Adediran Gbotemi A.
The Significance of Phosphorus ‘Hot Spots’ and Micron-Sized Grains in Quaternary Forest Soils
Adediran GA, Kielman-Schmitt M, Kooijman E & Gustafsson JP
Phosphorus Pools in Boreal Forest Podzols: Quantitative and Micro-Spectroscopic Analysis
Tuyishime M, Adediran GA, Olsson B, Spohn M, Klysubun W, Vantelon D & Gustafsson JP
Adegoke C.B.
Geochemistry and Mineralogy of Quarry Dusts at Some Selected Locations of Southwestern Nigeria
Ajibade OM, Adebayo OH, Oladipupo SD, Balogun MS & Adegoke CB
Adegoke I.A.
Is Solid-State Diffusion Slower Than Dissolution-Reprecipitation during Mineral-Fluid Interactions?
Xia F, Adegoke IA, Deditius AP, Pearce MA & Brugger J
A USANS/SANS Study of Porosity Creation and Evolution in Copper-Iron Sulphides during Hydrothermal Mineral-Fluid Reactions
Adegoke IA, Xia F, Kartal M & Mata JP
The Creation and Evolution of Porosity during Mineral-Fluid Interactions: A Combined USANS/SANS, Microscopy, and Synchrotron PXRD Study
Kartal M, Xia F, Adegoke IA, Ralph D, Mata J & Sokolova A
Adekeye D.
Origin and Characteristics of Copper Deposits in Akiri, Nasarawa, Nigeria
Folorunso I, Bale R & Adekeye D
Adekoya J.A.
Soil Mineralogy, Geochemistry and Trace Element Mobility in the Bitumen Environment of Ondo State, Southwestern Nigeria
Tomori W, Yanful E, Flemming R, Amoo I, Aiyesanmi F & Adekoya JA
Adel T.
Aqueous Surfaces of Iron Salts
Allen H, Baumler S, Lin L, Adel T & Ng K
Adele N.
Bacteria-Induced Changes in Zinc Speciation Counteract its Toxicity Despite Increased Bioavailability to Plants
Ngwenya B, Adediran G, Adele N, Heal K & Mosselmans F
Adeleye M.
Adelsberger K.A.
Reconstructing Pleistocene pluvial phase environments, Western Desert, Egypt, from the geochemistry of authigenic water-lain deposits
Smith JR, Kieniewicz JM, Adelsberger KA & Heil-Chapdelaine V
Adena K.
238U-230Th and 235U-231Pa Disequilibria from the Island of Fogo, Cape Verde
Adena K, Elliott T & Ramalho R
Adeniyi A.
Geochemical Fingerprinting of Oil Impacted Soil and Water Samples in Some Selected Areas within the Niger Delta
Adeniyi A, Nton M & Falode O
Adeoye J.
Reaction Products and Evolution of Permeability during Carbon Sequestration in Fractures of Unaltered and Serpentinized Basalt
Adeoye J, Menefee A, Xiong W, Wells R, Skemer P, Giammar D & Ellis B
Adepoju S.A.
Provenance and Tectonic Settings of the Cretaceous Clastic Rocks in the Northern Bida Basin, North-Central Nigeria: Constrain from Geochemistry, Detrital Zircon Morphology and Typology
Adepoju SA, Ojo OJ, Akande SO & Sreenivas B
Ader M.
Upgrades in the Framework of Nitrogen Isotopes Interpretation in Archean Sedimentary Rocks
Pellerin A, Ader M & Thomazo C
Extreme Carbon and Nitrogen Isotopic Signatures Overlapping the Fortescue Excursion Preserved in the 2.7 Ga Carajás Basin, Brazil
Pellerin A, Thomazo C, Philippot P, Ader M, Rossignol C & Rego ES
Under-Representation of Talents Among Awards in Geochemistry and Cosmochemistry
Riches AJV, Pourret O, Ader M, Anand P, Arndt S, Bots P, Dosseto A, Li Z, Marin-Carbonne J, Middleton JL & Ngwenya B
The Role of Early Diagenesis in the Shaping of Geochemical Records: An Example from Lake Dziani Dzaha, Mayotte
Jovovic I, Grossi V, Adam P, Ader M, Baudin F, Antheaume I, Arnaud F, Malet E, Bard E, Capano M, Simon L, Mignard S, Cartigny P & Gelin F
Chlorine Isotopes from Chlorides in Sedimentary Fluids of the Ocean Crust and the Cl Budget of Earth Surface Chlorine
Agrinier P, Bonifacie M, Bardoux G, Giunta T, Lucazeau F & Ader M
Nitrogen Isotope Variations Across the 3.4 Gyr Buck Reef Chert, South Africa, Question Early Nitrogen Sources and Pathways
Pellerin A, Thomazo C, Ader M, Marin-Carbonne J, Alleon J, Vennin E & Hofmann A
Biomineralization Against all Odds: Strategies of Bacteria, Foraminifera and Bryozoa to Control Precipitation, Mineralogy, and pH Against Environmental Conditions
Thaler C, Rollion-Bard C, Louvat P, Bartolini A, Paris G, Menez B, Bonifacie M & Ader M
Eustatic Control on Superheavy δ34S Pyrite Trends from Late Ediacaran-early Cambrian Carbonate Successions of the West Gondwana: Sulfate Distillation Cycles in Shallow Water Platforms?
Caetano-Filho S, Paula-Santos G, Sansjofre P, Cartigny P, Ader M, Guacaneme C, Babisnki M, Kuchenbecker M, Reis H & Trindade R
Could Proterozoic Positive Carbon Isotope Excursions be Tracking Intense Methane Fluxes to the Atmosphere? An Analogue-Based Hypothesis
Cadeau P, Ader M, Jézéquel D, Fouilland E, Le Floch' E, Sarazin G, Bernard C & Leboulanger C
A Modern Analogue for Superheavy Pyrites?
Cadeau P, Cartigny P, Thomazo C, Sarazin G, Jezequel D, Leboulanger C & Ader M
Ion Filtration in Oceanic Clay-Rich Sediments: Evidence from Chlorine Stable Isotopes of Pore Fluid Chlorides
Agrinier P, Destrigneville C, Giunta T, Bonifacie M, Bardoux G, Lucazeau F & Ader M
Modelling of Early Diagenesis of Lacustrine Carbonates Associated with Mg-Silicates
Milesi V, Debure M, Marty N, Capano M, Jezequel D, Steefel C, Rouchon V, Albéric P, Bard E, Guyot F, Virgone A, Gaucher E & Ader M
Disturbances in the Late Ediacaran-Cambrian Marine Carbon Cycling Tracked Through Paired Carbon Isotope Evolution of the Bambuí Group, Brazil
Caetano-Filho S, Sansjofre P, Paula-Santos G, Guacaneme C, Bedoya-Rueda C, Babinski M, Ader M, Kuchenbecker M & Trindade R
Oxygenation: Global Tipping Point, Local Records
Philippot P, Avila J, Bouyon A, Killingsworth B, Siciliano Rego E, Rossignol C, Ader M, Busigny V, Cartigny P, Lalonde S, Tessalina S, Marly B, Trevor I, Zapporeli A, Bacelar Hühn S & Trindade R
Validating a Conceptual Model of Precambrian N-Cycle: Insight from the Dziani Dzaha Lake
Ader M, Cadeau P, Jézéquel D, Chaduteau C, Sarazin G, Bernard C & Leboulanger C
Nitrogen Isotope as Tracer of Biomass Recycling in an Analogue of Precambrian Environment
Cadeau P, Ader M, Jezequel D, Sarazin G, Chaduteau C, Bernard C & Leboulanger C
Δ47 and δ18O Disequilibria in Microbial Carbonates as Tracers of Metabolic Activity
Thaler C, Katz A, Bonifacie M, Ménez B & Ader M
Origin of Siderite in Anoxic and Ferruginous Lake Pavin: Clues from C and O Isotope Compositions
Busigny V, Benzerara K, Ader M, Chaduteau C & Jézéquel D
Early Preservation of Sedimentary Organic Matter in an Anoxic, Sulfidic Lake (Lake Dziani Dzaha, Mayotte)
Jovovic I, Grossi V, Adam P, Antheaume I, Sala D, Jezequel D, Leboulanger C, Milesi V, Cadeau P, Cartigny P, Gelin F & Ader M
Lipid Biomarkers and Microbial Diversity Associated with Aphotic Euxinic Chemoclines in a Saline Lake
Sala D, Grossi V, Agogué H, Hugoni M, Leboulanger C, Bernard C, Antheaume I, Jézéquel D, Sarazin G & Ader M
Strong CO2 and CH4 Efflux from Dziani Dzaha Crater Lake: Implications on Carbon Budget
Jézéquel D, Abril G, Cadeau P, Sarazin G, Leboullanger C, Fouilland E, Agogué H, Bernard C & Ader M
Unexpected Nitrogen Isotope Behavior Associated to OM Recycling in the Dziani Dzaha Lake
Cadeau P, Ader M, Jezequel D, Sarazin G, Chaduteau C, Bernard C, Got P & Leboulanger C
Sulfur Isotope Systematics in a Modern Analogue of Precambrian Environments
Cadeau P, Cartigny P, Jézéquel D, Sarazin G, Leboulanger C & Ader M
Formation of Mg-Aluminosilicates during Early Diagenesis of Carbonate Sediments in the Volcanic Crater Lake of Dziani (Mayotte – Indian Ocean)
Milesi V, Jezequel D, Guyot F, Debure M, Marty N, Claret F, Virgone A, Gaucher E & Ader M
Nitrogen Isotope Evidence for Stepwise Oxygenation of the Ocean during the Great Oxidation Event
Cheng C, Busigny V, Ader M, Thomazo C, Chaduteau C, Abouchami W & Philippot P
Analysis of Organic Carbon Isotope Composition: Contamination Issues and New Decarbonation Process
Muller E, Stueeken E, Ader M, Thomazo C, Hallmann C, Buick R, Chaduteau C, Cartigny P, Baton F & Philippot P
Silician Magnetite from the Archean/Paleoproterozoic Transition from the Pilbara Craton, Western Australia: Characterization and Bio-Environmental Implications
Carlut J, Isambert A, Bouquerel H, Guyot F, Phillipot P, Pecoits E, Vennin E, Ader M, Thomazo C & Buoncristiani J-F
Strong 13C Enrichment in Dziani Dzaha Lake (Mayotte, France): Evidence for Methanogenesis Impact in a New Modern Analogue of Precambrian Oceans
Cadeau P, Ader M, Jezequel D, Sarazin G, Alberic P, Abril G, Chaduteau C, Bernard C, Agogue H, Fouilland E, Bouvy M, Got P, Le Floc'h E & Leboulanger C
Experimental Investigation of Kinetic Isotope Effects on Oxygen during CO2 Hydroxylation
Thaler C, Yam R, Shemesh A, Ader M & Halevy I
Solute Transport in Porous Media during Drying: The Chlorine Isotopes Point of View
Bernachot I, Garcia B, Ader M, Peysson Y, Rosenberg E, Bardoux G & Agrinier P
Paired Carbon Isotope from Three Key Intervals of the Turee Creek Group, Pilbara Craton, Australia
Ader M, Thomazo C, Baton F, Muller E, Chaduteau C, Cartigny P, Vennin E, Buoncristiani J-F, Van Kranendonk M & Philippot P
Paleo-Redox Conditions in the Marinoan Glaciation Aftermath from Rare Earth Element, Araras Carbonate Platform (Brazil)
Sansjofre P, Trindade R, Tribovillard N, Lalonde S, Nogueira A & Ader M
Direct Evidence for Significant Oxygen in the Late Archean Atmosphere from Paleosols of the Fortescue Group, Western Australia
Teitler Y, Philippot P, Gerard M, Le Hir G, Fluteau F & Ader M
Chlorine and Bromine Stable Isotope Diffusion Through Natural Porous Media
Giunta T, Maineult A, Ader M, Bonifacie M & Agrinier P
The Dziani Dzaha Lake (Mayotte): An Analogue for High δ13C Precambrian Paleoenvironments
Cadeau P, Ader M, Jezequel D, Sarazin G, Alberic P, Abril G, Chaduteau C, Bernard C, Hagogue H, Fouilland E, Bouvy M, Got P, Le Floc'h E & Leboulanger C
Out of Equilibrium δ18O and Variable δ13C as a Tracer of Metabolism in Bacterially Mediated Carbonates
Thaler C, Ader M, Guyot F, Aloisi G & Ménez B
Cl Isotope Fractionation during Drying of Brine in a Porous Media
Bernachot I, Garcia B, Ader M, Bardoux G & Agrinier P
Chlorine Stable Isotope Diffusion Through Natural Porous Media
Giunta T, Ader M, Bonifacie M, Meineult A & Agrinier P
Out of Equilibrium δ18O CaCO3 in Microbial Carbonates: A Subsurface Biomioneralization Tracer?
Thaler C, Ader M, Ménez B & Guyot F
Discovery of a "Vital" Bacterial Effect in the Formation of Biogenic Carbonates
Thaler C, Ader M, Ménez B & Guyot F
On the Reliability of Paired Carbon Isotope as a pCO2 Proxy in the Ediacarian Araras Platform, Brazil
Sansjofre P, Ader M, Trindade R & Nogueira A
Biogeochemical Cycling of Nitrogen on the Early Earth
Thomazo C, Papineau D & Ader M
Nitrogen Cycle in the Late Archean Ferruginous Ocean
Busigny V, Lebeau O, Ader M, Krapez B & Bekker A
N Isotope Geochemistry during Low Grade Metamorphism of Coal and Coal-Related Rocks: Case Study of the Anthracite Field of Pennsylvania
Ader M, Boudou J-P & Daniels E
Nitrogen Biogeochemical Cycling in Ferruginous Lake Pavin
Lebeau O, Busigny V, Jézéquel D, Chaduteau C, Crowe S & Ader M
Multiple Sulphur Isotope Evidence for an Oceanic Sulphate Concentration Decrease in the Marinoan Glaciation Aftermath
Sansjofre P, Cartigny P, Ader M, Trindade R & Nogueira A
Carbon and Nitrogen Isotopes Cycling Recorded in Sediments from Anoxic and Ferruginous Lake Pavin
Lebeau O, Busigny V, Jezequel D & Ader M
The Ediacarian Nitrogen Isotope Conundrum
Ader M, Sansjofre P, Halverson G & Trindade R
An Attempt to Trace the Redox State of the Post Marinoan Glaciation (≈635Ma) Ocean at the Araras Platform (Brazil)
Sansjofre P, Ader M, Trindade R, Reuschel M & Nogueira A
Extreme 15N-Enrichments in 2.72-Gyr-Old Sediments: Evidence for a Turning Point in the Nitrogen Cycle
Thomazo C, Ader M & Philippot P
Fractionation of Cl and Br Isotopes during Precipitation of Salts from their Saturated Solutions
Eggenkamp H, Bonifacie M, Ader M & Agrinier P
Measuring δ13C in Siderite and Organic Matter of Lake Sediments
Lebeau O, Busigny V, Chaduteau C, Jezequel D & Ader M
Carbon Isotope Fractionation Associated with CaCO3 Precipitation Induced by Ureolysis
Millo C, Dupraz S, Ader M, Guyot F, Thaler C & Ménez B
A Multilayered Ocean in the Ediacaran Yangtze Platform? Insights from Carbonate and Organic Matter Paired δ13C
Ader M, Macouin M, Trindade R, Hadrien M-H, Yang Z, Sun Z & Besse J
Nitrogen Isotopes Study of the 2.73Ga Mesoarchean Tumbiana Formation (Pilbara, Western Australia)
Thomazo C, Ader M & Philippot P
Anomalous Δ13Ccarb-org in Marinoan Cap Dolostones
Sans-Jofre P, Ader M, Trindade R & Nogueira A
Variable 13C Fractionation during CaCO3 Precipitation Induced by Ureolytic Bacteria
Millo C, Dupraz S, Ader M & Menez B
Is There a Common Drive for the Negative Excursion of Organic Carbon and the Attenuated Mass-Independent-Sulfur at 2.7 Ga?
Thomazo C, Ader M, Philippot P & Farquhar J
CO2 Ionic Trapping by Water-Rock Interactions during a Push-Pull Test in a Basaltic-Metasedimentary Aquifer
Assayag N, Matter J, Ader M, Goldberg D & Agrinier P
Multiple Sulfur and Carbon Isotopic Chemiostratigraphy of the 2.73 Ga Carbonated Tumbiana Formation, New Insights for the Fortescue Excursion
Thomazo C, Ader M, Farquhar J & Philippot P
The Neoproterozoic carbon isotope excursions of the Doushantuo formation (South China) viewed from organic carbon isotope systematics
Ader M, Macouin M, Hadrien M-H, Yang Z, Zimming S & Besse J
Anaerobic Oxydation of Methane at 2.73 Ga ? the record of the Tumbiana pristine drill core
Thomazo C, Ader M, Farquhar J & Philippot P
Origin of carbonaceous matter in 3,525 Myr-old hydrothermally-altered subseafloor sediments from the Dresser Formation, Pilbara Craton
Philippot P, Lepot K, Thomazo C, Ader M & Van Kranendonk M
Nitrogen Isotopic Composition of Fixed Ammonium in Rocks: Evidence for a Possible Ammonia Stability in Fluids?
Ader M, Boudou J, Roux J, Daniels E & Javoy M
Adewumi A.
Impact of Artisanal Gold Mining in Nigeria: Implication for Children Health
Adewumi A, Laniyan T, Tangfu X, Zengping N & Yizhang L
Adey W.
Oceanographic and Biogeochemical Changes along the Labrador Shelf: Evidence from Nitrogen Isotopes in a Six-Hundred-Year-Old Coralline Alga
Doherty J, Williams B, Kline E, Adey W & Thibodeau B
Northern North Atlantic Temperature and pH Reconstructions Through the Common Era, Using the Coralline Algae Clathromorphum compactum
Anagnostou E, Williams B, Moffa-Sanchez P, Adey W, Foster G & Ries J
Advances in the Mg/Ca-Temperature Proxy in Coralline Algae: A Case Study in the Genus Clathromorphum
Williams B, Williams S, Anagnostou E, Ries J, Rasher D, Westfield I, Halfar J & Adey W
Northern North Atlantic Sea Ice, Temperature, and Carbon Cycle Interactions Through the Common Era Using Coralline Algae
Anagnostou E, Williams B, Moffa-Sanchez P, Foster G, Adey W, Westfield I & Ries J
Seasonality in Calcification, Sclerochronology, and Geochemistry in the Encrusting Coralline Alga Clathromorphum compactum
Williams B, Adey W & Halfar J
High-Resolution Analysis of Trace Elements in Encrusting Coralline Red Algae by Laser Ablation ICP-MS
Halfar J, Hetzinger S, Zack T, Kronz A, Simon K, Steneck R, Adey W, Lebednik P, Schoene B & Fietzke J
Adeyemi B.
Assessments of the Nighttime and Daytime Radiative Fluxes Balance on Seasonal Timescale over West African Climate
Ojo O, Adeyemi B & Emmanuel I
Adeyemi G.O.
A Study on Geology and Geochemistry of Pegmatites in Relation to Niobium-Tantalum and Tin Mineralisation, Gitarama and Gatumba Areas, Rwanda
Ndikumana JDD, Bolarinwa AT & Adeyemi GO
Adhami S.
Adhikari A.
Paleoarchean (~3.3 Ga) Crustal Evolution of Eastern Iron Ore Group Greenstone Metavolcanics, Singhbhum Craton, India: Constraints from Trace Element, Sr and Sm-Nd Isotopes
Adhikari A & Vadlamani R
Oxygen, Sr and Nd Isotopic Evidence from Kyanite-Eclogite Xenoliths (KL-2 Pipe, Wajrakarur ) for pre 1.1 Ga Mantle Metasomatism in Eastern Dharwar SCLM
Vadlamani R, Bera M, Samanta A, Mukherjee S, Adhikari A & Sarkar A
Adhikari Danda P.
Leaf Wax N-Alkane Stable Isotope Ratios Determine Sediment Sources in the Arun River, Eastern Nepal
Hoffmann B, Bookhagen B, Feakins SJ, Barthold F, Olen S, Adhikari DP & Sachse D
Adhikari Dinesh
Assessing Soil Organic Matter Features Under Drought and Normal Conditions Using Direct Infusion High Resolution Mass Spectrometry and LC-Ms/MS Feature Based Molecular Networking
DiDonato N, Rivas Ubach A, Clendinen C, Sokol N, Tolic N, Adhikari D, Martinez CE, Pett-Ridge J & Pasa Tolic L
Iron Oxide-Mediated Fractionation of Natural Organic Matter (NOM) with Implication for Carbon Stabilizaton
Adhikari D & Yang Y
Adhikari L.B.
Carbon Dioxide in the Nepal Himalayas: Segmentation of the Crustal Source?
Girault F, France-Lanord C, Agrinier P, Koirala BP, Bhattarai M, Adhikari LB, Sapkota SN & Perrier F
Adhikari P.
Real Time Measurement of Gas Composition from Live Well Fluids at Drilling Site
Adhikari P, Petras R, Gupta I, Rowe M & Mbaegbu M
Adhikari Rishi R
Late Quaternary Chronology of the Lower Bengal Fan (IODP Expedition 354) – Paleoclimate Implications
Weber ME, Dekens PS, Reilly BS, Lantzsch H, Selkin PA, Das SK, Williams T, Martos YM, Adhikari RR, Gyawali BR, Jia G, Fox L, Ge J, Manoj MC, Savian J & Meynadier L
The Deep Biosphere in Bengal Fan Sediments (IODP Exp. 354)
Adhikari RR, Heuer VB, Elvert M, Hoshino T, Inagaki F, Kallmeyer J, Kitte A, Wörmer L & Hinrichs K-U
Biotic and Abiotic Carbon Cycling in Geothermally Heated Sediments from the Nankai Trough
Gan S, Heuer V, Schmidt F, Wörmer L, Adhikari R & Hinrichs K-U