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Abel B. (2021) Detecting Microbial Biosignatures in Ice Grains from Europa and Enceladus Using Mass Spectrometry
Klenner F, Napoleoni M, Bönigk J, Pavlista M, Hillier J, Khawaja N, Dannenmann M, Klauck E, Abel B, Olsson-Francis K & Postberg F
(2020) Discriminating Abiotic and Biotic Chemistry on Active Ocean Worlds
Klenner F, Postberg F, Hillier J, Khawaja N, Dannenmann M, Cable ML & Abel B

Abell J. (2009) Nitrate Reduction and Fermentation Access Different Carbon Sources in Anaerobic Degradation Experiments
Abell J, Laverman A & Van Cappellen P

Abell R. (2019) Rare Earth Elements in Biogenic Carbonate as Proxies for the Marine Carbonate System?
Crocket K, Baer T, Abell R, Beveridge C, Hughes D, Hathorne E & Schijf J
(2017) Neodymium Isotopic comNeodymium Isotopic Composition of East Antarctic Continental Shelf and Deep Water
Rehkamper M, van de Flierdt T, Lambelet M, Crocket K, Abell R, Nitsche F & Griffiths A
(2017) New Perspectives on the Cenozoic ∂7Li Record
Henehan M, Abell R, Tsong R, Kalderon-Asael B, Planavsky N, Burke J, Elder L, Foster G, Davis C, Maas A, Elliott T, Schmidt D & Hull P
(2016) Source, Cycling and Circulation Effects on Seawater Rare Earth Elements in the NE Atlantic
Crocket K, Hill E, Abell R, Johnson C, Gary S, Brand T & Hathorne E
(2008) Neoproterozoic Carbonates: An Isotopic Archive of Ocean Acidification?
Kasemann S, Abell R, Prave A, Fallick A & Hawkesworth C
(2007) Li Isotopes and Li/Ca Measured in Foraminifera via SIMS and MC-ICP-MS
Abell R, Elliott T, Foster G, Kasemann S & Schmidt D
(2006) Accurate and precise determination of Li isotopes in Foraminiferal Carbonate
Abell R, Elliott T, Foster GL & Schmidt DN
(2006) The metamorphic record of Lithium and Boron isotope fractionation in subduction zones
Marschall H, Elliott T & Abell R

Abelmann A. (2007) Diatom δ13C, δ15N, and C/N Since the Last Glacial Maximum in the Southern Ocean: Evidence for Regional and Ecological Influences
Jacot Des Combes H, De La Rocha CL, Esper O, Abelmann A, Gersonde R & Shemesh A

Abelmoschi M.L. (2015) Organic Ligands Control the Concentrations of Dissolved Iron in Antarctic Sea Ice
Lannuzel D, Grotti M, Abelmoschi ML & van der Merwe P

Abels H. (2014) Tephrochronostratigraphy of the Paleocene Fort Union Formation: Implications for Coal Deposition?
Kuiper K, Abels H, Dekkers M, Hilgen F, Noorbergen L, Rost E, Smit J, van der Kaars S & van Wetten I

Abelson Meir (2015) The Onset of Modern-Like AMOC at the Eocene-Oligocene Transition and Possible Implications for Global Cooling
Abelson M & Erez J
(2009) A Fossil Oceanic Core Complex in the Troodos Ophiolite, Cyprus: Field and Isotope Evidence
Katzir Y, Nuriel P, Abelson M, Valley JW, Matthews A, Spicuzza MJ & Ayalon A
(2009) What was the Role of the Iceland Plume in Triggering the Eocene-Oligocene Cooling?
Abelson M & Erez J

Abelson Meir (2013) B and O Isotopes as Tracers of Serpentinization along Fossil Oceanic Detachments, Troodos Ophiolite, Cyprus
Elisha B, Katzir Y, Abelson M, Agostini S, Valley J & Spikuzza M

Aberle E. (2023) Anoxic Microsites Enhance Soil Carbon Storage and Respond to Management
Lacroix E, Gomes A, Barratt Heitmann G, Schuler D, Dekas AE, Liptzin D, Aberle E, Watts DB, Nelson K, Culman S & Fendorf S

Aberle M. (2023) Geochemical Provenancing, can it Meet Evidentiary Standards?
Hoogewerff J, Aberle M & de Caritat P

Abernathey R. (2019) Five Geochemical Time Series Support a Southward Shift of the Earth’s Thermal Equator, Causing Better Ventilation of the Deep Ocean, as the Cause of the Rise in Atmospheric CO2 at the End of the Last Glacial Period
Severinghaus J, Abernathey R, Anderson R, Shackleton S, Bereiter B, Putnam A, Denton G & Brook E

Abernathy Macon (2020) Enhanced Arsenic Leaching due to Iron and Arsenic Phase Transformations during Ceramic Water Filter Production
Schaefer M, Le N, Abernathy M, Nguyen D, Cornell T & Ying S
(2020) The Vanadium Redox Cycle: Biological and Mineralogical Considerations in Diffusion-Limited Environments
Abernathy M & Ying S
(2019) Mineral Evolution during Fe(II)/Mn-Oxide Redox Dynamics and Implications for Contaminant Fate
Schaefer M, Mock R, Handler R, Abernathy M, Aiken M, Garniwan A, Lee I, Scherer M & Ying S
(2018) Investigation into the Mechanisms Controlling Vanadium Transformation and Competitive Retention between Manganese and Iron Oxides
Abernathy M, Ying S & Schaefer M

Abernathy Macon J. (2024) Metal Sequestration by Extracellular Peptides
Abernathy MJ, Johs A, Semrau J, DiSpirito A, George G, Pierce EM & Sarangi R
(2022) Inhibition of chromium(III) Oxidation by manganese(IV) Oxide Passivation and Fe(II) Abiotic Reduction
Aiken ML, Abernathy MJ, Schaefer MV & Ying SC

Abernethy F. (2019) Helium Isotopes Reveals What Carbon and Nitrogen Cannot, a Mantle Component for Strongly 13C-Depleted Diamond
Mikhail S, Crosby J, Stuart F, Di Nicola L & Abernethy F
(2017) Tracing Volatiles in Earth’s Mantle Using He-C-N Isotopes in Garnet-Bearing Diamondites
Crosby J, Mikhail S, Stuart F & Abernethy F
(2013) Accretion and Differentiation Processes in the Ureilite Parent Body
Downes H, Smith C, Abernethy F, Herrin J & Ross A

Abers Geoff (2016) Water Recycling in Subduction Zones and the Role of Rehydration in the Generation of Intermediate-Depth Seismicity and the Nature of the Cold Fore-Arc Mantle
van Keken P, Abers G, Hacker B, Nakajima J, Kita S, Spiegelman M & Wilson C
(2011) H2O and CO2 Devolatilization in Subduction Zones: Implications for the Global Water and Carbon Cycles
van Keken P, Hacker B, Syracuse E & Abers G
(2009) Modeling the Subduction Factory: The Ins and Outs from a Thermal and Dynamical Perspective
van Keken P, Syracuse E, Hacker B, Abers G, Fischer K, Kneller E & Spiegelman M
(2001) A New Model for Intermediate-Depth Earthquakes and Phase Changes in Subducting Slabs
Hacker BR, Peacock SM & Abers GA

Abers Geoffrey A. (2018) Mafic High-Pressure Rocks are Preferentially Exhumed from Warm Subduction Settings
van Keken P, Wada I, Abers G, Hacker B & Wang K
(2018) Towards Assessing the Causes of Volcanic Diversity at the Arc Scale
Till CB, Kent AJR, Abers GA, Janiszewski HA, Gaherty JB & Pitcher BW

Abersteiner A. (2019) Can Primitive Kimberlite Melts Have an Alkali-Carbonate Composition?
Golovin A, Sharygin I, Korsakov A, Kamenetsky V, Yaxley G & Abersteiner A
(2015) Alkali-Carbonate Rich Melt Inclusions in Magmatic Minerals of the Venetia Kimberlite, South Africa
Abersteiner A, Giuliani A, Kamenetsky V & Phillips D

Abeykoon S. (2021) Deuterium Content and Site Occupancy in Iron Sulphide at High Pressure and High Temperature: Implications for the Oxidation of Early Earth’s Mantle
Abeykoon S, Howard C, Dominijanni S, Eberhard L, Frost D, Boffa Ballaran T, Kurnosov A, Terasaki H, Sakamaki T, Suzuki A, Ohtani E, Sano-Furukawa A & Abe J
(2021) Incipient Melting of the Mantle Transition Zone: Experimental Insight on Kimberlite Genesis
Condamine P, Abeykoon S & Frost D
(2019) A New Geothermometer Based on the Oxygen Content of Sulphide Inclusions in Diamonds
Abeykoon S, Frost DJ, Laurenz V & Miyajima N
(2017) Sulfide-Silicate Partitioning of Moderately Siderophile Elements at High P-T
Abeykoon S, Laurenz V, Frost DJ, Rubie DC & Vogel AK

Abeysinghe S. (2012) Investigating the Structural Characterization of Amorphous Mineral Precursors for Enhanced Understanding of Contaminant Adsorption
Forbes T & Abeysinghe S

Abeyta A. (2021) The True Cost of Field Education is a Barrier to Diversifying Geosciences
Abeyta A, Fernandes AM, Mahon RC & Swanson T

Abhinay K. (2022) Paleoproterozoic (1.65 Ga) Juvenile Magmatism in the Chhotanagpur Granitic Gneiss Complex (CGGC), Eastern India: Link to the Assembly of the Columbia Supercontinent
Abhinay K & Upadhyay D
(2019) Chemical and B-Isotope Composition of Tourmaline from Bagjata Uranium Deposit, Singhbhum Shear Zone, India: Implications for Source of Mineralizing Fluids
Patel S, Upadhyay D, Mishra B & Abhinay K
(2019) Fluid Source for Balda and Motiya Tungsten Mineralization, W India: A Boron Isotope Study of Tourmaline
Ghosh U, Upadhyay D, Abhinay K, Mishra B & Pruseth KL
(2019) Origin of S-Type Granitic Pegmtites: A Li and B Isotopic Study of Muscovites and Tourmalines from Gangpur Group Granitoids, India
Chakraborty T, Upadhyay D & Abhinay K
(2019) A Chemical and Boron Isotopic Study of Tourmaline from Pegmatites in the Bihar Mica Belt, India
Abhinay K & Upadhyay D
(2017) India-Antarctica Connection: Constraints from Deformed Alkaline Rocks and Carbonatites
Upadhyay D, Ranjan S, Abhinay K, Pruseth KL & Nanda JK

Abi Ghanem C. (2017) Evidencing the Contrasted Impact of Urbanized Rivers Inputs on Coastal Sediments Geochemistry: Insight from Toulon Bay (France) and St-Georges Bay (Beirut, Lebanon)
El Houssainy A, Abi Ghanem C, Durrieu G, Dang DH, Mahfouz C, Omanović D, D'onofrio S, Khalaf G & Garnier C

Abi-Ghanem R. (2013) The Use of Fe-Rich Compost for the Amelioration of As-Contaminated Soils
Freeze P, Harsh J, Shi Z, Abi-Ghanem R & Okubara P

Abia E.H. (2010) Upper Mantle and Metasomatic Processes on Eastern Moroccan Anti-Atlas
Ibhi A, Nachit H, Ait Touchnt A, Abia EH & Vaccaro C

Abichou Ghoufrane (2023) RO2 Intercomparison Campaign at SAPHIR Chamber
Schoemacker C, Batut S, Lahccen A, Fittschen C, Fuchs H, Novelli A, Färber M, Dusanter S, Lahib A, Abichou G & Shamas N

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