstaedt H, Takagai Y, Tollstrup D & Sasaki S

Aoki Jun (2019) Observation of Bioaccumulated Cesium Distribution in Marine Fish by Using Imaging Mass Spectrometry
Aoki J & Toyoda M
(2016) Development of Laser Post-Ionization SNMS for in situ U-Pb Chronology
Kawai Y, Matsuda T, Miya K, Yabuta H, Aoki J, Hondo T, Ishihara M, Toyoda M, Nakamura R & Terada K
(2016) Undergraduate Education in Geochemistry and Cosmochemistry at Osaka University, Japan
Yabuta H, Kondo T, Nakashima S, Sasaki S, Shibai H, Terada K, Toyoda M, Hirono T, Hisatomi O, Saiki K, Terasaki H, Uyeda C, Yamanaka C, Aoki J, Hashizume K, Kawai Y, Sakaiya T & Tani A

Aoki Kaori (2022) Geochemical Variation of Tephra Beds in the Sedimentary Core C9010E off the Boso Peninsula in Japan and their Source Volcanoes
Aoki K, Kobayashi M, Takahashi T, Murata M, Nishizawa F & Suzuki T
(2022) Investigating Shallow Submarine Eruption Processes Recorded in Dissolved H2O Contents of Marine Tephra: Example of Oomurodashi Volcano Tephra in Drill Core C9010E, Japan
McIntosh IM & Aoki K
(2011) Behavior of Biological and Terrigenous Elements during the Late Cenozoic in the Bering Sea: Paleoceanographic Constraints of the IODP Exp. 323 Sediments by High Resolution Non-Destructive TATSCAN Scanning
Sakamoto T, Sakai S, Takahashi K, Mic AC, Asahi H, Ikehara M, Okada M, Ijiri A, Onodera J, Okazaki Y, Horikawa K, Seki O & Aoki K
(2003) Geochemical Record in the Northern East China Sea during the Late Pleistocene
Kawahata H, Nohara M, Aoki K & Shimizu H
(2003) Compound-Specific Radiocarbon Sedimentary Chronology for a High Resolution IMAGES Core (MD012412) in the Sea of Okhotsk
Uchida M, Shibata Y, Ikehara M, Harada N, Sakamaoto T & Aoki K
(2003) Millennium Scale Paleoceanographic Changes in High Sedimentation IMAGES Core MD01-2412 in the Southwestern Part of the Sea of Okhotsk
Sakamoto T, Ikehara M, Uchida M, Aoki K, Harada N & Kanamatsu T

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