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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Alles J. (2017) Geochemical and Isotopic Investigations on Hydrothermal Vein Mineralizations in the Harz Mountains, Germany
Alles J, Lehmann B, Liessmann W & Nolte N

Alles S. (2007) Experimental Investigation of the CO2 Sealing Efficiency of Cap Rocks
Wollenweber J, Alles S, Busch A & Krooss B
(2007) The CO2 Sealing Efficiency of Caprocks
Busch A, Alles S, Krooss BM, Dewhurst DN & Stanjek H

Allesi D. (2012) Modulation of the Product of U(VI) Reduction by Phosphate and Calcium
Stylo M, Allesi D, Lezama-Pacheco J, Bargar J & Bernier-Latmani R

Alletti M. (2011) Volatile Solubility in Phonolites from Erebus Volcano: Towards a Multi-Component Degassing Model
Alletti M, Burgisser A, Scaillet B & Oppenheimer C
(2011) Inverse Modelling of Gas Chemistry Measurements
Burgisser A, Alletti M & Oppenheimer C
(2011) Erebus: A Laboratory Volcano in Antarctica
Oppenheimer C, Kyle P, Jones L, McIntosh W, Dunbar N, Ilanko T, Peters N, Moussallam Y, Iacovino K, Boichu M, Sawyer G, Tsanev V, Scaillet B, Pichavant M, Burgisser A, Alletti M & Molina I

Allialy M.E. (2020) Re-evaluation of Leonian and Liberian Events in the Geodynamical Evolution of the Man-Leo Shield (West African Craton)
Koffi GR-S, Kouamelan AN, Allialy ME, Coulibaly Y & Peucat J-J

Allibert L. (2021) Tidal Pull of the Earth Strips the proto-Moon of its Volatiles
Charnoz S, Sossi PA, Lee Y-N, Siebert J, Hyodo R, Allibert L, Landeau M, Oza A & Moynier F
(2019) Collisional Erosion of the Earth’s Primordial Crust: Consequences on the Bulk Silicate Earth Composition
Allibert L, Siebert J, Charnoz S & Raymond SN

Allibon J. (2007) In situ Crystallisation Processes in the Miocene PX1 Pyroxenite Intrusion (Fuerteventura)
Allibon J, Bussy F & Lewin E

Alliksaar T. (2014) Does the Chemical Composition of Lake Sediments Reflect Past Climate Changes?
Ehapalu K, Kirsi A-L, Kisand A, Alliksaar T, Heinsalu A, Viik M, Tõnno I & Leeben A
(2003) Comparison of Different Dating Methods in a Lake with Annually Laminated Sediments
Alliksaar T & Veski S

Allin K.O. (2005) The Reactivity and Surface Chemistry of Granular Iron in Various Geochemical Settings
Devlin JF, Allin KO & Odziemkowski M

Allin N. (2023) Production of H2 Gas from Water-Basalt Interaction and the Origin of Native Copper and “5-Element Suite” Hydrothermal Deposits
Gammons C & Allin N
(2018) Solubility of Hematite and Stability of Fe(III) Chloride Complexes at 200 to 300ºC, SWVP
Gammons C & Allin N
(2018) Hydrothermal Formation of Cu, Ni, and Co Arsenide and Sulfide Minerals: An Experimental Study of Thermochemical Arsenite Reduction
Allin N & Gammons C

Allin S. (2013) A Record of Carbonyl Sulfide from Antarctic Ice over the Last 1000 Years
Allin S, Sturges W, Laube J, Etheridge D, Rubino M, Trudinger C, Curran M, Smith A & Mulvaney R

Alling V. (2009) Tracing Terrestrial Organic Matter by δ34S and δ13C Signatures in an Arctic and a Subarctic Estuary
Alling V, Humborg C & Mörth C-M

Alliot F. (2023) Monitoring of Organic Contaminants in Raw Wastewater by Targeted and Non-Targeted Screening: An Effective Tool for Assessing Urban Metabolism
Bernier-Turpin G, Thiebault T, Alliot F, Caupos E, Le Roux J, Rocher V, Azimi S & Moilleron R
(2015) Emissions of Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds (Phthlates, PAHs, PBDEs, PCBs) from the Urban Environment and Waste Treatment Activities
Surchamp A, Alliot F, Moreau-Guigon E & Chevreuil M

Alliot I. (2009) Bioaccumulated Manganese and Nickel in Endemic Plants from New Caledonian Mining Soils
Pouschat P, Rose J, Alliot I, Dominici C, Keller C, Olivi L, Rabier J & Ambrosi J-P

Alliouane S. (2016) Impact of an in situ Acidification Experiment on Benthic Foraminifera Ecology and their Calcite Geochemistry
Vigier N, Barras C, Cox E, Gazeau F, Rollion-Bard C, Plihon M, Mahacek P, Kerros M-E, Parent B, Alliouane S, Jorissen F & Gattuso J-P

Allis R.G. (2001) The Origin and Development of Vapor-Dominated Geothermal Systems
Moore JN, Allis RG & McCulloch JE

Allison Chelsea (2020) Testing Geodynamic Models with Major Elements Geochemistry: Implications for Intraplate Volcanism
Manjón-Cabeza Córdoba A, Ballmer MD, Allison C & Gazel E

Allison Chelsea M (2022) VESIcal: An Open-Source Thermodynamic Model Engine for Mixed Volatile (H2O-CO2) Solubility in Silicate Melts
Iacovino K, Matthews S, Wieser P, Moore GM, Allison CM & Bégué F

Allison D. (2010) Microbial Interactions with Engineered Metal and Metal Oxide Nanoparticles
Doktycz M, Suresh A, Wang W, Brown S, Gu B, Allison D, Joy D, Moon JW, Phelps T & Pelletier D

Allison M.A. (2017) How Natural is the Dissolved Inorganic Composition of Mississippi River Water?
Peucker-Ehrenbrink B, Johnson S, Meaux SJ, Brown K, Blum MJ, Allison MA, Halder J, Wassenaar LI, Cuesta A, Norris ES & Wang R
(2013) Particulate Organic Carbon Age Spectra: Evaluating Different Spectra from Different Basin Types
Rosenheim B, Galy V, Williams E, Roberts B, Allison M, Schreiner K & Bianchi T

Allison N. (2023) Can Coral Skeletal B/Ca be Used to Reconstruct Coral Calcification Media Dissolved Inorganic Chemistry?
Allison N
(2023) The Resilience of Coral Skeletons Under Ocean Acidification: How Biomolecules Influence the Structure and Dissolution of Aragonites Produced in Vitro
Chomhom B, Tan CD, Haehner G, Brasier A, Still J & Allison N
(2022) Controls on Sr Partitioning in Aragonite Under Simulated Biogenic Conditions
Castillo Alvarez MC, Penkman K, Kroger R, Finch AA, Clog MD, Hathorne E & Allison N
(2021) Experimental Investigation of Factors Controlling Aragonite Crystallization
Castillo Alvarez MC, Penkman K, Kroger R, Finch AA, Clog M & Allison N
(2019) The Role of Calcification Fluid pH in the Precipitation of Coral Aragonite Under Future Climate Change Scenarios
Allison N, Cole C, Hintz C, Hintz K, Rae J & Finch A
(2019) Aragonite Precipitation: Exploring the Influence of Biomolecules
Kellock C, Penkman K, Kroger R & Allison N
(2019) The Rare Earth Element Distribution of Porites Corals
Hathorne E, Yu Y, Allison N, Felis T & Frank M
(2015) Marine Mycomineralization: The Role of Fungi in Coral Mineralization
Wei-Scullion Z, van de Locht R, Young P, Allison N, Sørensen HO, Tobler D, Blanc R & Kröger R
(2015) The Impact of Seawater pH on the δ11B of Coral Aragonite
Allison N, Cole C, Finch A, Hintz C & Rae J
(2011) High Temporal Resolution δ18O and δ13C Heterogeneity in a Porites Lobata Coral Skeleton
Allison N & Finch A
(2010) Magnesium in Biogenic Aragonite
Finch A, Allison N, Foster L, Wilson L & Hathorne E

Allison V. (2010) Causes and Consequences of Ecosystem Retrogression
Peltzer D, Wardle D, Allison V, Baisden T, Bardgett R, Chadwick O, Condron L, Parfitt R, Porder S, Richardson S, Turner B, Vitousek P, Walker J & Walker L

Allmon W.D. (2018) Isotope Schlerochronology and Tropical Seasonality during the Mid Miocene Climatic Optimum
Scholz SR, Petersen SV, Escobar J, Jaramillo C, Hendy A, Allmon WD, Moreno F, Curtis JH, Anderson BM, Hoyos N, Restrepo JC & Perez N

Alloteau F. (2017) Zinc Salts Action to Reduce the Kinetics of Glass Atmospheric Alteration
Alloteau F, Valbi V, Odile M, Isabelle B, Patrice L, Daniel C, Antoine S & Thibault C

Alloway B. (2013) Testing Accuracy of Combined Zircon (238U/230Th) and (U-Th)/He Dating Against Radiocarbon Dating
Danisik M, Shane P, Schmitt A, Hogg A, Santos G, Evans N, Storm S, Fifield K, Lindsay J & Alloway B
(2000) Dredged Canal Sediments: Changes in Metal Leaching Behaviour on Drying and Oxidation
Stephens S, Alloway B, Carter J & Parker A

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